In the boundless exploration of human consciousness, today’s episode brings us the enlightening presence of Ora Nadrich. Ora, an esteemed mindfulness coach and author, joins us to delve into the depths of spiritual awakening, the power of mindfulness, and the mystical experiences that shape our understanding of existence.
We begin our conversation with Ora defining mysticism in a way that demystifies its often esoteric nature. She explains, “One of the definitions of mysticism is really transcending just the more animal instincts of survival that we have, and allowing ourselves to align with what perhaps would be described as the divine.” This perspective shifts the idea of mysticism from something magical and unattainable to a more accessible, everyday experience that anyone can cultivate through mindfulness and openness.
Ora shares her journey of spiritual awakening, which was significantly shaped by personal crises and transformative experiences. She recounts how pivotal moments, such as the passing of her father and her divorce, pushed her to seek deeper understanding and connection with her spiritual self. These challenges, instead of breaking her, became the catalyst for her profound inner work and eventual awakening. “Even though we’re having human experiences, we mustn’t forget that it is our spirit that can really ignite the human experience,” she emphasizes, reminding us of the importance of integrating our spiritual awareness into our daily lives.
- The Power of Mindfulness: Ora underscores the importance of being present. By practicing mindfulness, we can heighten our awareness, experience life more deeply, and connect with our spiritual essence. “Mindfulness teaches us to be able to sit when you’re watching a sunrise or a sunset so that you can really have that higher experience,” she explains.
- Transcending Survival Instincts: Moving beyond our basic survival instincts allows us to tap into higher states of consciousness. This transcendence opens us to mystical experiences and a deeper connection with the divine.
- Inner Work and Self-Exploration: Engaging in inner work is crucial for spiritual growth. Ora advises us to take a “spiritual pulse” regularly, exploring our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to understand ourselves better and integrate all aspects of our being.
Ora also discusses the concept of higher states of consciousness, describing various levels that one can achieve through dedicated spiritual practice. From the awakened state of daily awareness to divine consciousness, she explains how expanding our mindfulness can lead to extraordinary experiences. “The deeper you go into your experiences on the Path of Awakening, the more extraordinary and otherworldly your awareness becomes,” she says, encouraging us to pursue these heightened states of consciousness.
A significant portion of our discussion focuses on the role of psychedelics in spiritual awakening. While acknowledging their potential to open doors to higher states of consciousness, Ora emphasizes the importance of not becoming dependent on these substances. “What we really want to do is get to that place where we can take ourselves into the higher consciousness state without necessarily needing something to jumpstart it,” she asserts. Instead, she advocates for natural methods such as meditation and mindfulness to achieve these states.
Ora Nadrich also touches upon the importance of energy and frequency in our lives. She explains how everything, including inanimate objects and living beings, emanates energy that affects our experiences and interactions. “Everything is energy,” she states, highlighting how our energy can positively or negatively impact those around us. By becoming aware of our energy and striving to maintain a positive frequency, we can contribute to a more harmonious and uplifting world.
As our conversation draws to a close, Ora Nadrich leaves us with a profound insight into the purpose of life and the importance of awakening. She encourages us to embrace our spiritual journeys with openness and courage, continually seeking to understand ourselves and our place in the universe. Her words inspire us to pursue mindfulness, transcendence, and self-exploration as pathways to a more fulfilling and enlightened life.
Please enjoy my conversation with Ora Nadrich.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 242
Ora Nadrich 0:00
Even though we're having human experiences, we mustn't forget that it is our spirit that can really ignite the human experience.
Alex Ferrari 0:08
I like to welcome to the show Ora Nadrich. How you doing Ora?
Ora Nadrich 0:21
I'm good Alex, how are you?
Alex Ferrari 0:23
I'm doing fantastic. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited to talk about your book Mindfulness and Mysticism, and get into the get into the weeds of higher states of consciousness and why we're here and all the deep, deep conversations that I love having on the show. So my very first question to you is, what is your definition of mysticism because it is a word that is thrown around. Every once in a while, like I've had people who call themselves mystics, on the show, what is exactly a mystic or mysticism in general?
Ora Nadrich 0:57
One of the definitions of mysticism is really transcending just the more animal instincts of survival that we have, and allowing ourselves to align with what perhaps would be just could be described as the divine or, you know, other worldly experiences that people can have, and may not seem as though they're earthed in the type of everyday mundane experiences. And I like to sort of what I say in mindfulness and mysticism is take the mystery out of mysticism, because a lot of people feel oh, what's a mystic mystic is something other than myself. And mystic is someone that maybe they can't even define what that is, because they might not think that they themselves have had a mystical experience. I bring that into the modern day context of our lives to say that everybody can have a mystical experience. It's really being open to align yourself, to imbibe with what those perhaps divine or other worldly or sacred experiences feel like. And for each of us, that's something different.
Alex Ferrari 2:03
Yeah, it'd be when I hear the first time I heard the word mysticism, I think of Merlin, I think of magic, I think of magical things kind of like, again, something outside of me, it's something that I could never do. But I'm so glad that you kind of brought that in, because it is something that we are all capable of doing. And even even at the teachings of Jesus said, You know, everything I could do, you could do and more.
Ora Nadrich 2:26
And I talk about that, in mindfulness mysticism, I go into what would seem like extraordinary superpowers, if you will, well, they're really not something that somebody outside of ourselves can only be the person to experience, we can experience those types of abilities that we have like to be able to maybe be extremely intuitive, to be able to be psychic, to be able to do remote viewing, be able to sense what someone else is doing in another country. You know, there's a lot of things, there's parts of our brains that we're not even accessing, that allow us to feel those extraordinary experiences and to be able to be aligned with them. What I really propose in mindfulness and mysticism, is to be open to those experiences. And we do think of people like Jesus or people that walk this earth, that were perhaps, you know, what we what we call, you know, you know, avatars or people that were touched by the enlightenment, like a Buddha, or Jesus and those that really became fully self realized, in their lifetime. I think of them as they were walking the path of enlightenment, they were walking the path of Self Realization, you know, and each, each and every one of us can embark on that path. We might not be as enlightened as Jesus or Buddha in our incarnation. But I believe in having little mini enlightenment experiences along the way on the life journey.
Alex Ferrari 3:52
So a lot of these more fantastical elements, like, you know, like what you were talking about remote viewing and psychic abilities, things that people think that are outside of them, generally speaking, is that kind of, in maybe more on the yogic path, a kind of something that happens when you are in the Enlightened path like you, it's not something that you search for. So in other words, you're not going to try to levitate but because you are on the spiritual path, you're meditating to a certain point and connect to something you just naturally levitate. It's kind of just like an off like something that just happens.
Ora Nadrich 4:30
Yeah, I mean, what I really also bring to my reader is that when you really are on the Path of Awakening, when you're on the path of transformation and transcendence, you experience different states of consciousness. And that's really part of what I also like to share with those that are embarking on the mindfulness path, which is being in the present moment with total awareness. And I say it's like a camera lens, it just becomes wider and wider and wider. Therefore, you see more you experience more and you also have the ability to have different what I call different states of consciousness. And there are many different states of consciousness that one can realize in their lifetime. And ultimately what it comes down to Consciousness is awareness. And the deeper you go into your, your experiences on the Path of Awakening, or the path of Self Realization, you start to have these extraordinary experiences, and you start to heighten your awareness and it can feel like you're experiencing things that feel very otherworldly. And I also really bring up the whole notion of the chemicals in our brains, I say that you can start to feel even feelings of ecstasy, and bliss. Do you know at the mimic of medicine, chest or, or drugs, you know that the feelings that a lot of people try to realize when they get high, think of the word high, they're trying to go higher? Do you know then for the mundane experiences, they want to be able to access a higher state of consciousness, unfortunately, that can take you down the rabbit hole of addiction.
Alex Ferrari 6:06
Yeah, without question. So can you talk a little bit about the different states of consciousness?
Ora Nadrich 6:11
Well, I do you know, there's, there's so many of them really, you know, what I cite in the book is really that there's, you know, an awakened state of consciousness, and that is really just being in the in the mundane every day, I'm aware of what I'm doing in my moment, by moment, day, if you will. So there's the awakened consciousness, there's dream consciousness, do you know there can be divine consciousness, or God consciousness or Christ consciousness, they can be called many different things, which again, takes you out of the first level of consciousness is, which is just the awake consciousness, which we really need to get better even in our awakened state. Reagan states sometimes can pull us very down into the mundane survival aspects of our lives. So we think, well, we can't experience those higher states of consciousness, if they're mutually exclusive. That's not true at all, the more aware we become, even in the awakened state of consciousness, we can experience those higher, you know, what could be divine states of consciousness, or Christ consciousness or God consciousness, where it brings you into the divine realm? So we, you know, how do we not think that we can experience that in our, in our awakened consciousness, we can, there's no, there's really no level of consciousness, one can't experience if they really allow themselves to widen their consciousness to allow for those other realizations to take place.
Alex Ferrari 7:41
And that's a really good point, because you're saying widen, and for my understanding, is that when we are, we're in this the the awakened state, which is the low state, we have a very kind of tunnel vision kind of thing, like you're saying, we're really survival mode. But as you start to widen the scope of your awake awareness and consciousness, you start to perceive things differently, like, like a yogi or a master of some spiritual master starts to understand that we are all one, we are not separate. But that is based because they're able to see more because they are opening themselves up more and more to allow this and then you start seeing other things as well. And you start getting access to other things, as well, the more and more you will and so that's basically what meditation is, in many ways, as you're going in deeper, to widen your awareness correct?
Ora Nadrich 8:29
Exactly. Now, meditation is the informed excuse me, meditation is the formal practice of mindfulness, meaning you elect to sit in a contemplative practice, so that you can experience the quiet mind or at least attempt to quiet the mind so that you allow yourself to feel the transcendence in your meditation practice. Mindfulness is the informal practice of a sitting meditation, which means you have that same awareness out in the world in all the moments of your lives. Well, you know, most of us are not monks, you know, that are sitting, you know, on a mountaintop in the lotus position, and going deep within and chanting. We're not we're living in a material world. And I love the quote by French philosopher and mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The quote is, we are spiritual beings, having a human experience. A lot of times we just get very caught up or for the most, I will say, most of the time, we're very caught up in our human experiences, and we don't think of ourselves we don't wake up in the morning go, I'm a spiritual being, what we think of ourselves, you know, is that how am I going to get through the day, so we're really more geared towards the human experience. And I think if we give more mindful awareness that we are spirit that's inhabiting the body. Even though we're having human experiences, we mustn't forget that it is our spirit that can really ignite the human areas, if you really take the human experience into those higher states of consciousness, you know, and I don't think a lot of people wake up in the morning thinking like that they're, again, they're more in survival mode, which is more of a, you know, not to say that it's something that's a negative. But when you're in more of the dense state of of existing, you're not really open to taking advantage of these incredible moments. Again, and this is what mindfulness teaches us to be able to sit when you're, you know, watching a sunrise or a sunset, so that you can really have that higher experience. You know, it's not like, Oh, I'm just watching a sunrise and sunset, you go into such a deep state of oneness with that experience, that you can feel some pretty extraordinary what can feel like almost psychedelic experiences.
Alex Ferrari 10:50
Well, then let me ask you, because a lot of people listening might might hear our conversation and go, this is all fine and dandy. It's very philosophical, in what we're talking about, but what are some practical things we can do to widen our consciousness to widen our awareness of life of ourselves of the nature of reality in general?
Ora Nadrich 11:10
Well, I think really, we have to begin with the mindfulness practice being very cognizant of, how can we be more present because, you know, as a study out of Harvard sites, that our mind wanders over 50% of the time, which really indicates how unpleasant we are, see with all of our devices, and all our distractions, and all the things that are taking us out of the moment. And so where does our mind wander to it's either thinking about the future, which is a time frame, or a time zone that is, it doesn't even exist yet. It's not yet here. So we usually have anxiety, or nervousness or, and, or anticipation about a time that is not yet here. Or we're lamenting or begrudging the past which has come and gone. And where we have the hardest time is being in the present. So what I really encourage people to do is to try to make a concerted effort to be present to be more present. And how do you do that you begin with like, from from the minute you wake up in the morning, you don't just you know, jump out of bed, like a ball out of a cannon, you really again, go within Do you know, take those moments to do some maybe deep breathing, put your hands on your heart chakra, acknowledge that, yes, I'm the spirit that's inhabiting this body. And I'm one more day alive for my spirit to breathe into this body. And observe yourself go into observation mode of how, how often we're so inclined to rush out of a moment. So if you can start to really bring yourself into the present more, you're gonna start to experience some pretty interesting moments, you're going to start to see a transformation, you're going to start to see that the moments become deeper for you. And another thing I might add about, you know, really having a mindfulness practice is that your senses start to heighten because you're more present, you're really listening more, you really, you know, let's even if it's a conversation you're having, or you're listening to music, you're like, Whoa, I'm really, really listening to this music much more, you know, deeply, your sense of smell starts to feel or starts to seem as though you can even smell things better. And when you eat, when there's a mindfulness based eating experience, you're really tasting your food. So think about all of the things that we rush through on a daily basis, that we're robbing ourselves of those heightened experiences. And so for the, for the person that's listening, going well, okay, how do I do that? Or how do I be more present, I say, start being more present. Get up, put your phone down, really listen to somebody, when you're in a conversation with them really be 100% in the experience that you're having, you know, because you're going to, you're going to feel it so much more, you're going to experience it so much deeper.
Alex Ferrari 14:04
Right! If you're eating a piece of you know, New York cheesecake. Enjoy it, bite by bite, don't just sit there and just talk to somebody. .
Ora Nadrich 14:15
I mean, yeah, we you know, a lot of people rushing IE, eat or they're talking, they're eating and they're checking their phone and their aha, you know, you know how it goes. We're like, we're multitasking. And that multitasking is never going to give you a transformational experience. Because what you're doing, you're busy doing so many things simultaneously, you're never going to fully experience the one very thing that could really blow your mind.
Alex Ferrari 14:40
Yeah, without without question. Now speaking of blowing your mind, I'd love to hear your perspective on psychedelics and what is happening with psychedelics now, with the studies that are happening with psychedelics and reaching those higher states of consciousness, even if it's just for short time, and you know, kind of And we could talk a little bit more deeply about it. But I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.
Ora Nadrich 15:03
Yeah, I mean, I know that there's a lot of drug therapies that are going on right now, like, let's just say, the people that are micro dosing or with ketamine, you know, that people are using that for therapeutic experiences. So I'm seeing a wave of the way in which, you know, mind altering, or psychedelic drugs are being used, or, you know, there's a huge draw arise in plant medicine with Ayahuasca. And you know, a lot of people get tremendous benefits out of it, I don't have any judgment about how somebody wants to access those, you know, other states of consciousness, you know, what I really propose is that sometimes that's the gateway or the portal for somebody, I just wouldn't get dependent on those drugs to constantly always give you the high that you really want to get, what we really want to do is get to that place where we can take ourselves into the higher consciousness state without necessarily just needing something to jumpstart it, you know, and for a lot of people, they've had profound experiences on psychedelics and plant medicine. And that really was the way in which they were able to connect to something really, you know, altering for them. And so again, people come in, in the door in different ways do you know, and I think whatever works for you, as long as you don't use it for the wrong reasons, if you really get to expand your consciousness or to for healing purposes, for therapeutic purposes. Again, it's personal that someone's decision to make for themselves. I think that what I was trying to also stress in my book, mindfulness mysticism is that, you know, we can have these euphoric, ecstatic, blissful states. Naturally, we can, you know, and it's really amazing, because I think the, I think in the future, we're gonna be able to just turn it on automatically.
Alex Ferrari 16:59
Well, I think it was Ram Dass that said that he he started off obviously, with psychedelics with Timothy Leary. Yeah, very famously. But he's like, he got tired of coming back, he would go on the trip. And he's like, I want to go to I want to learn how to stay there. And this stuff is not doing good. And then I met the Maharishi and I said, Oh, my God, look, there's a being who's there all the time, I need to learn from this guy. And that's how he got it.
Ora Nadrich 17:26
Yeah, I think there's that great story, I believe it's Krishna Das, the musician that tells the story of getting Maharajji I think somebody gave him or was Ram Dass, I believe, gave him like, an inordinate amount of tabs of acid or something that sounds like it would have just blown an elephant or something. And that they witnessed Maharaji, like, nothing happened, you know, just laughing Yeah, he's already in this, or he was in this enlightened state, you know, that, you know, doing some kind of mind altering drug just didn't really alter his mind, in any way, which is pretty fascinating. So that is coming from the other side of what you're talking about, you know, when you're, when you start to really allow yourself to develop higher states of consciousness, you start, you start to know how to get there on your own, you know how to stay there longer, you know, you know how to sort of access that and maneuver
Alex Ferrari 18:28
But it is it is work, it does take work to those kinds of levels. I mean, it does take time to get to this place that mindful, the mindful, being mindful of your daily process is the starting point. But to get to these truly higher levels, like the moderation things it takes time to do. And I forgot I was speaking to a yogi the other day, and he said that, with with psychedelics is like, you're you're opening a door that you were not invited into. And you might not be able to handle what's on the other side, as opposed to a Maharishi, who has been doing this 20 years or however long it took him to get to that place, he's been prepping for that moment, so that he can withstand whatever is on the other side of that door. So that's why some people have bad trips?
Ora Nadrich 18:28
That's, that's a good point. And I also want to add to that, that I think that you know, people haven't done work on themselves. In our journey work, which I'm a big believer in, to go within. Um, I think that if you bypass that, if you're not somebody who really is comfortable going within, you need to look at that because just, you know, taking a psychedelic or just, you know, going into plant medicine, that you think is going to, you know, be the way in which you can go within I would say start to spend time going within being with yourself, sit with yourself and meditation, you know, you know, develop more contemplative practices, you know, turn off your distractions, you know, and get more comfortable with yourself because as we said earlier, you know, not everybody's comfortable going into those places. I say, get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Alex Ferrari 20:08
Oh, yeah. Because once you go through that door, it's just no going back.
Ora Nadrich 20:16
You know, you know, don't don't just, you know, I don't want people to do that bypassing where they just think the trip is going to take them into this phantasmagorical, you know, mind blowing ecstatic place, which maybe it will, but you know, it's like that great saying, you know, and think it was, was it rom Das, you know, you know, wherever you go, there you are, you can take yourself to all those places, you can have all those all the trips you want. But at the end of the day, you return back to yourself,
Alex Ferrari 20:43
Right, you can go on a vacation, but at the end of the day, your problems will still be waiting for you back at home.
Ora Nadrich 20:47
Yeah, so do the inner work, you know, there, there's, it's something you need to pay attention to do you know, it's like, let that be your day job, do some inner work
Alex Ferrari 20:57
Without question now. What is it light worker? I've heard that word thrown around so often, what is a light worker? And what did they do?
Ora Nadrich 21:06
I think a light worker, you know, I would say somebody who's aware that the work that they're doing is to, you know, emanate light from their being, you know, because I don't want to really look at a light worker, as again, they're different than you and I, you know, when you choose to be a light worker, you're somebody who really wants to emanate the divine light, or that light that is within each of us. And the more you develop it, the stronger it gets, and you realize that your light is really contributing to the energy and the frequency on the planet do you know, so it's people that really want to make that their life journey, if you will, they're aware of that, you know, the energy that we put out into the world is, it's an energetic frequency, that really changes the energy and the frequency in the moment, it can change the energy and frequency of another human being, it can raise the energy and frequency in any given situation. So I look at light workers as those that really feel that that's, you know, really part of their purpose being on this journey on this life journey and being on this planet that they want to, they want to share their light as wide and far as they can, which can be life changing. For others.
Alex Ferrari 22:23
Well, you said the word frequency and I and anytime someone brings up frequency, I'd really like to just dig into that a little bit. Because it sounds woowoo out there when people say things like that. But I want you to bring it down to earth for what it actually means for people listening, who might not be aware of the concept of energy and frequencies, within the energies and frequencies that we put out of enlightened beings, as their frequency goes higher, they're able to do things like that.
Ora Nadrich 22:51
Everything is energy, you know, if you really even did the sound waves of what comes out of a human being, you know, everything, even whether it whether it's an inanimate object, if it's a human and animal, any living entity, even trees, and, you know, any anything, you know, or in marine life, if there's an energy, there's a frequency, I know that there's, you know, ways in which to gauge the sound, or just the energy frequency, the Hertz level of what's coming out of the energy that's emanating out into the world. And I don't think there's anything woowoo about that. It's just that we are, you know, we are beings that have an energy to our beingness, if you will, it's like you can say something that doesn't sound woowoo when you when you meet somebody, and you can say, Wow, that person has such great energy. What are you really saying, when you're, you know, there's woowoo, about saying, well, that person has such great energy, let's bring it down to the most, you know, really understand basic level that we can for anybody who wants to understand that, what you're really saying is, I feel good around that person. I really feel good around that person, they make me feel good. Well, why are they making me feel good, their energy is positive, you know, it's a level of positivity. And we can feel the positive energy we can feel the negative energy when we're around someone. So if you look at energy is that it's, it's, you know, or a frequency, which really means it's reverberating out from that being or from the the energy that an animal is getting an energy that a tree is emanating. How does that make you feel? That's a question for somebody to ask themselves. How do I feel when I'm in the presence of this person? How do I feel when I'm in the presence of you know, I have this big beautiful tree that's outside my house. That tree for me emanates an energy and a frequency. And when I'm sitting under that tree, I can really feel it. Now. That's again, you know, I mean, I can't really dumb it down for somebody that doesn't subscribe to those kinds of things. Sure. Do you have to just experience and you if you if you have that experience, it's something that you can really describe as an energy. And again, going back to, how does that make you feel? And we've all had that either said to us, or we've said it about someone else, like, someone could say, Oh, I love being around you, you make me feel good, that's energy.
Alex Ferrari 25:22
Or, or like, I gotta take a shower after that guy, because
Ora Nadrich 25:26
We know that's the negative. That's a toxicity. Energy can like I said, for every polar opposite of the negative, there's a positive. So you know, then it's really important to be mindful and aware of the energy that you're feeling around someone or in a situation. And by the way to pay close attention to that, you know, people feel something. And going back to our innate superpowers, we have deep intuition. You know, what our intuition can tell us a lot. So if we're feeling something that feels very positive and very soothing, that is a positive energy, when we're feeling something negative, even when it's around a person, pay attention to that, that's going to tell you, what is the energy that you're experiencing.
Alex Ferrari 26:14
Yeah, I mean, if you, I mean, I know you're in California, but if you've ever had a chance to go and stand in front of a Sequoia, or in the Redwood Forest, yes, I have, and you walk those, you, there's just just something there that you just like, Ohh my God!
Ora Nadrich 26:31
So I love the tree. I love trees. I love the ocean, you know, I really, there's certain elements, you know, nature elements that I just really resonate to. And if you are there, for anybody who's you know, there are people that are really into the mountains, or the desert, or the ocean, you know, they really feel that resonance. The ocean. Yeah, yeah, that's, that's, again, it's an energy, when I'm around the water when I walk on the beach, or I just, sometimes you'll can just stare out at the water for hours. It that, again, recognize how it makes you feel when you're in the presence of that.
Alex Ferrari 27:10
How many times have you walked into a room when two other people were there before you? And you didn't know what was going on? But the second you walked in the room, you go, Oh, some some stuff was going down here? Like, they weren't an argument they were there's something happening in this room.
Ora Nadrich 27:26
Absolutely. You know, for sure. And I think for some people that, you know, maybe are not wanting to own the energy that they're putting out, which could be, which could be negative, you know, and sometimes people are not that honest. And, you know, they're not gonna say to somebody, some people do, like, Hey, you got you, you got some downer energy going.
Alex Ferrari 27:51
You toxic girl.
Ora Nadrich 27:54
Energy, not wanting to hang out with you right now, you know, or, and for somebody who really wants to work on that, who's open and I on all my books I read about, be open, really be open, you know, don't let your ego get in the way of this. If, if your energy is not to say you can't be in a down place, you know, we can go into those, you know, more even sad, or, you know, sometimes anxious or even angry places. You can own that. That's okay, you there's something you need to experience there. And you need to process that, but you're not going to want to dump it on other people. Do you know like, that's why I said, it's like, do your inner work, you know, get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Alex Ferrari 28:39
So when you say inner work, what does that mean for people? Because that's a pretty broad term. What does inner work mean?
Ora Nadrich 28:45
I think inner work is really taking what I say in one of my books, I think it's mindfulness and mysticism. I, I've written five, most recent book, by the way, isn't that book, I have a new book out called Time to Awaken.
Alex Ferrari 28:59
You mean, this book right here?
Ora Nadrich 29:00
Yeah. But you're good. Yeah, so what do I mean by by inner work. So inner work, you know, I say, take a spiritual pulse. Take your pulse. You know, how am I doing? You know, if we did that every day, specially when we're at the effect of a mood, can't quite get to the bottom of what's going on with us. You know, I say behind every emotion, there's a thought. Some people come in through the emotion and have it and other people come through the thought. So they can have a thought that's really negative and not connected to an emotion that's reacting to that thought. And for other people. They're feeling the emotion. And I say, catch the thought. Because when you work with that, you're doing the inner work. You're doing the inner work of taking responsibility for what you're feeling, and to know yourself better. are, you know, you talk about some enlightened beings on the planet like Jesus or Buddha? You know, think of Buddha, I think a Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree, you know, and going within and there were there were, you know, stories of Jesus disappeared for a while, Where did Jesus go?
Alex Ferrari 30:17
There that there's a 30 year gap in history, we've spoken about this.
Ora Nadrich 30:21
Maybe Jesus was was was deep inside, he was spending a lot of time with himself. Deep within, and, you know, you want to talk about the most psychedelic trip you can have, just spend some deep time with yourself, and let let it you know, free fall into what's there, get to know yourself, including I might add your shadow, which is psychological aspect of our beingness, which Carl Jung, the psychologist called the shadow, which is the darker aspects of our psyche, that the aspects of ourselves, we may not like very much the aspects of ourselves like I've had, I want to look at that, you know what I mean? And you need to integrate, you need to integrate the all aspects of yourself, so that you can create this type of inner wholeness, if you will, you know, the last thing I would say is to, to not avoid, you don't want to avoid all of who you are. Because if you're sitting in judgment of that, you're not gonna be able to integrate the aspects of your thoughts. And even from those places of ourselves that we may not really like a lot, or maybe even love about ourselves. When we integrate it, we learn how to accept it, we learn how to even transform the parts of our personality that maybe could use a little work. Do you know that's the inner work I'm talking about.
Alex Ferrari 31:39
Did you have you heard of the the darkness therapy thing that's going on?
Ora Nadrich 31:44
It sounds very self explanatory.
Alex Ferrari 31:47
It literally is sitting in a dark room with yourself for like a retreat, basically a day or two, with no light, and it's just you in the darkness. And people people say it is literally looking into the dark, dark corners of the soul. And it's psychedelic, almost, because your mind has nothing else to do. So it has, there's no other stimulation. Exactly. That's to go within. That's when a lot of stuff comes out like that. So it's a it's a cheaper, it's a cheap Ayahuasca.
Ora Nadrich 32:26
Right, right, you're like, you just you're just like, you're in the jar. Right away.
Alex Ferrari 32:30
You still there.
Ora Nadrich 32:32
Yeah, I mean, like, I'm all for any kind of therapy, or therapeutics that really help you get to know who you are better. You know, I'm not saying you have to sit on a couch for 20 years with your, with a therapist, to find out why, you know, Mommy did this, and daddy did that, and you got bullied on the school yard, which is important to know. But you don't want to that to run the show. As you get older, you want to really learn from the experiences that we have on the life journey, so that we can have that, you know, culmination of understanding of what took place so that we're not in victimhood, or you know, not to make light of the wounds that we have. And it's important to address what's still there that needs that healing, you know, and it can come up at any time, no matter how old you are. An old wound could rear its head, but be aware of it, be cognizant of it cognizant of it. Do you know,
Alex Ferrari 33:32
So you I think you've kind of talked about this, but can you explain the dance between light and dark in ourselves?
Ora Nadrich 33:39
Well, I think you know, I really do understand the dualistic nature, which is really a Buddhist concept of that we live in dual a dualistic reality, and we're, we're in the material world. But as I said earlier, we're spiritual beings. I mean, that's a big contradiction right there. So we have to navigate the waters between the spiritual and the material. And the dance, really, what I call is, you know, it's like a cosmic dance. It's like being able to navigate the contradictions on the life journey. And if you think of really just the whole idea of dancing, it's like, again, I use the word free falling a lot in that book, it's that you're open to the movement, you're open to the surrender, if you will, to the dichotomy to the contradiction to the duality of our nature, and you're not being dominated by one over the other. So for me, it is like a dance. It's like a spiritual dance. And rather than to have resistance, or again, to avoid the, the aspects, the different aspects of ourselves, we weren't able to integrate them, you know, and by the way, you can literally dance you know, I use it more metaphorically. But I also mentioned the cosmic dance in the book about, you know, put on that great music and Even if you're dancing by yourself, you know where you can go into, you know, for anybody who's really danced, like to the point where you almost like lose sight,
Alex Ferrari 35:10
You're in, you're in the zone, athletes get it,
Ora Nadrich 35:14
You're totally in that zone where it's like, whoa. And that's the high experience I'm talking about, you know, where you suddenly go into that altered state that feels so high for like you're on a drug.
Alex Ferrari 35:27
And artists talk about it all the time. writers talk about it, when they're when they get in a flow. Athletes talk about it, it's being able to do it in your day to day life. That's the trick. If you can, like live in the flow, then time stops, there is no time. It just is. It's really a magical place.
Ora Nadrich 35:43
That's the magic that is the mystical that I'm talking about. Alex, I'm like saying that it's like a time continuum. There's no room to get you're just in that, that flow. And there's no beginning or end to it.
Alex Ferrari 35:57
Yeah, you're just so yeah, I've been there multiple times in my life as an artist, and it's just like, you wait, you look up, you're like, I've been here for five hours. I gotta get up. I gotta eat.
Ora Nadrich 36:07
Yeah, you know. So that's the kind of navigating I'm talking about, like for those of us that have really let ourselves go there. Yeah, you can suddenly go, Okay, well, I gotta get to a meeting, or I got to feed my kids or, you know, so that that's the beauty of the contradiction. That's the beauty of the dance is that we really start to become really agile at balancing the spiritual aspects of ourselves in a material world. And we get better at it, it's like you start to get really good at it. Do you know?
Alex Ferrari 36:40
Well, let me ask you, from your experience, walking your life's path. And obviously, all the books and you've, I'm sure thought about this question many a day. The one I'm about to ask you. Why are we here? What is the purpose of all of this? This this dance this play this movie that we're all the video game that we're all playing?
Ora Nadrich 36:58
That's such a great question, you know? Well, yeah, that is like one of the probably the most important questions to ask ourselves, you know, what am I doing here? We might not know the why do you know, maybe some people do know exactly why they're here. And they connect that to their purpose. But the question of what do I want to do while I'm here on this earth plane? Do you know I mean, we've all incarnated into this earth plane at this moment in time, which is really you want to trip out about the fact that I've sometimes I've said, wow, you know, here we are on this planet Earth, it's rotating on its axis in the, you know,
Alex Ferrari 37:44
Ora Nadrich 37:44
Universe, the galaxy, the cosmos. I mean, if that doesn't trip you out, you know. And so what are we doing here? You know, for those of us that are real seekers, you know, that really want to get a lot of bang out of our life experience. Do you know, we're not just going to do what I say in my new book, time to awaken we don't exist just to exist. There are people that are just, you know, moving through life, and they're like, Okay, it's another day and let me get through the day and Lottie, Dawn, whatever it is for them. But there are those of us that we really want to know what we're doing here are like, Okay, what's going on? What are we doing? What is this about? You know, what do I want to realize in my lifetime? Because that's a pretty profound question to ask yourself, what do you want to get out of this incarnation? You know, before you take your last breath, what do you want that about? You know, it's, it's like, for some people, they want it to be like, Bring it on, I want to know why I'm here what I meant to do here, I want to I want to lift the veils, I want to know the sacred truths of the universe. You know, they're a real, you know, student of discovery. They, they're all in so that,
Alex Ferrari 39:01
But there's others on the other side of that, that coin that they just want to hide, and this, like, Let the storm pass them. And then like, I just want to survive and get out of this thing alive, which we never do. Obviously, nobody gets out of this alive.
Ora Nadrich 39:15
What you're saying because it's truly the way you go looking at this life journey, I like to use the ocean as a metaphor. Because the oceans are really magical tricky. Body of huge water that's on this planet Earth. And I think, look at the way the ocean is, first of all, the way in which it goes in the waves go in and out. So meditation in itself, you know, it's like our breath. We breathe in, we breathe out, the water comes in, the water goes back out. And I think to myself, look at the ocean. It can be so calm, and so zen and so serene, and it could be so rageful and so tumultuous, and you know, just swallow you up. Uh, you know, so I say be a good sailor Now be a good navigator navigate the waters because sometimes the sea is calm, and sometimes it is wild and tumultuous. So I look at the this, like this life journey is that it's like the, you know, sometimes it's an easy journey to navigate, and sometimes it's extremely challenging.
Alex Ferrari 40:23
Well, then why do we allow fear to take such a hold of us and not allow us to enjoy this, this ride more often? Because all of us deal with it at one point or another in our lives. I mean, all of us.
Ora Nadrich 40:36
Fears, fear is normal. I mean, it's part of our survival. Again, you know, I mean, we're not hunters and gatherers Are we our brains have developed beyond that, in that we're just not out hunting for our food, and afraid that a saber toothed Tiger can come out of nowhere and just kill us. So yeah, we're always going to have a modicum of fear, it's normal to have. But it's also really important to gauge where your fear is coming from, because how much is fear stopping you from living life? How much is how much of fear is really in control of your life. And I also feel that probably the most basic instinct around that kind of fear is our fear of dying. You know, it's like, Look, we all probably somewhere deep inside ourselves, want to let live forever. And we're, as far as we know, I mean, again, you go back into the spirit, that transcends the body and a few, you know, this is a vehicle. So it's like, our are stuck our car, you know, and it's gonna, it's gonna get old, it's gonna break down and, you know, and then maybe the spirit goes on to whatever people believe where their spirit ascends to. And but I think the most basic fear that a lot of people feel and I really saw it over the last three years, when we had the pandemic, as people went into a heightened state of fear. Well, why did they go into heightened fear because they were told that they were going to die over a novel virus that, as we now know, didn't come from a bat. It was leaked out of the lab and all that's out. To do that. Just watch your local news, you might want
Alex Ferrari 42:20
That information has officially come out now.
Ora Nadrich 42:22
Yeah, information is officially out now. And no, you don't have to be conspiracy theory theorists to know it. Anyway, all that to say that people went into such a heightened state of fear. I mean, I've never seen no collective heightened state of fear. And they were in an unnatural state of fear. Because if you think about it, that was drawn out for an inordinate amount of talks, the stress, stress, and we were we were, we had all these unnatural protocols that were put into place
Alex Ferrari 42:52
Wiping wiping Amazon boxes for God's sakes. With we I was wiping Amazon boxes with Clorox wipes. Well, I was hoping for toilet paper, because
Ora Nadrich 43:06
I think we should all learn from that we should all learn
Alex Ferrari 43:09
Should all get the days is what you're saying. Everyone should get up a day. And there's not a problem anymore. There you go. I mean, the world came to the end, and everyone said, one of the paper like really it was that the thing
Ora Nadrich 43:22
Looking at all that now with all the you gotta read my comeback after you read my book. Yeah, we can look at all that now and go, wow, wow, we really, we really fell for a lot of that fear mongering, big time. As I say, in time to awaken, you shouldn't make really important decisions in your life, when you're in a state of fear, absolutely, ever make some of the most important decisions of your life, including that of yourself. When you're in a heightened state of fear. Look, most people everybody was at the effect of it because it was coming at us at such a rapid speed. And it was we've never experienced anything like that in our lifetime. You know, that were a global occurrence gripped the entire world shut down, shut down for a month. Shut down. Yeah, shutdown, and then it kept getting drawn out and drawn out and drawn out and all of that and now we're realizing that you know, the embarrassment around wiping your packages, your equipment packages, because that never was anything to do with the virus and that realizing that respiratory, it just didn't live on the boxes. Let's just say that!
Alex Ferrari 44:37
Yeah, we all knew that. Yeah, exactly. The chances of you getting it off of a boxes was really I mean, it really was a lot of fear mongering going on during that time and I've never seen the world shut down before. I've never heard of that even in the history of of history.
Ora Nadrich 44:57
A world shut down but as we know it liquor stores managed to stay open,
Alex Ferrari 45:02
Obviously. Well, obviously that's the best. That was the best time for the sales.
Ora Nadrich 45:06
Exactly. Right. It's like you had to really an exercise people. But yeah, the world shut down. Not every country did it like Sweden didn't do it. There are a lot of countries that did not shut down. And they didn't go along with that program.
Alex Ferrari 45:20
So a lot of yeah, a lot of them didn't, sometimes you would see these other countries and they were just like, life is normal. And like,
Ora Nadrich 45:25
Oh, they're gonna like, okay, there's a virus, there's a virus. And if we get it, we're gonna get it. And, you know, interestingly enough, what's coming out now about that is that so many people, especially in countries like that, when they didn't do those extreme go to those extreme measures by isolating people which unnatural. They're they even have lower death rates than some of the countries that just hardcore locked down.
Alex Ferrari 45:52
So let me ask you, your new book is called Time to Awaken. You know, the concept of awakening is something I talk a lot about on the show. And it is, I believe that we are in a great awakening, I think that we are more open now than we've ever been in, in our recorded history. Without question, the the entire planet is shifting, the consciousness of the species is shifting, I can see it from when I was born, yes, is where we are now, just in the short time that I've been alive. conversations like this would have been very difficult to have in the 80s, or the 70s, or anything like that, they would, you know, if you would go back a few years, you would have been burned at the stake. So So what is your so what is your definition of awakening? What is the awakening in your, in your perspective?
Ora Nadrich 46:41
Well, it's interesting. First of all, I want to say, Alex, that when I wrote time to awaken the download that I was getting from the very beginning of the shutdown, or the lockdown or the lock up, whatever you want to call it, I kept saying, Oh, this is way more than a virus. This is this is way more of what's going on on the planet. We're in the midst of a great awakening. Now, I never came up with the term Great Awakening. But I really believe in those kinds of talks about the mystical experience that download through to me, and I kept saying, Oh, we're in the midst of a major spiritual awakening. So I really do feel that we are at a point in our history that is unlike any other time that we've lived in, and that there are people that are waking up, and I use that a lot in the book, my book is time to awaken, which means time to wake up. And I do mention in time to awaken, it's as if we're living in a parallel universe, because there are those of us that are really waking up and waking up quickly and aware of what's going on on many, many levels. And then there are people that don't even know what you're talking about. So I say it's connecting the dots, and I was a dock connector. I've been a dock connector for most of my life, but I really was a dock connector over the last three years. And I said it would be like I was connecting all these dots, and that I could talk to somebody that I've never met before. And we're like finishing each other's sentences. And then I'm talking to somebody else. And it would be like I said to them, well, aren't you connecting the dots, and they would go what dots. So it's we're living, I believe in a time where there are those that are awakening and ascending to higher states of consciousness and awareness. And so many the veils are lifting, it's just mind blowing. And it can be somebody who doesn't get too reactive to what the veils of illusions might mean, like, there might be information that's coming out. And some people might go, oh, I don't believe that, or I don't, you know, I don't, I don't want to know that. If you can go past your own fear and recognize that a lot of the truths are being revealed what I call sacred truths of the universe. It's gonna, it's gonna blow a lot of people's minds, because a lot of the ways in which we perceived life, and the way in which life works, the systems that are in place, and the constructs and the institutions and all the things that we really believe that's how the world works. What if you find out that that's not really how it works, or that's not really how it's supposed to work. And then it brings the focus and awareness back on ourselves. And you mentioned earlier on someone like Jesus, you know, Jesus is an incredible example of someone who walked the path, the awakened path and said, said things to people that they thought he was nuts. They were like, What are you talking about today? I would say they probably call people that say things like that conspiracy theorist. I'm not saying all the things that people say that aren't out. There aren't some of the two out there and maybe they're not really somebody that you want to listen to. But we have an opportunity right now to really, as I say the best way could describe it as lift the veils of illusion, be able to recognize that a lot of the things you know, I go back a lot to the Wizard of Oz as an example. I love that movie in the metaphor of what it means that there they are. Dorothy and her three friends who have come to what get courage a heart and what was the other one?
Alex Ferrari 50:23
Courage, heart and brain.
Ora Nadrich 50:25
Right! And you know, and then they hear this voice over the this loudspeaker that sounds like this horrific, scary voice, you know, that the like, they shudder every time they hear that voice, and it took total the dog to move the curtain away, to reveal that that scary, very scary voice was that of an old man, you know. So let's, let's move the curtain. Let's lift the veils so that we can see things for what they really are.
Alex Ferrari 50:56
Well, you know, and I think if there's people listening to this conversation right now, who are having the same reactions, like you just said, like, oh, I don't believe this, this is ridiculous, or this or that, you know, I found that when people's foundational stories are threatened anything from religion, to what you eat, to, to Mac or PC, anything, they will defend it, because if they open themselves up to believe, this new idea, it rattles the entire foundation of their story. And they have to be strong enough, and brave enough to open themselves up to that story is, like I've said on the show so many times, I'm a recovering Catholic. And when the concept of reincarnation was introduced to me one day, I was like, Oh, that makes sense to me. But that completely destroyed whatever foundation was laid out, coming from, from a Catholic background, because we're supposed to believe in the rapture, and obviously, the rapture and the hell and we're all going, you know, the Old Testament God and stuff. But But now, you know, you have to be open to that. So what would you say to people whose found whose foundational stories, and that's all it is a story that they've told themselves.
Ora Nadrich 52:16
Yeah, absolutely. Alex, you got it. You know, it's interesting, because if you think about it, you know, someone said to me recently, it was a younger person. And I, they said, you know, most people need to be told what to do, and how to live. They need, they need ideas, they need to be led, they need to believe in things. And then they put their belief in those things. And if you were to come along and go, but what if I were to tell you that what you believed in was a lie, they're gonna want to punch you in the face, they're gonna be like, How dare you say that, to me when that is the my truth. That is, those are my core beliefs, you know, and you talk about being in a dark room by yourself. You know, if we applied what you just asked to that whole idea of being in a dark room, and everything was wiped clean, you had no religious beliefs, you had no dogmatic, you know, ideal. You had no preconceived judgments. Like it was just that you were stripped clean of all of that, and you had nothing to hold on to, you know, how frightening that is, for people like me, it's like, think about it, that's but but look at this, that's the way you come into the world. And that's where you're going to leave, not holding on to anything, maybe, you know, I don't I can't get in the mind of other people and what their experiences are, you know, but I do think that we're living in a time right now, which is really, wow, it's it's pretty wild. It's a really wild ride, because a lot of the things, again, a lot of the systems, a lot of the constructs, a lot of the beliefs that people have had, are going to be stripped bare, and things are going to be revealed. Just like it's, you know, I, I say this is a great awakening. Some people call it the great reveal. Do you know, I think it's all of the above? I think that you know, who are we if we strip away all of this, and we begin again? Well, who would Alex be? Who would Oribi? Do you know if we just got stripped of all the things that we were told to believe are true. From when we were little people. The very first things we were taught and told, Well, this is this is the truth. Well, of course, you must be telling me the truth because you're my teacher. Well, you must be telling me the truth because you're my parents. Well, you must be telling me the truth because you're my you know, priest or my rabbi, you must be telling me the truth because you're my government. You must be telling me the truth because you're Big Pharma. You must be telling me the truth, because you're the, you know, World Health Organization. Well, to quote my first book He says who? That's the title of my first book says who? Who's to say that everything we've been told is true isn't necessarily true. It's our job to find out the truth when you asked earlier, what are we? What are we doing on this planet? For me, I want to know the truth. And, you know, it's like, why are people afraid to find out the truth? You know, also, what you're saying is it's going to use gonna rattle your world, if you find out that what you believed in so strongly isn't really what you thought it was, is it going to just shatter you, as a human being, I think we need to look at that. I think it's really important to know who we are without all that stuff.
Alex Ferrari 55:41
But and then again, that story that you're that you're holding on to was basically a result of where you were born. If you were born in in, you know, in China, or in India, you're going to be a Buddhist or a Hindu. And you will have those beliefs. And if you were born in a Christian country, or a Muslim country, you will have those beliefs. It's based around societal parents. That is, you basically, that's what you get. So if you understand that much, and go, Oh, well, wait a minute. I've been told all this stuff. And it was true to the people who wrote graced me, my community, my church, whatever. But it's my job to kind of go out and open myself up to all these teachings and see what rings true to me, as opposed to what I've been told.
Ora Nadrich 56:27
And also to really ask these questions like, why have we been led to believe that we should hate one another? No, because we're different, or we have different religions or different cultures or different nationalities? I mean, look at the perpetuation of that lie. Yes. And you talked about ascension and higher consciousness and look at the most basic base levels of the way we survive, that we we hate one another because of our different beliefs. So you know, those beliefs that were told we should believe based on where, like you said, where we're born, or what religion we, we grew up in believing, I look at that. And I think that is such a talk about vibrational level, that's a very low vibration. Again, it's all survival. The fact that we have our greatest wars have been over religious differences. It's just, it's crazy to me. And you know, there are times you know, when I even talk about the mystical experience, there are times where people are together, we gather together, and we feel this incredible oneness. You know, it's like if we all came together, and I never knew what your religion is, I never knew anything about you. But again, I'm feeling an energy. We're all together, and we're feeling this oneness with one another. Does any of that even matter? Of course not. So why, so who we adjust ourselves? Who is who is perpetuating this descent? You know, and why are we allowing for it? Why are we buying into those programs that aren't even real talk about lifting the veils of illusion? That, to me is what the veils of illusion are, is buying into these ideologies, and buying into these beliefs and these narratives that somebody told us to believe.
Alex Ferrari 58:18
I mean, as they say, follow the money.
Ora Nadrich 58:21
That's exactly. But that's what's so interesting about this time, Alex is like we are, there is so much coming out, it's like whoa, every day,
Alex Ferrari 58:31
Every day, every day, there's some new revelation. But it's because of this kind of conversations that are being now there is no middleman between this conversation. And the world. Before I would have to have a producer and a network and a distribution outlet. And they would they would curb it and what didn't work for them. And now people are able to have conversations like this completely, freely, put it out into the world, and people can go on YouTube, or go on to a podcast and listen to these very authentic conversations, and ideas that might plant seeds in them either now, either they get it now or they'll get it 10 years from now, or 20 years from now because they started hearing because if you're listening to this, or you're watching this, there's something inside you that is curious. There's so
Ora Nadrich 59:19
It's so true. And I you know, I've had many times where I you know, I get into these exist existential conversations with myself and I remember even as a young woman or a girl, young girl, I was like, Why does the world function the way it does? Like why this really could be heaven on earth? Why do we need to create Hell on Earth? Like why are we Why do we go against nature? Why do we create things that are harmful for us? Look at food there could be so much you know, why do we have to add all these additives and all these points in our food? Like I don't like a party goes or or blitzkrieg, everybody with pharmaceutical drugs and not let them believe See that their immune systems are vibrant, and healthy. Look at the lies that we've been told. You can sit and watch TV and you've seen 20 commercials within an hour of all of these diseases and illnesses that were made to believe that if we don't take those drugs, you know, it's this is all brainwashing. So sometimes I've had days going, you know, go again, it's all greed, it's money. It's, it's, it's like, is that really how you want to live?
Alex Ferrari 1:00:29
What the bottom line is, all of that is about people trying to fill a void from things that are outside of themselves, right, the whole system is built around, trying to fill the void that cannot be filled. With billions and trillions and every single materialistic thing on the planet, it will never fill it interests me. And there are some guys out there who are trying to fill it with materialistic stuff. There's more billionaires now than ever before.
Ora Nadrich 1:00:59
A lot of people have benefited a lot over the last three years. And we were all in a state of fear, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:01:05
But but from from where I come from, in Hollywood, I've met big movie stars, who have a lot of money and fame and all that stuff. And they're empty. And they're searching, because they're like this didn't you know, the Oscar didn't fill the hole. But then you look at the the yogi who looks homeless in the middle of Calcutta somewhere. And you're just like, oh, but he seems happy.
Ora Nadrich 1:01:31
I know, you know, it's interesting, because I think about like, again, I'd love your whole sharing of the dark room. Because that really is where we can find out who we are. And I don't mean whether someone's going to sit in a black room or not. I like the metaphor of that. Because I feel that we're, we have an opportunity right now to really bring in a new world, a whole new, a whole new way of being, you know, a whole a world in which that has been, it's as if it's been kept from us. You know, we've
Alex Ferrari 1:02:06
We weren't ready, we weren't ready. But you know, what, the new generations coming up are much more open to it. The kids, the younger generations, the teenagers that 20 Somethings right now, they look at things so much differently than my generation or your generation did completely different points of view. They look at things that we took for granted. And they're like, That's ridiculous.
Ora Nadrich 1:02:28
Yeah, I mean, I agree with you, I just hope that they don't fall into because there's so much going on in the planet right now. That is, wow, there's, you know, we're also, it's interesting, there's this movement towards spiritual awakening, that's really powerful. And it's really igniting the planet in a really powerful way. And then there's this whole movement, I did research for my book on, you know, the fact that our technology is advancing so exponentially. So you've got artificial intelligence, you have transhumanism. So look at this crazy contradiction. So you've got like those that want to return to the earth and be sustainable and, you know, create communities so that we can grow, grow our own food, and we can create these real wholesome communities. And then you've got these, you know, trans to us that want to rush us into the future, and microchip us and, you know, live like computers. So you're gonna see a real schism on the planet, you know, yes, we're in the future, I get that. I don't, I don't have a problem with the fact that we're, but you know, and maybe tomorrow will look more like Blade Runner, you know, I hope not too, because I really believe that behind a lot of that vision, you know, if you follow the World Economic Forum, and first and all of that, you start to see that, that there are those that think they can play God and tell us what our future is and what our destiny is. And I'm like, I don't really feel like I need Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum to tell me what, or Bill Gates are telling me what my future should they, because they insist on it.
Alex Ferrari 1:04:07
Or it's going to be a hell of a ride. Let's just put it that way.
Ora Nadrich 1:04:10
I think it's already started,
Alex Ferrari 1:04:11
I think I think we're holding our ticket. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests. What is your definition of living a good life?
Ora Nadrich 1:04:21
Living a good life is living truthfully, authentically, kindly, compassionately, and sharing your your love and your light and your truth.
Alex Ferrari 1:04:34
What how do you define God?
Ora Nadrich 1:04:36
Divine presence that is with us on this life journey to as I'm looking out my window at the clouds, that there is something that is greater than us and our egos and is guidance for us on this life journey,
Alex Ferrari 1:04:53
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Ora Nadrich 1:04:55
To awaken
Alex Ferrari 1:04:56
And where can people find out more about you and the work you're doing and your amazing books two of which are Time to Awaken, and Mindfulness and Mysticism.
Ora Nadrich 1:05:06
They can find me on my, my website, which is And everything's there. You want to get my books, you know, Amazon, your door the next day on Thank you Amazon for you know, for doing that. Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:25
And do you have any final words for our audience?
Ora Nadrich 1:05:28
Um, I look forward to waking up more with each and every one of you
Alex Ferrari 1:05:33
Ora I appreciate you in the work that you're doing to awaken the world. Thank you so much, my dear!
Ora Nadrich 1:05:36
Thank you so much for having me.
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- Read the book – Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness
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