On today’s episode, we welcome Michaela Firester, a psychic medium and aura reader, who takes us on a journey into the mystical realm of angel numbers, aura readings, and humanity’s evolving future. With an uncanny ability to see colors around people from a young age, Michaela shares how her perception of the world is fundamentally shaped by these energetic hues. For her, seeing auras is as natural as noticing someone’s eye color—something she’s always lived with, but didn’t fully understand until later in life. As she delved deeper into her abilities, she realized the unique power they held in helping people uncover their true selves.
What stands out in this conversation is Michaela’s explanation of how these colors—red for assertiveness, blue for sensitivity, and yellow for organization—can guide people in understanding their personalities and life choices. She speaks with passion about how everyone’s aura reveals not just surface-level traits, but deeper insights into their life’s purpose. The way she weaves spirituality into the everyday—whether it’s helping a child in school based on the color of their aura or guiding an adult through significant life choices—shows how intertwined energy is with our decisions.
One of the most compelling parts of the discussion is Michaela’s insight into angel numbers. These recurring sequences, she explains, are not just random coincidences but powerful messages from high vibrational beings, meant to guide us in our life’s path. She advises, “When you start seeing a number over and over again, ask yourself how you feel when you see it.” These numbers, she says, come with emotional resonance, nudging us toward decisions that align with our soul’s purpose. Angel numbers are a way for the universe to communicate with us when we need direction, offering a subtle push when we’re at a crossroads.
In her work with clients, Michaela has seen how aura readings can unlock deep transformations. One story she shares is about a woman who, despite her role as an office coordinator, was offered the chance to buy the business she worked for. At first, the woman hesitated, believing she wasn’t capable. But through their session, Michaela helped her see that her aura was perfectly suited for leadership. The woman embraced her authentic energy, purchased the company, and turned it into a thriving business. It’s these moments of realization, Michaela emphasizes, that show how we can use our natural gifts to manifest dreams we thought were beyond our reach.
- Angel Numbers Are Personal Guides
Angel numbers appear when we need them most, sending emotional and spiritual signals that resonate with our current life situations. When they show up, take a moment to reflect on what’s happening in your life and how you feel. - Auras Reveal More Than Personality
While auras can provide insight into surface-level traits like sensitivity or assertiveness, they also hold deeper wisdom about your soul’s purpose. Learning to recognize and harness the power of your aura can lead to life-changing shifts. - Trust Your Curiosity
As Michaela advises, “Curiosity is your soul asking, ‘Can we go deeper?’” Don’t dismiss those moments of intrigue as mere distractions—follow them, because they are guiding you toward your spiritual growth.
In this profound conversation, we also touch on the future of humanity, a subject that feels both hopeful and uncertain. Michaela speaks of the “fuzziness” she sees in the collective trajectory, where nothing is set in stone, and every choice we make carries weight. She encourages listeners to tune into their own personal energy and make decisions with intention because the future is malleable, and it’s up to each of us to steer our own ship.
This dialogue is more than just an exploration of spiritual abilities—it’s an invitation to rethink how we interact with the world around us, to listen more closely to the signs, and to trust the guidance that’s always there, whether through colors, numbers, or inner knowing.
Please enjoy my conversation with Michaela Firester.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 495
Michaela Firester 0:00
The biggest thing I tell people is when you start seeing a number over and over again to the point where coincidence can't explain it anymore, ask yourself how you feel when you see it, because they will program emotion into these number signs. It does feel like a fuzziness in the state of the world, like nothing's decided yet. So when we're like, what's happening next, or what's gonna happen in November, like I don't feel like anything is decided yet.
Alex Ferrari 0:40
I'd like to welcome to the show, Michaela Firester, how you doing Michaela?
Michaela Firester 0:44
Hi, Alex, thanks so much for having me on.
Alex Ferrari 0:47
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm really looking forward to our conversation of your insane journeys in the mystical and spiritual world.
Michaela Firester 0:58
Alex Ferrari 0:58
I'm sure they have now before we before we jump into that. What was your life like before, the insanity of psychic abilities, spiritually awakening, probably in a time where it wasn't widely accepted. It's still not widely accepted, but it's more accepted now than it ever has in the past. So what was it like? What was your life like before it?
Michaela Firester 1:24
I've always seen colors around people. I don't know life without that ability. To me, it's like smelling or any sort of sensory ability, and I truly didn't think much about it. To me, it was the same as, you know, noticing people's hair color or just it was just part of who I was. And I learned from a really early age to navigate my interpersonal relationships or or any situation based on the colors I would see around people. So for me, it never even felt paranormal or spiritual or anything. It was just part of how I navigated the world. When I got older, obviously, I realized, hey, wait a second, this is like a weird thing. If you talk about people think you're nuts, so don't do that. And I wanted to be normal, because I'm very sensitive to other people's critiques and judgments, and I went to school, and I got my bachelor's and master's in Spanish education, and I taught middle school Spanish, and I was a Spanish Teacher to 12 year olds. And Muchas gracias. See. Okay? And then, yeah, I started using the colors. I was like, wait a second this it was like a light bulb went off, and it was my aha moment. And I realized that the colors around the children was a way in which I could differentiate how I was teaching Spanish. Basically, I was like, okay, the ones that have more yellow auras, they need more grammar. The ones that have read auras, they need competition. So, you know, the Jeopardy game before the test, or something. So I was differentiating my what my teaching techniques, also the way I would talk to them or connect with the kids. I was like, Oh, these colors come in handy in different ways. But then, like anything, once you start focusing on these things, then spirit comes in and just blows, blows it out of the water. So then I started getting messages with the colors. And what really was happening was, during like, let's say teacher parent conferences, the parents would come in and there would be, I feel like, wait a second, you know, they want their kid to be different than who they are. So like, let's say their kids blue, and they're sensitive, and he's, you know, and he's not a competitive football player kid or whatever. And dad comes in and he's, he's really red, and he's like, Oh, he's not tough enough. And I was like, Oh my gosh, if we just understood that not everyone's the same. And that sounds so cliche, but it was like another way of explaining it. And then I was but, you know, being a teacher, a professional, I can't be like, Hey, sir, your kids blue and you're treating them like he's red. You know, that wasn't going to work in that context. So I was getting anxiety, and I just couldn't do it anymore. And I felt like I just grew out of that space. Fast forward to where I am today, where I teach people about how their authentic energies need to be listened to and followed and understood so they can make authentic choices that serve them, not who they feel they should be. I mean, that's my very like, condensed. Story, but the second I started paying attention to it, I feel like spirit really put me in the spot to grow out of it quickly, and I took the anxiety and the stress and like, oh my gosh, instead of pushing it down, I'm like, I can't I have to follow that, because there's something more here. So that's what life was like before I was normal, and now I'm not. That's what happened.
Alex Ferrari 5:24
So when you were saying with the kids that you're like, Oh, this one needs this. One needs this, like you already had the associations with the colors, how did you understand that? How did you tell how did you know that red was like, competitive and aggressive, and blue needed more or yellow needed more grammar, or something along those lines.
Michaela Firester 5:41
So like I said, my whole life, I was just without realizing it, associating the energy colors I'd see on people with personality traits. So I knew, for example, yellow auras tend to be more organized. They have to do lists. They tend to be curious, really into self help. There's an order to things. I I realized that, okay, red auras are more assertive. They like to be in charge. They're kind of the athlete types and and they're competitive, and they're a little bit more aggressive with how they talk about things, um, you know, blue auras, okay, blues are really sweet. You can hurt their feelings easy, so be careful, like I would notice this from my whole life, just making us just kind of, I guess, any sort of judgment we make about people from very early on, like that person's tall, so, you know, you have certain feelings about them, or that person's short, see, certain it with me, it was colors, and I Just one, and that was that's very surface, the way I was first relating the colors to people's personalities. After that, it became more a life purpose, the door I walked through to get messages in people. Because we all have kind of just an energy around us that we hold. It's like our signature. You don't have to see it to feel it. And trying to teach people, okay, you know, this is how this this color feels, and this is how you can communicate better with them, for example, is the next step, like the Aura 102, I try to talk about. So once we feel someone, how can we connect to them better and connect to ourselves better, but, but, yeah, it's just kind of like the superficial associations I make with them based on my experience as a human seeing them all the time.
Alex Ferrari 7:30
Now, did you ever see I mean, I've heard stories of people who can see auras that go everybody walking onto that plane has a black aura around them. I'm not going to get on that plane because they, they're they're about to die. There's going to something's going to happen there. Have you ever experienced anything like the where you see someone with a dark aura and they're not a bad person? It's just like, that's, it's a sign of where, what's going to happen to them in the near future?
Michaela Firester 7:57
Yeah, with aura colors, the way I interpret it, and I imagine other people might see them differently. This is just my own. How I see them when someone's colors are very, very dark. So they could be blue, but it's a very dark shade, or they could be purple, but it's a, you know, this A Darker Shade of their color, and also very muted and dense, because textures play a role for me too. It's usually they are not on a path that is good for them somehow. So for me, I don't see them in association with, I guess, an omen or something that bad is going to happen to them that is not of their own doing, but I will see if they're down a certain path. So sometimes, for example, people with addiction issues, or people who are just in a really bad space mentally, or people who are just making a lot of self destructive choices, not typical grief, or things that we go through because that's normal. It's when you're in a hole. And so, like, we all can relate. We've all been there in some way, and that hole, that darkness, can suck you in, and some of us have been to that point where you're like, it could have gone either way. I chose the light. I chose to walk out of it. I can see where people are kind of walking that line. And when I have a reading like that, and I tell and I have to tell someone like, Listen, you know, these are some choices you're making. Let's look at something differently, because I, you know, I can see this trajectory going this way based on your energy. So, yeah, it's more kind of like a darker color around people that means something in their life is happening that's not going to serve them well in the long run.
Alex Ferrari 9:41
Michaela, when you finally came out of the broom closet as the spiritual bloom closet, I have to imagine as someone who is a professional with a master's degree and an educator, when you finally decided to go, Hey, here's my freak flag. I'm waving it as much as I can do. What was that like for you, for the people around you, and how did you deal with it psychologically, on how they reacted? Because I assume it wasn't all puppies and unicorns.
Michaela Firester 10:11
Yes, you're absolutely right. Um, I think that's why a lot of people don't have, well, a lot of people have experiences like this, or a lot of people do understand what you talk about on the show, but they never want to say it out loud, for fear of being ostracized or but that that's what's going to happen, and that's what happened to me, and I'm sure everyone, every guest on your show, has experienced similar to to that, where a lot of people just That's it. So it's, it's, it's very, very difficult when people expect you to be a certain way for their own peace of mind and and that is something that especially when you're a caring person and you love people and and me in particular, a big part of my gifts is feeling other people's feelings as my own in an extreme way, as part of how I do readings and and, and I do this to validate people and to help people and to and just just kind of go where they're at and walk them, walk through it with them. However, when you were when you've been doing this your whole life, in order to just stay accepted or fit in or whatnot, it was extremely stressful for me to change people's perception of who I was. All of a sudden, they're like, that's not you, that's not Michaela, that's not who we know. That's not you're a Spanish teacher. That's not what you do. You see. What is this? You know? And, yeah, and, and it was upsetting, and I had to fight the urge to very subconsciously keep them feeling correct, to help their own mindset not feel jumbled. But I had to sit in the discomfort of Yeah, you were wrong about me, but also it's okay if people change, you know, like it's we're evolving creatures. It's okay if somebody changes in front of you or whatever. But, yeah, I did. I lost friends. Luckily, my husband's extremely supportive, um, and I think I just chose the truth and authenticity over acceptance on an ego level. And, you know, it's definitely an ego death, that's for sure.
Alex Ferrari 12:24
And and I assume that from what I understand and also in my own world, I mean, I'm not, I don't have your abilities. But doing a show like this, coming from where I came from, people are like, you're you're doing what? But the funny thing is now is, when I first started, they're like, this is crazy, but now they're calling me. So how'd you get your YouTube numbers like that? Like, how, like, like, they're just skipping over everything else. Like, how, what's going on? How are you doing? How many people are you reaching? So they're like, there's something going on, but they don't really understand. But they're like, but so many people are watching what is happening. So it's really interesting. I've seen older acquaintances who started at first kind of like, ah, but then, as you know, kept going to just like, huh, and they're starting to come in. But what you do, do find is new new friends, new social circles are created with like minded energy, like minded people that are just a different it's a similar thing is you're not friends with, I don't think you are with friends you were in middle school or in high school, like at that energy that made sense at that time in your life, but eventually you find new circles of friends and so on and so on. Does that make sense?
Michaela Firester 13:39
That's an encouraging way to think about it, and that's so true. And finding new circles and people that just meet you where you're at. And like you said, it's okay to grow out of people and have the times as memories, and then nothing's negative. Nothing's positive. It just is what it is. And yes, I have met because of this such an amazing circle of people who have a different, you know, similar perspective to mine, and like you do on the show. And it's, it's something that opens up your world more and more and more and allows them for opportunities that's so interesting. What you said, though about, yes, that is true, because they're like, Okay, crazy. Michaela, that's, you know, here she is doing this color thing, the color lady, but you know, now, oh, there's articles, okay, there's books there, you know, it's all of a sudden, it's like, oh, I guess other people thought you were correct, or somebody is resonating with it. It must be something to it. And I try, you know, with the ego, you know, you talk about that a lot on here, I'm sure it's like, you know what? It's a great motivator, that's for sure, in a very like, in that way, it's like, yeah, that's right. But then there's this other part of me that is like, you know what? It doesn't matter, because I would have done it anyway, you know, I would have done it anyway, and that, and that's. That keeps me, keeps me grounded, that you know?
Alex Ferrari 15:03
Well I always go by the this old saying that people come into your life for a reason, a season or life, and and they, there's many that come in for that season. Many come in for a reason quick and in and out, and others come in for your entire life, you know there. And those are, those are, those are the ones you hold on to as much as you can, because those are the true, true people. And you figure this out as you get older.
Michaela Firester 15:27
Exactly! Age helps.
Alex Ferrari 15:31
Age, it's one of the few things age helps.
Michaela Firester 15:34
You know, I I assign, the older I get, the the easier it is in this world, by the way, um,
Alex Ferrari 15:41
On a mental on a mental level and on a spiritual level, absolutely, it's the physical stuff that gets a little bit more challenging. When you used to, when you get out of bed, what's popping? Why is why is it popping?
Michaela Firester 16:00
I know, and I'm sitting there like, oh, I have neck pain. Well, it can't be me being old. I must be pleasing people too much. Like, I go into my my spiritual stuff, I'm like, That's not our greatest that's me holding on to other people's my pleaser issues energetically, you know?
Alex Ferrari 16:19
Or it could just be H, there's that tip, or it's false, or it's both. It's manifesting as that. So if I could just let go of that, it will clear itself out.
Michaela Firester 16:35
You got it.
Alex Ferrari 16:36
So let me ask you, with your with your experiences, with ors, is there any, any key experience that really shaped you, a reading or or a situation that you were in where this ability opened your eyes to something much larger, not only might have helped yourself, but helped the other person that might have been involved with it?
Michaela Firester 16:59
Oh, you know, I feel like that's the beauty of this work. I get to have so many experiences like that one that stands out to me as soon as you said that I had a client and she has a blue, yellow aura. Okay, so blues are very compassionate and kind and very like very much helpers. They automatically, okay, what do you need? I'll do it then that. And she's yellow, so she's organized and orderly and and likes things done a certain way. And she was working as, kind of like the office coordinator at an architecture firm. And you know, her job was just to make all the engineers, all the architects life easier. That was her whole job. So the owner wanted to sell, sell the business. And he said, Well, do you want to buy it? And she immediately, because, and this is what we worked through, she immediately was like, No, I'm not able to because that's not I'm not capable of it. And what we talked about with your aura is that you're not just a help that's you know, you can help yourself too, like your job doesn't have to be as a blue to just be someone else's assistant to their dream. You can also become a manifester and a coordinator of your own dream the way you help other people, you can help yourself, and the way you help yourself, in turn, can now help other people, because you can own the place and employ and whatnot and run it a really great way that runs it for years to follow, and you are allowed to get abundance from that. You don't always have to be the invisible helper and just that shift in her, in her perspective and her thinking and looking and taking her energy, which is just naturally and authentically help and and being like, hey, wait a second. I don't have to become an architectural logo of it like all of a sudden, overnight, just change who I am. I can do this exactly as I already am, just shifting the perspective of it, and now she owns it, and it has, you know, it's grown. It's on the East Coast, up and down and and I'm just so I was just so proud. This is like years in the making, and I've just been so proud of her for taking who she was, and just plugging it in in different ways. And I feel like we all for me that was like, Whoa, you know. Because how many things do you think you can't do? Because, oh, that's not for me. That's for someone else, when, in actuality, everything's for you. You just have to do it in the way that works best, as you you don't have to have a total lobotomy, you know, change somebody you know, change who you are, have a whole personality change and become someone else to do something, you're just going to do it in the way that works for you. And so that that shifted me a lot, and, and that's a really inspiring story in my own life. I think about her a lot, and I'm inspired by her so, so, yeah, that's. Is one of many stories I feel like that's touched me and and perhaps can help other people.
Alex Ferrari 20:05
Now, you've mentioned also in your work, Angel numbers and the ideas and what comes with that. Now I'm new to Angel numbers. I've heard a little bit about them. I know that people are pretty fascinated by angels in general. You know, are the archangels and angels in general. Can you explain to me what Angel numbers are?
Michaela Firester 20:29
Yes, okay, so, so many different interpretations, and I think they're all worth a look. This is mine. Okay, so I feel that we have you can call your high vibrational spirit team, and you can call them angels. You call them spirit guides. You can call them whatever you want. I feel like they're not human, and their job is for you to kind of line up with your life purpose. And they try to get your attention in a lot of ways, but they're high frequency, high vibrational beings, so that the way that they speak is different than how us humans can always perceive. But one of the ways, one of the things they can latch on to is numbers. Maths and numerology play a play a role into all of this. And it's just a way that they can grasp onto something that is very ubiquitous throughout society and culture numbers, and it's something they can latch on to. It's something they can kind of manipulate and and it's a way for them to, um, kind of program their messages into them. So I say, when you see numbers, a couple things are going to go on. So there's, you know, we've all heard like, 1112223, you know, sometimes you'll see a certain number all the time and and it's like, I always see, for example, I always see 716, I always see 716, sometimes you're going to see a certain number. That's just your number. And that's, that's a little different. And then the biggest thing I tell people is when you start seeing a number over and over again to the point where coincidence can't explain it anymore. Ask yourself how you feel when you see it, because they will program emotion into these number signs, and then you pick it up that way too. So it's the emotion, then it's the meaning of the numbers, and then it's what's going on right now in your life. It was like it this exact moment, because usually it has something to do with what's on your mind right now, for what's happening in this moment. So yeah, so they'll so they'll use repetitive numbers, repetitive number sequences, or sometimes, like I said, I see 716, you'll get a personal number, and that's if, if I call it like, like, let's say you're you're on the stage, and you look out into the crowd, and there's one person always there, just like, you know, I feel like that's their way of doing that for you. Like, I'm here. Sometimes it's not even like, I'm gonna help you out or anything. It's just support like that. It's like, Thanks. That's how I see that type of number. I call it on like a spirit wink, or your spirit number. And I feel like that happens when you have a really good relationship with your guides, but, but yeah, that in a nutshell. That's kind of what it means. And once you start seeing them, you cannot see they do pop up.
Alex Ferrari 23:22
They seem to pop up a lot, yeah, when you start seeing them, okay? And there's no way it's just, so it's just basically a communication tool with your, your spirit team and or angels to kind of talk to you in one way, shape or form.
Michaela Firester 23:38
Yeah, there's similar you can talk. Yeah, go ahead.
Alex Ferrari 23:40
It's very similar to, like, when a certain when you're going through something, and a certain song comes on the radio and it's the chorus is literally answering or telling you how to chill, or like, you gotta relax, or something like that, or everything's gonna be okay, or don't do this, or something like that. That happens all the time, right, correct?
Michaela Firester 24:01
Yeah. They have their various ways of getting your attention. Or you look up at a billboard and it happens to say, like, chill out or something, and you're like, oh, or you look at a license plate and, you know, it has a number or a saying or something on it, you're like, Okay, that's weird. Um, yeah. And I say too, you can talk back to them, for example, if, let's say, you want to speak, speak to them back, which I think is always a good idea, because it just makes the just talking to anybody makes the bond stronger. So you could use, you know, Angel numbers in your passwords, or angel numbers in your, let's say your your peloton screen name, or something like, use them back and see what happens, you know, play with them and see what happens. Like, if you if you donate money, you make it like an angel number. You know what I mean, little things like that. I feel like, amp up the relationship and allows the communication to be even stronger.
Alex Ferrari 24:56
Sounds good. Now, we were talking a lot about your. Ability to read auras, but you said, then you started getting messages. So at this point, you you're not just an aura reader. Now you're becoming more of a psychic in the sense of receiving messages from the other side. When that first happened, how did you deal with the voices in your head or the images popping in or this new thing that was probably overwhelming when you first had, when it first happened.
Michaela Firester 25:24
Right! I definitely felt crazy. I feel like that's and that is the truth, and I feel like people need to hear that, because you you do and and I did, and I've been to therapy, it's like,
Alex Ferrari 25:41
And you're not in and you're not a pet, you're not in a pet cell. So something went
Michaela Firester 25:42
Right, and I'm, you know, I'm free at home right now, yeah, exactly. So I'm like, you know? So, yes, you just feel crazy and and it's a lot of anxiety too. So when it first started, I wasn't listening, and I was trying to shut things down. So for example, I'll never forget I was, gosh, late 20s, and I was just at a game night with my girlfriend, and we were just playing a game together and and I'm like, is, does your sister have a I said something about like, does your sister have a an issue with this little personal information? I'm like, does your sister have an issue with her ovary? Like, I don't know. Her sister, her sister wasn't there. And why did I say that? You know? And my friend was like, she just, you know, there's, there was this whole backstory where, yes, basically, long story short, she's like, how? But she was really freaked out. And she's like, why did you say that? And I'm like, I don't know, because another thing that happens is you just start talking, and things just pop out of your mouth. And sometimes you can come off as socially off, and you're not sitting in like you say things all the time. It's really weird. Um, I have been doing this a really long time, and I still can't control it sometimes. Um, yeah, I was actually my daughter's in ballet. She's nine, and I was at the I was in the waiting room with all the mom the Dance Moms. And I'm trying to be normal. Okay, it's the first, it's the first second class of dance. I'm trying to be normal and and I'm just like, This is so random, Alex. And I don't Okay, and I go, I I wish my uncle would move to Key West. He's gay and he's all alone, and he lives in Palm Springs. And I really wish he'd moved to Key West to be near Pixar in Boynton Beach. And he loves Key West. Why did I tell anybody this?
Alex Ferrari 27:42
You said this out loud.
Michaela Firester 27:43
This is just out loud. They don't care. I have witnesses. They don't they don't care. They don't know me. My phone buzzes. I look down. It's my mom texting me. She's like your uncle just had a heart attack. And I start crying again. I'm trying to be normal. And I said, Guys, are you know that Uncle I just mentioned they, they probably think I'm crazy, like, I actually dread going back there on Tuesday. My point is, it still happens. He's okay, by the way, my uncle's okay. But my point is, it still happens. It's easier to set up times in readings where the person I'm talking to expects it, and it's information that they find useful, you know? So it's a lot easier when it's it's an arrangement between me and the other person, and I can just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and they're like, cool, you know. So, so, yes, when you talk about the different voices, I've learned, very quickly. I learned the difference between ego angels or spirit guides and dead people. Those are kind of like the three main Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 28:51
Oh, so you do. You're a medium as well.
Michaela Firester 28:54
When it comes up in a reading sometimes I can't I get what I get. Like, I always tell them, If I don't control the reading, like, once I start talking, I don't know what's going to come up. And sometimes dead people do give me messages. I work way better with photos, like photos of people who pass. It's my touchstone. But yeah, I can if they're talking to me. I can because they're just people. But I always start with aura, that's kind of my thing, and then I open the door.
Alex Ferrari 29:21
So then, so, but, but it's not like you see dead people walking around. It's just just, they're just one of the of the the multitude of voices coming in through the from the other side. It could just be, it could be Uncle Bob, or it could be your spirit guide, or it could be an angel or an Ascended Master or ex relative, or something along those lines, but you're not seeing them walking around or anything like that. That's not what you do.
Michaela Firester 29:45
No, I don't see them that way. I see them in my third eye, and I hear them and they just they sound different. I've learned what they all feel like. They feel like different voices to me. Uh, but so
Alex Ferrari 30:02
So do you like when you're in the dance mom scenario, that just seems like you're just blurting stuff out for you Have you just walked up to somebody and go, you really, it's your mom. Okay, she really needs to check on that lump on the back of her neck. It's probably a pro. Like, I don't know where you just blurt out, you know, did you have an aunt Jane? She's here. She's got a message for you. Like, is that happened as well?
Michaela Firester 30:29
It has. And I hate I'm I feel like, yes, it has happened. And I guess what I'm really good at is shutting it down because I have to, because it it, and I don't like being in groups of people, because it gets worse. And I, you know, parties or places where there's a lot of people, dinner parties, or, like my nightmare, or whatever.
Alex Ferrari 30:59
Disneyland, definitely not Disneyland.
Michaela Firester 31:03
Oh my gosh, you know. And so I've, I have learned to shut it down. But you know, even something like going to a Zumba class, and this is what happened. And you know, the instructor, I just keep getting her, you know, her dad's talking to me. Her dad's talking to me. Her dad says, Ask about the brother. Ask about the brother. Who George says Hi, and I'm like, you know, and like, I'm to the type of per and I'll not everybody wants to hear from a random person saying this, of course, and yes. And this person is, was the Zoom instructor. She's, like, really religious, and she's very Catholic. And I was raised Catholic, so I get it and, and there's parts of me because I've dealt with it. I've heard, you know, you're evil or or this is, this is wrong,
Alex Ferrari 31:50
The devil's work obviously.
Michaela Firester 31:52
Yes, I've heard that, and it hurts me so bad that I've learned to shut it down. Now, I did tell but I waited,
Alex Ferrari 32:01
What happened? What happened?
Michaela Firester 32:03
Yeah, she's like, Oh, my dad passed. You ever worried about my brother? You know, like that. She was cool.
Alex Ferrari 32:08
She you know, what's fascinating. So I'm a recovering Catholic as well. So what's really interesting about, about that is, at least what I mean, I come from a Latino background. So in the Latino background, this kind of psychic mediums talking to the dead other side is really ingrained. The mystical stuff is ingrained in the bloodline of Latinos. And as a general statement, it's just in our, our DNA. So I was raised hearing about, oh yeah, and your aunt does this, or you need to go to this person, or all that kind of stuff. Um, but Catholics in general, you either get the you get the very open Catholic, or you get the a Catholic. That's like, You're the devil. There's no There's no gray there's really no gray area. It's like you're gonna get someone like, Oh yeah, yeah, my dad died. Oh yeah. Think down, thanks. Or you're the devil. Get away from me. Where's my crucifix? Kind of vibe, so but Catholics, I've noticed, at least from my experiences, many Catholics, depending on a lot of variables, are they kind of are open to this kind of stuff, because the Near Death Experience phenomenon that's kind of started in the 70s, started to open these doors a bit even something is like The Exorcist, and those kind of movies open the door to this kind of conversation, or at least understanding of it. Would you agree?
Michaela Firester 33:31
I absolutely agree with you. Being in South Florida, it was such a different experience too, reading Latino Catholic people, because I'm like, Oh, they're so well thank you, because I'm from Midwest, like Irish Catholic people, and they're like, no, oh my god, okay, good. And so and, but you hear things. You hear, like, ready, and you hear, Oh yeah, yeah. Sometimes it's a compliment. Sometimes it's not, you know, and so, but yeah, I feel like we're I feel very fortunate to be in this timeline at this time, because even though it's not 100% accepted it, there are spaces we can go to talk about it, and people don't look at you like you have three heads, or like you're evil and and that, and that is something that I learned how to, you know, if a drawer shuts in your face, okay, okay, you know, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna knock on. I'm not here to to sell it to anyone who doesn't believe that people are already into it. Yeah, yeah. I respect if it's not for you.
Alex Ferrari 34:48
You can't. You know when I, when I first became is a great joke, when I first became vegan years ago, and I'm, I'm vegetarian now, but when I, when I was vegan a decade or was I. A friend of mine, you know how you don't do you know how you can tough? Someone's a vegan, they'll tell you. And that whole, and that whole kind of prophecy, like or not prophecy, but when you're trying to convert, you're trying to convert, you're trying to, you know, tell everybody the gospel of whatever you're doing, and it's very you can't I discovered early on you can't do that, even though you might believe that there's benefits to this or benefits to that, and that's everything from diet to religion to what stocks to buy, what software to use, Mac, PC, all of that. You can't try to convert people. You have to kind of wait for them to be ready and curious about what you're doing, for that to even work, because there's no way you're going to tell someone a bruja, which means you're rich if you're saying that, probably not going to be a positive scenario. You're not going to convince them in a debate, essentially, would you agree?
Michaela Firester 36:00
Exactly, yeah, and that's not my I think some people like to do that. I don't, but yeah, you're absolutely right, yeah. Um, so it's hard. It's hard.
Alex Ferrari 36:11
Now you were talking a little bit about, um, the timeline that you're on. What do you what have you seen? What can you have you been seeing things about this current timeline, where we're going, because it seems we're in a nutty time. This is kind of nutty. There's a lot of crazy happening. I've been on this earth for a while now, and have been through a few decades. This is probably the craziest. And I was raised in the 80s, with the Cold War, and we're going to die at any second time. But this is different, and it's, it seems like it's almost like a stirring up the stuff from the ground up, as opposed to what's been in the past. Like we need to get this up so we can clean it out. Kind of vibe, what do you what are you seeing?
Michaela Firester 36:58
All of that that feels so accurate to me. So with the way that and I can only talk about how I interpret things, but the way I've been seeing things in readings, for example, just because I read a lot of people individually and like, trajectories are changing, and trajectories feel up in the air. So the future is a funny thing. The way I read it, some things are very set in stone, and some things feel like, you know, so choose your own adventure. And then lately it's been feeling fuzzy, and I feel like that's because the state of the world, and it kind of, I don't make world projections. That's not my thing, but it does feel like a fuzziness in the state of the world, like nothing's decided yet. So when we're like, what's happening next, or what's going to happen in November, like I don't feel like anything is decided yet.
Alex Ferrari 37:57
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Michaela Firester 38:33
And that, to me, feels like is is reflecting in everybody else's trajectory or timeline. You could call it sometimes I call it trajectories. And I feel like we got a lot of different ones, and I feel like we could be on one. And you know when you've shifted it, because you're like, you can think back the times in your life, and you're, you're, oh my gosh, is there a version of me that didn't make that one choice and now I'm still doing that, or is there a version of me that's doing something completely different. And I feel like this is the time where everybody has to get very purposeful in their own life. Decide what it is that's most important to you and write it down and put it at the forefront of your thoughts. Because I feel like otherwise, we're going to kind of get tossed around in the current of what's about to happen. So, so yeah, it feels fuzzy, and I feel like there's a lot of personal responsibility for us all individually to figure out what's next for us and what our intentions are. That's, that's what I've been getting the people. And that's general sounding, but on a personal level, like that's going to sound different to each person. Like, you know, I want to work for myself. Okay, what's today's step on that? You know? What are you going to do? Because, because we can't live an indecision. We got to make some we got to make some moves, or I want to move. Okay, are you looking are, you know, and, well, I can't move. I don't have enough money. I'm like, Who made that narrative? Like, who made, you know? Why are you making that agreement? What if it's the same? Amount, like, why would it be more? You know, why are you making stories that aren't real to keep you stuck? So it's kind of like getting real with yourself and goal setting on a 5d plane. Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 40:12
You said what you just said, like preparing for what's going to happen, that what's going to happen. Thing is the fuzzy part right now, because there's something, there's something coming. Um, yeah, there's some jarring thing, and I'm not trying to, I don't think there's going to be a bomb or a war or anything like that, but there's a shift coming. There's something happening to humanity, and we could all see it, and we could all feel it, you know, and some of us feel it differently than others, but there's something shifting. There's definitely something happening. And there could be some event like 2020. Was an event, a global event, that really shook the planet, or and didn't really shake the planet, shook humanity. The planet was actually doing quite nice during the shutdown. Planet was doing great. It actually flourished during the shutdown. But for humanity, humanity got a big etch, a sketch, you know, shaking of the I know I just dated myself. For everyone who got that joke, I support you and I salute you, but, but it seemed like the entire the entire species, got a shake in that time. I feel that there's something else like that coming. And I don't think in an I won't say it's not in a negative way, but I don't think it's in a catastrophic way, meaning that we can't come back from whatever we go through. From my understanding, things are going to get rough, and they're going to continue to get rough and even get rougher. But without that, that journey, we can't grow. We can't get past it like in our own lives, our struggles are what define us. Is that make all Does that make sense for you for you?
Michaela Firester 41:51
Yeah, it's it's a it's a trial, and you we don't grow in the good times. We grow in the hard times. So I feel like what you're saying, Yeah, with humanity, we've grown a lot in a lot of different ways. I feel like we're all a lot more aware than we were pre covid. And I do feel like, you know, it's interesting, like with social media and the way we connect, we shift like a school of fish all of us like, and it's quicker and it's more rapid. And I have this feeling that we're going to want to stop doing that. I feel like people are going to want to take a step back and take a look at the collective consciousness and be like, maybe I don't want to always click like and subscribe on that. Like, maybe I want to sit back and just, you know, because everything's like, it's either it the world was, it's been very 3d like, you're either this way or this way. You either feel this or you feel that there's right or wrong, there's choice one, there's Choice two. And I feel like people are like, No, I'm choosing choice nope, and I'm choosing something completely different. And I feel like it's going to impact and this is where, like, this is beyond me, but it could be just the way that our society interacts in on all facets, financially, you know, communication, globally, just interpersonally, through nationally and out through nations and whatnot. Um, so it just feels like the way that we're going to talk to each other is very different. I mean, I feel like it's fuzzy again, it feels fuzzy because it hasn't been decided yet. But what to what you said definitely feels like a trial, and definitely feels like a time where the only control you have is yourself. So what can you do to get right right now, and they will try to distract you with a lot of stuff making you outside of your life. Because I feel like the definitely wants us out of our own life. So we're not paying attention to the stuff we can control. Keep paying attention to stuff you can't control. No, no. Go back to you. Pay attention to what you can control, and start there. And that's that's the only way to heal anything. So that's that's been my advice. It's my advice for people and myself.
Alex Ferrari 44:06
Now you said, you mentioned the economy, that's another area that I feel that is going to be I mean, we're due. We haven't had anything major since, oh, eight we it's normally every seven to 10 years. We are way, overdue for something, just on an economic way up and downs that for the last 100 years, since the markets were open. What do you see for in the energy of the economy moving forward? Because it seems like right now, there's some there's some cracks from inflation to jobs to equal pay, not equal pay, just pay in general. Here in the West, all of that kind of stuff. Where do you see that going?
Michaela Firester 44:52
I feel like when people, when the system's not working for people, they just are like, All right, we're not going to work with the system. We just won't believe it anymore. You know, the system isn't real. It's only because enough people agree with it that it even works. And I feel like the apathy towards the system, the apathy towards how things are, you know, could cause a destabilization and and I think that that is something I'm not smart enough, my in my brain to talk about what that looks like on Wall Street, or what that looks like in global markets. But I do feel like it's a destabilization, and it's an apathy, and it's people with a distrust and um, and I feel like nothing's i They never want to scare anyone, like nothing's bad, nothing's good. Things just are and what you do is you just get yourself flexible and adapt, adaptable enough to deal with whatever's coming. That's what I'm trying to do. So I do feel that there is going to be, like you said, though the statistics support it. So it's not like this is even psychic, like I feel a destabilization and some sort of just collapse, and mostly just people being like, Ugh, I don't want to, I don't want to believe in it anymore. And I feel like we're going to need a new system to believe in, which scares me, because I don't know what that system is.
Alex Ferrari 46:13
Well, you know, what's funny is that you were mentioning that we all need to believe it for the system to work or to buy into it. Well, I mean, the biggest one of all is money. In general, money is paper. It's literally little pieces of paper. There's no inherent value other than what we've projected onto it is a fascinating social experiment. Money. You know, where before gold was money. It still is, to a certain extent. There's still value in gold and sub value and silver, and has been for 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of years. There is inherent value in the metal and what it could do. But paper is just paper. So if everyone all, if tomorrow, all of a sudden, I hand $100 bill American to somebody, and they'll go, I don't believe that's worth $100 we got a problem.
Michaela Firester 47:00
Yeah, yeah. Ask any country that's had a major revolution, you know, like, that's, oh,
Alex Ferrari 47:05
Germany, Germany, Venezuela. I mean, the list goes on and on of rapid inflation. Japan. It's, yeah, it's pretty, it's pretty, pretty fascinating how that all works. I do believe that these old systems, you're right, are are starting to show their cracks in every aspect of society, religious institutions, you and I are both recovering Catholics. I mean, the Vatican, hello. I mean the Catholic Church was the institution. It was infallible. Up until a few, a couple decades ago, there's a couple things that came out that is starting to show cracks, and people are also not believing in that narrative anymore, and not just the pick on the Catholics, all major religions, all major institutions, healthcare, food, the economy, education. You know, people like the whole educate, like you need to get a four year degree to make it in this world. Yeah, that's changed. To a certain extent. Depends on where you what kind of job you're going for, you know, but you know, a four year degree as a film student come from the film industry. Are you out $180,000 for a film degree. It's criminal. It's criminal. Criminal, I believe it is.
Michaela Firester 48:29
We got sold a bill of goods when we were of age.
Alex Ferrari 48:33
Yeah, you had to go to a certain Yeah, you had to go to do something and and that doesn't so all these institutions, people are starting to and I think it really has, has a lot to do with the Internet. The amount of information that we're being able to exchange is unprecedented, and we're all starting to see behind the Great and Powerful eyes, behind the curtain, and we're like, oh, it's just an old dude pulling some levers, yeah, not a great and powerful and we're all starting to see that. And then once our foundation that we've been programmed with all our life is now shaken to the core, then we become lost, and we're looking for answers, which is why this show is doing as well as it is, and other shows like it, and people like you are your work is growing because people are looking for answers. People are looking for guidance, because they what they held on to, their North Star is gone, and now they're starting to find, look for other answers, and then start to look within themselves, which can be extremely scary. Would you do agree?
Michaela Firester 49:34
I absolutely agree. I my biggest passion is empowering people to find answers in them. And I know you do the same thing. It's nothing's outside of you. I see my role as a teacher as creating a context in which you just discover things that were already there. That's all you know, just same as what I was teaching middle school kids. You know, I don't put the knowledge in your brain. Right? I just make a situation where it can be revealed to you as it already always was within you. That's it. And I feel like you know you're doing that in this in this arena. It's if something sounds interesting to you with an open mind, take a look and see what's calling inside of you to that because there's something in you that needs to hear it. Is aching to hear it. We're so good this world is really good at making us ignore that little voice like, Ooh, what's that? By saying that's nonsense, or that's silly, or you're foolish, or whatever. That's just, you can listen to anything and and, you know, believe it or not, yourself, and so, so, yeah, so exactly the knowledge in you, that's what we all gotta dig into, because it's already there. It's just uncovering the programming so that we can get to it, because there's a lot of programming and a lot of ego voice that will discourage you, and a lot of anxiety that will build up as you dig into these different arenas for self discovery, because you know, your body just reacts to the soul Awakening, which can cause a lot of physical symptoms and, and, and that's something that can be really scary and can stop people, but it's just feelings and it's it's just fear, and it's what we can move through. But yeah, everything you've said, finding it in yourself is the key.
Alex Ferrari 51:34
If, if someone just happened to turn on this show for the first time and has been watching this conversation and their head is exploding because we're talking about things you and I are talking about. Both of us are it's old hat. Essentially, we understand this at a deeper level, right? But for many people listening, this is going to be a nuclear bomb going off in their minds, and their foundation is going to start to rattle. Cracks are going to occur. What advice do you have for people who are obviously, if they've gotten this far in this conversation, they're truly curious about what's happening, and they're really looking for this information and just curious about what we're talking about. But if they're having struggles within themselves to not not to, I don't care if you believe or don't believe, but just with this awakening that they're going through, what advice do you have for people who are going through that?
Michaela Firester 52:26
Um, my advice would be, you know, two things can be true. Um, my advice would be, you can keep your mindset and explore another one. Um, kind of like you can live in your hometown and go travel somewhere else. You know, it's just, it's just letting information flow, and it's also your what you're curious about is key. If you're curious about something, it's it's worth a look, because curiosity, way I see it, is your soul asking you, please. Can we go and from, you know, little kids are very curious, and we tell them, come on, you know, move it along. We're busy today. You know, you've been taught to tone down the curiosity. I'm saying, Turn it back up. There's nothing wrong with curiosity. And finally, if you're in a spot where you're feeling really anxious and stressed, and I mean crazy things can happen when you go through a spiritual awakening. You can wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. You can feel, you know, you can see things talking to you. You can feel things touching you. You can you can hear things. You can get messages. You can see stuff. You can feel like you're having a total personality shift and and you you can also have physical symptoms too. You can feel really sick. You can start, you know, getting, you know, different physical issues as well. And I always say I'm very grounded. I love doctors, I love therapists, I love all those people that help us, of course. But two things can be true. You could be going through a spiritual awakening, because it can make you feel absolutely wack wackadoo, and it's, it's you're okay, you're okay. There's nothing happening to you, except you're waking up and and shedding a lot of programming, and your body's reacting to that it's kind of like being on a roller coaster all the time, and your adrenaline's like spiking, spiking. It will normalize until you go through your next level up, and then it'll start again. But then you're used to it. You're used to it.
Alex Ferrari 54:35
It's a detox.
Michaela Firester 54:36
Ego desk.
Alex Ferrari 54:37
It's a detox, it's a detox. It's essentially a detox. Michaela, now I have to ask you this, and I don't want to, I don't want a reading or anything like that. But can you see my auras? And I'd love to know what my colors are. That's all. That's all I want. I want any future readings. I just love to hear,
Michaela Firester 54:54
I promise, just colors. No, I love it. And I think like, I like colors because they don't scare people. You. You know, for the most part, it's just colored. So you are really cool, Alex, you have a really deep so I see, so your aura is like, you know, big, and then your Indigo is really large. So Indigo is deeply empathic. And somebody who, you know, I feel like you have this light working purpose, obviously, and it's something that you just know and you feel the need to do, to help others. That's a big Indigo thing. A lot of Indigos I do see in light working work, and sometimes as therapists and whatnot. So Indigo, you also have purple. Purples intuitive. It makes sense why you're not scared of the Woo, woo, you know, creative, and also, you know, spontaneous and like you can handle, you can handle things that are a little chaotic. I feel like you actually make really good decisions in chaotic moments, and that works for you. So you could be across that bridge when I come to it. Kind of guy, you also. Now, most people only have two order colors for you three. You also have, and this one's really flipping cool, because I usually don't see it, but you have a little orange. It's not a lot. It's a little orange. Is Man, it's, it's like, I see it when people are really merging their life purpose with their just living meaning. You're Alex, this is who you are. A synergy like synergy is really important to orange auras. It's kind of like, okay, everything I see, how do we connect it, and how do we pool it, and how do we move it forward, you know? And you're probably always thinking about this stuff, and it's like a buzzing thing. It's always going on and and oranges have, like, a lot of vision, and everyone in an orange or his life is involved. So like any any personal relationships, it's like, oh, that's your job. And we're gonna, like, everyone's just involved, because you can't separate this, Alex from dinner table Alex, you know. So it's kind of just all together, and it works for you, because it's like a contagious joint. I guess you're like, I'm just gonna try, you know, like that. So three aura colors, but orange is, is it could probably get really big sometimes, and then sometimes, it's a hard energy to hold, because it's kind of like, it can it can surge. You got to take advantage of the surges. Remember, because you're, you're, you're, like, my age, so you probably were in, what was it like? What was that class where you made the cars and you had to put the CO two cartridge in it? Do you remember the shop or something?
Alex Ferrari 57:42
Yeah, I never had shop. I never had shop. But I understand we I have heard of it. It was in the school. I just didn't take the class. But yes.
Michaela Firester 57:50
We used to make these cards because we would. I don't think they do that anymore, with tools and trusted anyway.
Alex Ferrari 57:58
Saws saw
Michaela Firester 58:00
I'm like, 15 with a saw like okay.
Alex Ferrari 58:05
Power drill
Michaela Firester 58:07
Yeah, it was like, I was 15. Anyway, we made these cars, and you put in like a co2 cartridge, and it would go really fast. That's orange. It's like a co2, but then it burns out. You got to give it some time, and then it builds up again. Then you can do it again, kind of like your power boost. Anyways, that's your aura.
Alex Ferrari 58:29
It's my nos from the Fast and Furious. It's my nos, if you will. That's what it is. It burns quick, but it burns fast and hot. So,
Michaela Firester 58:38
Yeah, not Oh, my God, I even seen that movie in so long.
Alex Ferrari 58:43
But you understand nos and you understand exactly, yeah,
Michaela Firester 58:48
That's great. You're like, punch it and that's your orange.
Alex Ferrari 58:52
Well, thank you for that. I just was curious, because I have, I don't think I've had my aura red before. If I have, I don't remember like it was, but that was a was glad I have three. I have three. That's awesome. That's really nice.
Michaela Firester 59:05
Pretty rare. Tri colors are rare, and it's hard to be a tri color because there's lots of good ideas all at the same time.
Alex Ferrari 59:13
Oh, yeah, that's a problem. Yeah. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Michaela Firester 59:23
Living a fulfilled life is understanding who you are authentically and not compromising that in every tiny choice you make, whether that is you know what you're ordering at breakfast, or you know you're hanging out with or what conversations you're having, there is a reflection going on, and you're saying, Okay, this is authentic to me, or this isn't, and making choices based on that, that's that's really living a full life. It doesn't mean you don't have to go anywhere else other than where you're at to live it.
Alex Ferrari 59:54
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Michaela, what advice would you give her?
Michaela Firester 59:58
I would say. You don't you're lovable, even when you're not pleasing other people. And I would say that to her.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:07
How do you define God or Source?
Michaela Firester 1:00:09
God is there is, uh, an intelligent energy that has unconditional acceptance for us and love for us, and it there is a space that we return to, where we're closer in that presence in a more pure form. What is love? Love is accepting somebody exactly as they are and having them do the same for you. And what is the ultimate purpose of life? The ultimate purpose of life is to share with others unselfishly and unconditionally, what has helped you to help them and to provide validation and context for them to experience their authentic selves as well.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:54
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?
Michaela Firester 1:00:58
Well, you can find me on Instagram @MysticMichaela. My podcast is, Know Your Aura with Mystic Michaela, and my book is What's my Aura? and it's available anywhere you buy books.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:10
Do you have a website?
Michaela Firester 1:01:11
I do knowyouraura.com. I'm really bad at self promotion Alex.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:18
I could see that. I can see that
Michaela Firester 1:01:23
Alex Ferrari 1:01:24
And where and what's do you have any parting messages?
Michaela Firester 1:01:28
I'm just so grateful I got to be in this beautiful, like sharing and caring space. I'm such a fan of your show. I just love your compassion, and I just love how you just bring insight to people in in just valued ways. So thank you for letting me be part of this little community here.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:46
Oh, thank you so much for coming on the show. It has been a pleasure talking to you. I learned a ton about a bunch of stuff I didn't know about, which is always a always a pleasure. And thank you again for helping awaken the planet. So I appreciate you. Thank you again.
Michaela Firester 1:02:00
Thank you, Alex.
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