Man Shown the FIVE LEVELS of HEAVEN on PROFOUND Near Death Experience (NDE) with Masati

On today’s episode, we welcome Masati, a profound explorer of consciousness and near-death experiences, who has crossed the veil not once but three times. His journey is one of spiritual discovery, immense transformation, and an enduring quest to understand the essence of existence. Through these experiences, Masati has gained unparalleled insights into the multi-layered nature of reality, from time and space to the deeper truths of human identity.

From the moment of his first near-death experience, Masati found himself detached from the physical, immersed in a place of boundless possibilities. “It’s like pure white, a realm of potential and creation,” he shared. This awakening ignited his thirst for knowledge about the universe’s architecture and our place within it. Over time, he would learn to rewrite the narratives of his life, a practice he now uses to help others shift their perspectives and transcend their limitations.

His second crossing brought him into a deeper understanding of spiritual mechanics. As he drowned in Belize, pulled into an underwater void, Masati experienced an expansiveness unlike anything before. This time, he transcended the tunnel of light and accessed what he calls the “universal database” or the ultimate collective consciousness. “You realize you can rewrite the meaning of what happened to you, and in doing so, transform your present and future,” he explained. This realization, while liberating, also led to years of dark nights of the soul, as he learned to integrate these higher truths into a grounded life.

In his third near-death experience, Masati reached what he terms “the mastery level.” Hovering at the edge of the universe, he experienced a state of pure awareness beyond identity, judgment, or reference points. “In pure spirit, you don’t have a physical or human identity. You simply are.” This profound state allowed him to reshape not just his understanding of existence but also his physical being. Emerging with a renewed vitality, he now serves as a bridge between the ethereal and the tangible, helping others tap into their limitless potential.


  1. The Power of Perspective: Our lives are shaped by the meanings we assign to events. By shifting perspective, we can transform past pain into present empowerment.
  2. Time as Fluid: Time and space are not rigid but malleable constructs. Masati’s experiences teach us that through higher awareness, we can transcend their limitations.
  3. Living Authentically: True abundance and fulfillment come from aligning with our limitless spiritual selves, not through external validation or material possessions.

As we navigate the challenges of life, Masati’s story reminds us that we are more than our physical selves, our possessions, or our struggles. His life exemplifies the profound power of awakening to our intrinsic potential and embracing the infinite possibilities that lie within.

Please enjoy my conversation with Masati.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 530

Masati 0:00
Consciousness is becoming more and more transparent. Time and space is becoming more efficient, because in pure spirit, you don't have a physical identity. You don't have a human identity. The third one allowed me to maintain that space of no identity at all is like, do not reference yourself compared to your physical possessions, because your physical possessions are limited compared to who you are. And then I realized it's like, Oh, I'm dead. And then it was sadness for maybe a split second. But then you have so much joy and so much expansiveness at that moment that you don't even think about your physical body anymore. You have a choice, so to speak, you already created that experience of going back.

Alex Ferrari 0:44
You don't have to pack your bags, get on a train, move what there is no time and space.

Masati 0:49
There is no time and space. So as soon as you think you're done, you're there,

Alex Ferrari 0:52
You died the third time. What happened at the mastery level?

I like to welcome the show Masati, how you doing Masati?

Masati 1:07
I'm doing well. Thank you so much for having me Alex.

Alex Ferrari 1:09
Thank you so much for coming on the show, my friend. It's so fun that you just happened to be here in Austin.

Masati 1:14
Isn't that crazy?

Alex Ferrari 1:15
I mean, we started off as a zoom call, yes. And then I'm like, where are you? Like, Oh, in Austin, I go Texas and, like, just drive over and we're here now. So this, I think, is going to be a better experience.

Masati 1:26
Absolutely, it's beautiful place here, and I guess the universe provides, right?

Alex Ferrari 1:29
Well, I mean, this is, this has not happened ever. I've never had someone just because I always ask people, where are you in the world? Like, I'm just curious where you happen to be zooming in from and when you said, Austin, I'm like, that's what? So that's very usually, there's more communication. I don't know how it missed we we missed that, but we're here, so we are here. So thank you so much for coming, man. You've, you've had an interesting life, to say the least. Yeah, so I wanted to talk to you a bit about your near death experience, but before we get into that, what was your life like before you died and came back?

Masati 2:05
Several times.

Alex Ferrari 2:08
Let's go to the first one, first time, yeah, and then, and then stop dying.

Masati 2:11
Okay, yeah, I think this is the last time, okay. But, you know, I think the biggest thing is the near deaths that I've had was is a conscious near death experience. Because there's a lot of near deaths. It's not as unusual as we think it is. You know, there's 1000s actually a day, documented near death a day. So the big difference with me is that, again, as a conscious near death where I really wanted to find out the answers of the universe, how this reality works, how life works, how to just to be, like, well, truly happy, like, intrinsically happy, because, because, you know, I've looked at, I've looked at, you know, a lot of spiritual teachings, a lot of religious teaching, but you know, the people practicing them didn't look all that happy, or on the up and up sometimes Exactly. So I was like, hmm, so, you know, as a young kid, and I'm talking about being like, 18,19,20, you know, and I looked at the, you know, the wealth side as well, the success side, and I'm going, Gosh, they're not that happy either. You know, they still have the same issues. Although they had the money that, you know, they were just more comfortable with their discomfort. I guess you can put it that way. So, so and as a, as a young, you know, as a young kid, like in my early 20s, I'm wondering is like, gosh, you know, I don't want to grow up to be like them. You know that that generation, and I think as a, again, a younger generation, we want to separate, not because we, you know, we just don't want to turn into all the mistakes of our past, because we seem to have amnesia. We seem to recreate issues over and over again in the world, and that's what we're seeing here today in the world. So with that being said, you know, I had that thirst or knowledge to want something so badly that, well, I got it through the first near death experience, which was a warehouse job, 22 okay, I was 22 warehouse job, going to college, you know, wondering what life is all about. You know, planning out, you know, the next steps and what happened one day, and it was an ominous day. It's always ominous. It's interesting. All my near deaths have always that day, you know, it always feels really, really different, like the air just feels different, the quality of, you know, the essence of, you know, space and time feel really, really different. You know, I was really deeply questioning, you know, my state of being, and I was at work, and I used to unload rail cars for a college job, and the wall that was it was stuck the wall in between to keep the products in place. That was stuck so I forgot to climb up and release the wall. You know, it's a half ton wall, and in my teammates were, you know, pulling underneath. And then all sudden, the wall just gave way. And. I slid with, with the wall all the way across, and I got in. The wall stopped by my jaw. My jaw got crushed in between, yeah, so just imagine, remember, you know metal members, you know roof members, just like, and I was stuck. I was just like, hanging, and I could actually see myself, and that was the coolest thing ever, Alex, because you're above you, or above you, or next to you, or something like that. Yeah, I was like, above and looking at myself, I'm going, that's it. That's good. That does not look good at all, you know. But I didn't realize that I was dead, right? Which was really crazy, you know, like, you know, like, and then I, and this is the conscious part. It's like, it's like, what am I doing over there, if I am over here, you know? And then I realized it's like, Oh, I'm dead. And then it was sadness for maybe a split second. But then you have so much joy and so much expansiveness at that moment that you don't even think about your physical body anymore. You don't think about, you know, your loved ones and so on like that, because it's just like, whoa. It's, it's just crazy how beautiful that layer is. And then from there, I sent it into where, you know, I went into a life review. There's, you know, you see the tunnel of light. So you went through a tunnel, yeah, you go through a tunnel of light. It is brilliance. And some people go, Well, it's the optic nerve and all that it, it really isn't. You're in another consciousness. One, I was out of my body, you know. Two, you know, it's, it's this thing that just consumes you. And you think you're in a tunnel, but in reality, you're really not. It's just a space of just pure possibilities. That's what, you know, pure white is about pure possibilities. There's different layers of possibilities. The first layer sometimes people go where they, you know, go their loved ones, meet, meet them, right? You know, their dogs, loved ones, whoever's crossed over. You know, they introduced them. I went into the fourth or fifth layer of that, where it was a life review. And that life review, Alex, it wasn't about, you know, somebody keeping score, where, you know, you did this wrong, you did this right, and then they tally up the score, you know. And then you either go to heaven or you go down to the other place, yeah, you know, it wasn't like that at all. It was literally reviewing your life as a high level being and looking at it, and it's like, oh, okay, that's why that happened. That's why that happened. That's why this happened. So you start to see it from, say, a college grad level or a PhD level consciousness, rather than, you know, a kindergarten level of awakening.

Alex Ferrari 7:41
So when you were in, when you were doing your life review, and you get there, is there any other beings guiding you, anything like that, or is it just you?

Masati 7:49
There's you feel presences, but I didn't see anybody.

Alex Ferrari 7:53
So Uncle Bob didn't show up. No, no, okay, so Uncle Bob didn't those are at the lower Uncle Bob didn't show up. And your spirit guides might be there, but they're not making themselves known, that there's someone walking a presence around. Yeah, there's something going on. Yeah. From what I've heard, when you have life reviews, it's they said the closest thing to it is, like, in the Minority Report, when Tom Cruise is kind of like going through the scenes and there's like videos going in and out. They say it's similar to that, but you're able to fly into the moment and feel what happened in that moment. Did that happen?

Masati 8:27
True! Yes, so. And that's what and again, another conscious experience is that I had the life review. And it's not like you're observing your life. You're in the life. Re experiencing, like 22 years for me Sure, in maybe mere seconds,

Alex Ferrari 8:44
But both sides of the of the experience so meaning you're what you were experiencing and maybe what you were doing to somebody else, or no?

Masati 8:50
Besides No, you were reliving yourself in your moment, from my point of view, got it, reliving everything, but from a very high level state of consciousness,

Alex Ferrari 9:00
Almost as an observer, looking at at, like, oh, that's you were looking at a movie, almost, but feeling it. No, you're in the movie, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay. So you're in a movie, but you're also observing it. It sounds like, because you say PhD level,

Masati 9:13
Well, you're you stepped into the moment, and then when you're done reviewing, you step back out. Okay, so it's like you're in the ride.

Alex Ferrari 9:21
So you jump into the ride, but you're jumping in the ride, not like a kindergartner, but as a PhD guy,

Masati 9:26
And you, and you go through life and you go, Oh, that's why this happened. Oh, that's why this happened. So you can't really change what happened, because that's written in the sands of time. But the important thing is, is that you can rewrite the the meaning of what happened, and that's really key, because that's what I use today that transform, you know, not only my life, but you know 1000s of mothers around, where you can change, or you can edit what happens to you. You know you can change the meaning of what's happened to you, what changes your present focus, or the possibilities of where you can go. Go into the present moment.

Alex Ferrari 10:02
So when you say changing the meaning of it. So if in your life something happened, and in your life based on your own programming, based on your own experiences, you look at a situation through that lens, but when you're on the other side, the lens is completely clear, and you're seeing it from a very high, high level. So you go, oh, so when I got hit by that car, it was the worst day of my life, because I just ruined my brand new car. And I'm 16, exactly when you go back, you go, Oh, no, I needed that, because if I wouldn't have done that, I would have kept going faster and faster, and I would have died absolutely something along those lines,

Masati 10:37
Yes or it's like, oh, okay, I got hit by that car. It offered me, you know, gave me a near death. It allowed me to awaken much quicker than taking another 20, 30, 40, years, or maybe lifetimes, to transform.

Alex Ferrari 10:51
So it's just changing the perspective on

Masati 10:53
Changing the perspective. Absolutely, because it's all about perspective and reference points, and that's the work that I do today. So in that perspective. I understood why things happen the way they do, and literally, it is a teaching experience. But the teaching experience for me was about, oh, we're just all running programs, and that's really the key. It's like, oh, it's a program. It's not like it was my fault, or it was their fault, or whatever. Just like you run a program and the outcome is right there for you. It's just that, literally, that simple.

Alex Ferrari 11:25
So we're going farther and farther back into the matrix. Essentially, we're just code. We're just code. Essentially, we're just code. I call us God's algorithm.

Masati 11:34
Yeah, it's true. It's kind of like algorithm.

Alex Ferrari 11:37
Yeah, we're not we're a little code. And we go off and we do our thing, and we really don't know where it's gonna go, but it's kind of guided in one way before,

Masati 11:45
Yeah, and the coolest thing about, you know, that first near death is, like, you know, when you step back out of the ride and, you know, again, still not in my body, and I'm going, Okay, now, how did I just live 22 years in maybe a minute or two? You know, that puzzled me even then, and that, I think that was the teaching experience for me, is like, Wait, time and space can be edited. Oh yeah, it can be, you know, distorted. It can be edited. It can be manipulated for your benefit.

Alex Ferrari 12:12
So, okay, so you so you're in that, you're in this life review, you're going through all of this when that is over, yes, what do you do next? What happens next?

Masati 12:19
There's a deep state of love you have for yourself because you look at the mistakes and you realize that you know you aren't the mistakes, you aren't the distortions, you aren't the abuser, you aren't the successes or anything. You are a grand level being experiencing those things. Although, although you know you can experience that you, who you are, is an infinite being, and you know yourself so solidly. And from that, you get this immense peace and joy and the brilliance of love that I've never experienced physical in physical form, although I you know you're in that state all the time. And then you know, this consciousness, you know, starts talking to you. It's like, and it's a collective consciousness. So it's not just like one person, it's like many individuals talking through one voice. And it's like, oh, yes, I know you could stay here. It's like, because you have this choice, you can either stay here or you can go back. But as soon as they say, it was a voice that said, yes, okay, it's a beautiful voice. Sure, it's crazy beautiful. And, you know, sounds and inflections and tones that you we can't

Alex Ferrari 13:30
Is it a voice, or was it telepathy, if you will?

Masati 13:33
More telepathy, but you heard the voice. You heard the voice, yeah, at that level, because, well, in that consciousness there is, you don't have ears, right? But for us, for me, to understand it, you know, you hear it as a, you know, as a voice. But it's like, yeah, you can stay here, if you'd like, you know, but you can always go back. But as soon as they go back, that you're just like, they push you back into your body. Or as soon as you think of going back, you're probably in your body right away, and that's where I felt the pain of, you know, my jaws being crushed, right? I look around, and then I pass out.

Alex Ferrari 14:09
So there was no talk about, hey, if you go back, there's gonna be a lot of pain. Hey, if you go back, you're gonna learn. You're gonna be teaching people. Hey, there was none of this stuff in this first one. It was just kind of like, Hey, you want to stick around or you want to go back. It's up to you exactly, and what made you choose to come back? Because most people, when they're in that space, yeah, they don't want to come back.

Masati 14:27
Exactly. I didn't want to come back. But I think it's just again, a teaching experience, because, because you know that consciousness, or you at a higher level conscious, know, you know the outcome or future experiences on what you're provided for what you're going to be, what you're meant to do. So So again, I think as soon well at that level, Alex, when you think of something, you become something, of course. So as soon as they say, oh, go back. It's not like you have a choice. So. To speak, you already created that experience of going back.

Alex Ferrari 15:03
You don't have to pack your bags, get on a train, move what there is no time and space.

Masati 15:08
There is no time and space. So as soon as you think you're done, you're there. So I think that's where you just like, go back in. It's like, whoa,

Alex Ferrari 15:15
Before we go, before we continue. I want to kind of dive into something that just popped into my head, the concept of time and space. Yes, what you're talking about is manifestation at a very, very high level. Like, I hate to use the term law of attraction, but manifestation, because when you think it's there, yes, when you're down here, we have that ability, yes, but it's so much muddier and thicker and rougher down here that it moves slower. So it's kind of like doing something in the air or doing something 40 40, feet or 1000 feet below the ocean, yeah. Like you can do the same thing, yeah, but it's slower and harder, and you have to rise your frequency up to a certain level. Like these masters are on the wall here that they were able to raise their frequency to a level of mastery of this space where they could right do what they do on the other side, but within the rules of here, does that any of that make sense?

Masati 16:11
Oh, absolutely. And, you know, thank God that you have that time delay. I would call it a time.

Alex Ferrari 16:18
Imagine our teenage years.

Masati 16:19
Oh my god, yeah. Like, as soon as soon as you think of something, it's like you you're there. You've done

Alex Ferrari 16:24
For every teenage boy who's ever been watching this show. Can you imagine, if you would, whatever you would think it would happen?

Masati 16:30
I know

Alex Ferrari 16:31
It would be like a loaded gun constantly.

Masati 16:33
Absolutely, that's what I'm saying. Very, very dangerous. So although

Alex Ferrari 16:37
I love that, thank you for bringing that up. It's so great because you're good to have a time it's good to have a time delay, because a lot of times like, Oh, I really want to date that person. I really want that person in your life. And you're like, you know, you need a little time to figure this out before you get married to this person. Because it might be the wrong one. It might be but if it's instant, you don't get that.

Masati 16:54
There's no choice. Although, as you know, as you know, a lot of my clients, what they start thinking about manifests a lot faster, of course, by the way, well, you know, because it's clear, but your decisions don't, don't go through all those filters, like, you know, all the distortions, the beast patterns, or whatever, of your family lineage, you know, society's patterns, your life experiences. So you've got Clear Filters. And as you got Clear Filters. Well, time, you know, time dilation seems to compress, and then you can manifest a lot faster.

Alex Ferrari 17:27
You're higher in the you don't have as much water pressure on you exactly. You're higher up, so you're higher, faster.

Masati 17:32
Yeah. So, so that does happen where things work out a lot faster and lot more efficient through the space. But again, you need that time delay.

Alex Ferrari 17:40
That's, I love that. Thank you for bringing the time delay into it, because it's something we definitely need a lot of times, absolutely, even as adults, even as even as adults, all right. So, so you've died, you've come back. When you came back, how did as a 22 year old, too, who was a seeker, but yet, I mean, I'm assuming your life, your life wasn't about this, about spirituality and deep thoughts. You were curious, but it wasn't like a deep thing yet. Or was it?

Masati 18:07
Well, at 22 you really start to wonder what your life is going to be. Like, sure. No, it's like, gosh, what kind of job am I going to have? You know? What kind of you know, wife and kids and all that stuff. So you start thinking about it, but, but at that level, a lot of younger individuals go through that process because they want to differentiate themselves from their parents. But then we don't know how to do that, right? So it's like pushing against your parents to go, Okay, I love my parents because my parents were really fantastic. You know, some people don't have great parents, so, but even if you love your parents, you don't want to, just like, recycle their experiences. So at a very, very deep level, you go, gosh, you know what, if I follow their path, whatever it is, I'm going to go through, maybe, you know, a similar path, but have the same bottom line as my parents did, because that's what we do in this reality. If that makes sense, right? We do something different. We do have, you know, we got different technologies today and all that stuff, but the outcome of our lives are the same as previous generations. If you look at it and it's just cycles over and over again, right, right? So in that case, it's that, that need or desire of separation,

Alex Ferrari 19:19
You have to change programming. Yeah, you don't want to play the same

Masati 19:22
Well you don't want to be in the same level of consciousness doing something different, because you'll get the same results, basically,

Alex Ferrari 19:28
Perfect sense, that's the way. So when you came back, I assume you healed up, okay, oh, absolutely everything was brilliant. So when you came back, though, did you just start yelling from the top of the hill? Go, hey guys, I was dead. And I I went, I saw this thing called the life review, and did you even know what it was called at that point? No, the term hadn't used been, been out there yet. You haven't heard it. So when did you How long did you keep this information in before you start talking about it? Because this is something that you want to talk about.

Masati 19:57
Well, I'm more of a quiet i. Introspective person, fair enough, though, you know, I speak to a few of my friends, you know, so, gosh, you know, you go there and it's like, but it was more like, you go inwards. It's the journey inwards again. Maybe it's my personality of going, Gosh, what is that, you know, and you really want to understand it at a very, very deep level. So I didn't, you know, stand on top of the hill and go, hey guys, you know, I've seen heaven, I've seen God and this and that, and you should come with me, because I didn't understand the whole concept, right? I wanted to really understand it, apply the concept, make it more valid. And maybe I didn't feel safe, you know, like sharing all those things that people go

Alex Ferrari 20:37
What year is this?

Masati 20:39
Well, I was 22 in in the 80s.

Alex Ferrari 20:44
Oh, yeah, this is not the time. Is not the time nowadays. Is different. But yeah, that that time was the near death experiences had just in the 70s been kind of brought out into the public and though, and coined the phrase and all that kind of so it took you a minute.

Masati 20:59
It did. And, you know, you didn't want to deem, be deemed like crazy, of course, you know,

Alex Ferrari 21:06
Oh yeah, back then, I mean,

Masati 21:07
Then it's like, Honey, you need to see a psychologist exactly. I don't need to see because, you know that that that realm, that I was, felt more real than this physical reality and so throughout the but you know, on top of that, my intuition was really fantastic. My intuitive abilities, you know, heightened. I used it to to run a to get into, you know, a successful business that I, you know, that I did a programming basically, which I do,

Alex Ferrari 21:35
No pun intended,

Masati 21:36
Yeah, programming is that crazy. So, yeah, I used it for that. But, you know, I was always introspective. I did a lot of research, you know, on nd ease and, you know, spirituality, and you know, some of the, some of the, you know, the more popular techniques on connecting. But again, they kind of felt shallow compared to my own experience. Of course, you know, so, so, so, but that led me to my second year death experience.

Alex Ferrari 22:04
Okay, so, when did you die again?

Masati 22:07
This was in my mid 40s.

Alex Ferrari 22:10
Okay, so it's second you've taken a minute before you die again. Okay? Information. So this just really puts you down the path of a deeper seeker. Yeah, that's what this is did for you, essentially, it's like, I want to learn as much as I can about what I just experienced. You went inward, which is beautiful. I think we all should be quite.

Masati 22:28
I think so well, you know, the outward success. I mean, I was successful, you know, but it's shallow, man, that's just it. Because once you see that side and it's like, and people go, Well, it's the money that makes it shallow. It's really not, it's you that makes it shallow

Alex Ferrari 22:44
Money, and that's the key before we continue. Can we just kind of put a kibosh on that whole Bunyi thing, please? Because, you know it, this is, this is very, you know, Christian based, that you have to be poor. And also, not only Christian based, but Eastern as well, like yogis and and Tibetan monks and these kind of things, that you must be poor and desolate to be highly spiritual, right? But to me and to my understanding and please, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Is when you are, if you're going on your own personal journey, and you want to meditate on MCCA for 30 years and eat rice and and porridge. There's nothing wrong with that. That is your path, and many great masters have walked that path, but in the world that we live in today, and again, that's still a very valid path for many people, yes, but in the world we're living in today, we need to really share this information with as many people as we can, we need to walk out into the world, really make an effort to change the world, and that doesn't come at a no money scenario. Even one of my great gurus that I follow is Yogananda. Yogananda was a Swami. He was a yogi and a Swami, and he didn't have money, but, but without the money that came into his life, he couldn't have done the work that he did. True. So you need money that's a currency of this reality to be able to reach more people, to do more things, and just a lot of people like, Oh, if you make money, you're evil. That's a very Christian idea, true. So I'd love to hear what you think. And if you can kibosh this idea,

Masati 24:25
Yes, please. Oh, actually, you know, I was in a deep state meditation I was getting ready to do called Budd states, one of the courses that way up. And, you know, meditating, you getting in, you know, having abilities to get into the zones of, say, the Buddha, or the consciousness of Buddha, not the physical being, but the consciousness of Buddha. And you know, one of the most beautiful phrases, I wish it was mine, but Buddha, basically, in that, in that meditative state, told me it's like, you know, suffering, you know, is not a prerequisite of enlightenment. And I. It's a path. And I'm going,

Alex Ferrari 25:01
Buddha. I mean, you're famous for this Buddha, exactly.

Masati 25:05
It's like, You're famous for this, you know, you know, I'm teaching this course. Is like, what? And it's like, no, it's not. It's, it's, you know, it's a condition of being unenlightened. And I'm going, Wow, that's pretty deep. It's really deep. And what he was saying is, basically, is like, you know you. And his path was not, you know, just suffering or letting go of your physical possessions, but basically what he was saying is, like, do not reference yourself compared to your physical possessions, because your physical possessions are limited compared to who you are. It'll one. It'll ever fulfill you, because you're again, you're comparing yourself to something that has fiat currency or Fiat value, and you cannot, and you cannot again, reference yourself to something that's not real, right again, like money. It just like, you know, like nowadays, it's trillions of dollars being printed a day, being printed today, exactly. So there's no value in it, really. So, right? There's no intrinsic value. So you have to, again, equate. So what Buddha was saying, or Buddha's teachings, and many of these individuals who say went the poor path, they weren't really poor at all, by the way, if they needed the money, like Yogananda, it would come for them.

Alex Ferrari 26:20
He bought up. He bought a 13 acres, a piece of real estate up in Mount Washington, in Los Angeles,

Masati 26:26
Exactly. So it comes when you need it. You don't have to, like, do savings accounts. You don't it, just like, shows up when it materializes when you need it. So that's the power of, say, abundance. But again, going back to Buddha is basically, it's like, well, you need to separate yourself from all that, okay, and some people would call it suffering, which is today's Buddhist and Christians, but it's really not. It's about cleansing yourself and understanding your reference of who you are compared to, not physical reference points, but again, a higher level of who you are at a very deep level

Alex Ferrari 27:02
In nature. Nature is abundant, absolutely. You look at an apple tree doesn't just pop out one apple. It absolutely, it pops out a lot. But the problem is, is when you associate yourself with how many apples you have in that tree, true, that's the difference. That's the difference having the abundance out in your backyard. And you could pull an apple whenever you need it. And if you need four or five apples, because I have people coming over, I want to make a pie, you can do that. But my, my, my being, is not attached to how many apples that tree produces.

Masati 27:32
That's the point. That's the problem. That's really attached.

Alex Ferrari 27:34
People are like, I have the best I have the best tree. I How many apples do you have? I have five apples more than you do. Like, that kind of thing, and that's where people get lost. And by the way, spiritual people constantly fall down that road that's true, constantly that's true. And I've seen it in every denomination, every walk of life, that yogis and they will start to like. I think I need a Rolls Royce I think I need five rolls, Royces. I need, I think I need five, because that's what. And I'm not gonna call out who I'm talking about, but like, the Lord told me I need a private jet. Can you please donate to me, because I need, the Lord told me I need a prep that kind of stuff makes no sense. Like, I've told people so many times, like, if $100 million was dropped on my doorstep tomorrow, I'd be like, cool, now I can get to work. Yeah? Like, I'm because after a certain point, true, after 10 million, does 100 really change your life? I mean, really, I'm not saying that we need 10, but you know what I mean, like, at a certain point, what? What do you need? You need a box to live in, true you need a car to drive around in, maybe some food, some people, physical stuff,

Masati 28:47
Ofcourse, well, you still you don't want your wealth to become a facade of your weaknesses. That's what it is. However, if you switch that around, it should your wealth becomes a reflection of who you are. So if you're highly, highly evolved, you know, and you need rolls, Royces or a jet to do your work, you know, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as, again, as you're not defining yourself by that, it's a reflection of your, say, expediency, because, say, a private jet. You know what I mean? I completely those kind of senses. Yeah, yeah. It makes total it makes total sense. So the key, the key overall, is it should what your wealth should become a reflection of you, because you are an infinite being, and you have infinite opportunities, or infinite, you know, availability to whatever that's needed for you, but you don't hoard you don't compare yourself to go, you know, because work with a lot of people and they go, Yeah, you know, my my yacht is like 2020, foot bigger than, you know, my friends, yeah, I'm going, okay, yeah, we need some. Work here.

Alex Ferrari 30:01
I mean, because at the end of the day, when you leave, when you're at the place you are at, no one's looking at the yacht.

Masati 30:06
No one's looking at the yacht. No one's like, what, what? What's your frequency? How much you know? What frequency Did you resonate while you were in physical form?

Alex Ferrari 30:15
It's like they say you never see a U haul attached to a hearse.

Masati 30:17
True. True, true. I like that one.

Alex Ferrari 30:24
There was another near death experiencer who said that Damon Dan and Danion Brinkley told me that, ah, and I love that. Danion is amazing. He said that it's one of my first episodes, and I never forgot that. Well, you never see her, you never see

Masati 30:38
So funny.

Alex Ferrari 30:40
It's wonderful. All right, so you died again. So what happened the second time?

Masati 30:44
It was a drowning we were in. Belize, why do you need to go through this stuff? Bro? Well, the first one kind of awakened me, but the second one, the second one, I think, accelerated me. So I look at near death experiences and again, the third one is a mastery level. But I looked at a second. I mean, nd is kind of like a psychedelic states. Sure, it puts you into altered states. It's the most extreme psychedelics. I was gonna say, You know what? I mean, it's very flat liners. Yes, it's like because you can, you can transcend, you know, 1000s of layers of your identity, sure, or 1000s of years of like existence here, pretty quick, you can go from point A, you know, or point one to point, you know, 10,000 you know, in a very short time, or no time, you can just literally go from here to there. The key is to stay up there. And that's what the second near death allowed me to do is second near death. It was a drowning. And you know, we were in Belize, we were in a rafting trip, and you know we connected. You know the guide goes well. You know you're you know you want to stay interlocked with your feet, otherwise you'll get pulled into other tributaries. Something happened to me, where I had to unlock my feet with the other group. So the group went one way, my sons and I went the other way, and I got pulled into this note, cenotes, basically a hole. So I pull, you know, I push my kids aside, and I got sucked in. And that's where, you know, I was trying to crawl out, but, but I was in this lava tube back then, probably was a lava tube. Now it's filled with water, but the water pressure was so great, you know, I was trying to crawl out, and then at some point you give up, you know, it's like, gosh, and that's, you know, that's, that's when I go, Gosh, I'll never see my kids grow up. And, you know, it's like, damn, I thought I had a great future, and all that, you know, it's like. And then all sudden you see your body just, I saw my body just float away into, you know, the bowels of the earth. And it felt this expansiveness again, and the joy and the beauty, and I could still feel the water, the presence of water you went through. I went through the rock, and then back through the river, and then I sent it into higher realms. This time, I didn't go, I went through the tunnel of light, but I graduated through that tunnel of light. And when you graduate, you're never really supposed to come back. But somehow, I guess, cheated, you know, because I always want to know, like, what's behind that this, you know, behind the curtain, little hack, sir, yeah. And I look behind it, I'm going, oh my god, this is so cool.

Alex Ferrari 33:26
All right, so let's take it step by step. So you've drowned. Now you're out, your spirits gone again. So you're going through that quote, unquote, tunnel of light. Where do you get to? What's What do you see?

Masati 33:36
Well, you transcend the tunnel of light. And that's just like, it's like a black hole or a void, because it's a space of nothingness, yeah, and it actually is. That space of nothingness is actually the space of everything possible, because it had to be nothing for you to create or render. It's a blank slate without judgment.

Alex Ferrari 33:57
It's a blank slate.

Masati 33:58
It's a blank slate, exactly, and it's beautiful up there. But you could, I could feel like, gosh, you know, I have access to all possibilities here, and I had access to all knowledge that ever was, is and shall be. And I'm going, Whoa. It's like a huge I call it the universal database, and it's the cloud. Yeah, it is. You can have access to it, and anything that you need or want. It's even faster, you know, because there's no time, no space at that level,

Alex Ferrari 34:27
And your processor could handle that. Our processor down here cannot,

Masati 34:30
No, no, exactly. And so, and it's a beautiful it turned into a beautiful blue space, kind of like the deep ocean blue. It turned into that. And I'm going, Wow, this is so beautiful, and the amount of love at that level is a million times greater than what you could handle here. I don't think you could handle that much love here, your body would just like explode. Sure, you know, it's like an orgasmic state. But anything you wanted there, anything you could do, you literally. Transform into, it's like, oh, I want to go to France. It's like, oh, you're in France. You know, it's like that. So, so it took, it took a little bit, you know, to understand the concepts. And I don't know how long, according to my wife at the time, I probably was underwater, like 8-10, minutes.

Alex Ferrari 35:18
So you should, you should be brain dead at that point.

Masati 35:19
Yeah, I should be brain dead at that Yeah. But over there, it was like life, like lifetimes, because it's forever, so there's no time, there's no space, and then, and then blacked out, came back.

Alex Ferrari 35:31
So, so you're so what happened up there? That was, it was just this kind of space. And,

Masati 35:35
Yeah, well, it felt so beautiful, you know? And just gorgeous. And that's where I got downloaded all the information. Okay, so that was trying to get, basically, it was a connection point.

Alex Ferrari 35:46
So you basically hooked up to the cloud, the Akashic cloud, if you will, and we're able to download as much information that you needed in this lifetime, because you can't bring it all back with you, but you had access to all of it up there.

Masati 36:00
I still do have access, I think, you know, so I think I went there to get verified, to go, oh, okay, you can have, here's the your username and password. You know, I have, they gave me admin level access.

Alex Ferrari 36:14
So you have admin level access, but just like the cloud, you can't absorb everything at once, but you can pick and choose what you need and have access to it,

Masati 36:22
Yes, so it's like, you get that connection, or you get that user, password, admin level, you know, and then blacked out, and then I found myself about 100 yards above river from where I, you know, drown, which was interesting, because it's like, how did I get there? How did I get above river compared to down river? I should be down river somewhere, and it really confused me. And I'm like, oh, somebody really loves me up there. It's like, literally getting picked up. And here you go. It's just a quiet part, you know, the river. And it's like, wow, this is really nice. And obviously that that never leaves you. You know that that existence. But it took me about, probably about three, four years, dark nights of the soul, to figure all that out, because the information that was downloading, it's overload. You know what? I mean? It is an overload, and it's like you couldn't stop it, because once you're connected to the truth, it just like comes in and it doesn't stop.

Alex Ferrari 37:19
So as so so I've heard this before where this kind of information is coming in and you're just trying to handle process. You're trying to process this Yes, while living in this yes simulation. So you are connecting to a higher level Yes, while still trying to maintain a life. It doesn't work. It's very difficult. So that's where this dark, night of the soul comes in. But you went through that for about three years. So I'm assuming the people around you, colleagues, this does not work out well for you.

Masati 37:50
No, it didn't. It was difficult. Everything was dark. You know, the relationships, you know, that I had with my, you know, partner at the time, it's like, gosh, you start to understand why. You know, you got attracted to that relationship, and, you know, the logistics or the logic of this reality. Alex, it doesn't make sense. No, no, you know. And it's like, gosh, it doesn't make sense compared to the logic that's up there. And it's very pristine. I would call it first principle logic. It works each and every time. It works for everybody the same way, you know, just, it's just like the laws, it's just like the laws of gravity and electromagnetism. It's what it works each and every time for you. And it works, you know, without prejudice. So that's the level of consciousness or rule sets, you know, the physics laws that I was getting used to. And I'm going, damn, this place doesn't make sense at all. And then furthermore, I'd get pulled into, like, Deep State meditations, like, 234, in the morning, it's like, Hey, wake up and I'm going, who? What's that voice? Who's that voice? You know? I'd look around, it's like, it's time to meditate. I'll just do it. You know, when I wake up in the morning, it's only three. It's like, no, it's time to meditate. And, you know? And I got used to the I got used to the voice because it wouldn't leave you alone. You're not going back to sleep, you know? I was like, No, you need to meditate. Like, okay. And the voice, I think, is the same presence that for my first near death, says that beautiful voice.

Alex Ferrari 39:17
So is it that, essentially, do you feel it's like a spirit guide, or something along those lines.

Masati 39:21
It's, yeah, it's be like a collective consciousness, I think, got that layer where, you know, you always have tribes that you're with, and the higher you go, say, like you have, say, Me, you know, say a couple 1000 people that's connected to you, loved ones on the other side your tribe. Then you elevate yourself to the next group, the next level, and then there's, like, you know, 10,000 more people. So you you know with each higher, you know with each level, that you go higher and higher. You know your group gets bigger and bigger. So, so at that level, you know, it's a collective voice. It's just one singular voice. It's sure, like that master. Mind. You know, nowadays, I would call it the mastermind, but that one voice is like, yeah, it's time to meditate. And it was, it was like, it was like, Mystic teachings where it's like, okay, tonight, we're gonna teach you about this. Tonight, we're gonna teach you about 1000 ways to die. And literally, I went through 1000 ways of death. It was painful as hell, three four hours of just dying, it's like, you die, you get back up, you die. It's like, Why do I have to go through this? And it said, well, so you can learn how to heal people. I'm going what I want to be a computer programmer, you know, sell some program to Google, make my billion dollars, and that'd be good. That was the first time I heard about healing. You know, I'm going, Oh, that's what I'm supposed to do. It's like, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 40:46
So all right, so now you're going through this dark night of the soul for three years. Relationships are being pulled apart. Your life's being pulled apart. Yes, you're being trained to do the work you're doing. And when you get out of that dark night of the soul, you you finally see light and you get out of it. What's the next step after that?

Masati 41:07
Well, the next step is, I lost everything, went bankrupt, had my car repossessed, like all those things. Fun, fun. Yeah, good stuff. You know, you lose your yacht, all those things that didn't make

Alex Ferrari 41:20
I hate it when I lose my yacht. I don't know about you, it's horrible. I've lost three already, yeah,

Masati 41:26
So, but what that was my identity, and I think that was, that was the thing is, like, and I remember being, you know, just moving my last box, you know, because we had to move out of this beautiful house, yeah? And it's like, oh, so, you know, and you're down in the dumps. It's like, So, and, you know, it's like, So, what have you lost? Again? The big, beautiful voice, and I'm going, what it's like, I've, oh, wait, I didn't lose anything. And it showed me, like, who I really was without that type of definition. And from that point on, I never looked back Alex, and that's where, you know, I started working on it people.

Alex Ferrari 42:07
So the thing is that, just from my point of view, is like you needed to live that lifestyle and be very successful on a financial standpoint, yeah, but you were, you were completely identified with the wealth around you, like the thing we were talking about earlier, you needed to lose it all, because that taught you the lesson where now you can walk into a client who has a yacht and go, Hey, listen, man, I lost my ya, and this is how it's coming from a place of being there with certain clients. Absolutely, yeah. I mean, I'm sure you work with all ranges of people, but yes, that is a subset of your client.

Masati 42:43
Yes, absolutely. And that's what I do, is like, yes, you have all that, but you're still aging like everybody else, right? You still have the same type of relationships. You're still gonna die like everybody else, right? You're just gonna get the same diseases as your parents do and societies. So you're not much different. You're just, you know, again, being more comfortable, being uncomfortable, you know. So with that mindset is like you can change all of them. That's what I do for a lot of people.

Alex Ferrari 43:12
I mean, I worked in Hollywood for so many years, and I knew a lot of celebrities, a lot of people, very high levels. I'm sure you have to your line of work, Oscar winners and so on. And did some of the most miserable, exactly, people I've met, and not all, not all, but many of them I could just see and watch. As a director, I would work with them, or I would sit in the back and I would watch, and sometimes I was invited into their inner circle, and I would see what they were going through. I was like, Oh, it was, it was a learning lesson for me about fame, yeah, because fame is a whole other drug, true, like you talk what we talk about yachts and other things that, yeah, fame is a whole other drug. And a lot of these tick tock generation kids coming up in YouTube, kids, they're there, they got the money, but the fame is what really drives them. And it's, and it's, it's when it goes, because they can't see a world where I'm not famous, right, kind of thing. And when that dries up for whatever reason, right? They're gonna, they're gonna crumble true, and doesn't matter how much money you have,

Masati 44:16
True, well, you know, fame and fortune, those are all magnifiers, having kids love and all that. It just shows you the weaknesses that you are. And that's a good thing, by the way, because it says, like, you know, you go into a level of fame, right or fortune. And it's like, Well, hey, if you want to stay up here and enjoy it, you need to get rid of all this stuff, you know, all the burdens of your life. You need to fix your genetic patterns and all that, otherwise, you're not going to enjoy the fortune up here. But what, what most people do Alex, is like they try to hide. You know, just like getting into a relationship where you know you're getting into a relationship, you start to fall in love, and then the first thing you realize when you fall in love is like all your weaknesses show. What? And then what do people do? They go, gosh, you know, I better justify these weaknesses. I better hide these weaknesses. I better put a mask on. Yeah, put the mask on. It's no, like, you know, spirit is telling you it's like, no. If you want, really want to enjoy that love the way, you know, we've, we've created it for you in purity. You need to let go of the weaknesses that you are, you need to grow from who you are, transition into a new version of who you are. But people don't do that. So people, you know, fortune, fame, love kids and everything else. They keep destroying themselves. They keep holding on to their old identities, instead of like shedding that old identity and embracing the new.

Alex Ferrari 45:39
But mas those other identities are much more comfortable even if they're miserable. I know is that crazy? Even if you're miserable, it's the devil, you know, exactly. That's what people's mentalities are. It's, it's the devil, you know. And you're like, that new thing's very scary. And yes, coming out into the world is scary. And when I started this podcast, I was terrified. Coming from Hollywood, you know, opening up a spiritual podcast. It was like, terrifying. Was like, Oh, this is new. You know, I just gonna stick where I know, and you've kind of come to those moments in life, but, but most people just keep recycling. And I could see it in the at least in my, my family and kind of that Gen, those generations, older generations of aunts and uncles and things like that. You could just see absolutely the programming playing out again and again and again and again. And I was just like, I don't understand. Like, I don't understand. Like, there was a perfect example. I had a relative of mine who lived in the same house for 45 years, and was a renter, a renter, and they were and the owner offered, do you want to do a rent to own? I mean, I want to give this to you. This is essentially your house at this point, like you've been here so long, you know what? Yeah, and they never broke from that because there was a program inside of them that told them, no, no, no, no, this is safer. I don't want to deal with being a landlord. I don't want to deal with the roof. I want to be able to just call somebody in the roof we fixed and things, but they didn't see the long game this either. We know what the benefits are of owning real estate, but it was fascinating to see when I found out, when they passed, I go, so who's gonna get the house? Oh, they've been renting. I go, Are you what? They've been there 40 when I was born, they were there. It was crazy. But that's how powerful these programs are, right?

Masati 47:34
Well, you know, through the programs that we do, you know, as people become exponentially intelligent, like you're saying, they look at their, you know, parents, then they look at their, you know, relatives, you know, you know, they get home for, you know, Christmas or holidays and all that, and it's like, gosh, I used to be them, and they see those patterns that they were so comfortable with. And the cool thing is, is like, they're not comfortable with them anymore. It's like, I don't, I don't like them, but no wait, that was you. So you know you need to honor those individuals, not hate them, but it allows people to really step out of who they are.

Alex Ferrari 48:12
It's difficult to maintain relationships like that. True with close family. You know you have to come to grips with who they are, yeah, and meet them where they are, yeah, but other relationships, especially friends, colleagues, that all change. It really does. As they say, you know, people are in your life for a reason, a season of life, yeah? And that's it's so, so true, but it's difficult, isn't it?

Masati 48:37
It is. It is. The cool thing about all that is, you know, when people start to really, really shift, and I think what you're getting to is, it's more comfortable, is people don't know how to rise to the next level, you know, but when you start to awaken again, become exponentially intelligent, you literally start to automatically rise to the next level. So it's, it's, although it's discomfort, the physicalness, it feels so much better for you, because you have a path. Most people don't have that next step, that next path, to take them to that level. So they go, Well, I'd rather just stay where I am. It's not a choice up here. It's just a consciousness that they can't say get out of

Alex Ferrari 49:21
And subconscious. Sometimes they don't even, they don't even realize what's what's going on.

Masati 49:26
Your story reminds me of,

Alex Ferrari 49:29
We'll just call him rich man,

Masati 49:30
Yeah, the rich guy. He, he's stayed, he's in, I think he's Iowa, I think so. But he, he's lived in the same house.

Alex Ferrari 49:39
Oh no, you're talking about Warren, yeah?

Masati 49:41
Warren Buffett, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 49:42
Oh, he hasn't moved. He hasn't moved. He lives in a normal house, yeah, which is probably not the smartest thing in the world to do on a security standpoint alone. No, that's it. I know you're trying to be cool and and you try like, Hey, I'm down to earth, even though I have 40 or $100 billion Yeah, whatever. But at a certain point, security exactly. I mean, apparently it's not a problem. But,

Masati 50:05
Yeah, he lives in the same house, drives the same car and all that stuff,

Alex Ferrari 50:09
Drinks Coca Cola, eats McDonald's.

Masati 50:10
Yeah, it's like, it's okay, Warren. But what the underlying reason, you know, yeah, you've turned it into maybe something cool, and that's not that cool to me. But the thing is, is that the underlying reason is not because of what you think it is. The underlying reason is, like, you can't get away from because I read people. You know, that's one of the gifts that I've had after the second year. Now I read people and get to the cause of why they have it. So like, for Warren, it's like his wealth actually comes from his grandmother. So he has a very feminine feel to me, a frequency, Oh, absolutely. And he's very safe with his grandmother, who probably died in that house. So that's the underlying reason his grandmother basically won't let him go anytime

Alex Ferrari 50:56
I've ever seen him in an interview, he's never been like this aggressive, and he's a very calm, quiet, just sits down, does his thing. He has a very kind of relaxed energy,

Masati 51:08
Very nurturing, very nurturing,

Alex Ferrari 51:11
Kind of vibe all that stuff. Not the guy who has 120 and I'm sure he's ruthless behind the scenes. To me, I mean to be to make as much money

Masati 51:19
He get his in. He gets his information from somebody on the other side. They're like, hey, invest in this, invest in that, invest in that. You know what I mean. But again, the cause is here, the effect of his life is here. And then He justifies, you know, where he is, but he the real reason is because of what's happened here for him. That's fascinating, yeah. And that's, you know, that's that, that's what I do, is like, people go, gosh, you know, moss, I can't make money, or, you know, I can't hold on a job, or, you know, I get into relationships that destroy me. It's like, well, and then people start to solve for the effect, but you really have to go to the cause of why that happened. You don't need an aspirin. You need to know why you're in pain. Yeah, exactly, exactly. And most people just keep popping them pills, popping the pills exactly. I need another relationship. I need another million dollars. I need this that'll help me.

Alex Ferrari 52:15
It's like, oh, if I only got another million? Oh, yes, that's, that's the great line. Like, if I just could get that one extra million, my life would be but if I could just date that one, if I could have that person in my life, my life would be perfect. Yeah,

Masati 52:27
it's like, let's, let's look at the logistics here. Let's look at your algorithms that you're running. Because when you get that person, it's then the next thing that's gonna, you know, pop up for you.

Alex Ferrari 52:39
And that's the thing that, again, working in Hollywood, so much of people's, you know, goal is to be, you can win an Oscar. And I've spoken to people who run Oscars, like, so how is it? Like, yeah, like, now what? Like, they actually get into a depression after they win an Oscar, because they have no idea what else to do. It's like, that's the pinnacle. Like, okay, I've, I've won the Super Bowl, not win it again. Like, what am I like? That's the only like. And if you've attached yourself so much to that goal, when you get there, you haven't enjoyed the journey.

Masati 53:12
True. I address that actually with people, and the reason is, is because they've sacrificed forward rather than backwards. So when you sacrifice forward, you know, you start to let go of your true essence of who you are to get what you want in the future. And sacrificing forward, you lose your identity. You you you know this is where people become successful and their spouse goes, I don't know who you are anymore. The ends justify the means exactly. And then, you know, extreme levels. You know people, you know we can get into people selling their soul and all that stuff. You know,

Alex Ferrari 53:47
The Pablo Escobars of the world.

Masati 53:49
Yeah, we won't get into that. But people who just sacrifice more more because they go, if I get this, you know, treasure, whether it's an Oscar, a million dollars, you know that whoever you know, that that person that turns them on, I'll be perfect, but they've sold so much of themselves, let go so much of themselves when they get there. You know, the journey, you know, was not worth the you know, it wasn't worth the object.

Alex Ferrari 54:16
That's what one of my favorite shows of all time is, Breaking Bad.

Masati 54:19
Oh yeah, I've seen a couple.

Alex Ferrari 54:21
It's such a brilliant show because it's exactly what you're talking about. A science teacher, high school science teacher has cancer, and he needs to make money at the beginning to help his family, right? And in the course of those five seasons, he turns he loses himself the entire way, everything that made him who he was, he gets lost. But the main issue was, is not that he got lost, but by the time he gets to go, because at a certain point, like he had hundreds of millions of dollars, he was the most powerful meth dealer on the planet, or whatever it was he was. I mean, his name rung fear across the world. You know. In the in the drug drug cartels and stuff like that. Oh, it's amazing, amazing. But he actually got lost so far that he actually enjoyed being the guy he turned into. And he kept saying to himself in his programming of the character, I'm doing this for you. I'm doing this for you. For your for my family. I'm doing this for my family, and the family's like, No, this is not about us anymore. This is about you and your ego. And yeah, until he loses, you know where he goes towards the end, he loses it all. It is such a beautiful explanation of what you're talking about, extreme. Yeah, extreme. But you lose yourself for the goal. And trust me, being in Hollywood for so many years, especially when I'm a young man, I would, I mean, if certain opportunities would have presented themselves in my 20s, absolutely, I almost made a $20 million movie for the mafia. There's a whole book about it. It was a horrible, horrible experience. And I literally, that was, I think, the thing that broke my my thing, I'm like, I probably shouldn't go down that far of a road, and I was, but I was taught that lesson because, right, I would have self destructed. No question,

Masati 56:10
Exactly. So there's a safety mechanism, you know, but, but, like, you know, what you want to really do is, you know, you can still make the million dollars or whatever that you need. But the deal is, is that, what kind of person do you have to resonate at? What frequency do you have to be to hold on to say value at that level? A million dollars? Yeah, so that's where you sacrifice backwards. You let go of all your distortions. You let go of, you know, your genetic patterns and so on. So with each say, with each moment, you're getting closer and closer and more expansive to who you really are, to somebody that actually deserves or can maintain a frequency of holding on to millions of dollars, or, you know, a beautiful spouse, or whatever healthy relationship, a healthy exactly so when you attach, you know, when you finally get that prize that You're seeking, you go, Oh my God, it's the next. It's an icon of where you are in, say, frequencies, and you can maintain that level of frequency.

Alex Ferrari 57:09
You know, it's funny that I've, you know, as this show has gone on, you know, it's been a successful show, and the more successful the show gets, I find myself pulling back away from its success, meaning, like, I don't want to be I don't want fame. I don't want the light. I'm pulling back from it in a good way, in a healthy way, as opposed to, if I was in my 20s, I would be leading with it. I would be attached to it. I would be telling everybody who walk. But hey, you know, I got a YouTube show. It's got this. Now I nobody. There's people in my life who have no idea what I do. Oh so cool. I just, I just don't talk about it. I just, it's not like, what do you do? Like, media. I work in film. Oh, cool. That's it. And that. And I kind of, but I found myself pulling away from it more at this stage in my life, because it's not, I don't identify, yeah, identify with the mission, what I do, but not the, the all the other trappings, if you will. I try not to, at least,

Masati 58:04
Well, maybe we could work on that Alex?

Alex Ferrari 58:06
Well my kids keep me grounded.

Masati 58:08
Yeah. So sometimes, you know people like you, you know you've got a beautiful soul, you know. And you know, it's like, gosh, if I go down that path, I'm going to lose my identity. But again, you know, we have logistics on where you can expand on who you are and be successful and not lose that identity. And that's really the key.

Alex Ferrari 58:29
Yeah, yeah, it is. And I think it's probably the programming of what I saw in Hollywood. I think that's what it is. That's exactly what it is. I've seen so many people lose themselves, going down the road and diving into it exactly, um, that I'm very hesitant to to walk. That's what I see. I've talked to people before. I tell them, like, if I could do this behind the scenes and no one sees my face, I would do it. But unfortunately, I've agreed to do this the way I'm doing it absolutely. And I enjoy it. I enjoy it, but I it's not, you know, I don't wear my merch on the street. Let's just put it that way, true, but it's, it's fat, it's just a fascinating thing, all right. So before we finish, you died the third time. What happened at the mastery level?

Masati 59:08
Oh, the third time was about a, gosh, about a year and a half ago I was in, jeez, yeah. Okay, yeah. So that's a mastery level. So the first near death allowed me, or opened me up, to possibilities of what could be out there, you know, understanding again, space and time, second near death was a learning course. Basically, it's like, okay, this is how you can stay youthful, be vibrant, you know, make, you know, be successful. And all that you know, the logistics of how this reality works, literally, the physics of this, how this reality works, and then, and then, you know, gosh, I've been doing this for 13 14, years, hundreds of 1000s of client sessions. So the third one was, like a mastery level. It's like, okay, you've achieved it. So it's like, really turning into, or morphing into, like a physical being that could actually hold on to that, to that higher frequency. Be, because at those higher frequencies, if you know your body is not complete or solid enough, you'd start to burn up. Oh yeah, your nervous system can't handle it, yes. So that's what I actually went through. That third near death is where my mineral I was in Peru, and, you know, I probably had COVID, you know, which probably accelerated everything, and my body stopped, literally, and I was in the hospital, which is a terrible thing. You never want to be in a hospital in Peru. So say it's not the best health care. So I got shifted from one hospital to another because they didn't have the right thing. And it was the broads there were so bumpy. Anyway, I'm lying in the hallway because they have to get, you know, a room prepared for me. Yeah, and you're dying, and I'm dying, and my son is there, and it's just like, there's you know, just pure black. And then all sudden I see this light, and I just hover, hover over my body, and I'm looking at my son, you know, holding me down, really, really sad. And I could just see the anguish in his in his face, and and then I just disappeared. And I went into this again, this beautiful abyss, and it's just like, no time and no space, and so you're back to the same place, yeah, and, well, this time was just no it was like I was sitting on, literally on the sitting on the edge of the universe, and looking at time and space, and I'm going, Whoa, that's cool. And it was just quiet.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:43
And that was it.

Masati 1:01:44
And that was it. It was just, it was just like, everything was just so peaceful. But to be at that level of no time and no space and be conscious, that's really, that's, it's like, I It's like, I can't even describe it.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:00
So it almost sounds like you're at a you've reached multiple levels of the other side. Essentially, there are levels of where people go, or souls.

Masati 1:02:11
This is where you don't have an identity. Because, you know, people talk about their spirit like the first near death allowed me to understand that we're spirit, but your identity of spirit still has physical form. The second one allowed me to go, oh, I don't even have physical form. Because in pure spirit, you don't have a physical identity. You don't have a human identity. The third one allowed me to maintain that space of no identity at all. I mean, there's just no judgment, no nothing the way we conceive. There's no reference points at that level, but you can maintain your consciousness, because in this reality, for you to maintain your consciousness or your sanity, you know you'd need reference points of who you are, like, like, if, like, a quiet room you have you ever been in this in minutes?

Alex Ferrari 1:03:02
Oh, like, quiet room. This is the quietest room I've been in. It's pretty quiet when it's pretty quiet when no one, when the AC is off, yeah, this is soundproof, pretty

Masati 1:03:11
But when, when you have no reference points, like, only sounds get absorbed, people go crazy.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:17
Yeah, there's that one room that, like, it's the quietest room in the world, and you walk in there, yeah, it's in Minnesota, yeah, like, how many minutes

Masati 1:03:23
It can only exist there in, like, I think the longest is, like, three, four minutes, maybe, I don't know,

Alex Ferrari 1:03:27
If not, you lose it's not that you lose your mind. You lose your mind. So because your mind's trying to grab on to something

Masati 1:03:33
Exactly, because you always need reference points of who you are. So in a state where there's no reference points, and you can maintain your sanity and just expand is quite an amazing feat, and that that consciousness is it took me about a year. It revamped my heart. And the way I died it was I didn't have enough minerals.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:57
Yeah, you were mineral deficient. And I'm sure the altitude didn't help.

Masati 1:04:00
No, totally. So my body stopped. I didn't have a heart attack. Literally, my whole muscular system just stopped.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:06
Yeah, because yeah, that makes up, yeah, you need, you need some Gatorade, or at least some electrolytes. Well, coconut water.

Masati 1:04:13
I had no but the thing is, I had strength, so much of that during the day, I just wasn't processing it. Something, something was going on, but, but when I came back, my heart, my circulatory system, everything got revamped. It took me about a year, but I'm healthier now than ever before, you know, and I certainly don't look my age, right?

Alex Ferrari 1:04:35
No, you don't. No, you don't after, especially after I fix you in post. So, I have to ask you, man, you've gone through all of these different experiences. You've seen the other side, you you've peeked behind the curtain. Yes, you've you've seen the code, yes. How do you deal with this every day, this, this existence? With knowing what you know?

Masati 1:05:02
Well, I see it as an opportunity for humanity to expand upon itself. It's kind of like right now, humanity is at a teenage level where it's starting to learn because, you know, the problems of the world isn't just today's problem. It's an accumulation of what we didn't learn in the past. So as a teenage level, human consciousness, again, human species, I see it again, teenager level. So it has an opportunity to go down the path of its predecessor or go towards another direction. And I see that as more and more people awaken, and you know, more and more people are awakening. Oh yeah, you know, with shows like yours, you know what I'm doing? You know, people hear my name or they go, gosh, you know, that resonates true for me. So more people are awakening. There's that saying the meek shall inherit the earth, right? So that's actually, I think, what's happening the meek inherits the earth. What that means is that you know you don't have politicians, you don't have the state or whoever controlling you. You are supposed to come into your own autonomous, say, nature of who you are, and that's really key, and that's what's happening today. Now, those people who want to become autonomous. Who want to master this reality, it's going to be a beautiful state. Those who don't, well, let's just say their their software version that they're running not going to be upgraded. You know, that version is going to be supported anymore. It's DOS, it's DOS, yeah, yeah. It's dos. And it's like, okay, so they just like, will die off, unfortunately, because they didn't wake up.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:44
So that's so what do you see like right now? We're in such a turmoil as we speak. There's an election going on. True today. Today is the election day for the US as we speaking. This will air after this, of course, yeah, but there seems to be a lot of stuff happening in the world. Where do you see humanity in these next few years, from your point of view?

Masati 1:07:10
Yeah, well, you know, with at an individual level, this is what happens. I see it as a, you know, societal level, but at a personal level, people go through the same process society is going right now. So with the work that I do, people go through what I call detox. They let go of all their bullshit that they can't they can't hold on to, because consciousness is awakening. Consciousness is becoming more and more transparent. Time and space is becoming more efficient. That's the bottom line. Time and Space is becoming more and more efficient. So we can't hide our lies. We can't hide, you know, the heaviness or the distortions that we needed in the past. So that's letting go. And because of that, there's a lot of awakening our financial institutions, religious institutions, whatever lie that we have at any level, those things are going, Hey, do you need to carry this into the next level, because you can't So, so all that stuff is shedding away again. So, so with that being said, there are people that there are people that are going to go, you know what? I really didn't need that stuff, you know? I want to let go my parents patterns and all that, you know. I want to turn it into, I want to try a new financial, financial system that's, you know, beneficial, that has real value. Stop it. And that's what's happening. So it's like, yes, so that opportunity is showing up for and then again. So the great divide before it was race and skin color and religion, religions and sex, sex nowadays, you know it's like. So we went through all that. No, the great divide is, are you at a certain level of frequency, or are you not? And that's the great divide.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:50
And there seems to be a battle of that right now, all the old systems in the new system. And I've said this so many times in the show that the old systems are crumbling in every aspect of life, from religion, from money to health care to food to Hollywood to all of it. It's all you could see, literally, see the cracks.

Masati 1:09:08
Yes, because they were, they were, they had the wrong foundation, and

Alex Ferrari 1:09:14
And they and they did what they needed to do for the time that they served the humanity absolutely and they needed, I mean, we needed those things, you know, at a certain time in humanities existence, but now it's kind of like, okay, we can drive electric cars, but the horse and buggy, we got to go back to the horse and bug, yeah, you know, or just riding horses, or just walking everywhere, like,

Masati 1:09:36
Yeah, well, we don't, you know, again, people go, Well, technology is better, AI is bad, and so on. I actually trained, you know, AI to be literally sentient, you know, where it comes back with with some really logical plans, which is really, really cool. So it's how we use technology, because we're the ones that are destructive forces, and we reflect upon. On, you know, our financial systems, our religious systems, or our technology, we're the ones that create the destruction, not the object, and we always limit or control or put down laws like nowadays, you know, we have AI, right? It's like, well, we need more laws. It's like, no, we need to change our consciousness of who we are, because that's just an extension of who we are. Anything that we do is an extension of who we are. So we need to reflect back, and that's what's happening in today's society. So there's a lot of chaos going on. That chaos is really good. The question is, are we going to hold on to our chaos and go, yep, like you said, you know, are they are we going to be more comfortable holding on to that bullshit, or are we going to go, Okay, let's let it go and try a new world. So that's where we are. I see it as a brave new world coming out. So it's beautiful opportunities for everybody.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:54
Beautifully said, Sir, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, yes, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Masati 1:11:00
Living a fulfilled life is being as closely connected to your limitless self. So you have a time bound self, you have a limitless self, the closer you are with less filters. That's a fulfilled life because, because anything that you do would become a reflection of that and becomes really, truly fulfilling. So it's closer to your timeless self of who you are.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:23
Is you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Mas, what advice would you give him?

Masati 1:11:27
I kind of do that already. I go back and heal that younger version of me. So as you heal that younger version, the physical version comes in, yeah? So it's like, gosh, you know, I really love you. You're good enough. You're good enough. Yeah, you're beautiful.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:46
How do you define God or Source?

Masati 1:11:48
Yes, so the definition is basically, my definition of God or pure source, is the intelligence that created this reality, and the physics principles, if you follow that physics, the science you know, not religions or anything like that, but if you follow the science of trillions of years of evolution, that would be that intelligence that I would define God. What is love? Love is it sounds kind of strange. It's basically an efficiency factor. Again, love is a connection to how close you are. So it's a it's a reference point on how close you are to your purest possible version of who you could be at that moment. The closer you are, or the closer you live into, say, physical existence in the present moment, the the love you feel, immense joy and love. So you start to, you become the observer of your physical form. So the more you can do that, rather than the flip, most people see their physical form. And then some people go, Well, there's a spirit out there. I don't even know what that is, but if you can see yourself from again, a spiritual aspect of who you are looking looking upon your physical form, you start to create more love. The way you do that is create more efficiencies of who you are by letting go of those filters

Alex Ferrari 1:13:11
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Masati 1:13:13
The ultimate purpose of life is about understanding your understanding space and time, or the multi dimensional space that is created here. Again, the programming, so you can render yourself here in physical form with all the possibilities of being a limitless being. So So again, at a spirit level, you're limitless. You're all powerful. How do you render that each moment at a time and still realize it? So basically walking here on physical Earth, on physical form, through your spiritual eyes, experiencing that.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:50
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing.

Masati 1:13:53
They can go to T, H, E, X, I they can also go to my YouTube channel, Masati on Sunday. There's a lot of free information there.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:06
Very cool. And do you have any Pat any? Have any parting messages for the audience?

Masati 1:14:10
Yes. So you are perfect where you are, as long as you become present, you know, as long as you're really, really present of who you are, you can start your journey anywhere. You don't have to wait for anything. You can start in the moment understanding who you are, and once you understand who you are, you can clean up quite fast. You don't have to take decades or even lifetimes. You can do it rather fast.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:34
Mas, it's been such a pleasure meeting you. Man, I'm so glad we got to do this in person. Yes, today, the energy was so much different than it would have been on Zoom, absolutely. I appreciate you and everything you're doing awake in the planet, my friend.

Masati 1:14:44
Thank you so much. Thank you. You as well, my friend.

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