TOP Psychic REVEALS: LIGHT & DARK Forces Battles for HUMANITY’S SOUL Moving Forward! with Lisa Campion

In the tapestry of today’s episode, we are honored to welcome Lisa Campion, a radiant beacon in the realms of psychic development and Reiki healing. Her life, a journey woven with spiritual gifts and profound experiences, offers a treasure trove of wisdom and insight.

As we traverse through Lisa’s childhood memories, we are transported to a time when being psychic was a silent, solitary path. Born in the 60s and growing up in the 70s and 80s, Lisa recounts a world where discussing psychic abilities was taboo, often leading to social isolation or worse. “I learned early on to be really quiet about what I was experiencing,” she reflects, highlighting the stark contrast between the past and the present’s more accepting and resourceful environment.

Lisa’s psychic journey began with her first memories, vividly recalling her crib surrounded by light beings. These early experiences, though isolating, were filled with a sense of spiritual intervention and guidance. Her childhood was marked by interactions with spirits and a haunting realization at a young age that she possessed abilities others did not. Despite the lack of information and support, Lisa navigated her way through these challenges, guided by an inner resilience and the occasional serendipitous encounter with enlightened teachers.

One pivotal moment in Lisa’s life was meeting Maharishi Yogi during a Transcendental Meditation initiation at the age of ten. His acknowledgment of her gifts and the subsequent encouragement became a cornerstone of her spiritual path. This encounter, coupled with her parents’ open-mindedness despite their lack of concrete answers, provided a unique environment for Lisa to explore and understand her abilities.

Lisa’s teenage years were further enriched by her involvement in Silva Mind Control, now known as Silva Method, which offered her structured psychic training. A moment of epiphany occurred when she watched the movie “Poltergeist,” realizing that being a professional psychic was a viable path. This revelation ignited a lifelong passion for the paranormal and horror genres, serving as a bridge to understanding her own experiences.

As an adult, Lisa seamlessly blended her psychic abilities with therapeutic skills, becoming a therapist and integrating Reiki into her practice. “I was sort of saved by the New Age,” she muses, reflecting on how the dawn of this era in the 80s provided the resources and validation she had long sought. Her development as a professional psychic in the late 80s marked the beginning of a career dedicated to helping others awaken and harness their own spiritual gifts.


  1. Trust in Your Inner Gifts: Lisa’s journey emphasizes the importance of trusting and nurturing one’s innate abilities, even when societal norms may not support them.
  2. Seek Knowledge and Community: The transition from isolation to empowerment in Lisa’s life underscores the value of seeking knowledge and building a supportive community around one’s spiritual journey.
  3. Be of Service: Lisa’s path reflects a profound dedication to being of service to others, using her gifts to help awaken and heal those around her.

In this profound conversation, Lisa shares her vision of the future, foreseeing a time of deconstruction and chaos as outdated systems crumble. She believes we are on the cusp of rebuilding these systems with greater beauty, harmony, and order. Her optimism shines through as she envisions a world where spiritual awakening and collective consciousness pave the way for a more compassionate and interconnected humanity.

Lisa’s insights into psychic Reiki reveal how combining psychic development with Reiki healing can enhance one’s ability to serve others. She stresses the importance of training and practice in developing these gifts, advocating for a holistic approach to spiritual growth.

As our dialogue draws to a close, we are left with a sense of hope and inspiration. Lisa’s unwavering faith in humanity’s potential to choose light over darkness, coupled with her practical wisdom, offers a guiding star for all who seek to navigate the complexities of modern life with a spiritual compass.

Please enjoy my conversation with Lisa Campion.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 470

Lisa Campion 0:00
Feel like as humans, we win for where our backs up against the wall. Our nature is to help each other. I mean, we may have to let go, we may have to change, we're gonna have to change. We're gonna have to let go of some things. But if you're smart and you're entrepreneurial, you're gonna see some opportunities. Always. I think something's gonna happen. That's gonna you notice I don't see like another massive world war. I don't see like big nukes going off. I don't you know, I don't see that happening

Alex Ferrari 0:36
I like to welcome the show, Lisa Campion. How you doing Lisa?

Lisa Campion 0:39
I'm so good. Thank you so much for being here. I'm delighted to be on your podcast. I'm a huge fan. It's a great podcast you have. So thank you for having me.

Alex Ferrari 0:46
Oh, of course. Well, thank you so much for the kind words, I appreciate it you're doing, you're doing some really great work in the world trying to help awaken the planet and help people connect with their own abilities. And I think I'm noticing that's a kind of a theme now with a lot of my guests and friends who are like, they're trying to show people how they could do a lot of the things that were before people only on a pedestal, like channeling or being psychic connecting to their intuition connecting with their higher self before is that something that you're noticing in the world right now, in general, like, a push for that kind of teachings?

Lisa Campion 1:23
Yeah, and it's me, it's a huge relief, because, like, I was born in the 60s, and I grew up in the 60s 70s, and 80s. In a world where this was taboo, like, you didn't talk about this. And, you know, or you didn't belong in the mental hospital, if you saw that, you know, you said you saw angels and talk to Dad, Uncle Fred was not gonna go well for you. So, so I learned early on to be really quiet about what I was experiencing. I've been psychic, really, my whole life. And my, some of my very first memories are of that. And it was pretty painful, honestly, you know, like, it was kind of crappy. And it couldn't find any information, no books in the library, no internet, you know, it was very isolating and a little scary. So I, I've been, I was lucky, I had some really beautiful, like, sort of spiritual interventions along my path. But I am super excited to live in a world these days where that's not true so much. You know, like, we have so much information available, there's so many resources, fantastic. Teachers, podcasts, like what you know, what you're doing, that really can, you know, give, bring this information out to people in the world as they're needing it. And I also feel like people are becoming more psychic, becoming more aware, you know, having more psychic experiences, what things that, you know, are really readily available to us like yoga and meditation and Reiki and, you know, even psychedelics that used to be like you would have to climb to the mountain in Tibet, and like growing on the temple door, like, you know, maybe they would let you in and teach you Reiki, Reiki and yoga and meditation. You know, now we have it around so much that I think people are just more in general waking up spiritually, and identifying that they have gifts, and then finding more resources to train those gifts, which I think it's a beautiful thing, because, you know, the more awake people on the planet, there are, the better that's gonna go for all of us,

Alex Ferrari 3:21
I would agree with you 100 100%. Now, you say that you will be psychic, most of your life, I love to go back to when you were a child, because I can imagine, you know, I grew up you and I are similar vintage. So I was I remember when this was taboo, you never talked about it. And that was just something that there was no information. And it's hard for people listening today to like, there was no Internet, we had an encyclopedia. And it was locked in a library. And a lot, which was locked in essentially not really up to date. Not the latest information. That's a lot of times. So when you started to sense this stuff, was it really as basically as far back as you can remember, where you started to have psychic abilities, or these abilities that come up? What was happening to you? And did you like, was there an adjustment psychologically? Or was it just, Oh, I see Uncle Fred at the end of the bed. Doesn't everybody see Uncle Fred at the end of the bed? Was it like that?

Lisa Campion 4:18
Well, sort of all of the above because I was born this way. And my theory on this is that I had a twin brother that died in utero at about 14 weeks gestation. And you know how twins are like connected like, you know, like this and, and I just think that we had this psychic connection that twins have and then he crossed the veil. You crossed over and so I was literally born psychic. My connection with him continued even though he wasn't here anymore. So my very, very, very first memories were of being like lying in my crib, as a baby and seeing all these beautiful light beings around me like wavy and glowing and Like me kisses, that my mom opens the door and walks into the room and they all disappear. It's my very, very first memory. And then when I was like four, I was my, my brother was my man, imaginary friend, because that's what you had back in the day. It wasn't about it was imaginary friends. And my, my mother's like, you were you're talking to you. And I'm like, my dad, brother, William. And she was like, holding this glass. And she like, oh, like her mouth went up. And then she dropped the glass and it smashed on the floor, and she like ran screaming out of the room. And later on in my life, she told me that, you know, she'd had a miscarriage through, you know, through the

Alex Ferrari 5:38
You didn't have that information. You didn't have the information. Exactly. So that's probably why she'd lost her mind.

Lisa Campion 5:44
Yeah. She's like, how do you know that? You know, and, unfortunately, for me, my parents were hippies, and they were like, it's meditation and into ice, you know, um, they were Unitarians. They were like, that was kind of an open environment, although they didn't have the answers. They didn't like, drive me to the church and throw holy water in me like, or strike me to the mental hospital, like happens to quite a lot of people. But they didn't know that I was told I had a bit Oh, your imagination, you know. So. And I remember, like, I grew up just outside Boston, and a super haunted house, old, big old Victorian house. And I remember like, being a kid and lying in bed at night and seeing these people around me, I called them the great people. And they would talk to me, and they were sad. And, um, if I listened to them, they would feel better. Sometimes they would leave, you know, and and one day, it hit me. I was like, Oh, I think they're dead. Like, I think they're ghosts. You know?

Alex Ferrari 6:41
How old were you when that happened?

Lisa Campion 6:43
Probably five or six. Okay, like pretty little, you know? Um, so it was kind of a was kind of a strange childhood of trying to figure out what was going on not being able to get information, trying to pretend to be normal in public, not freak people out, you know? And like, I told people, I could see auras when I was in like, third grade. And then nobody talked to me for like, five years. You know?

Alex Ferrari 7:09
At what point did you realize that you were not that you were a little bit different than everybody else. What age did you really find?

Lisa Campion 7:16
I just think I always knew that.

Alex Ferrari 7:18
Oh, so that was inherent. It was inherent Yeah. You just like, you wouldn't, you'd never do it. Because I spoke I've spoken to channels are filled with the psychic mediums who, who would like it was like, What you can't see Uncle Fred. Like she, they just think everybody has the same abilities. Because they don't know.

Lisa Campion 7:33
I knew that. I knew that other people couldn't. And I knew I had to be careful about what I said, and who I reveal this to. And there have been many times in my life where I, where I would be like to see that person over there. Like, I can't tell like, you know, I can't tell them a visual psychic. There are times when I can't tell if what I'm seeing is real. Real. You know, like a solid living person or, or spirit.

Alex Ferrari 7:59
Oh, really? Is that? Is that vivid? Is that vivid to you?

Lisa Campion 8:02
Yeah, it has been Yeah, not so much anymore, because I don't really like that very much. And so I've sort of shut that. I still I see things in my internal with my internal eye, not my actual eyes, because I find that unsettling.

Alex Ferrari 8:18
You know, as as long as one would

Lisa Campion 8:21
Sound that much fun. Do you really want to know what the growling thing under your bed actually looks like? When you're a little kid? You know? Um,

Alex Ferrari 8:30
So you said that there was the you had a bunch of experiences during your, you know, as you were growing up? What are some of these experiences that were key moments in your development?

Lisa Campion 8:39
Sure. I'm one of them was 1974. I was 10. And my parents took me to Transcendental Meditation, because that's what you did when you're a hippie. And I did 74. And I met Maharishi yogi, you know? No, I met him. Yeah, I did. And I totally cool. And he, he was doing was at an ashram, just outside Boston. He was doing initiations for people. And he would take people into a backroom, he was speaking to a translator. And he was, he brought me in every he took everyone individually. I don't know how he did that. And he was he would do Shakti pot, like he would do like the blessing and give you a mantra. And he was like, blah, blah, blah, through his translator, and then all of a sudden, he looked at me like, and he said, Oh, my goodness, honey, I am so sorry for you, you have an amazing gift. And your child is going to suck. You're you're kind of out of luck. Because if you've been born in my country, we would know what to do with you. But because we were born in America, and America is based basically spiritually bankrupt. But you need to, you need to like hang in there because you're gonna help a lot of people when you get older. And I was like, cuz it was really the first time any adult had ever acknowledged my gift, you know? And I had no way You know who I was until I went to college and I studied comparative religion and the penny dropped. I was like, oh my god, that was Maharishi Yogi that said that to me, when I was 10 years old.

Alex Ferrari 10:10
Wow, you know, 10 years old. So that's a pretty, that's a pretty transformative experience

Lisa Campion 10:17
Doesn't happen to everybody, for sure. And then my parents like took me to silver used to be called Silva mind control. Now it's called the silva method. When I was in high school when I was in high school, yeah. So I had this incredible psychic training. All through high school. It's it's a fantastic methodologies still really top notch. I had a really transcendent moment when I was about 12. And I snuck into the movie theater to see the movie poltergeist because my parents would only go. And there's this moment, you know, this character who's Zelda, the psychic who's a professional psychic, and I was like, Oh, my God, you can do that. You can be a professional psychic. And in that moment, I was like, that's what I'm gonna do. And she had this little speech about like, oh, like, what happens when you die? And why is like a paragraph why some people get stuck? And what do you do to cross them over and I was like, Oh, my, oh, my god, somebody knows something. And I became, from that point on a lifelong fan of paranormal and horror movies. And I watched a ton of them when I was a kid, like searching for information, right, because I just was looking for. And I think about half of what I learned was total, like Hollywood craziness. Some of it was kind of accurate, and some of it wasn't. So I just think that still happens today, with all the paranormal TV that we have. And there's a lot of danger and getting, you're having that as your full only source of knowledge. But for me, it was like, a little water in the desert, you know. And then I was sort of saved by the New Age, because when I went to college, I went to college in 1982. It was the dawn of the new age, and all the sudden there were teachers or information there were you know, there was surreal stuff happening. And that's when I started working as a psychic professionally, was, I think it was 1987 when I started working. And you know, I was in my early 20s.

Alex Ferrari 12:16
So when you came out of the psychic closet, eventually, what was that like for friends, family? How do people deal with this? Because again, we're in 1987. I mean, you come out as a psychic now, it's still gonna be a rough ride. It's to say the least, you know, and I always love telling people to like, so do you think that, you know, people go into this, these fields like being a channel or being a psychic medium, you know, kind of like willy nilly, like, this is a tough road, you know, and it's, there's easier hustles I always say that there's easier hustles if you're like at a carnival, that's one thing. When you're out publicly like this, and you're on on the internet, and you've got, you know, content and things. If there's no hiding, there's no hiding anymore so.

Lisa Campion 13:06
It's that easy. There isn't it isn't. And I've had different layers of that throughout my life. You know, I think when I was when I was 19, and I really was 20. I don't know, I started working just out of college. I really didn't know what I was in for. And I just think I did it because I swore I was going to do it when I was 12. And I was in Poltergeist, you know the movie. And I just knew that was for me. That's what I wanted to do. I very quickly learned I didn't have enough skills as dealing with humans, like even in 1908, I was a pretty good psychic, and I could deliver the message. But then there was this one moment where the person in front of me started to cry. And I was like, my role What to do now because I'm 19 You know, so I went back to school and became a therapist, and I blended therapy and counseling and psychic together for a long time. That knows very good, good thing to do. And then and then I add Reiki to the mix about 25 years ago. But for me, it's just, I don't know, I've been sort of lucky. Like, I don't get that many haters. I I just if I do I just doesn't somehow bother me. Like that's I lived in a really small town. My kids raised my kids in a really small town. Everybody knew what I was up to. And sometimes I would get you know, you're an agent of Satan or whatever. But obviously, like the devils were like, obviously, yeah, it's the devil's work. And I was like, I just, I don't know, I never really bothered me somehow and I I just knew that the whoever I could help was more important than taking the flack for the hate.

Alex Ferrari 14:41
Well, and again, with that whole Devil's, this is the devil's work or your you know, disaster, things like that. I just, uh, just heard that this morning, that the Pope came out saying Hell's really not real. He publicly stated that hell is not real, it's more of a, it's more of like a state of mind. Like completely there's no physical place of like, and people are losing their collective crap. Because the pope now is saying, so you could see the cracks are happening in a lot of these old programming and these old ideas, but I just thought that was. So if you say that to me, if anyone says, this is the devil's work, or like, well, technically, Pope said, you know,

Lisa Campion 14:41
I love that I love that about him. That's amazing. I think that's a super important thing to say. And, you know, it's not that I haven't seen, you know, shadowy spirits or evil, or we, you know, we just watch the news we all we have to do is watch the news. Understand that evil is real, like, that's not a, you know, thing anyone's going to, you know, argue about, but I think it's mostly what we're doing to each other as humans, you know, that's the real problem.

Alex Ferrari 15:52
So you mentioned Reiki so I understand what Reiki is, and I understand what psychic is, but you do something called psychic Reiki, is that correct?

Lisa Campion 16:02
Right! Yes.

Alex Ferrari 16:03
What is psychic Reiki?

Lisa Campion 16:05
Psychic Reiki is Reiki that is infused with psychic development with psychic training. Because I was teaching these classes side by side and been teaching Reiki for 25 years, I taught a lot of Reiki. And I was teaching psychic classes over here and Reiki classes over here. And I would and the people would go from one to the other just fill up back and forth. Because what I found was, when we do things like yoga, meditation and Reiki I call those three gateway, three gateways into spirituality that we a lot of us have, it sort of wakes up our inherent psychic abilities, the gifts that we all have, everyone has them never met a person on the planet that didn't that wasn't psychic intuitive. It's such a it's just a natural part of being human. And when we do these spiritual things, it's wakes it up more. And and it's really important because a big part of sort of the traditional Reiki and Reiki isn't and hands on energy healing technique from Japan. Sorry, when I did it in started in 1999, it was still pretty fringy. But now 25 years later, it's in like 800 hospitals in the United States, you know, and I live near Boston, it's an all of the big, major hospitals, some of the best hospitals in the world are in Boston, and they all have full time Reiki units. They're working on the people, you know, if you've, if you've cancer and you're at Dana Farber best cancer hospital in the world, there's full time Reiki staff, they're giving you Reiki treatments when you're receiving your chemotherapy if you want it, you know. So Reiki is can't become very mainstream, in certain parts of the world, especially where I live here in New England. And so there's many, many, 8 million people in the United States alone have studied Reiki. So it's, it's quite a lot. It's quite a big, you know, population. It's pretty common for people. It's like yoga, meditation, it's like, it's like in there, you know. And so what psyche Greggy is, is really just acknowledging that these things go together, seeing it as an opportunity and a good thing. For if you're doing Reiki, you're working as a healer. And being able to use your intuition and your psychic abilities in your healing sessions is an asset. It's always for a purpose purposeful, you know, it adds to the the healer toolkit that we have. And I had a student many years ago. It was like, Oh, I started doing Reiki and I stopped doing it because all of a sudden, my psychic popped open and there were like people walking through my room in the middle of the night. And I was having all these experiences that freaked me out. And I went to my Reiki teacher to figure out what to do. And she and the Reiki teacher told her to just cut it out. Just stop that was weird and scary. And she should stop it right now. So she, she did and I think you know, really suppressing your psychic gifts when they're emerging that that's also problematic for people that doesn't always go well. Um, so people need help it. It's psychic abilities, a lot like athletic ability or musical ability. Everybody has some. And if we want to develop it, we have to take lessons we have to practice we have to study we have to know stuff. And then we that it, you know really blossoms into what its potential is. So that's a bit of a long answer. The short answer is psychic. Reiki is my kind of unique blend of Reiki training plus psychic development.

Alex Ferrari 19:32
Beautiful, beautiful. Now, I wanted to ask you, since you are a psychic, I wanted to get your point of view on a few big topics that we're going through right now this year, is going to be a found out that 50 countries around the world are going to have elections and 30% 50% of the countries we're all going to have. So there seems so there seems to be a big shift happening. positive negative, that's irrelevant. What do you See, from a psychic point of view of what this this year election year, and obviously, there's a big election coming here in the United States, where everyone always is looking at the US because with our elections, as insane as they are lately, where do you see this? How is this affecting humanity? How is this affecting the US with our elections, but around the world as well,

Lisa Campion 20:22
I think that we're in a time of like deconstruction, and breakdown, you know, like, we've just built a lot of systems that don't work anymore. Pretty much every system we have is broken, financial systems, government systems, you know, health, health care, mental health, like education, like nothing's working anymore, it's all broken. And I feel like the they're just natural cycles of evolution, things build, things exist, and things change and fall apart. So I feel like we're standing on this very critical, you know, deconstruction point, it's, like, follow the Roman Empire, it's, you know, the, it's the fall of an empire that has weave out evolved, and I just, and then the natural energy of deconstruction is chaos. So at we've worked on, we're going to fall into even more chaotic fees, I believe, as we deconstruct, continue to burn the house down, you know, and, and I think that many of us are on the planet as part of the reconstruction team, you know, to build, when we reconstruct, we're going to build things at a higher level of beauty, harmony and order than we have is an evolutionary process. It's natural. As humans, we don't like it at all we fear and an enhanced this, we're super uncomfortable with chaos and destruction, like it wouldn't be. So when I look at it, I see just total chaos, it's actually very hard to read as a psychic, I don't think those those outcomes are set in stone to be, it's always sort of like a football game, you like football? You know, it's like, you know, you know, you don't know what's gonna happen until, you know, the game is not over until it's over, and things can change. And that those structures are, that's right, you and those, those realities sort of unfolding in the moment as a result of our collective decisions, you know, and sort of fate in the hands of God, and, you know, all this sort of other things. influences that, that play that are playing out. And I don't know what's gonna happen, I just know it's gonna be chaotic. Sometimes they look at the American election. And I think this is a weird thing to say, but it's not going to happen.

Alex Ferrari 22:40
You're not the first person who said that. I've heard that from multiple channels. I've heard that multiple psychics, and I'm looking at it myself, just from my own point of view and going, Is this even going to happen? We got one candidate, one candidate, that's been who's as of this recording, has been convicted of a felony, we still haven't gotten a sentencing situation yet. Right? So is, is he, if he goes to jail, the whole world the whole country is going to be it's just gonna happen. If he doesn't go to jail, the whole country is gonna go crazy. And you get on the other side. Someone who's they're both old old guys. But you do agree that both of these candidates are a representation of the old system. A representation of both sides of this old old, not now, the old way, not really working paradigm. Right. And because there's no new blood, there's no, there's no JFK, there's no, there's there's no Rosevelt.

Lisa Campion 23:49
There's no there is sort of, but he's not allowed to be on the ticket. You know.

Alex Ferrari 23:53
Right, exactly, exactly. But you know what I mean, with the system the way it is right now, there isn't really any young blood out there. So it's now I'm looking at this and I said this in like, Is this even going to happen? And if it doesn't happen to happen, and if it shows the election doesn't happen, that's a complete breakdown of government, for the first time, in the first time in the history of this country. Right, and it'll be the first time in the history. We already had a huge breakdown in January 6, of 2020. That was a massive breakdown of government.

Lisa Campion 24:27
Were headed for more of that, we're heading for more of that. So I wonder someone's going to jail, someone's dropping dead. You know, see elections not gonna happen or if it does happen, it will be quickly reversed. Like, hold as you know, not that wasn't real. That was a fake election or whatever. It's gonna be like, it's is not going to be it's not going to stick right whatever if it does happen. That's my sense. And then yeah, then we've got a problem. And I don't know what happened after that, that then we have to choose. We have to choose like, are we going to Stay together are, you know are, are some states going to sort of secede, Texas, Texas is always wanting to do that, you know, like, become its own thing, you know, like, are we going to break apart or like are we going to stick together and then sort of have to renegotiate recreate a system that is functional. I don't know what that would look like, I just have no idea

Alex Ferrari 25:23
But, but that also throw the world out of whack as well. Because if the US is

Lisa Campion 25:27
The world's, the world's already there,

Alex Ferrari 25:29
I know. But if even more so than we are now, if the US starts to fight amongst itself, then we've got the world problems, we gotta be having problems. You know,

Lisa Campion 25:43
It's gonna get shaky,

Alex Ferrari 25:44
It's gonna get shaky, I had a I had a channel once came on the show, who was able to channel to the year 2300. And the government system of what the US look like, was she's either channeling or a hell of a writer. But the system we were broken up, there were three distinct changes in the, in the, in the country with the three sections of the country all worked well together, but separate from ideology. And not anything that we're talking about now, completely different kinds of ideologies that we haven't even come into grips with yet. Just like not not not not liberal or conservative, those are out the door. These are other ideas, that we're running it so. So you're thinking that there's going to be chaos, there could be a breakdown of the American empire, essentially. Because yeah, it's hard for people that you and I were both born in a strong America, essentially. Well, 70s wasn't strong. But you know what I mean, we still strong. Yeah. And I think it's an I think it's the assumption of people that things will always be the way like Rome was around for 1000 years. And we've were babies, we've been around with 300 to 200. And something to 250. Ish. Yeah. 250. That's nothing, nothing in history. But yeah, we but I think it was a politician a long time ago said in a documentaries like, nowhere is written that the US that the American empire will live on forever. And when I first heard that statement, I was like, is that? Is that possible? Of course it is.

Lisa Campion 27:13
Of course, it is so hard for us, as Americans, because I think we know, you know, we, there's so much we have in common that like we're I think constitutionalists you know, we believe in the Constitution, we believe in the you know, we're really proud, no matter what side side of the fence you're on, we're really proud of our country and being Americans and what we stand for the principles that we stand for. And I am too, you know, like, like, we're all patriotic in our own way, I think, as Americans and, and so it will be hard to sort of change our identity, I don't know what's gonna happen, I feel like we have to, we have to sort of flex the football game. You know? Could there could be a pick six on the goal line? And what do we do that and you know, like, you know, or is that where we just have to sort of live in our hearts and vote Yeah, play it out, play it out vote from our consciousness vote from our, from our conscious, to stay principle to stay integrity to stay like to not turn against each other, that would be like my hope, you know, to support each other. Um, I live in New England, and we're kind of cranky up here. Um, you know, we have that mutation, but we have each other's backs. You know what I mean? Like, it's like,

Alex Ferrari 28:27
It's, I mean, it's close to I was, I was raised in New York, and also a Florida so I get the East Coast vibe. It's very, and I also lived in the, in the West Coast for a long time. So I get both of those sides, New England, New York, that whole area. When the when the Fit hits the Shan.

Lisa Campion 28:46
It we are gonna stay together, and we're gonna help each other.

Alex Ferrari 28:49
Yeah, exactly. And I think, I think though, somebody else I've heard on the show said that, I think we're going to revert back to more community based organizations, meaning like, we're helping your neighbor out. You know, I had a very deep, deep way financially, even things like that, to help the community grow more, which is what it was before, before we

Lisa Campion 29:11
Right. Yeah, like the local, like, we have local interests in our local interests, you know, are very unique, very different. And maybe that's the three sort of the three sections that make sense to me, based on some of the things that I've seen, I still feel like climate change is gonna play a stronger role than people maybe think. And that maybe even the geography of our country changes.

Alex Ferrari 29:33
That it doesn't you know, winches in Florida is gone. I mean, it's and Manhattan, by the way.

Lisa Campion 29:39
I know I mean, I live like, I live like, you know, a quarter mile from the ocean here in Rhode Island. And, you know, we're, we're seeing it here too. So I feel like that's gonna play a part that I can't foresee. I mean, in a broad sense, I can feel that change impacting us, you know, at The whole entire world. And you know what, where that's going?

Alex Ferrari 30:03
And again, whether there's a belief in global warming or not global warming, that's irrelevant. The bottom line is, the weather's getting crazy. I remember I don't know about you, if when I was growing up, if it ever got anywhere in the country above 100 and 101 102, you people were like, what is happening? It was I never saw temperatures of 1071. Town 115 on that on an on an average non desert scenario, non Death Valley scenario. You never heard of those? Right? Never. So there is something happening regardless of why against caused, there is something happened. Yeah. And in

Lisa Campion 30:44
Climate change, we just climate change is sort of undeniable and more storms, more rain, more extreme weather, okay. hurricanes, floods, I don't know, like, I feel like that's gonna play, play into our situation quite strongly. So I don't know, like I, my goal in life is to, you know, continue to ask myself how I can be of service like it didn't serve, you know, I just was like, I don't know, put me put me where I need to be if it's gonna, if it's going to be the start of the zombie apocalypse leader will take me out in the first round. Where I can help. You know,

Alex Ferrari 31:21
I'm not going to I'm not I'm not going to get to season 10 of Walking Dead. I'm out. I don't want to live in that world. I just don't, I'm out. Just, I don't know, I can't, I can't, other than if it's defending my family, then I'll probably hang out for a while. But still, it's just like, at a certain point, you're like, really? Do we want to? Have you never seen that show? I don't want to know. They should have died of stress, they should have all that stress is

Lisa Campion 31:49
Talking to God about it. And like, take me out in the first round or set me up so I can be in service. That's, that's

Alex Ferrari 31:55
Exactly. Exactly. So. So with all of the stuff that we're talking about in regards to elections and the stability of our government and everything. What is that going to do for our economy, and just our our money, our currency? Because that's always been a talk of like, what's going to happen with our money? What's gonna happen with our economy? So those are two questions, economy, and money. And I'd love to hear what you what you foresee.

Lisa Campion 32:20
I think as far as our economy goes, there's always opportunity and taint. And if you're flexible, if you're like, I know, how many people you know, made so much money during the pandemic, you know,

Alex Ferrari 32:35
Or the OA crash, or the OA crash, right?

Lisa Campion 32:38
Yeah. And, you know, I think if we're clever, and we're thinking on our feet, and we're adaptable, and we're seeing the need, there's always opportunity. There's always going to be economy, there's always going to be people, people who need stuff for people who need services, or people who need help my phone rings off the hook when, when you know, things get crazy out in the world. So I don't I don't mean we may have to let go, we may have to change, we're gonna have to change we're gonna have to let go of some things. But if you're smart and you're entrepreneurial, you're gonna see some opportunities. Always.

Alex Ferrari 33:14
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Lisa Campion 33:50
And as far as the currency goes, I have no idea. I mean, I've done everything from crypto to collecting silver quarters, you know, in a bucket of cash to diversify. I'm like, I'm like covering all my bases. I don't have I have no idea what's gonna happen. And I sort of trust I have a lot of faith, I guess, in you knowing what to do when the time to do it as and I'm just gonna go with that. Right, you know?

Alex Ferrari 34:21
So with that, with everything we're talking about over here in the States, what do you see for these conflicts around the world that they seem to be getting more intense, more crazy? Are there any new things that might be popping up that is going to happen? I mean, the world's getting a little nutty, even though it's in getting them we think

Lisa Campion 34:45
It's hard for me to pin that down. And honestly, I don't spend too much time thinking about it. I feel like you know, violence will continue to escalate. I don't I don't have like a doomsday scenario like World War Three or you know, No, like, I don't have that feeling like we're gonna go into a massive conflict. I feel like it's gonna be whatever happens is going to be weirder than what anyone thinks about my bet is like, aliens land on the White House lawn. And that changes everything. You know what I mean? Like that.

Alex Ferrari 35:16
We need that independent state moment where we all like, we're all human. Let's all good guy. And I personally haven't heard that. I don't think that's I don't think we're ready for that.

Lisa Campion 35:28
I'm still hoping for it.

Alex Ferrari 35:30
But like, if you remember, if you remember the days after 911, that was a very contentious, a very contentious election, a hugely contentious election. And we were pretty we were when you look back now, it looks like we were kumbaya compared to lead to the division we have here now. But when 911 happened, you know, George Bush was our president. And we, we everyone rallied around him around the government, because we're like, We're under attack. And Brian, I'm getting chills. We brought everyone together because of this one event when that one thing? And is that, something like that? Something like that will happen that's in a, in a global way, not just to the States, but I think someone's going to do something that the rest of the world is going to go, ah, ah, right. We're done. No, we're not going down this road.

Lisa Campion 36:24
That's right, I feel the same thing. And I'm sort of kidding. When I say aliens land on the White House lawn. My, my scenario is more like to Star Trek, like, you know, you're gonna be you're gonna be like indoctrinated into the Federation instead of the, you know, Independence Day where, you know, we just can't do it by the aliens. But I'm an optimist. You know, so, I don't know, but, but I do think that I do feel like it's, you know, maybe that's climate change. Or maybe that's like horrific weather or things, you know, that happen that are kind of impersonal. And I do feel like as humans, we, when we're where our backs up against the wall, our nature is to help each other, you know, like that in that 911 moment, you know, and, and I can feel that, you know, I'm like, I'm from Boston, and we've had a tough, you know, two of those planes were from Boston, right. And, of course, and strong was a thing, you know, and then we had the marathon bombings, and there's still, there's still like a huge sentiment here. It's sort of solidified our collectiveness as, as New Englanders. And that's kind of what I was talking about. But I do feel like there that. I don't know, I think something's going to happen that's going to unite us. I don't see like another massive world war. I don't see like big nukes going off. I don't you know, I don't see that happening. But something Yeah, something something somewhat

Alex Ferrari 37:49
Someone or something is gonna cross the line to a point where where, like, now you've gone beyond where we were all right. All right. Now we're.

Lisa Campion 37:58
But like, what happened with with Hitler and the Nazis? I mean, you know, everyone was, you know, everyone, everyone was like, a big no, to that. Nope, died of that situation. So, um, and that was a war. That was a World War. But I think there was something that will happen that will kind of harmonize us as humans again, without that level of destruction.

Alex Ferrari 38:19
And when it's going to be a choice, as a collective, we're all going to choose one path or the other to take.

Lisa Campion 38:27

Alex Ferrari 38:29
Now, where do you see it? Because there's a lot of talk about the spiritual shift that's happening, the ascension, just this, the ascension, the awakening of so many people, there's no doubt, no one can deny that there is more. There's more consciousness now than there was five years ago, 10 years ago, definitely 20 or 30 years ago, as we were talking about this concept of psychic abilities and channels and, and Reiki and these kinds of things, there is a more consciousness opening. How is that affecting? Because it seems like on one end, we're becoming we're getting closer to source again, as we raise our consciousness, but there's this other segment of the world that's of the population that's just like nope, and they're trying to the crab in the bucket trying to bring everyone down. So where do you see that balance going?

Lisa Campion 39:20
I feel like we're going back to the football game scenario there. And you know, all we can do is manage our own state of consciousness. My belief is that the external world is a reflection of our inner state of consciousness. And I can't control what's happening in the world but I can control my own state of consciousness they they say like like inner peace starts inside yourself you know and when we have peace and love and harmony and those qualities integrity honor those qualities we care about internally, then that's elevate that's where like, more people are choose sort of like that. I was a Star Wars fan when I was growing up. So Star Wars was kind of my other like, you know, like Of course, formative kind of spiritual experiences a kid. And it's like, we have that choice every minute to choose the light or choose the dark, you know, and we, our job is to choose the light, choose the light, choose the light, choose the light, and the more people that do that, the more they talk about, like philosophers and metaphysicians, talk about sort of a critical level of consciousness, like when the critical mass, you know, certain number hits, we all will call it, that consciousness will spread across the planet. And, and more of us will wake up, the more opportunity we create, we start podcasts, we write books, we, you know, do, we go to seminars, we do all these things that help illuminate other people. And that's what we can do to, to think, you know, to choose the light, it's like, we're going to run into that, we're going to all run to that side of the boat, and hopefully, shift this, you know, steer the boat in a different direction. And, and I do believe that as we do that, sort of the, the forces of darkness, the, the forces of interference, like that don't want that to happen, are arising of the old paradigm is trying hard to hold on to its power, the patriarchy, you know, the, the old white men in suits are, they're trying really hard to hold on to their power, nobody wants to let go of power. Right. And they're, they're trying, they're, they're, they're grasping so hard, but I feel like it's really the last gasp, they're old, ventually they won't be on the board anymore. And, you know, things will be, you know, in, I think about my children, my adult children being the ones to make the next decision, you know, to be making the next decisions, they're going to choose from a different set of values, a different, you know, a sort of a more updated you know, little higher vibe, you know, equity, equality, diversity, they less materialism, and we just have to sort of hope we don't all kill ourselves, you know, like, you know, nuke the whole thing before we make that shift. And yes, I see it all the time that those forces of darkness, but again, I'm like, I'm a person that has a lot of faith, a lot of hope, a lot of optimism. So I'm like, you know, if we, if we go to the football analogy, I'm a Patriots fan, like, we're gonna pull it out in the last 30 seconds of overtime. One more time, and, and we're gonna win. So that's how I see it. And I actually feel a feel quite a lot of hopeful, I feel quite a lot of hope when I talk to younger people. And I see where they're, where their heads are, and how they feel about things and just can't wait for them to be in charge.

Alex Ferrari 42:45
And where do you see technology? Because technology is becoming such an even more the AI specifically?

Lisa Campion 42:52

Alex Ferrari 42:53
It's overnight, it's come come up. There's a now there's a responsible, I don't think there's a terminator scenario or a matrix scenario. But there's, hopefully now what do you see? What do you see AI and technology going?

Lisa Campion 43:06
I mean, just on a personal note, I'm a huge fan, I use it all the time and love it and, you know, see the potential and like, if I had a lot of money to invest, I would definitely be investing in some AI. You know, right now, that's where I would put my money. And, and we have, like you said, we have a responsibility. This is where I worry about it. And it's a tool, can we guide it? Can we make guidelines? Can we teach it? Can we feed it? You know, can we give it the prime directive? In there always, there are always people who want to warp it and use it for nefarious purposes. You know, like any tool, we can weaponize it, or we can use it to save humanity. What are we going to do? There's going to be people who want to go either went both ways with it.

Alex Ferrari 43:55
What do you what do you see being the biggest challenge that humanity has over the next decade that we have to overcome?

Lisa Campion 44:04
I'm gonna say climate change, and that famine, displacement, food scarcity, and displacement due to climate change. And then there's going to be climate change. Yeah. And there's going to be climate change refugees. There already are you know, and what how are we going to feed people? If more and more of the world is desert of fIying you know, and I think there's a lot we can do you know, we we can do like regenerative farming we actually have the technology know how to feed every single human on the planet. And yeah, really beautiful way we just don't do it. I don't know why. Because, you know, the old system is in place and I I feel like this is an opportunity for us to maybe make some better choices. To choose with more empathy with more compassion we have we can take care of Every single human on the planet and a whole lot more, if we, if we choose to do that,

Alex Ferrari 45:04
I find it so fascinating because when you know, when you're I was I was in Europe while ago and the food, they're so different. And it's on a massive scale, Europe is not a small place. And there are rules in place to protect its citizens, we're in the States, there isn't that I mean, there's garbage in our food, there's poisons in our food, you feel the difference, it's and it's all this vicious kind of, you know, you're eating horribly, then you get sick, and then the health care system is, is broken. And this and no one has it all figured out. But there are definitely things that we could be doing. It's because that old systems in place, and they just keep making money, and they will keep making, right. And

Lisa Campion 45:45
It's greed and profit and business over and lack of empathy over the real needs of humanity, you know, and we could we don't have to do that. We can they, you know, we can grow high food hydroponically being grown in huge towers, you know, like stacked up, we can do regenerative farming techniques, we can we can, we should can and should all be organically farming or gardening is one of my hobbies. But I get tired of psychic work, that's what I do. And I have a special passion for urban gardening and helping people establish gardens in you know, places to grow their own food. And that's, that's something we can all do. And I feel like we may be forced to do that. Because when we go back to system break, when we go to system breakdown, that's what we're going to be left with makes me think of my grandparents who had a victory garden, you know, they turned their front lawn during the war during World War Two. And there were food shortages. And if you had land, if you had a front yard, the government asked you to put it they call it a victory garden. And it was to grow food for your family and for your neighborhood, in your own neighborhood in your own on your own piece of land. And there's no reason why we can't You know, I feel like we're gonna we're headed back to those that time in which will probably be like you said better for our health better for, you know, we don't have to be poisoned by our food. And there's a huge cost to that for Americans. And I used to live in Europe. I lived in Germany for quite a long time. And they had the strictest purity laws in the world. And I got used to that. And then I came back here the only way I could figure out how to deal with it. It was grow my own food.

Alex Ferrari 47:29
Wow. That's crazy. Yeah. So Lisa I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I ask all my guests. What is your definite definition of living a fulfilled life?

Lisa Campion 47:39
I think that's such a beautiful question. And thank you for asking, I love that. I really feel like it's for me, it's about mindfulness and being like, training myself to live as fully in the moment as I can. Because moment by, like, the moments of my life are so beautiful. And even the ones that are hard have like a sweetness to them, like a richness to them, you know? So, when I'm with my kids, and we're when I'm, you know, just the beauty of the natural world, the beauty of this moment we're having right now, you know, is to drop fully into the beauty of each moment. That's my, that's my definition. Beautiful, beautiful episode, I think could be of service to be helpful to be of service. You know, that brings, I think, a deep level of happiness and contentment to me.

Alex Ferrari 48:28
Yeah. Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and talk a little Lisa, what advice would you give her?

Lisa Campion 48:33
Hmm, I would, you know, I would say what Maharishi told me, you know, like, go back in the day to really hang in and hang in there, I always tell my younger self to aim a little higher, to believe, you know, to raise the bar a little more, to aim a little higher. To believe in myself, and just really say, it's all gonna be okay. You know, like, it's all, like, my life is amazing, and beautiful. And that, you know, you know, keep keep going, and it's gonna get better. And I think about that a lot. Like I, I wrote the books I wish I could have found in the library when I was little in searching. And I became the teacher that I wish I had, you know, created the classes that I wanted to find that I couldn't find. Um, and I think there are ways where we can transform our pain into our purpose, and our trauma into our mission. And that's, you know, we have combined deep fulfillment and meaning and being able to do that.

Alex Ferrari 49:39
Now, how do you define God or Source?

Lisa Campion 49:42
Umm, you know, I have deep experience of defining that as hard I have deep very personal experiences. I think that our tiny wee little human minds are for a really difficult time grasping the concept of that, but I think we can feel it, you know, and I think we feel it as faith as love As joy, as sort of the interconnectedness of all of humanity, and that in on the planet that we live in, I think it's a feeling for that we the closest we can get to it is that feeling and that feeling would be like love, trust, faith, joy, those kinds of higher frequency feelings. And you know, there's all kinds of our minds have created all kinds of metaphysics and philosophies, whether it's mathematics, or quantum physics or poetry, we're trying to define it, but I don't think actually we can. I just think we can experience it. What is love, I think love is, you know, has really like to, there's this sort of that it full of love, we put on ourselves of deeply accepting, forgiving, seeing, honoring who we are at the deepest levels. And when we do that, we can then share that with other people empathy, compassion, you know, I think empathy and compassion are huge parts of love, putting putting ourselves in other people's shoes, right? I do a lot of work with training empaths. And I wrote a whole book about that. But I feel like if the empaths let's hope, let's pray. Right now, the empaths are in charge of the new paradigm, there's more of them, there's more of them on the committee's, that are going to run the new paradigm, because we really would not have the problems we have in the world right now. If empaths ruled?

Alex Ferrari 51:19
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Lisa Campion 51:22
I think there are two things there and one of them is self discovery, to really, you know, they say like, that what was written on the doors of the mystery schools know thyself, you know, and that, that, that life is just a huge experiment. It's all research, that everything that's happening around us to be self reflective, so that we can really deeply know ourselves. And as we do that, we again, turn the energy around and to be of service into the world. So I feel like there's two aspects of it to know yourself and then to be of service.

Alex Ferrari 51:53
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Lisa Campion 51:57
You can come to my website, And I'd love to hear from you. I work mostly with emerging psychics, healers, and empaths, to help them train and understand their gifts. Because I think the world these are the healers they can get now more than ever. And, and I have all kinds of, I've written a bunch of books about that. You can find them wherever you buy books, and have all kinds of online trainings for people that that you know, want to develop their psychic skills or understand their nature as an empath, or become a healer.

Alex Ferrari 52:28
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Lisa Campion 52:30
Oh, um, I just say like, thank you so much. I want to say actually, thank you to you, Alex, thank you for having me on your show. And thank you for creating this beautiful podcast. It's really an incredible body of work that you have and all the people that you've talked to you and I want to send my appreciation to you for the light you are bringing to the world that we can all share by listening to your podcast and sharing it and spreading it around. So let's keep spreading the light because that's what we need to do right now.

Alex Ferrari 52:57
Lisa this has been such a pleasure having you on the show. Thank you so much for being on the show and for the work that you're doing to awaken the planet. So I appreciate you.

Lisa Campion 53:04
Thank you. Thank you right back at you.

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