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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 549
Kyle Cease 0:00
So if you're trying to make money over hearing your soul, you're gonna not only lose your soul, but go broke in the process. The spiritual bank account that when we do our truest self, when we are meditating, when we connect, when we sit in nature, imagine you're making a deposit to feel that you are loved. And the consciousness now is expansion over connection. You can have friends, but they got to be expanding too. Obviously we are supposed to be connected fully to source. That's our home. And then we were just absolutely conditioned out of it.
Alex Ferrari 0:37
You know, I think the greatest comedy writer of all time is God, yes. I mean, there's a lot of humor.
Kyle Cease 0:44
We're surrendering our constant I know what's coming, but we're trading it for God takeover.
Alex Ferrari 0:50
I'd like to welcome back to the show, returning champion Kyle Cease. How you doing Kyle?
Kyle Cease 1:05
I've returned two or three times, Bud.
Alex Ferrari 1:07
I think you have, but this is your second time here in the studio, which you're one of the rare, rare guests who've come back in the studio, because we've only been doing in studio for less than a year now. So welcome back Sir.
Kyle Cease 1:19
I'm honored to be here, man, I'm, I'm grateful for you. It looks like we're working on a bunch of stuff together.
Alex Ferrari 1:24
Yes, you know, you've, you've, you've been amazing with us, in the sense that we opened up Next Level Soul TV and I reached out to you. I'm like, Hey, man, I'd love to have, I want to promote what you're doing. I want to promote the teachings and what you're doing and the energy that you're doing. I want to support it. And I go, do you want to be a part of Next Level Soul TV? And you're like, Absolutely, let's figure it out. And and then, you know, we were able to put love, Love Rising on there as this conversation probably limited. The limitation game is another event that you did that's going to be on there. We have some meditations that you did as well. And one of the things we're going to be talking about today is the illusion of money, yes, as well, which is your amazing documentary that we have on the platform. So we're very blessed and very honored to be the home for a lot of this stuff, for people to to see you, not that you need our light on you, because you're large in your own right, but it's, it's, I want to whatever we can bring whatever good energy we can bring to your world. That's my goal. Because when I find someone that's really doing good stuff in the world, I want to support it. That's why we're doing the show. That's why we bring spotlight. We spotlight so many people on the show to kind of help them get their word out.
Kyle Cease 2:32
Well, I'm honored to have your help, and I'm honored to support you too, man, because I think you're doing great stuff. And you know, it's a weird thing how there's a vibration of competition, and there's a vibration of collaboration, you know, and there's no harm in taking some of our stuff that we had made in the past, that I'm very proud of, and just handing it over and going, Wow, more eyes will see this. The more I do this work, the higher I go up. This sounds weird, but the less I'm about what am I getting at all? And I'm really enjoying just going, okay, here, like, just do this, because this, this came through me, and who am I to get in between this thing that's coming through and the person that's receiving it and be like, what do I get for this? It's just like, none of my business, really. And the higher you go up, the more you're just like, you know, you're I'm, I'm able to constantly create, you know, I offer anyone watching. Remember, you're a creator, you know? And you you have the original in you that can print so many unique ideas constantly, ongoingly. So it's fun to take some stuff that we've done that were huge hit things and awesome, and go, Yeah, let's, let's put them on your your platform and and then make new things. And, you know, do more with you guys. Yeah. And just remember that we're creators more than consumers, and when we're more on the consumer side, we are in pain. We're always wanting more. We're always feeling unseen. It's always not enough. And I just believe that's not why we're on this planet. And I think that we really stress trying constantly to get and get just as a constant, I'm in lack. And the more you go up, the less stuff you need, which means, like, weirdly, the less you're spending on things, the less addicted you are, the less you want to have and you're just more wanting that connection with God. I have found for myself that I'm really enjoying getting closer to source by removing external, old addictions, things that just didn't align. You know, I haven't had a drink in over a year. I meditate two hours every day. And this will sound weird, but I even, you know it's a weird thing to say in our world, but like, I found that removing caffeine has really shifted me. Because for me, I noticed that caffeine is really helpful. People at helping me do things that I think I have to do, but deep down don't want to do, right? Like, it'll help me go to that party that I might be scared to miss out on, and it'll help me, you know, it can help a person go to a job they hate. But I found that by removing it and going through all the withdrawals, I'm directly connected with source more, and I find that my boundaries to the world are very easy. You know, like, No, I'm going to sleep because I didn't have coffee. So I'm connecting. But the more I boundary myself from a lot of things in the physical realm that are not tends to my soul, the closer I'm getting to my soul. And it's really such an amazing experience to have, and it turns out that it has higher level ideas and next steps and better things and healing and deeper sleep and so many things.
Alex Ferrari 5:49
I have to tell you. This is why. This is also one of the reasons why I invited you to come to the Ascension Conference that we're having in March. Yes, as one of our guest speakers, because your your style of spiritual teaching and evolution and transformation is unique in the space because of your comedy background and the way you deliver. You know, when I watch love rising and I'm sitting there and I'm laughing, you know, there's someone like going through a lot of pain on stage, but you're helping them get through it with laughter and your and your jokes and your stand up, you know, that stand up comic sensibility you have? Because, you know, I think the greatest comedy writer of all time is, God, you know, yes. I mean, there's a lot of humor, and from what I understand from a lot of near death experiencers and people who have been on the other side and come back or either from psychic mediums or even there's a lot of humor on the other side. Yes, there's a lot of Robin Williams is on the other side. So there's someone laughing.
Kyle Cease 6:52
Yeah. Well, do you notice that we often when people go on YouTube or tick tock or whatever they're they're looking for a lot of things that are in the moment. Hecklers fail, compilations, they want spontaneity, yeah, and what happens in the now is much more God than what happens planned, right? Absolutely, you know. And I one thing that also, I do with my events, aside from sometimes it comes out and will make you feel emotions of sadness, but also laughter. And you know, they're both releasing to me, another aspect of me is that I can't, like anyone that's worked with me will tell you I can't plan one thing, like, I'll do a six day event. And there isn't one bullet point, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 7:38
I heard that from Aaron Abke, yeah? He's like, Yeah, I was just at his vent. I didn't know what to do. He's like, Yeah, just go out there. We're gonna do that. Let's go. We'll figure it out.
Kyle Cease 7:49
Yeah, we did an event called the big one with Aaron. And here's the funny thing is, like, you know, if you go talk to a friend at dinner, you don't have a set list, and you could talk for two, three hours, right like here, right here, right and. And so it's interesting, because when I when I go on stage, I start and whatever I'm feeling, I start saying, and then usually a lesson starts forming about that. But what evolving out loud is that's what my events are called. I'm coaching myself, because have you ever given someone advice and then you learned from the advice you gave them absolutely sometimes we give people advice that they're not even asking. Someone will be like, I'm starving. And you're like, I think you should break up with her. And they're like, I'm single. And you're like, Okay, this is for me. And you start to realize there's two me's, right, yeah, there's a me that knows what to do and tells you something, and then there's a me that learned from what I said. So there's two me's and that one that knows I want to connect to that, and the one that learns from that, if he follows the Teachings of the higher self starts to merge into the higher self, like the smaller self dissolves when you honor the higher self. It's a really interesting thing, but the more I do this work, the more I go I must be the higher self, because the lower smaller self keeps dying, and the one that feels limitation keeps dying every time I honor my true self. So when I actually connect to my soul, you start to realize maybe the higher self is you, and the lower self is an egoic construct that was conditioned out of trauma that's here, dissolving as you follow the higher so the longer my events go, the better they get, because the more and more the lower self starts to dissolve, and the source is just speaking through fully, directly.
Alex Ferrari 9:45
But the thing that's brilliant about this Kyle, and this is why so many people are terrified by this, is that you are a stand up comic. Yes, by by training, by training, by heart, by soul, you came up as a stand up. Yeah, we know. A lot of mutual friends. I've been around stand ups for the last 15 years, yes, and I've worked at the highest levels with some of them. The ability that a stand up has yes to just Co Op and just, let's just go, Yeah, on the edge, on the moment. They live on the edge. You're bringing they live on the edge like I've see, I've been at the Comedy Store, I've sat there and I watched somebody come up, a friend of mine come up, and I heard his set before he comes up. And I'm just like, that wasn't the set we talked about, yeah. And he's just going, he's riffing, yeah, he's riffing off someone in the crowd. He's riffing off of this. And it's, it's being on that edge, and that's the magic you're bringing that sensibility to spiritual transformation, which is, it's, it's terrifying, yeah, to go in front of 1000s of people and go, Yeah, I don't know what we're gonna do today. Let's go, yeah. You know, it's crazy.
Kyle Cease 10:55
Well, it's, it's an interesting thing, because, you know, if I enter the spiritual space and ask, What did? What do they already do in the spiritual space? I'm not going to bring my uniqueness to it. And I think that there's a funny thing that we feel in spirituality that, like, You got to be really serious, and this is such a serious thing, and people think that we are mortal and everything's a big deal, and I think we're immortal, and it's not a big deal, right? Like, you just get that you're an infinite being, and that's normal. But, like, we don't have to do this so seriously, because the amount of times that I've been at a meditation retreat when I started doing the center work and or a spiritual speaker, and I'll say a rift that's funny, and then the teacher will be like, please stop. We're trying to be happy. And I'm, no, you're not, you know, and
Alex Ferrari 11:47
You should bring a fart machine to those things, and also, like, the middle of everyone's
Kyle Cease 11:53
You know, another thing, yeah, right.
Alex Ferrari 11:54
You should absolutely hold and you should get upset. Who did that?
Kyle Cease 11:58
It was you. Eckhart. Now, I'm assuming he would say, Now, obviously, because he's in, because it's his brand, it's his brand. He's, yeah, he never would say, I farted a minute ago. Why? He's like because he doesn't even know about it. If it's in the past, he doesn't know, dude, I did a set in front of him and Jim Carrey at an event, oh God, 20, I don't know, 10 or 11. And I ad libbed a set about that, because I looked in the audience and I see Jim Carrey and Eckhart Tolle in the fourth row or so. And I said, this is really weird to me, because I'm told I'm what would happen if Jim Carrey and Eckhart Tolle had a baby. And I said, I don't know if you guys are picturing that, Eckhart, I know you're not, because it's a thought, and you don't have those. And then I said, some of you guys might think that joke was offensive, but it's in the past, so Eckhart doesn't even know about it. And this, like spiritual stand up was like birthing right there. And they they loved it. It was great. And that was an interesting experience. They both laughed. Oh, they were laughing and hanging with me afterwards. It was amazing. And I learned so much from that, because I literally was bringing me into this, all of me, and it formed around that. And this happened when I did the movie, 10 Things I Hate About You. I had no headshot, I had no resume, I had no experience, right, right? But I was oblivious to that was a problem. And when I walked into the audition, I brought my character, I brought my cheesy guy, I brought this guy that would go after everything, and booked, like, a ton of commercials with that face and a lot of TV appearances. And I What was amazing was I hadn't yet taken any acting class that told me something like, you're gonna have to have the lines down, and you need to take this seriously, and you need to whatever. Because I hadn't heard all that, that would have basically taken me away from my connection to myself, right? I walked in there oblivious to all the ways that I'm supposed to be to nail the part, and I booked it. It was like one of the, maybe the first audition I ever had in my life. And they that was supposed to be a two day shoot. It was supposed to just shoot for two days after I did it the way I owned and was me, they rewrote it, they made it bigger. It was a bigger part. It was supposed to be only one scene. And then they kept making it bigger. And suddenly I was shooting for six weeks the part got bigger because I was fully owning who I was, and I wasn't trying to be when I'm told you need to be to get something. And then the next audition was like for Not Another Teen movie, and I booked the slow clapper that keeps trying to get everyone to clap. It's always the wrong time again. No agent, no nothing. The only experience was 10 things. Then I started taking acting classes, and that killed you. It killed Mike. It killed that acting career, because they were like, You got to take this seriously. And it's not that easy. And it's almost like if you took like a Jim Carrey and said that to him, he's sitting there putting his legs. Behind his head and talking out of his butt. And you're like, Listen, you know, 500 people going through this, there's no way that's going to happen. And I listen to that, and I let my uniqueness and what's amazing about me leave. And for years that harmed me, and more and more now I, you know, shed that, and just like really, have birthed this person that there's no rules on how anything has to be as long as you're not hurting someone. You be you, you go into the truest You and you, you be authentic. And I start realizing, you know, I'm 47 and I have 47 years of experience, but if I try to mold into the spiritual world, what I've seen so far, what I'm supposed to do to get sales or to do something to impact people that way, I'm literally cutting off a ton of myself and and trying to shrink to make someone else happy. And I think that's the essence of all of us, in a way, that what you truly are, if it's just fine, that you're truly that, that you feel, that that you desire, that that you are, that that you've made those mistakes, that whatever you're free, but Kyle, that's super scary to be yourself. It's super scary to happen. It's super scary to be yourself, right? But that's one thing only to the ego, right? Right? The ego. So it's super scary to a false mechanism that's not real, correct? So if you are fully yourself, the more you step into that self, the more that false self can dissolve. It's that it's scary and you cater to it, that it has so much power. If it's scary and you go, I don't care, it's dead, right? So that moment is really big. When you go, yeah, it's scary if I leap into this, but I'm going to then what happens is you suddenly follow your calling, and the energy that says it's scary isn't running the show, and it dies because it's not running the show. So the more you follow your truest self, the more this small self has no hold. But imagine if you go, I'm going to be my true self, or I'm going to say yes to this thing, or I'm gonna move or leap into this thing, and the smaller self goes, this is scary, and you cater to it. It just got 10,000 times more powerful because the voice of limitation just won. But it only won because you catered to it. It has no power over you until you cater to it.
Alex Ferrari 17:16
I don't know if you know this story or not, Kyle, but I was first introduced to your work years ago with your book, Illusion Of Money. When I first I read that book, before we ever knew each other, before I had Next Level Soul. I love that book because of the the the humor in it, self deprecation, but the message of it, and I became a fan of yours ever since then. Thank you. And when, when I saw illusion of money the documentary, I remember calling you. I go, Dude, where's this been? You're like, it's only been on my website. Like, behind you know, people can watch it if they want. It's I'm like, this needs to be seen, man, this needs to be heard more and more. And I think now more than ever, that concept of the illusion of money. So I want to dive into what that book and what that movie was really about.
Kyle Cease 18:13
And they're two very different things, by the way, they should know that if you have the book, still check out the movie. If you see the movie, go get the book. They're the same title, and it was supposed to be a complimentary thing that comes with the book, but I really realized there's there's, they're two totally different things. I mean, there's some similarities, but
Alex Ferrari 18:31
Some of the concepts and the themes and stuff like that are both but they're very different products and very different things. But as far as the movie is concerned the idea of the illusion of money. Now, when you say illusion of money, what did you mean by that?
Kyle Cease 18:47
Yes, well, it's weird, because I'm not saying money doesn't exist and we can't see it in certain areas, but there's an energy in our body that has a trigger and a feeling about money that we think is about money, but it really has to do with our beliefs, our shame, our parent, conditioning, whatever, but it is the one thing that for sure, most people make bigger than their soul. It's something that like, I'd love, like people say, I'd love to just follow my heart, Kyle, but I have to make money. And I go, you don't know how much money you're losing by not following your heart. You don't understand how much you're limiting yourself and making money bigger than you. And the point, one of the points of the book, in the movie, is that that is actually expensive, and because you're cut off from your heart, and you're not following what truly it says, Now the money you are getting you have to spend on a bunch of addictions because you feel so unfulfilled, right? And so the premise of this is that there's a concept in our body we call money, but it's not. It could be. My dad said to me, money is the root of all evil. It could be I'm shamed if I make it, because I bonded with my parents that rich people are bad, like, I mean, all these things are there, and so very often, people have in their body deep belief systems about everything, about. All kinds of stuff, but with money, there's, you know, well, we grew up in a poor house, so like, if I still want to be my parents kid, I have to be poor. Could be in the subconscious, because if I'm truly what I want to be, then I'm not what they would approve of, or all these different things, or the opposite. You could do it out of rejection. Sometimes people have parents that were broke or had beliefs about money, and they're like, I don't want to be my parents. So I'm going to, like, hustle and work really hard and not be that, but you're still building money out of I don't want to be my parents. So it's not that you're connected to source, and you're doing what God wants, and it's moving you to a higher frequency. You're just being the rejection of something. And the more you don't want to be something, the more you have to encapsulate what it is you don't want to be, and the more people that don't want to be like their parents, they hit 40 and 50 going, I'm just like my dad, you know? And so we're, I'm, I'm here to say there is a you that is a whole you that isn't just the unit that you had to create to protect yourself from your childhood and mold around your parents egos. There's a whole you, and that you is full of abundance. And one of the things I think that we all have, I know that I've had in me the pressure to be a provider for family. Now there's there's the egos version of that, which is like I saw my dad. Have that and I want and I'm gonna grab that and be the same. I find even if I let go of that pressure, God is providing for me on way, way higher levels. So it's providing through me when I let go of these egoic constructs, the people pleaser, the the forced achiever to not be someone else, all these different things, the true you, the is, is when you're, you know, meditating for a while and not doing things because you think you have to to make someone else happy, or not doing things out of survival, those things aren't even working anymore. By the way, the more you're trying to make money over your soul. A lot of people are like, I'm hustling. I'm hustling. I'm still not making money. I'm like, because the consciousness now is so high that doing things out of fear isn't working at all. So if you're doing something out of survival or fear, so if you're trying to make money over hearing your soul, you're gonna not only lose your soul, but go broke in the process. So there's a lot of people like, I'm working 50-60 hours a week, and I'm not making any money, and I'm like, right? Because you're not connected in your vibration. You're doing it based on egoic effort in a time where, in 2025 the consciousness and the light that's shining on us is so bright that you're stuck seeing all these egoic patterns, which, as a side note, I think also is why a lot of people are having a hard time sleeping right now. So many people right now, especially if they're doing inner work, are having a harder and harder time sleeping. The amount of clients I have. I've gone through it quite a bit too. My fiance Amber has. We go through this thing where inside of us are these patterns that lie dormant in a darker time that didn't look at ourselves. Now these patterns are coming up, and they're dying and they're trying to survive so they're active, so we can't rest as well, because they're like, being pulled up and out. I don't know if that makes sense. Oh, it does. But a lot of people are going, why can't I sleep? And it's like, because life right now is forcing us to get into our truest self, even if we don't know what it looks like, even if it's not familiar. And so it's going to kill your people pleaser. It's going to kill your not enough lie. It's going to kill your stagnant story of being in the wrong relationship. It's going to kill your staying in a job you don't like what all of those are being forced to die now. And what is replaced is you directly connected with source. And it turns out, it is not about survival. It's about thriving. It's about ways you wouldn't have seen. It's about ways you don't understand. You know, one of the things in a meditation I heard recently from source is it told me make everything that I do, like there's products we've had that were 1000s of dollars. Make them cost almost nothing. It's crazy. We so I made a meditation bundle recently that I'm so proud of, right? And I made it 20. It's a bundle of five meditations for health, releasing all these things. These meditations are truly designed to help you let your Doer go, because a lot of us have a doer, and the doer is here to prevent our biggest fears from coming to light. If we'd moved the doer out of the way, the biggest fears could come to light and leave. So I made this meditation bundle, and I made it $20 and recently we've sold more. We've made more money from the meditation bundle. That's $20 than in the old days when I had $1,000 products, and I started to go, oh, like, it's just like, give it like, that's why I'm like, take, take love rising, take the illusion of money. Because it's just like, it's just like, I'm not here to get. Anymore. It's like it's so providing, if I follow what it says. But if I was in the old ego at construct, it goes, you have to make money, I would not have heard that higher thing. Tell me, just make your meditation bundle $20 and sell 1000s of them. You get what I'm saying, right? So I'm starting to see that that source has, like, way better ideas, and weirdly, if you're connected to source, it will take care of your money. Another premise, I think this one's more in the book than the movie, is imagine if you went on a date with money. This is weird, but imagine if you went on a date with money and you brought your childhood beliefs, or your current beliefs, even about money, and you're saying them to the money, right? You're the root of all evil. You're not enough. You're never enough. Why aren't you more? Now, if you were money and you're on a date with you and your beliefs, wouldn't you leave?
Alex Ferrari 25:57
That's amazing, right? No, the energy that you're putting towards money, like, why would money want to be there?
Kyle Cease 26:05
Yeah, if you're telling money you're you're not enough, why do I need more of you? I need you to change. I need whatever you're saying completely that I don't like you. You're not I mean, all the vibration is negative, like you. Or, how about this, I'm gonna use you to get someone else to like me. Imagine if you went on a date with someone, they said, I'm gonna use you to get someone else to like me. Because there's a lot of people that want more money so you can get a richer car or whatever, and then get the woman to like them, right? So these are reasons that money can't come to you because, literally, your subconscious belief system is attacking it. And another premise in the book that I think is really exciting is we also see money as a finite thing, because we don't get that we are the source of every dollar we've ever made. So we should get excited about ourselves and the source that we are, because money just came as a match to that. But people look at money as if it's the God, and this is our limitation. So imagine if you and I were out in the woods and I rounded a corner and there's a waterfall. Wouldn't it be weird if I took a cup and I filled the cup up with water, I came back to you, I didn't mention the waterfall. I just go, Alex, dude, look a cup of water. You'd see the cup, and you'd only see the limitation of the cup, right? So you'd be like, do we have enough for rent? You know, we sure can't donate any of it, like we don't have an unlimited supply. Because you're looking at the money, that's the cup of water, but you're the waterfall. But because we shrunk our consciousness to money is bigger than the waterfall that I am, right? We literally see money as this limitation thing. And it's interesting also, because there's only one you, and the more you go up in vibration, the more you realize you're not replaceable, if you really access all of you. Meanwhile, money has been for the last four years, printed so much that it's worth nothing.
Alex Ferrari 27:50
It's not even printed anymore. Yeah. I mean, it's printed, but it's also like, you know, fractional reserve bank, yeah, yeah, for every dollar they put in, they can actually loan out 10, yeah, yeah, yeah. That hopefully so they're literally typing it in, right? And also, if you put $1,000 in the bank generated out of thin air, $9,000 right by law, to then loan out to people, right? So it's literally infinite. It's not like the olden days where it was attached to gold, right? And we only could make as much money as we had gold, right?
Kyle Cease 28:35
That's which would make sense, which made that makes a lot more sense, because these are just IOUs, so money is Yeah, so you're worth everything. Money's worth nothing, and you're focused on money, so you're shrinking your consciousness to that thing that they're printing more of. So it's not worth anything. Is worth more than what I am. And there's a thing in the book that you know, a lot of great speakers in the past have talked about making your money work for you. And Robert Kiyosaki, all those things, one of the things I talk about is using money to raise your vibration or put it into something that will heal you. Like for me, if I get extra money, I'd like to go to a cabin for a month in the woods with no internet and hear God on a higher frequency. To me, renting that cabin for $100,000 would pay for itself much higher because I get higher guided ideas. I'd heal wounds of I'm not enough. All these things would get taken care of if I go to a higher thing. So for instance, you get money moving it towards your health. You get money getting an assistant for your business. That's always been a soul calling, if it moves you towards your soul, using money to do that will make the money pay for itself. So much more so for me. Like A is, you know, a one group of people take some money. They're just buying beers and just it's going away. B is, I'm putting my money in the stock market. I'm putting in money to make money for me. C is. I'm putting it in to change my consciousness the highest I can. So I'll get an assistant to help me with things that don't align with me. So I can go
Go get a massage, go to a vacation. Yes, all that things that feed you, feed the soul. I'm gonna go on a vacation with my family and spend money on it. Yes, as opposed to putting that money to work in the stock market, or put it, you know, or investment of some sort, and those are still great too. It's a balance, but, yeah, but the the highest version of yourself is like, I can't imagine another like, a deeper reason to be on this planet than to find out what you are. And it turns out, what you are is worth so much more money than money.
And so get excited about you through your connection to you, your exploration of you, your meditations, your connection, all those things more than we're getting more like this. This energy is not going to make it anymore. That's an old consciousness. At one point, it was a victim thing, then it was an achiever thing. And I think it's now. Then it was vibration thing. I think it's a now thing. I don't know if that makes sense, but
Alex Ferrari 31:10
It makes, it makes all the sense the world. I mean, I have to tell you, like, my relationship with money over the years is the hustle. I mean, literally, my last show was called Indie Film Hustle. I was all about the hustle. Had the hustle hat, you know, hustle, hustle, grind, grind. Grin house. And it was all about, you know, I need, I need to go get it. I need to go hustle for it. Money's hard. These are all things that I came I came up from, you know, blue collar family, you know. And, you know, they struggled to make money and and they, you know, they did the best they could at the times that they had it. But we didn't come from a rich situation by any stretch of the imagination. So I was, since I was four, I was I was figuring ways out to make money. It was always a thing to me. But when I the the more I try to grab on to it, that's when the things didn't happen. That's it. Like I would try to grab on to it. I would try to force it, I would try to direct it as a director, to direct the things, to make it happen, and only one I let go is when doors started to swing open. That's a real thing. It's an but it's scary. Yeah, it's either you're forced to let go in one way, shape or form, the universe forces you to let go.
Kyle Cease 32:20
Yes, you can't. You can't voluntarily let go while you're abundant and haven't had the low yet to create, right?
Alex Ferrari 32:27
So they're forcing you to let go, yeah? Or you make the conscious decision to let go. Yeah? When I started this show, I made the conscious decision to put myself out there, yeah, to do this work. And it was scary. Is this terrifying? Yeah. But since then, you know, our goal with this company, what we do is never money. It's not, I never chase money. Ever. I'm about the mission of
Kyle Cease 32:54
You'll be more abundant. Ironically,
Alex Ferrari 32:56
More ironically, you know, we were able to build this we were able to there was so much more abundance that came to us because we weren't focused on it. It's not something. It doesn't even count. It's never even a calculation in my decision making. Yeah, it's always about, how can we what is this gonna affect people? How can we get this out there? What are we gonna do? I bring people on the show who I know might not be like, a huge hit on on on our YouTube show, meaning that there's going to be less revenue. There's maybe less this. But I'm doing it because I want to, yes, I because I think it's important, because I want to get this out.
Kyle Cease 33:31
Well, it's funny to be like, Okay, so let's mold to what we'll sell. If we do that, then, you know, like, Who do you think one example is dead. But who do you think would fill a stadium more Britney Spears or Miles Davis? Now maybe Miles Davis, because of the legendary up there. Is he alive? He's not Joe. But what I mean is, in one I don't even want to say like Britney Spears specifically, because I'm not dogging anyone. But there's a way that like what the public loves doesn't necessarily represent what the greatest is
Alex Ferrari 34:12
This remember this? We didn't know we wanted this right until Steve Jobs showed up and said, We need iPods, right? I think an iPod is something you need. I think this iPhone is what you we didn't even know we needed it or wanted it, right? So it's, it's, and everybody else was like, no, no, no, no, this is, this is the way. This is the way, right? So you always find something else,
Kyle Cease 34:32
Yeah! So in response to you having your favorite guests that called your heart more than just what is a guaranteed 10 million view thing, right? I think in the long run, that's going to add up much better for you. And you might have to go through the consciousness of letting go of the attachment to Will I be loved by everybody and all that, and then when that sheds, you go to a higher frequency of doing what you're being told by. Source to do and and the letting go aspect is so huge, because when you think about who's chasing the money, the one that wants the money, you know what that is, is trauma. It's literally because I'm not enough if I get enough money, it's like, it's if I just get that, then I can survive, because I can't survive, because in my body as a story, I'm not survivable. These patterns are not able to make any money now and and they're, they're not working, and they're, they're fear. And so I believe, even in some realms, sometimes I think there's two factors, if you're hustling, but you have a higher consciousness going on deep inside, right? It's, it's different. If you're hustling and you don't know there's more that's different,
Alex Ferrari 35:49
Well, this is a hustle, yeah, I got to, I mean, I do a lot of work. You do a lot of work, totally,
Kyle Cease 35:55
Yeah, but we're guided, and it's not hustling, it's mission. Yeah, I'm not saying I wouldn't work all day. I'm saying, when you're saying, I'm in lack unless I get and you're pushing from that, you're screwed. But when you're you can work 1415, hours a day and feel easily full and happy at the end, because it was guided. It's very different. That's a very different thing. If you're you're either against yourself while you're working, or you're meeting yourself while you're working, right? So you're against your soul. Forcing yourself to be against your soul, life is going to kick your butt if you're doing that, because it's going you're out of alignment. And we're moving to a time where we have to be connected to our souls, it won't let us get away with it. And so the letting go aspect my one of my favorite books of all time is David Hawkins, letting go. Oh, yeah, oh. It's just incredible, and it really walks you through that. I believe, the more I do this work, every issue you have outside of you is inside of you, everything, even other people. Your issue with other people is only inside of you. So we get triggered by them, and then the way we work egoically Is we go, that's the issue. And rarely do we go, what's it bringing up for me? What do I feel about the issue? And you start going inward, and you start to go, Oh my God, there's a them in here, like there's a my mom in here. There's a for every living, rent living, rent free. Yeah, right. There everything. There's a your past, there's your people, there's your enemies, there's all these things. And when you start meditating, you start to see there's a them in here that's against a false smaller you in here, but they're all existing within you. So this you, isn't you. This is a false them and a false you, right? Because what's that battling with inside, battling inside. And when you start to, like, really hear them, and you start to see through the lies, they really do dissolve, and then you hit this wholeness that realizes my stress is not real, like it needs to be seen and it needs to be alchemized, but it's not real at all. So then I notice, when I heal an issue with anything going on outside, inside, then the outside changes. Dude, I'll never forget I had a one on one with a woman who was working with me. She hadn't talked to her mom in a bunch of years. She said, My mom won't call me back. Whatever we worked on this, we meditated on we talked about it, we released it. By the end of the call, she was completely free of her mom. She was fine with it. I'm not kidding, dude, her mom called her at the last couple minutes that she just sat there shocked. She released the mom inside. Got free, didn't need mom to call her anymore. Felt truly happy, and her mom called her. And I've seen that kind of thing so many times. You release the trauma that's inside with the issue, and then the issue changes. So if people are having a money issue that's trying to show them in the money issue isn't in money or your bank account. It's inside you have a story and a war about money, and it's asking you to not just chase money, to keep fixing it over and over, because God's trying to get you to go in. You go in, and you'll start to realize, oh, like I'm actually scared my dad will say, I told you so if this business falls apart. Or I'm actually scared my mom will shame me if I can't make it, or I'm I'm scared that I'll have to go live with my parents or something. And then I have people work with me, and they'll find that deeper fear, and then I'll have them say, It's okay if I have to live with my parents, it's okay if my mom shames me. Then they lose their resistance to it, then it leaves. Then all of a sudden, those things aren't factors, and then their callings get higher and they make more money. Does that make sense?
Alex Ferrari 39:51
It makes it makes all the sense in the world. As you're talking I'm like looking into my own life and all the things I've gone through, I'm sure you've gone through as well, and you. Are to look at the stories we tell ourselves on a conscious level, but the more nefarious ones are in the subconscious level, where you don't really even know that those beliefs are controlling your life. Yes, controlling your life 100% yes and only after like, like, when I wrote my first book, shooting for the mob, about my $20 million movie with the mafia, that was a whole thing that was probably one of the most traumatic moments year of my life, you know, basically going to work every day trying to make a movie with Joe Pesci from from Goodfellas. Wow. You know that that's how bad it was, like, being threatened all the time. I didn't, wow, yeah, I don't know. I can't believe
Kyle Cease 40:45
Oh, nothing. Nothing easier than being creative while everyone's threatening you.
Alex Ferrari 40:50
Oh, yeah, in a, in a production meeting, whole, my whole crew sitting there, and pre production meeting, I'm sitting there, and I'm like, killing it. I'm like, Yeah, we're doing this. This is and I'm 27 and I'm like, yeah. And at the end, everyone's like, All right, great, let's go do it. And then I had Jimmy. He's my gangster. He came over and he just grabs me by the shoulder and with his Meat Hook hands, just pinches me in the, like, in that little area right here, and goes, that was great kid. But don't forget, I can knock you over the head with a shovel and put you in a ditch somewhere. I'm still the captain.
Kyle Cease 41:27
Alex Ferrari 41:28
And like, so hi, oh, wow, all day for a year. So that trauma ran my career, ran my life. I only dealt with it when I wrote the book, and I had no idea, wow, when I started writing the book, I started, like, things just started bubbling up, and I would skip chapters because I knew where I had to go emotionally, to go revisit those it was like I was reliving everything, and it brought it all up. And then I started really doing some deep work on myself, and some shadow work, really. And I'm like, Oh my God. Is that why I've been like, I was always frustrated. Like, why isn't my career taking off in the way it should? I have the talent, I have the experience, I even have some of the connections, but yet, everything always blocked. I was always being blocked all the time. I get enough to work, and I always made a living, but never got to the and I was in the room so many times. So it was in the room with the big movie stars and the big everything, and I never could get it like, what is it? And I'm like, holy crap. I self sabotage myself for the last 15 years. I had no idea. Yeah, so because of the fear of that scenario happening again, I, on a subconscious level, constantly sabotage myself. But that's, that's the that's the nefarious subconscious story that your ego is telling itself, to be honest, to protect itself. It's doing its job. It's there to protect you in many ways. Would you agree on that?
Kyle Cease 42:56
Absolutely, that's the interesting thing. Is everything that is in our body to protect us that's not our natural a car is about to hit you. Tiger city, yeah, is gonna come up this year. I believe that. I believe that it I have for I believe for so many people, yeah, I really believe that. I because they're not the truth and you're using protective mechanisms, you know, now, as if that time is happening now, correct, and it's not right. And so all in my eyes, there's a protective mechanism people pleaser in me. There's a protective mechanism that thinks who I am is my career. There's a protective mechanism that, you know, wants to make sure everyone else is happy and no one leaves me or abandons me. The more I go inward, the more I see they're all like wounds from childhood. And there's a little boy inside that doesn't want mom to leave me, so he shows up with people. He shows up with current people, as if like and like life is making me literally move more into a man version of myself than the boy that's like, Do you are you proud of me for this thing, or do you like me and all those things?
Alex Ferrari 44:06
That's the one part of the movie that an illusion of money that you were, like, really dug deep into why, what you were doing with your mom, yes, that you were, you were out there, and you're like, Oh, I got, I got, I get love from performing, yes. And when mom stopped giving you love, you're like, Well, I gotta go bigger. Yeah, bigger. I gotta go bigger. And it drove you to do 1000s of com a stand up college tours, and you wouldn't believe and Comedy Central, like, you know, top Comedy Central specials and all of this kind of stuff. And you were, you were just chasing mom,
Kyle Cease 44:38
I was chasing mom, saying, Good job and loving me.
Alex Ferrari 44:42
But that was a story you told yourself. She never, she never did that to you or did she?
Kyle Cease 44:45
Yes and no. Well, she, she my mom, you know, she passed away, uh, right before my daughter was born in 2017, and she was a best friend. She was my best friend. And there was also in her her own protection mechanism. Him that was about security, and just didn't want me to get hurt. And weirdly, when I would do a gig, you know, the first question would be, what's at pay? And one time, I was doing a sketch on Jimmy Kimmel, and she said, What's at pay? And I was like, I'm on national TV. Doesn't matter what it get paid on that and and I, you know, and sometimes I would, when she was in the audience at a show, I would like pressure myself to do better. And usually those wouldn't be the best shows. And then she'd walk out, and I'd be like, how was it? What'd you think? And she'd be like, ah, your timing was off, and stuff like that. And, wow, you know, it hurt, because, like, I wanted her to i, and this is my addiction. I need her to say good job, and that I'm only seen if someone says, Good job, and it's like God's trying to kill that me and go, I want you to see you. God's going. I want one of the things that empaths have is a major addiction to I'm only seen when someone else hears it, yes, and then when someone hears it, then all I do is give myself permission to feel heard, and I hear what I was wanting them to hear. So I was like, what if I cut out the middle man and start hearing what he wants heard, right? So, like, that's why I find two hours of meditation a day is helping me hear everything that feels unheard, and inside is a boy going, Okay, I gotta point this out to someone. I want to show Amber my fiance, that I'm enough with this or whatever, and then I'll hear a higher go look at him struggling to get attention on the outside. Can he just have from you that even if he's not enough, he's loved sometimes I'll tell the pattern, even if no one sees you, it's fine. And he'll just be like, what if I'm never loved and everything? And I'm like, that's fine. I'll tell him, you're allowed to feel completely unloved in my body. What am I doing? Becoming a space of unconditional love for him, even if he's a failure, even if he sucks at everything, even if no one likes him, all these things. And all of a sudden that pain starts to literally turn into tears and dissolve out of my eyes, and the wounded kid is a little more gone, right? Like, for good, like there's still more, but there's less and less and less, right? I feel in my life that, because of how much my life is about the inner work, I'm getting younger and younger and younger in certain ways, like I feel healthier, like, you should see a clip of me in Not Another Teen movie. I'm like, I'm like, 70 pounds bigger, you know, I'm tired. I'm like, this kind of, like, just different energy you were, how old? 22 probably because it was shot of your life, sir, the prime, prime. I'm the prime. My life is now. I mean, it's like, do you notice that, like artists that are about consciousness fully, they get better as they age, and the opposite happens for the others. Like, like, I am I one time, I won't say who it is, but one time i i was adopting a dog, and she said, my husband's almost home, and he was a famous singer. He was in a famous band, and he came home to the house and he saw me, and he had sunglasses on and the medallion, and was that he was a rock star, rock star. And he sees me. He goes, come here. I want to show you something. And he takes me to his piano, and he screams, sings his hit song at me, to show me that he did that song like and it was, he was no he just needed me to know he was that singer, and he sang it completely off tune. And there's new videos of him out. And I don't want to say who it is, because I don't want to be dogging him, but I believe, because he's so identified with I'm the famous thing in the past, and I'm not here for what God has for me now, as much that I'm i It's like, almost like, God's making him lose that ability, because there's videos of him singing now, and it's totally off tune, and it's weird, and it's like, and then if you look at the ones that we know that are only about consciousness, they got better as they're getting older. Like George Carlin. Oh my. Like, like George Carlin got batteries. He got older. I feel like Beckwith and and and Esther Hicks. And then they get younger as they get older. Wayne Dyer got better after 50, absolutely, you know what I'm saying. And why is that is like you're either you're either growing or you're dying. You're either I'm the past story and everyone like me for what I did that I whatever, got touchdowns in high school. Or, you know, was
Alex Ferrari 49:22
God, those guys, yeah, yeah. Like they talk about the glory days of high school, right?
Kyle Cease 49:26
And I'm like, I'm now in even though I mentioned I'm in 10 things, there's very little that was for that point. There's very little. There's almost no identification with it. And I've transcended so much. There's also almost no memory of it, I am so much more than now, and a story that I have that was a huge moment in my life. I've told this before, but one time before I had my daughter, I was cleaning out my house, and there was a poster of my old Comedy Central special, a framed big Kyle Cease weirder, blacker, dimpler poster, which, by the way, I. Hate that special. I was not ready for that special. I was so much better as a comic than those things did. But I felt I looked at this thing and I thought, one day I might want to show my daughter this poster, and I realized there's a rule I have. If I am just this is crazy, if I'm justifying keeping something, then I have to let go of it. Because whenever you follow your heart, you don't need to explain it to anyone. I don't have to explain why I'm the father of my daughter, why I'm in my relationship, why I do what I do. But whenever you do something that is not your heart's calling, you will explain it, you know, yeah, I'm back with him. I know he's a jerk, but he took me out to a nice dinner, explained everything. Or, you know, yeah, I hate this job, but I will be getting a promotion in a year. Yeah, this job doesn't align, but I'll be getting medical, and that's good.
Alex Ferrari 50:53
You let us wrap. It's a Let us wrap. Yeah, at the Cheesecake Factory, that whole story, right?
Kyle Cease 50:58
Yeah, in those moments you're explaining, yeah, why you're ignoring your heart so you're in your head, you're actually going to your head because you're ignoring your heart. So I realized I'm holding this poster, and I was thinking of keeping it, because one day I'll show my daughter, and I had this thing go, you're justifying keeping it. So I went over to a dumpster. I dropped it, it shattered. I walked away, and all this peace formed in my body, and it said, Your daughter would rather have a present father. That moment was so big, because once I finally let go of something. Do you know the revelations always show up after you let go of it. Oh, yeah, it's like you you let go of it, and then I'll tell you why, if you are holding on to it, I don't get to give you any revelations. Oh, no, but the second I dropped it and was fully released of it, God said your daughter would rather have a present father than see all the posters of every old gig you did. And you know, and you show her how great you are, and try to get your mom's approval through your daughter.
Alex Ferrari 51:59
There was a moment in in my coming up that I identified my entire life was identified as my career. I'm sure you can relate, of course, that I'm still shedding it if I was not a famous director, right on caliber with Tarantino or Spielberg or Lucas, or any of these big guys, I was a failure, yeah, you know, and I don't know this doesn't happen because you weren't a director, but when, when you're coming up in the in your 20s, you're like, Okay, Orson Wells did Citizen Kane at 23
Kyle Cease 52:35
Yeah, I've got Steve Martin was here, yeah, so I should be doing stadiums, because I saw was like one person,
Alex Ferrari 52:43
So then you're 24 you're like, Okay, missed that one. All right. At 27 Spielberg did Jaws, okay, okay, I could do that. Okay, missed that one. George, George Lucas did what Star Wars at, like, whatever. 2930 missed that one. Okay, Tarantino didn't get going till he was like, 32 really?
Kyle Cease 53:02
Yeah, you just keep you should do that with the other way, like, in other words, like, I've, at times, I've done that too, where I'm, like, trying to literally Mark myself with the highest, most successful person I can think of, right, right? But you could also do it the other way, like Rodney Dangerfield, I think, wasn't discovered till he was, like, 49 Anthony Hopkins, really, 55 Yeah, Anthony Hopkins was 55 and he did have a lot for Silence of the Lambs, which was really his big hit, that started him in a tradition. He had a career for the next 25 years, right? Because of it, right? And so it's, it's interesting, how we do that, compare. That's like, literally just picking and choosing an anomaly of like Spielberg was 27 or whatever. It's like, it's like, why are we torturing ourselves? It's like, you have your own way. You know?
Alex Ferrari 53:54
It's, it's insane. Well, you were talking about earlier the the old versions of ourselves versus the new versions of ourselves there is, and when I went through it multiple times in my life, but letting the old version of you die, yes, it is a death of that version of you is terrifying when you've been so when I when I jumped into podcasting 10 years ago, I was still a filmmaker and and I'm still a filmmaker regardless. I'm always a filmmaker regardless. I'll be a filmmaker till the day I die. Yeah, that's not doesn't go away. You're a comic. You will always be a comic in your heart. You tell jokes you it is part of your nature. You don't have to be a comic somewhere else, yeah, but it's inside of you. As I was going through with my show, my first shows, they were in the filmmaking space, I was like, okay, cool, cool. I'm still I'm still there. But then when I got into this world, I really had to let the old version of me die. And I had, I had a dark night of the soul for the show. Yeah, I had to, like. Go, because this is, like I've said many times, this is insane, that I that this is even a thing, yeah, that I'm a filmmaker who opened up as America podcast, and three years later, we're almost at a million subs. It's insane. It's insane, yeah, um, and I know I have no control over it. That's another thing, but letting go of that old version of me was extremely painful, yes, but I did consciously let that old version of me die. Yes, I'm like, You know what? If I lose friends, if I lose people in my life that might have been with me for 1015, years, and they don't understand what we're doing I'm doing now, I have to be okay with that. Yeah, I have to be okay with letting it go. That's terrifying.
Kyle Cease 55:39
I think anything that you can let go of has to go because it's not a part of you. In other words, it's not a part of you. Now we've brought this time idea in to the now that we are, and I really believe that we're moving to a consciousness where the only way to move forward will be surrender. You cannot move forward with control, right? In other words, let me, oh, man, let me tell you a story of something that happened to me last month. Okay, this is craziness. This is really crazy. I was like, Oh, I'm gonna do a, I want to do a 10 day water fast. I really was excited about it, fantastic, yeah. And I was excited about it. From an emotional standpoint, it was not nearly as much as health, which is a great benefit, but it was about, I knew there was some emotional thing Amber, and I were talking about, I'm going to do this thing, and I could feel, I don't know what it'll be, but there's an insane emotional aspect to this. Right before I did it, also my daughter in her school, almost everyone in her class, in fact, everyone in her class, I think, and the teacher, too, got sick. So I started getting sick three or four days in, and I first was thinking, I'm getting keto flu. And I was thinking, like, it's just bringing stuff up. But then I got really fevery and sick, and I realized, I think I just got my daughter's flu, and maybe day six, I had a, I got my hands on an ivermectin, and I thought ivermectin was, ivermectin is, like, the pill that was kind of controversial, that actually, supposedly is really good at deforming, yeah, yeah. And so my, I had a friend go, this is very, you know, awesome. And I had another friend that had it, and so I took one. I didn't think about the fact that I'm taking it fasting, because it grabs onto the food, and that's how it gets out, and it wouldn't leave, right? And so it was like I overdosed on it or something. And so I had a couple days where I couldn't get it out. I couldn't get it out of my system because there was no food in there. And I started kind of going a little bit crazy. And I started like seeing things, and there were dark images and all kinds of stuff. And there was then after that, some thing that happened, and I don't know what the factor was, it also could have been involved with the fast or all kinds of things. I couldn't sleep for five days, like, I mean, one minute, not like, I got a few hours of sleep, and that's I couldn't fall asleep for five days. And the more this kept going, the more crazy I think you were talking to me. I was like, I'm going to the hospital. I'm having enough time. Having time. We were texting. That was that time, and I noticed something insane. Anytime I had a fear based thought or a thought about something that I can't control, I started having more delirious thoughts, more convulsions, more like, I mean, I was kicking, my body was shaking. There were times where I would like be in another room and not know how I got there, like I was going nuts and it but a factor was literally my mind thinking about things I can't control. There was someone I was attempting to reconnect with, and that didn't go well, and it was like the universe is like, let go of everything, let go of everyone, let go of all of this. And finally, I went to the hospital, and they put me on Trazadone, they injected me with some, like, a bunch of things. And I might have said that wrong. I don't remember what the sleeping thing was, but, like, I was out for eight hours while they monitored me to make sure, and then I went home, and at 6am or 7am or something, I slept 24 hours. And after that, I felt a peace that I never felt before. I felt free, and I felt that what actually happened was the me that worries that worries about how I look, that worries about what people say, that worries about things going on in the world. Died because he couldn't make it. The only time I would feel calm before I went to the hospital was if I literally only paid attention to my breath. But if I thought of an issue I have with someone, it. Would start like, it wasn't like, I'm choosing this. It was like, it's out of my control. It's crazy. But then we like Amber, and I talked about it, we felt like I went through a portal, and I feel like 2025 everyone's going through a portal, that 2025 is a portal that will make all your false egoic self die, and if you try to stay what you're used to being, you're going to go insane. Because life is making those things dissolve and evaporate, and it's forcing you into the truest self. So if you're in a vibration of doing anything out of fear, now it's going to be exaggerated the way that God does it sometimes, is it makes it louder? This was, like, every thought I had, some people just saw I have a negative thought, I have a positive thought. But imagine if we could, like, close up on that and make it louder and louder. I was like, I'm in peace, or I'm nuts, and I have no control over and I was like, crazy. And then I would be like, breathe, and just like, be here. And I was free. And then after I got the sleep and they got me through that, it was like the entire past me died. And then weirdly, I just didn't care about making things happen with my business, but guided ideas happen. The last month has been more thriving than I've had in a long time. It was like the other side of it's like, God's like, I got you, I got you, but we have to kill this remaining you that worries, this remaining you that's trying to control things, this remaining you that thinks you have to monitor things that you don't have to monitor. I'm gonna kill him. And he died. Like, since then, I'm not saying there have been new fears, but I know that, that they're just come there, they're like aftershocks of this, and I'm still in the much higher, Freer version of that. It was the weirdest thing. So when you kept you and I were, you were talking, you reaching out to me, I'm like, Yeah, I think so I literally thought, when she was taking me to the hospital, I was, yeah, I remember I was okay with it, but I thought I was dead. I really was at that, which was, I think part of the dying, I was in a full surrender to, I can't see how I won't die, because I was crazy, because I hadn't slept too and even imagine i and that there was a piece to it. I was literally, I felt sad. I was like, to Amber, I'm like, I'm so sorry. Like, we have this amazing relationship going and I'm going now, I really felt that, but I also felt in in my in that work, the me letting go of I have to stay alive. This will sound weird, but I have to stay alive because I have to supply for my daughter and everything I let go of, an egoic have to that made me thrive, and it was like undoing the fear version of the love version also thinks that I should stay alive for everyone in my life, but it's gonna do it out of love versus fear. Do you see the different? It's like, it's like, let go of your obligation, Kyle, and make room for the soul Kyle. And I've been doing this work for so long that I've always been aiming for the soul Kyle. But it was like, it was like, I was on ayahuasca for days. You read my mind, it sounded like an Ayahuasca trip, yeah. And it was like, worth it. It was like, I wouldn't take that back, because it was like, what I was before that still had fears, and it was like I wanted I've I have said to myself, and I've announced out loud five years ago, I am here to meet my soul no matter what the cost. And so that that was what happened in that experience. And I feel freer and liberated and not as much running things from control and releasing and surrendering. And I find the only way to move forward with everything is hear what hurts and surrender it. Hear what hurts and surrender it. Have you ever done a darkness retreat? Yeah, I've done a 10 day darkness retreat.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:51
So from my understanding, I haven't. But from what I understand is that when you are in a darkness retreat, it's simulating death, essentially in the mind, yeah, in the mind, the mind and the ego have nothing to grab on to. Yes, there's no stimulation. It's just you with you, yeah, which is terrifying for a lot of people.
Kyle Cease 1:04:13
Yeah, it was amazin.
Alex Ferrari 1:04:14
Exactly. So when so tell me how, what was it like? Because it sounded like that, when you go through a darkness retreat, again, from what I heard, it's that you are dying and the ego is just
Kyle Cease 1:04:26
So for people watching, I was in a room that was pitch black for 10 days by myself, right? Pitch Black so I don't have a screen. I have anyone to talk. Then a little sliver of light, nothing. I don't know what time of day it is. I don't know anything. This was an amazing, amazing experience. I did it in Ashland, Oregon, and they, they give you food in a two sided door, right? So that they close it, they can close it, and you can get the food. You don't even know what the hell you're eating. There could be spiders on it. You have no idea. You're just putting stuff in your mouth, right? Yeah, you'll see it. I went through, I went through a. Probably every 20 minutes. Like on day five, I had a moment where I was like, I think I can I, you know, because the guy told me, you can stop at any point. And I heard my ego come up and go, I think I'm ready to stop now. In five minutes, it's been, yeah, Screw this, right? And I heard a hire me tell the me that wants to leave. It goes. It said, what? Why do you want to go? And this me started, I've, like, became the space holder for another me. And he started going because I want to go home, and I want to be with my daughter, and I want to, you know, work on my career or whatever, and I just miss and I'm lonely. And I started crying, and he dissolved. And the man was just sitting there, like, we're not going anywhere. And these voices would come up, and then they would die. And I was getting lucid dreams. I was getting all these things. And one of the funniest things that happened was there was one time where I was hurting so much, and I fell to my knees, and I said, God, take this from me. I was just in so much pain. I said, I don't know what to do. And it was like God came in and said, You're right. You don't know what to do. And took it from me like the most humble moment. A couple days later, I had a huge insight, and I went, Kyle Cease, is so badass. And I stood up and I hit my head on something, and I got the biggest black eye. And it was like, life is saying, Don't make this about Kyle cease, dude, like you made it. Kyle cease, is so great, and you I'm gonna injure you, right? But when you said, I don't know what to do, you were in a humility and surrender, and you were opening to source or God or Jesus or the universe, and you were in a surrender that that is ready to say, I take whatever you want, because I don't know those moments I think are the greatest moments. Take I'm falling apart. Take it from me, because he's just like, it'll go, Okay, here's your attachment to that person. Here's you wanting mom to see you, here's you, you know, and we'll take it from you. But that that's what's amazing, is just becoming humble and respectful of the world and life and God, and just saying, I don't know what I'm doing here, and I'm not the one that's to run the show. And the more you release that, the more it just works through you,
Alex Ferrari 1:07:13
You know, David Blaine, right? The not personally, but, yeah, you've heard of David Blaine. Totally. He does those extreme things, yeah, yeah, ice block for, you know, 10 days
Kyle Cease 1:07:22
Holding his breath in her water for like, an hour or whatever.
Alex Ferrari 1:07:24
Yeah, he was once, I think it was in the time the Times Square in the block of ice, yeah, challenge, and he was in there. And a lot of the same things start happening. He's like, Yeah, start seeing spiders. Because you just, you start to lose you, yeah, mine a bit. And he go, and he looks outside, he's looking to do that. What time is it? And they go, 3:03 it's a 3:03 in the in the afternoon. And he's like, all right. And then all of a sudden, he just goes through all of this kind of, like, rigmarole, like, it's like, it's like, oh my god. Like, he starts having all this stuff come up and spiders on the walls, and he's freaking out. And he's like, after all that happens, he goes, All right, what time is it? He goes, 3:04, and he goes, Oh, I'm in trouble. He literally said it in his mind, I'm in trouble now. Yeah, because I'm like, Oh hell, because he thought an hour to went by, yeah, that's how lost. Oh my gosh. He just, there's no sense of time. Crazy that he went through. He felt like he was,
Kyle Cease 1:08:27
He thought that was an hour, and it was a minute later.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:27
It was literally a couple hours. He thought he was like, they're at least two hours, yeah, and it was one minute later. That's so when you, when you let go of these constructs of time, yeah, time is a construct. It doesn't really exist, right? The way we look at time and space here makes very different in Jupiter, yeah, very different in another galaxy. You know, our time is based around our world, Asians around the sun and so on. Yeah. So it's very, very different. But that construct, when you do these kind of things, which I don't advise, by the way, don't do what you did, darkness. No, the other thing, oh yeah, the ayahuasca for 50 days, it's, it's extreme.
Kyle Cease 1:09:05
So, yeah, yeah, no, that wasn't well. And you guys, great, yeah. I know the fast is funny because, but everything else, it was so weird. Because also, once I had slept the 24 hours, I came out of it and thought I looked so good, like it was, like, I looked Wow. I felt so fit and happy and all it was weird.
Alex Ferrari 1:09:26
I did a juice cleanse for 30 days once. Oh, wow, yeah, I've done juice classes a few times in my life. I did one for 30 days. And with juice is different, because there's nutrients coming, yeah, at least something. But you start the clarity that you have in your head and the energy level and all that stuff, it's pretty it's pretty insane. Yeah, it's a pretty.
Kyle Cease 1:09:50
Well. That's another surreal example of letting go, right? Like a lot of people try to hustle to fitness where they're, you know, pounding on the treadmill. They're still full of a lot of addictive energies and trying to change the diet and everything like that, but you can through fasting, you're think about How little you're doing. You're doing absolutely nothing, and that's what surrender is, is like, why fasting, to me, is a million times more effective because you're doing nothing. And I think in this time, the only way to shift your consciousness is by doing nothing. I think meditation is a great example of that, sitting in nature, doing nothing, and then what happens? You're making everything that is not you available to be removed, right? So when I'm doing nothing, like, oh, the addiction to coffee just left. Oh, the addiction to, you know, when I'm fasting. Oh, that the emotional connection to food, the one that needs to constantly be heading towards a restaurant, either eating at a restaurant or feeling guilty about what I just ate. I had a part of me that felt I don't exist if I'm not doing one of those three things, like, if I'm not eating or heading towards food, I'm not a person. So obviously, that's the ego saying you're only loved. And every one of us has this that the ego says I only exist if I'm in a relationship. I only exist if I'm hustling. I only exist if I'm moving. I only exist if I'm, you know, seen by someone. I'm only exist if I'm smoking. This is a weird thing, but you when you start to get I exist even if I'm not doing that, then the ego dies, because you make yourself more exist during an addiction than always. And I start to realize, even when I'm not eating, I exist. Like, it sounds like a weird thing. But like, you know, I thought I'm only loved via a restaurant, you know? And so that gets cleared out when you go 10 days, all those are gone. What's what? And then it has to be replaced by something. So it's, God, you just become so much more connected, so much more free.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:00
Kyle I mean, I think that we, when we come down here, we're all just trying to find who we are and why we're here and what all this is. Yes, that's the basic question,
Kyle Cease 1:12:12
Which is a different question than probably 50 years ago. Very true, right? Yeah, the question, What am I and what's here is very different than what do I do, right? Do you see that?
Alex Ferrari 1:12:23
Yeah, before it was about what I am, what I do right, where now is like, Well, who am I? What is the I?
Kyle Cease 1:12:30
And a lot of people, when they're feeling off, they say, What do I do? Even when they meditate, they say, What do I do during the meditation? Why is it going wrong? Yeah, I'm like, No. Stuff's coming up. But if you catch and only ask yourself this question, what's here? Then it's a very different question, what do I do? Has a dip in vibration, and I almost see in different energy that it's going, I'm going to fix what's in here, but you don't even know what's in here. So the doer is here to not bring to light, like, don't look at that. Like, you know that don't look at him abandoned. Don't look at him shame. Don't look at him lonely, right? Just like, so what do I do? Is an actual unconscious question that we've been asking that doesn't work in this time. If it comes in from what do I do that's not guided, right? Because when you're connected to what's here, what you do comes through still, but you never ask, What do I do? So the what do I do question is a limitation question that actually shrinks your consciousness and keeps your pain stuck inside. But if you instead, don't ask that question and ask, What do I feel? What's here, or what am I? What am I is a million times more powerful of a question, or what's here, then what do I do? Right? But I do feel that in the past, the consciousness was, I am what I do. In the 70s and 80s, people are what they do. There's no question past that
Alex Ferrari 1:13:52
Working girl tells you that, right?
Kyle Cease 1:13:55
But like, the end of those movies are like, and then they became successful, and their house was huge, and you know what I mean. And occasionally they find love, yeah, but, but they, they end up achieving a ego goal,
Alex Ferrari 1:14:10
Yes, right? And then love is kind of like the side,
Kyle Cease 1:14:12
Right, versus they find themselves and they, they, even after I let go of this person, or, like, don't have the house, I'm still enough, would be a much better movie now, right? And I, and I think they're starting to make some of those.
Alex Ferrari 1:14:29
Well, do you believe also that that's one of the reasons why Hollywood is struggling so much right now? Hollywood is struggling.
Kyle Cease 1:14:35
A lot of reasons why Hollywood maybe
Alex Ferrari 1:14:38
That might be another podcast, but, but generally speaking, there's a lot I'm just noticing that people in the films that are being put out, the shows that are being put out, aren't resonating the way they used to, like, you can't do what Arnold and sly did in the 80s. It won't work today, right? It just won't work. It worked then, yeah, but it just won't work now. And I might be fans of those movies. Back in the day and a nostalgic standpoint, yeah, but predator doesn't play today, right? Not the same way Die Hard doesn't play today.
Kyle Cease 1:15:07
Well, you're I think the reason is unconsciously, and it's big to emphasize unconsciously, we're way more connected to ourself. And because we're connected to ourself, a lot of movies feel like a dip. I've started several movies and stop them same here and in the same realm. Guess what? Connecting to your soul. Maybe an Eckhart content might not have done as well in the 80s. In other words, like to talk about non dual, non dual outlet, non duality and the power conscious. You know, all these things, sure, no one, yeah, that's great. But I'm building my empire, and I'm an entrepreneur that's going to make this happen, you know, and so we have to get the time we're in. And one of the things this time is only about, is letting go. It would like to shed how we perceive the past. It would like to shed our past story. It would like to us to shed the collective idea of the doing that we thought we were through the 80s and stuff like, it wants to shed, and so it's weird when we're trying to make things happen in a time when you're trying to shed. It'd also be weird to shed in a time where the world's trying to the consciousness trying to make things happen. This is only a time of letting go, and you saw it a lot for the last four years, when people are arguing over, you know, medical interventions with their family, and then they don't talk to them anymore. The amount of clients I have who don't talk to people in their family anymore, different people because they've had different arguments about politics or covid or something like that, that is, it's huge. It's through the roof. It's normal to lose touch with family members, with friends. But what is that on a higher level, the universe is going if you lose all these addictive connections, you will be forced to go inward. So I'm going to take people from you. I'm going to take this idea that, because I think an old consciousness is about connection first, and the consciousness now is expansion over connection. You can have friends, but they got to be expanding too. You get what I'm saying.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:05
Would it be more? It's kind of like before you would have to have a dock to connect your boat to, right? And multiple docks, if possible.
Kyle Cease 1:17:14
Yeah, it's like, God's in the middle of a lake, though, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:17:17
And now you're adrift in the ocean right by yourself, right? You and source, right? And you have nothing else to connect to, because now you you are forced, yes, to deal with what's in front of you that's
Kyle Cease 1:17:32
And imagine if you let go of the Think of how much that analogy works, too, about how safe and boring the doc is and how you're here to learn how to become one with that ocean that's throwing you around. You're here to like, it's gonna be rough and it's gonna be waves, but don't you want to live it's gonna be, you know what I mean?
Alex Ferrari 1:17:54
But that's the point of this whole thing, yeah, if you're home safe all the time, right? You know? You know, I'm not saying safe, but you know what I mean? Yeah, that you you want to go out have adventures, right? So on, there's a series on Next Level Soul TV called Road to Dharma, which is about a group of people going into the Himalayas, going to the three highest passes in the Himalayas.
Kyle Cease 1:18:17
Is that the podcast you did with the guy, Adam, that brought Course in Miracles and to the Bible. Like, you
Alex Ferrari 1:18:24
No, that was, that was David Hoffman guy. He had a podcast, yeah, recently a video too, yeah. No, there was a, yeah. He has another movie called, take me home. No, this one is, we're going into the Himalayas with a yogi on motorcycles, into the into the three highest passes in the world, wow. And, and none of them ride motorcycles.
Kyle Cease 1:18:46
None of the yogis do.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:47
No the yogi rides motorcycles. But none of the people going on the trip have ever ridden, wow, yeah, on the Himalaya path. And when I was watching that, that show the idea that the Himalayas and there's a reason why there's so much spirituality in the Himalayas, and there's temples and there's things, because the Himalayas nature forces you to to get out of your comfort zone. You have no yes choice, because you have to survive. So it breaks down the physical barriers Yes, and it also breaks down the psychological barriers, because you're going against something that cannot be defeated. Yes, you can't defeat the Himalayas, right? So, because you can defeat it. So you're going in, and as you're going in, the nature is literally beating you down to a place where then you you're forced to go inward, wow, you're forced to go in where this happens to anyone who's stuck in nature, who lives in nature a lot, who survives in nature. Your whole thing changes when you're in that. But that, that specific show is so beautiful because you see the transformation of the people on where first a lot of the ego stuff goes on. And there's a guide with you. There's a yogi who's done this 1000 times, who is walking you through this process, but you're being guided through it. And even then, they're just like, well, you know, when are we gonna start doing yoga? This is not about yoga, yeah, this is about transcendence, right, right? But that's the that's the thing. So that's an example of you walking into something that's gonna break you down, but life will do that for you. Yes, we'll do that for you.
Kyle Cease 1:20:23
And so, oh yeah, I've gone through it a ton. And there's you're going to live on this planet. You're going to live fully. You can participate with it, or you can be dragged into it, right? So your intentions with God and your expansion, or your intentions in your agenda, and God will go, Okay, I'm gonna rip that out from you, or I'm going to make that agenda that comes with that addiction worse and worse and worse, or I'm going to make your health bad or whatever, and not in a negative way, like God's not saying I'm going to make your health bad, not gonna punish you, no, not from punishment. It's like, it's like, I'm going to disable any part of you that you can grab on to, to not live fully and live with source. I mean, obviously we are supposed to be connected fully to source. That's our home. And then we were just absolutely conditioned out of it, and
Alex Ferrari 1:21:19
Oh, some from the moment you're breathing totally
Kyle Cease 1:21:22
or before. I mean, you're in the one, you're absolutely, you know, you're hearing it, yeah, and so you're just put into an egoic world that discon disconnects you from your home, and then we're trying to find the home through money or through people, or through, you know, other people seeing you. And the real only goal should be, or intention should be, like, what gets me back home? I heard a non dual speaker named Lisa Cairns recently say the only thing that matters, in a way, she said it different than this, but is that your desire is for your freedom. Is your desire for your freedom like? That's the only factor, because a lot of people want oneness, and they want to experience God, but they don't want to let go of all their old structures that have been blocking them from it.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:09
And I took your I took your course, I took your event. It's not working. Yes, it's not working. And I've, you know, I've seen 1000 of your your podcast and and took your course, and it's not working, yeah. Is it the course's fault? Is it the podcast fault? Is it the event's fault? Well, or is it not you not letting go of that stuff that's blocking you from getting there?
Kyle Cease 1:22:29
Well, that represents another problem that I think a lot of people have, which is that I'm just going to hear advice, and I don't have a me that goes does this advice work or matter? And I'm just going to be a collection of advice taking, but there's no me see for me, like when I go to an event in the in the past, I go to an event, you'd see a big Tony Robbins event or Eckhart event or whatever. I'm fine if I don't align with 80% of it. I just hear what sentences hit and what changes me and go, that applies to me, but there's a me involved. So I hear advice sometimes, but I literally ask myself, does this align with my soul? Now, there's some people that just go, what do I do with my life? Okay, that podcast said, do that, so I'll just do that. That doesn't work because, dude, I've had 19 year olds that hear me talk about letting go, and they're like, two days into their job at Foot Locker, and they just quit it. And I'm like, wait no, letting go. You're still building, like, we have to build a thing that you later hate to let go of.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:38
I mean, you gotta. You haven't built anything they hate yet.
Kyle Cease 1:23:41
Yeah, yeah, you, you haven't built. You're in the building stage. Like, I'm like, most 19 year olds don't listen to me. You're, you're just, you're letting go of your parents house right now. But like, people would be like, Okay, I let go of it. I heard your content. It's like, you're way too literal. You have to have a you that feels that it's time to let go also.
Alex Ferrari 1:24:03
I mean, have you had people that watched your stuff, read your books or something like that? You're like, after I saw that, that event that you did, I just quit my job and divorced my life because I just found you're like, did you want to I'm like, like, no, but I felt that's what I needed to do.
Kyle Cease 1:24:18
Yeah, no, no, that's a you've just made Kyle's content your God, and there's no you. And I don't, I can't work with those people, you know, because I'm like, You're I'll be like, don't listen to my content, because there's no you in here. You're just going, Oh, do that? Do that. And then you'll, you know, like that. And by the way, that that's falling apart for all of us in this way too. There are books that say, like, eat this way, eat keto or eat meat and no carbs. And then there's other books like that are libertarian, only eat carbs, you know. So like using Medical Medium is talking about sweet potatoes and all these things that is like the antithesis of the. It the Keto, you know, but what does that really mean? A way outside of you? There's no one size fits all anymore. No, there's no a way is the right way. This is really big for people watching to get is, like, it's taking the ways away from you, like how to even fall asleep, or how to, you know, whatever. And it's going, we're removing that because a way is not the answer anymore. Like if people hear this and they go, oh, I'll just meditate two hours a day, but there was no calling in doing that. You're just doing someone else's way. But there's no intention calling reason you're you're just doing and so life might make that fall apart. Some people's way is to talk to God and stay in a good mood, but sometimes God's way is to let you feel all your anger and your rage. It's like you have your own unique unfolding, and when you get caught in a way is more the answer than me. You should remove all ways for a minute and listen to what's inside, because you're just being an amalgam of things other people said they did. That doesn't work.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:06
Have you? Have you run across people, and I'm actually was guilty of this back in the day, where you just become an addict to the self help addict, oh, yeah, that you're just reading every self help book, you're reading every spiritual book, you're watching every spiritual point. You're not making any but you're not moving internal changes. Yeah, it's just like, it's kind of like noise in the background, white noise, spiritual, white noise in the background. And they're not actually doing the work, yes, which is, I mean, doing the work is not easy, right? It's tough, yeah, hence why you have to do the work, yeah? And I find it that so many people want, it's so much easier to give your power away. Yeah. And to you, to me, to to to Eckhart, to Yeah, to a religion, to us, an institution. I tell me what to do. It's so much easier if you just tell me what to do. Yeah. But I think we're letting go of that more and more as a society, I think as a consciousness, we're all starting to go, No, what's the people who were in power before were telling me something that that just doesn't seem true to me anymore.
Kyle Cease 1:27:07
It's so big to get also, life is a self help seminar, you know, like, it's not only when you're in the audience, he shows things, right? Life is also a self help event. Like, people go you know, people don't get like when you decide in your heart to let go of something, to move towards something that calls to your soul, to let go, to to do nothing, to feel peace or whatever you're participating in that it doesn't only happen in the audiences. It doesn't only happen when you're reading these books. These books are great help. But there's a great line I saw in a book called the Vedanta treatise, which said, think of self help. For many people, think of self help as the pole and pole vaulting. You needed to get in the air, but at one point you have to let go of it. Oh, that's great. Isn't that amazing? That's amazing. And that doesn't mean I don't still, you know, I read some of pick up a poll you have there, yeah, pick up a poll, or to pick up a poll when it's time, but if it becomes the answer, then I am now not about myself and my growth. I'm about that teacher, or I'm about that answer. And speaking of that, I think that a lot of people that are self help teachers might find themselves the last ones to ascend even after their their clients do, because it can be very easy, and this is something I'm healing from, to be attached to your own image as a speaker and your numbers and not let go of what you're to go to your truest self, because you're now teaching this. But like in the ways that people that are watching events can get addicted to a speaker, the speaker can get addicted to their audience.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:49
Oh, absolutely. Hollywood, come on. Or music, yeah, they get a they need the audience. They want the audience. Without the audience, they can't even exist, right? Same thing.
Kyle Cease 1:28:59
And so, like for people watching that are, you know, I got my giant platform and stuff. Sometimes life will be like, we gotta at least make you lose your attachment to that, right? We gotta, we gotta get you connected to what you are. So sometimes you go up and you build that. You have these revelations, you start teaching the revelations, you build these things, and now all of a sudden, you got a giant audience, and now you're stuck to your audience and not You're not going past it now, because you it might require you to let go of your attachment to your image, your fame, your whatever. And that's why what I do is called evolving out loud, because I'm constantly evolving, and one thing that I do at my events that might be different is I'll also fall apart on my membership site. Dude, a couple months ago, I was doing a live call on my absolutely everything past membership site, and I had a moment I'm in the middle of a riff on someone's question. It's great. And I had a moment where just something in me froze and it goes like a voice came in and goes, What if you couldn't. Do this anymore, and I felt it show up, and I got scared in the middle of in the middle of it live. And Amber was so sweet. She came over and held my hand. And then I, I literally was like, caught that I'm the image speaking. And then a higher me goes, just pay attention to your heart. And I had a fall apart that people can see on my membership site, I had a full fall apart and became the space holder for the me falling apart, and explained, while I was falling apart what was happening. So you'd watch me cry, and then you'd watch me explain, okay, the me that wants to impress you with that answer is dying, and I don't know what to do, and I'm grabbing my heart and it says, Just hold me. I'm getting more of your ego to go come to light. And I literally, like collapsed on stage in front of or on the screen in front of my audience. And one time I remember doing an event on a Thanksgiving at a Unity Church years ago, and I just felt off with the person from my past. We had an argument. I just got on stage, and I cried for about 40 minutes, and I talked about it, and the audience, one of the people wrote and said that was their favorite event they'd ever seen. Because it's like one thing I'm trying to get across to people is put no one on pedestals. We all have problems, every one of us. We all have problems. We go I've been backstage with some of the greatest speakers. They're all pacing like, what if they don't like this? What if it doesn't look good? Don't tell them that. I don't want them to know this about me. And I find that that really is a disservice, in a way, because people are trying to find their truest selves. And I go, I want to be like that guy. And I'm like, I know that guy. You don't want to be that guy. There's a lot in there that you know, and I would include me in that. I am a person, and I believe that if you're alive on this planet, there's, there's more growth for you. And I can't tell you how much I'm like, I'm like, Hey, I screw up, I make mistakes, and I try to find myself in it, and I and I will bring the me that's lost to you too.
Alex Ferrari 1:31:57
So, but, but I think that people are connecting more with that, with authenticity, and connecting more with people being that raw, like you were saying earlier, like when you're going on on social, you're looking for those, those authentic things like fails and pranks and things that are happening in the moment, that authentic. And I think that people are starting to kind of see through the smoke and mirrors, yeah, not everybody, yeah. But I think a lot of people are kind of getting around. They're they're starting to feel like that doesn't feel right, right? That guy doesn't do that. She's not. There's something off there, right? They could have a millions of followers, yes, but there's people like this is not singing true anymore, and I think that's one of the reasons Hollywood's having so many issues too, because they're not, it's not coming from a place often authenticity, which worked before, right? Which worked before, but now it doesn't.
Kyle Cease 1:32:54
I think people are dying to know that they're not alone in their problem, absolutely. And I think that when you are someone who's got a problem, and then you look at all your friend's Instagram page, and they're all these beautiful black and white wedding photos, and everything's perfect, you don't know that they're there. Looking at your Instagram page, feeling like they're a fraud and that they're and like one of the things that's going on is the dissolving of this idea that I'm screwed up and everyone else is okay, and what makes so much of our suffering multiplied is the belief that you're alone in this thing, because everyone else is not presenting their pain too. And if we could all just finally get together and go, I'm a nightmare of problems. I'm full of anxiety. Yeah, I mean, that's, I think that's what's coming. I think that you're, I think that our biggest heroes will be the most screwed up people, and like, will start to be like, that person's got problems too. And I, I believe that start, there's a book, a kind of about this called pendulum, about the times that we're in, and that that, do you remember that in the 80s, like it talks about, in the 80s, we're looking at our Arnold Schwarzenegger and looking up to them. This crossed over in 2003 when all of a sudden our heroes are Napoleon Dynamite, you know, a zit faced screw up
Alex Ferrari 1:34:15
The big bang theory, or those show, yeah. The show, yeah, big bang. Like, those kind of, yeah, those kind of poor are, are attached to those kind of heroes.
Kyle Cease 1:34:24
Or how about Juno, where a girl, the hero of your movie is a 17 year old pregnant girl that has no idea what she's doing, right? We're looking for this, and that started happening more, and we're looking for real. That's why we look. That's why we like a cell phone video more than a production house. That's why we that's what you know, Blair Witch Project was a huge movie, because it's like, that was the start of that. But I feel like now it's reached its peak where it's like, hey, we now know you're screwed up. I know you're screwed up. I know you're screwed up. And the more someone presents this polished, perfect thing without showing any vulnerability, the more people are like. BS, because it's like, we're all in it, we're all screw ups, you know, and we're all in our pain. There's no other reason to be on the planet than to heal all that.
Alex Ferrari 1:35:09
And is that why you think that? And I keep going back to Hollywood, because we're both from it, and I feel like that's all Hollywood is
Kyle Cease 1:35:16
Right, presenting perfection, perfection. Look at them on the red carpet, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:35:20
And the Oscars are in a couple months. And I always say in this, oh, this is a joke that only people from LA understand, is that the Oscars, where they're held, is on Oscar night, stunning. It's beautiful, red carpets. Everything's great. You go there the week after the Oscars. Don't be there at night.
Kyle Cease 1:35:41
Yeah, yeah. Don't walk on that street Hollywood Bowl. But you do not want to be. And if you, if you go be like, from Hollywood and just show a homeless guy peeing on
Alex Ferrari 1:35:48
I mean, because that's what it is, you know, like you walk three or four blocks away, you're the farther you get from, it gets scarier and scarier. And that is a perfect example of what Hollywood does so well, you know, people so many every time. I don't know if this happened to you, when you happened to you when you lived in LA, anytime someone came in from out of town, can we go down to Hollywood Boulevard? Oh, yeah. Can we go see, can we go see the Walk of Fame? And you and everyone? Yeah, I have to go. We'll go. I'm like, don't it's not what you see on TV. And when they get there, they're like, Oh,
Kyle Cease 1:36:17
Why does it smell like pee?
Alex Ferrari 1:36:18
Why does it oh, this is, that a spider man? Yeah, fighting with a with an optimist prime,
Kyle Cease 1:36:25
Right? Which, by the way, isn't a thing that, that thing isn't a thing like that anyone's being paid to do. It's just people showing up, wearing that, oh yeah, taking pictures and getting
Alex Ferrari 1:36:37
And that's, and that's how they're they get tips. You can't ask for money. That's the law, right? You know? And, yeah, there's fights there all the time. This Batman was fighting, uh, spider man one day
Kyle Cease 1:36:45
Fighting Marilyn Monroe.
Alex Ferrari 1:36:49
Yeah, there's a great doc about those guys, by the way. Yeah, I've seen it, the Superman one.
Kyle Cease 1:36:53
You're not gonna believe this. But I dated a woman once who we was working on her careers years ago, and we walked by and saw Marilyn Monroe and realized she could do it. And so she did it for a few months. She would, she would go be Marilyn Monroe. She was dressed as Marilyn Monroe, and she makes a money. She would come home with a big bag at tips. And it was crazy. It was just like, this is making her more money than audition her, yeah, her career was, you know, and so it was funny, but like, it was, yeah. So because of that, we saw that documentary.
Alex Ferrari 1:37:21
So the pot, that polished image, and I think that's what, I think, what it is
Kyle Cease 1:37:26
Which is so great, by the way, for each person to get you don't have to be a polished image, like people trick themselves, and like, I can't let anyone know this about me. It's like people will like you more if you start to show,
Alex Ferrari 1:37:37
Well, look what's happening now in the fashion world. Like before, when we were coming up, you know Victoria secrets, you know the supermodel, the Cindy Crawfords, the Naomi Campbells, that whole everyone was perfect all the time, and women specifically. And now it's even with guys, guys you're like, if I don't have a six pack, I'm worthless if I don't look like these guys that are just chiseled all the time, right? And, and as you've gone, as we've, I've gotten older, you look at it, you're like, you know how hard it is to maintain that. They maintain that for the moment that they're on screen, and then they eat a pizza, and they're like, Oh, they got Yeah, because it's not humanly possible to maintain, right, that body fat, right?
Kyle Cease 1:38:17
It's not, and in that same realm, it's not possible to maintain a policy, an emotional image of perfection, right? You know that you are just so great and you've got your stuff together. It's like, I want to emphasize everyone is great, but could you be great because you exist versus what you're presenting? If you're presenting how big your house is and those things that's nice but has nothing to do with you. You know, it's like, can you just know that you're loved as a screw up? That's that's been one of the biggest elements of the last five years of my teaching. When 2020 started, I started realizing we have so much stuff inside that is scared to be a failure because you're tricking yourself into I'm not loved unless I'm not a failure. But there's a thing that I started creating. I was working with a client a week ago, probably, and I started creating something about this. She I said, What's your biggest fear? And she said, to not be understood. And I said, Okay, if you're not understood by other people, what happens? And she says, Well, then I'm not liked. And then I said this. I said, Okay, so your biggest fear isn't being not understood, it's not being liked. And then I said, What happens if you're not liked? And she said, then I'm alone. And I said, okay, then your biggest fear isn't not being liked because the ego likes to separate it. It goes, Oh, I have a big fear of being alone, but you don't remember, Oh, when I was a child, I was alone and a bad thing happened to me. You don't want that thing. So the ego kind of pushes it away and goes, I'm gonna keep it distracting so you never hit this. Does this make sense so far? Because it's protecting you, right? It's protecting it's protecting you. So her biggest fear was being alone. And I said, So what happens if you're alone? And she says, Then I. Not loved. And I said, Okay, you don't have a fear of being alone. You have a fear of not being loved. And I said, and your problem is you believe the only way that you loved is through humans with egos. I offered something called that I'm bringing into my teachings now, the spiritual bank account that when we do our truest self, when we are meditating, when we connect, when we sit in nature, imagine you're making a deposit to feel that you're loved, and you're upping your loved if you the more your spiritual bank account grows that you get that you're loved, the more that all your fears dissolve. Because if you get that you're loved, you're not scared of being alone, you're not scared of not being understood, you're not scared of being judged, you're not scared of being broke. Yet ironically, this also makes those things abundant the more you work on yourself. So like, I meditate two hours every morning, and I can only go on any online thing, of scrolling, of looking even at my YouTube comments, of monitoring things in my life between one and 2pm I've made this restriction, and all of a sudden I'm feeling so much more love because I'm not checking all that and how I am in status. I'm just finding God's going, let's purge that guy that cares so much about that and make him feel totally loved. So the more you are upping your spiritual bank account through actively connecting to God, the more your fears just fall. And so do your addiction, so do your all these other things. So withdrawal is when you don't follow your heart or you do something that's just numbingly you know nothing that's a withdrawal. And life, when we were born, decided to empty out our spiritual bank accounts and make it normal for us to live with the void of the lie that we're not loved. It is just an insane lie that we are addicted to unconsciously because we've now learned to manage life unloved. Does that make sense? Of course it does. And so now we've created an ego that literally is based on the idea that it's not loved. And if you actually realize you're loved, the ego dies. So the more we connect to God, the more that the spiritual bank account grows, the more that the ego itself, that has learned how to maneuver life from I'm not loved, dissolves. So to me, this is this is what we're about, and that love is for you, even in your imperfection, in your I'm a failure in your What if I'm not enough? In your I've made mistakes, in your regret, in your guilt, it transcends the guilt, right? So I've been meditating two hours a day, and I'm finding guilt comes up, or resentment or feeling unseen, and it turns into tears because I've created a big enough portal and a big enough space of love now that I've become that the ego, that ego at construct, no longer serves me, and it dissolves out my tears. That's how I get rid of it. Isn't that crazy. It's amazing. And so I'm I'm all about this year showing people how to raise their spiritual bank account. That's that's what I'm about.
Alex Ferrari 1:43:04
It's beautiful. That's a beautiful, a beautiful tool that you've come up with.
Kyle Cease 1:43:08
That's the preview clip. That's the preview clip of it.
Alex Ferrari 1:43:12
So one thing I've noticed, as well as the younger generations coming up behind us, they're like my kids when they watch a Hollywood movie, yeah, they're not drawn to that stuff anymore. Yeah, they're. They've never were. They're not drawn to those as much like I forwarded, you gotta watch Goonies, yeah? You know, you gotta watch, you know,
Kyle Cease 1:43:31
Chunk was my lawyer, by the way, in the past, yeah, chunk became a lawyer, that's right, Jeff, I'm blanking on his name. It was my lawyer, like, in 2002 or something. Chunks, such a sweet guy.
Alex Ferrari 1:43:42
Chunk is a lawyer. Now, that's true. I let him see Love Actually, for the first time. Yeah, this Christmas, and, like, third best Christmas of all time, you know, after elf and, like, Home Alone or something like, it's so amazing. But they don't are not drawn to that kind of content. Yeah? Maybe some of the old
Kyle Cease 1:44:00
Remember in the 80s when someone would show us the 50s, oh, we'd be like, look, you'll I've always loved you, please, you know. And close mouth kiss, because I love you. Close and then a circle goes like this, like that looked like crap to us, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:44:15
It actually did, you know, it did. But I think that that on a, just on a level of of real, like, they're more connected with real, like YouTube is, is God, yeah, that's where they watch everything I watch. I'll walk in and I'll watch something that they're seeing and it's some kid doing something stupid, yeah, you know, like, you know, a prank or, you know, and they are dying, right, dying. And I'm like, is this, is this? Is this what?
Kyle Cease 1:44:43
Dude, we're our parents.
Alex Ferrari 1:44:45
I mean, are we turning into, like, I mean, I get I'm like, I'm, I'm a little bit hipper than my parents were when I was their age. I could, I would, I hope, being, you know, being around me, we're Gen X kids. So we were exposed to a lot more than our parents were. Um. I'm, I'm hoping I'm pretty, you know, cool, and understand media. And, you know, like, oh yeah, Mr. Beast, I watch, I understand who that is, and, yeah, you know, and all this, and I understand what they're doing. But sometimes I just, like, I just, I just don't get it. Yeah, it's so far beyond what resonates with me. Yeah? But for them, it's their new thing.
Kyle Cease 1:45:20
It's that 80 and by the way, it's also full of imperfections and full
Alex Ferrari 1:45:25
That's the point. That's my point. Yeah, we grew up with everything being perfect, everyone looking muscular and, yeah, perfect and perfect. This a perfect, unattainable, Yeah, completely unobtainable. I mean, I had posters of Arnold and John Claude in my in my room when I was in high school, yeah, because that was the goal. Like, Oh, dude, that guy
Kyle Cease 1:45:43
And I had a Lamborghini Trapper Keeper, you know, yes, Trapper by the way, I think we've had two Trapper Keeper references in two podcasts.
Alex Ferrari 1:45:51
I think we have the Trapper Keeper. Yes, you know, we it's, we had those because those were the ideals, right? But then we started realizing, like, you know, I don't think I have Arnold's genetics, right? You know, I don't. I don't think however hard I ever work out.
Kyle Cease 1:46:06
But no matter how much those movies meant to us, it is weird to think we are like our parents, because I can picture watching a Steve Martin movie in the 80s and my dad being like, I'll show you a real movie. Let me show you. And it's like humanoids from the deeper Legend of Sinbad, like some 60s or 70s, or we're gonna watch Patton, you know, like George C Scott Patton, which I'm not saying isn't good, but I'm just like, it's different. It's just, it's just, you hear the Pops and the and everything.
Alex Ferrari 1:46:39
It's, there's, things in our in that are timeless. There are films that, like, I could watch Casablanca today. It's timeless.
Kyle Cease 1:46:48
Is it weird? I haven't seen it.
Alex Ferrari 1:46:50
Probably. It's a thing you should probably watch it
Kyle Cease 1:46:53
But I've seen other things
Alex Ferrari 1:46:53
That's fine, cool, like, I know this is sacrilege, but I don't like Citizen Kane. I'm sorry. Yeah, I think it's boring as hell. I respect it. I respect it. I respect what it did, all that kind of stuff, but it just doesn't resonate with me, yeah, you know, but the Godfather I can watch and, yeah, totally, I can get that, you know, I'm waiting for the day that I can show Shawshank Redemption to my kids, yeah, and that they cannot like that, and they cannot like that and break my heart. Then I'll follow it up with the Green Mile, right? And they could break my heart again like that. But I'm curious to see how it's going to resonate, because a film like Shawshank really cuts through a lot of crap, because it's so my opinion, the most perfect film ever made, one of the most it's amazing. It's it. I remember it cut through the crap of 1994 Alex, who thought John Claude Van Damme, Steven Segal was the greatest actors of all time. That's where I was back then. And it cut through that. And my friends who were complete knuckleheads, they're like, Wow, that was, that was,
Kyle Cease 1:47:48
Yeah, where do you think your kids when they're, they're, they're, your kids grow up. Yeah, right, our kids grow up, and then their kids are, what are they watching? Like, if it's from Back to the Future to YouTube. Like, what's it gonna be? It's just be one second clips. Like, your kids will be like, that's not a show. Let me show you YouTube fail compilations or just, you know, and then their kids are just like, just like, watching the fast.
Alex Ferrari 1:48:15
They don't even watch anymore. It's already in their head, right? It's directly in neuro link to him, right?
Kyle Cease 1:48:20
Just like, that's not, that's not a movie. Let me do a YouTube I'm watching the movie right now, dad. And then when, and then when those kids grow up. Their kids are just like, and then and then their parents are like, that's not a show you need to watch. But those kids are like, it's just a quicker pace.
Alex Ferrari 1:48:42
What? We're all turning into. What are those? The creatures from Time Machine are right when they go, like, 3000 years into the future, the Mole People, eventually,
Kyle Cease 1:48:53
Just our grandkids will be like, that's not a show you need to watch. And then their parents. Your kids are like, that's not a show. Watch a longer, nice, three minute YouTube video. Three minutes. Yeah, you know what it that's too much for them, right? Like, can you imagine them watching? Like, no, they're like, three minutes, Titanic. Can you imagine what Titanic? Like, this is nothing.
Alex Ferrari 1:49:17
This is insane. Yeah. Do you also believe that a lot of the imagery that we grew up with, the violence, you know. I mean, we literally are entertained by human beings killing each other.
Kyle Cease 1:49:29
Yeah! I mean, dude, even, like, an older sitcom like Roseanne has so much yelling at each other, oh, my God, that I didn't realize was a honeymoon for me to see honey motors, yes, one of these to the moon, Alice, yeah, the show is literally
Alex Ferrari 1:49:46
I wouldn't have beat you.
Kyle Cease 1:49:48
Wouldn't it be weird if there was an episode where it happened, like, like he actually hit or just does it and she, she's just on the ground, and then the circle, just, He did it.
Alex Ferrari 1:49:59
He did it. Finally, she went to the moon. Yeah, it's the worst. But no, it's, it's funny how, like, you know, look at, oh God, all in the family. You watch something like that back in the day, like, how did like, what is happening, but all these images that we're seeing now, I don't know about you, but I can't really digest it as much like ultra violence. Now, for me, doesn't really do it. No, like, I can't like, when I like a good thriller, I like a good action movie, but when it starts getting a little too violent, I'm like, I'll just fast forward through
Kyle Cease 1:50:32
Not that, not that this is the word. But David Hawkins says watching a movie drops you from whatever frequency you're at to like a 150 so
Alex Ferrari 1:50:42
Unless it's Shawshank, unless it's before he said that right before, yeah, of course.
Kyle Cease 1:50:47
But I do think there's something to. Yeah, there's something to. I just think we're wanting. I think overall we want, we want to know what we are now, I think that it's hard to find a movie that that can really do that. I think that a lot of people are, are starting to really seek their soul, and mindless entertainment doesn't do it anymore. Conscious entertainment is what the future conscious entertainment. And I bet even one point that won't work. I bet like, like, conscious entertainment will be so helpful, and then at 1.0 absolutely, we're gonna let go of everything. And just direct to God, you know,
Alex Ferrari 1:51:22
They will, there will be a point in in in the future where, if there's a video clip of this show somewhere, of this, of this interview, yeah, that lives on the cloud somewhere, and someone finds it 100 years from now, right? 150 years from now, and they're watching this as an oddity, right? And they look at and they'll go, My God, they had to have these kind of conversations to talk. They didn't understand this basic stuff. You know? I think we'll be an oddity, yeah, like this, does this? This will it is absolutely needed right now.
Kyle Cease 1:51:54
Well, I mean, and which is just the biggest point, which everyone should always remember, with everything you're feeling, everything's passing, which, by the way, is why it's so beautiful. You know, I, I have realized something so big. You know, a lot of people, they are scared to love fully because they might lose a person, right? I love fully because I know everything is temporary. The idea that my daughter and I at one point, won't exist, makes me and at one point won't even be a memory. At one point will be irrelevant in all of the universe. Probably makes me want to spend time with her. It makes me want to love her. Enjoy this writing, right? And my beautiful fiance, Amber and I are so close, and I think that part of the spiritual journey is getting, yeah, all of this is passing, so I'm in fully, and I think that the ego goes, I can't go in fully because everything's passing, or I'm scared that I'll lose you. And the ego is about protection. So it doesn't enter and fully feel love. It doesn't feel real relationships, it doesn't feel magic, it doesn't feel. It just is about survival. So I don't want to feel I'm just going to kind of like, hold on to my stuff and look through my phone and just feel safe in the world, but I'm not going to live, and that's the doc in that analogy earlier. And to me, it's because everything is temporary, that and that I have to live all the way and that there's nothing to lose. You know, there really isn't. When you start to get everything, because you're going to lose everything, so you might as well embrace you're going to lose everything and then be free, and you won't believe how much longer you'll probably live by living so freely versus so protectedly, because people that live protected don't live, you know, they're locking their doors in nine different ways and all about security so they can stay in their house and watch TV and have a life they're not living. That's an illusion and and you could also live, and it doesn't necessarily have to mean rock climbing and sailboarding and all the stuff you see in herpes commercials. It's, it's, you know, the first time I saw that, I was like, Man, I wish I had herpes. You get to do so much fun stuff. They have these people rock climbing and sailboard drugs, these drug commercials, legal is beyond me. So I got herpes, and it's nothing like that at all. It just burns when I pee, which I guess is kind of summary, if that's what they mean. And then the songs are happy, and the herpes go there. It's a brand new day. It's not a brand new day. Take this pill. It's every six months. I heard because I have a friend that's not me, but if it was, if it's for herpes, they should use ushers, let it burn. Wow, right? That would make more sense.
Alex Ferrari 1:54:40
That would be amazing.
Kyle Cease 1:54:41
Yeah, right. That's just a weird
Alex Ferrari 1:54:46
Kyle man I gotta ask you, do you think, Where do you think we're going to be in this next five years?
Kyle Cease 1:54:50
I think, I think that we're, I think that we are going to be taken to a place that, to the ego is horrifying, because it will be done. To the ego, but to our soul, will be so freeing. I think that we are being put in a situation of letting go, letting go, letting go, allowing letting go of what you feel. Oh, this could happen. Let go of that. Can you love that? Let go of they might not like you. Okay. Can you love that everyone could blah, blah, blah, you could be totally broke. Can you love that? That doesn't mean it'll happen, but I think that everything that's scary is inside of us, and it'll either it has to come out because it's not true. So there's two ways it can come out. You can listen to what's inside, what your deepest fears are, hear them and let it come to light, cry it out, or you can repress it, and life will start to make it happen. Life will go that's your biggest fear. Well, we're going to make it happen because you haven't healed the one who says that can't happen. So you're playing a false god. So what I believe is that we're going to be removed of our fear, and if you participate with it, it'll be a pleasant experience. And if you don't, and you keep identifying as the fear, it'll be really difficult, because you're identified as something separate from God as why. I also love course and miracles, as I heard that guest earlier, it's like, Course in Miracles has an aspect of of a Jesus that that is, that is, you are whole and loving and magical, and we've created, with the ego, a false, separate God that says, I'm what we have to protect, and my image and my story and my everything, and it's separate from this God. And as it says in you know, course, nothing real can really be threatened, and we're here to merge with that, while also still maintaining a major level of space holding for the ego that we have developed. So it's not like we just, you know, whitewash this ego and just go, yeah, everything's perfect. It's like, that means integration, that means crying, that means feeling those dark feelings, and they will be seen, and at one point, after they're alchemized, you will realize they weren't even true, and then the world will mirror what you heal, and you'll start to I think that it's going to go amazingly. But I think there's a lot of people on the planet that have no idea about this, and if you understand what's going on, this could be an amazing time. And if you don't, you're just kind of going with the motions and grabbing more addictions to cover it up. It's going to be hard and or you might go because you're so addicted, you know,
Alex Ferrari 1:57:25
So this, so it's gonna shake things up in a very big way where we're going, Oh my God. It's gonna shake it up in a way that we've never seen.
Kyle Cease 1:57:32
Yeah, we're in a time that is like, remember in the 80s, or even seems like the 50s, people would just go, oh yeah, I know what's coming. Like, I've been at my job, it'll just be more of that job, more of my wife, more of this life, right? We now can really say, I mean, you're asking that question because we really don't know. Which means there's no us that knew, which means we're in surrender, because the it was normal for us to always know what was coming. You know to I can see the bank accounts good enough. I can see the career right now. We we're surrendering our constant I know what's coming, but we're trading it for God take over. And that is a trade I would happily make, because I would rather not know what's going on, but know that I'm held and not know what it looks like, and not try to control what it looks like, then be the one that has to run everything and be a control freak that is separate, that wants to feel separate from source, that he runs it so that he doesn't have to show his real wounds and all that stuff. So I think it'll be an amazing time for the people participating. I think it'll be a hard time for the people that won't. And this could be that to Earth thing you're talking you know that we've had you, I've heard your guests talk about this earth split thing. I don't know what that'll look like. I'm not saying I'm signed up for that, but we look like this, where the contrasts are so nuts that,
Alex Ferrari 1:58:59
Right! It's like, kind of like, well, groups will go with this reality and another group with that reality, because it's just like, right now, in this where we're at right now, there's people who had the completely different scope of what reality, right? And their reality, they've built it. And there's another group that's like, you know, there's a people who want to live in the past and do what we did, who have always done. And there's a group that wants to move forward and evolve. They're not going to coexist in the same reality. Yeah, they just, they're just not.
Kyle Cease 1:59:28
You're either holding on or letting go in this time,
Alex Ferrari 1:59:31
Absolutely. And what I find fascinating is that everyone's going to go through it. It's truly up to you on how you do it, right and like, you could fight it, and it's going to be a rough ride, right? Or you can embrace it, deal with it, go with it, do the inner work and come out the other end. Yeah, a better person. But this is happening,
Kyle Cease 1:59:51
Yeah! Think of 2025 as everyone just took a year long ayahuasca, and it'll probably be bigger next year. You know?
Alex Ferrari 2:00:00
Well, it's kind of like what happened in 2020 Yeah. I mean, the whole world stopped, yeah. We were all forced, yeah, to do inner work. It really shook up the world.
Kyle Cease 2:00:10
Every pattern was broken, every like, you just could just travel or go to the restaurant or go to a store and do that same people pleasing. Oh, hey, good to see you. Now you got this one, you don't have to, you know, nothing, I don't see anyone. It was great, yeah, and you're inward in the house of big meditation. Now that energy is faster, that light is so bright now, right? It's, I'm really excited for it, honestly, yeah, I am too. I mean, I like the ocean more than the dock.
Alex Ferrari 2:00:39
It's, it's scarier, but more fun, I guess. Yeah, it's a little scary, but it's a little bit more fun. Because, like you said, you know we're not going to be here forever. We're here to live. We're here to live. Yeah, Kyle, it's always been a pleasure having you on, sir. I'm so grateful to have your amazing content on Next Level Soul TV. Everyone listening. Do yourself a favor. Watch some of Love Rising, Limitation Game, The Illusion Of Money. These are, these are things that feed the soul. So I really appreciate you doing that. And where can people find out more about you and this amazing work you're doing?
Kyle Cease 2:01:14
Yeah! Well, you know, there is, there's absolutely everything. I'm sorry that's, yeah, yeah, absolutely everything. I thought it was plugging yours that you just said, And if they want to get my meditation bundle that we're selling so many of and people are writing us, going, I like this because you're participating with it and actually doing it, versus just its content. So the meditation bundle, they can go to remember, it's a bundle of five meditations. We're talking health relationships, releasing a general meditation. And I can't remember the other one. There's so there, but, but people are writing us like this one affected me so much, and they go to, and it's $20 I promise you, you will flip when you get it. People are writing us like, these are so good. We worked on them for four months, and it's it's barely even a profit, because we worked on for four months and put the stuff together. But please check that out. It would be awesome. And, yeah, go to Watch my journey. Check out the illusion of money. Check out the stuff on there. Love Rising then coming soon. Limitation Game, yep.
Alex Ferrari 2:02:30
And, and I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Ascension Conference. Man, I can't wait. It's gonna I'm honored to be with you. It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be on March 28, through the 30th here in Austin, it's our first live event. And I would think of nobody else to have on our first live event than you, because, and if you don't want to prepare it, that's fine. You could just show up and let's see what happens.
Kyle Cease 2:02:55
Oh yeah, no, no, there's, there's, there's literally about 30 years now. I mean, I was started stand up at 12. I was a working comic at 15. I'm 47 now, so 32 years of talking in the moment in a riff, and it coming through better and better. So I'm not worried about living in the moment, and the audience doesn't need to too. There's a lot of experience. There's still a lot of hours logged, you know. And a lot of a lot of you got the 10,000 hours in already. I bet there's 20. Yeah, it's it's awesome.
Alex Ferrari 2:03:24
Kyle, my friend, it's such a pleasure knowing you an honor, knowing you an honor, working with you and having you on the show and everything that you do brother, I appreciate you helping awaken this planet man, thanks.
Kyle Cease 2:03:35
Same here, brother, it's fun becoming friends with you too, more and more as we do this. So lots of love, brother, and congrats on so much great stuff here and always here when you need me.
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- Episode 514: Humanity’s DARK NIGHT of the SOUL is HAPPENING in 2025 – Prepare YOURSELF! with Kyle Cease
- Episode 124: How to Connect to a Higher Version of Yourself with Kyle Cease
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