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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 531
Jennifer Shaffer 0:00
And past, present, future shows up in the same place. That's another thing that intuitives get, because it's not just about dead people. It's about seeing the future as well.
Alex Ferrari 0:08
What do you see for the aftermath?
Jennifer Shaffer 0:10
Anything else is going to be painful before it gets better? Hey, with quantum physics and with different different realities out there, we can get something in the future that might not be in this reality. Again, it's everything's inside of you.
Alex Ferrari 0:24
You know, everything that happens to us, we create.
Jennifer Shaffer 0:27
We need to work together, not against one another. No one from the other side ever has said, I wish I would have held back.
Alex Ferrari 0:33
I like to welcome to the show Jennifer Schaffer, how you doing Jennifer?
Jennifer Shaffer 0:48
I'm doing well. Thank you.
Alex Ferrari 0:49
Thank you so much for coming down here to Next Level Soul Studios. I appreciate it.
Jennifer Shaffer 0:52
Thanks for having me.
Alex Ferrari 0:53
Yeah, so we, we have a mutual friend, Richard Martini Yes, who people loved his episode with me and on the show. And in that show, he mentions you just, and I think in two sentences, mentioned that he worked with you, or, yeah, and what you did, literally, that was it. And then fast forward, like a month, a month after the episodes released, I get an email from Richard, and you like, Who is this? Alex, what is going on? I'm booked up. Like, what's happening? I just literally said his name right now. So is that what happened?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:30
That's what happened. Just because Richard Martini said my name on your podcast, I got booked out until next year. And I'm like, what? And I know that I got picked out because I've had a bunch of other things that have happened too, but that was, I mean, there was a rush. There was a rush within like, three days, and it was just, and I love the clients that watch this Yeah, podcast,
Alex Ferrari 1:52
People who come. That's why I hear from a lot of my guests, is that the caliber of of customer or caliber of people that are coming to them, yeah, looking for connection or looking for guidance. It's not the, can I give a lottery ticket numbers please? Or, you know,
Jennifer Shaffer 2:10
Which I've done once, yes, well, they won $1 it was Richard Martini. Okay,
Alex Ferrari 2:16
That was, that was good. That was a nice one. But they're not looking for the those kind of very materialistic ideas.
Jennifer Shaffer 2:23
I really don't even have clients like that.
Alex Ferrari 2:27
I'm sure in your in your career, you've had them.
Jennifer Shaffer 2:29
Yes, I absolutely, absolutely, but the ones now are just like, I just want to know just if I'm stuck or what I should do if I'm on the right path. You know, what does my soul say I'm you know, lately I've been getting, are my guides happy? Like they're concerned if their guides are happy. I'm like, Wow, I've never even thought of that, you know, like, Are you guys happy with it? I think they're
Alex Ferrari 2:50
I think they're okay. Now we're talking about what you do. Like everybody watching knows what you do. Can you tell everybody a little bit about what you actually do.
Jennifer Shaffer 3:01
So I, I have been fortunate enough to be able to tap into, you know, to take intuition into a different space. So they believe, I'll tell you where it started. They believe that, because I had seizures as a little kid at three and a half months old, that that was the cause of all of this. Okay, my Mormon parents believe that, and they've done studies on my brain, and so they believe that was the gateway, whether that was the gateway or whether or not it was my bicycling accident where I broke, you know, eight bones in my face, because I was a professional triathlete. Who knows? I'm pretty sure I charted it so I'd have it. You know, when I had seizures, they brought me. My mom would race me to the hospital. And every single time my seizures were gone, they're like, this woman's crazy. Finally, it lasted long enough where I was black and blue, and it's called a larynx Strider seizure. There was a British doctor on staff, and he said, I've seen this before. I was the eighth documented case for this, and it was They fed me Belladonna. So Belladonna, what Belladonna does is it? So when you have a seizure, your blood vessels get restricted, Belladonna relaxes them, and they use it for, you know, a lot of eye doctors use it to dilate the eyes, you know, and and it has to be done a very special way. And this doctor is like, I've seen this. Let's get some Belladonna. And everybody's like, my mom said, Everybody's What are you talking about? To give a three and a half month old, Belladonna was very risky, but the alternative was also risky, and so I was basically being given psychedelics at three and a half months old, because it's a psychedelic, yeah, actually, I eventually and a poison. It's a poison and a psychedelic. So eventually I grew out of my seizures, but they believe that was the gateway,
Alex Ferrari 4:55
So it that's very interesting. So it's um, so please let everybody. Don't, don't go out and buy this thinking you're gonna become psychic. That's not the way this works, not the way it works. That's not the way it works. But it sounds like it did open up those gateways. Definitely. It opened up the channel, if you will, for lack of a better word, allowed you to. It raised your frequency or your receiver, up enough that you can now.
Jennifer Shaffer 4:55
Receiver, yeah. Receiver, I believe everybody has this. And I'm sure everybody said this, you know, everybody says it when they're here. All I do for clients is I put their awareness towards what they innately already have. That's what I do. So everyone's connected, and if everybody would remember that, that they're always connected. But some days you wake up and I'm like, for me, I might not feel like I'm connected, but I'm but to know that you're always connected, all I do is I put their awareness towards it.
Alex Ferrari 5:51
But it's the it's the drama that we get caught up in that disconnects us, correct? So the more that we get caught up in this world's dramas, which sometimes those dramas are very difficult to get out of, because they've been, you know, they're very heavy, their family
Jennifer Shaffer 6:08
Kind of fun.
Alex Ferrari 6:09
Well, depends on it. There's some dramas not so fun, but, but we get caught up in like, let's say, our family dynamic, or those relationships or work, or our body image, or whatever it is, it's a drama. And the more you get in there, you kind of start disconnecting more your frequency is not higher. You're thinking of a lower, basically vibration, lower frequency, right?
Jennifer Shaffer 6:31
Well, absolutely.
Alex Ferrari 6:33
And then if you start to meditate, if you start to watch spiritual content, or watch conscious content, or watch things that uplift you, even laughing will bring you up.
Jennifer Shaffer 6:44
They've done studies on laughing. They it helps. You know, they had a bunch of cancer patients that they've done studies with that they mean laughter is one of the best medicines. It's very interesting. I was talking to rich Martini about this. No one from the other side ever has said, I wish I would have held back. I wish I would have held back from that fun or that laughter or that kiss or that love. You know, within reason, mind you, but we hold ourselves back. So when you talk about like the drama or the the inability to get happy, right? Because we're a lot of times people look for outside happiness, which never works, never, never, once you find it inside through, I call it wish making meditation, which I did not do until last year. I thought they've done studies on my brain, and I'm in that meditative I'm technically in that meditative state my whole day at work, sure. And so I'm like, Why do I need to do that? You know? And first of all, every time I go quiet dead, people show up. So there's that. And so I'm afraid, like, and live, people show up. So I pay more attention to that. That's a whole different story. But, yeah, back to your point. It's when you get caught up into that family drama, your frequency doesn't jump Exactly. And so when you go inward, you know, just by saying in, you're already going up. And there is not a this is not a hierarchy or an elevation thing. It's about just knowing that once you know that you're okay, like, I'm okay, I'm safe. Just the primal stuff, right? And my fed, like, just that stuff alone, you know, which a lot of our country does, you know, our country and always, this world doesn't have that, just the basics
Alex Ferrari 8:37
I heard, I heard 50 cents say something the other day. I love him the fit or Fitty, as we like to on the street. He's, he's, he is, he is a, you know? He says things are very profound, sometimes Absolutely he says depression is a luxury, yeah, and I said he goes where I come from, depression is a luxury. You can't be depressed. You gotta get up and you gotta go work, because if not, I'm gonna get kicked out on the street. So you might be depressed at work, you might be upset and not feeling well, but you go and you do it because there's no other choice. And I never he goes, depression is a luxury. I was like,
Jennifer Shaffer 9:22
I love that
Alex Ferrari 9:24
Insane from what, from his point of view, where he came from, from those kind of the streets and and his his economic background, that he's I get, I completely get it. My my parents, who were, you know, lower middle class. They that generation depression.
Jennifer Shaffer 9:41
I was one of seven children. I am one of seven children. I should say there was no time for that. There was no time. I'm sorry, can you like,
Alex Ferrari 9:50
I need it's, I mean, I get it though. I mean, I'm not making I know rational, I know. But his point of view, but his point of view was really interesting, is like, yeah, I. It's all about mindset in a lot of ways. And again, I'm not making light of depression by any stretch. We've all I know we have medically I get it.
Jennifer Shaffer 10:08
Well, back to depression. When I was a kid, I was severely depressed, and I had no idea what was going on. I was a straight A student, but I'd stay home, like, once a week, and my mom was just like, what's going on? Well, I thought about suicide all throughout my childhood, but I had no reason to I was captive of a song leading squad. I had straight A's. I had this and that, which made it worse. But I thought about suicide, and I now know why. It's because I think when you grow when you're a little kid, you get these little insights about, okay, so I want to be a dancer. You get a dance coach. I want to play soccer. You go become part of a team. I see dead people, or I feel the other side, or I feel that love that's not there, right? And you think about suicide, there's no death school to go to when eventually you'll be working with it.
Alex Ferrari 10:59
So let me ask you that. Let's go back a little bit, because I always love asking this question to let's unpack that for a second. Let's dig deeper down that rabbit hole. When you were of psychic mediums, I always ask the question like, okay, when I mean, you obviously, early on, had this when the first dead person showed up, what did you do? Did you freak out? Because as an adult, when that happens to you, it's freaky. But as a child, I've heard from and I've heard from others. As a child, they just make it normalized. They're like, Oh, it's just Uncle Bob. He's always there. How was it for you?
Jennifer Shaffer 11:34
I just saw people floating around. I was raised Mormon, very religious family,
Alex Ferrari 11:39
So I know, I know many Mormons. I have many Mormons so.
Jennifer Shaffer 11:42
But you know what? Though, being raised Mormon made it to where I even if I knew how to kill myself, I wouldn't do it, because you're taught that if you do, you can't get to the highest kingdom. Of course, right? Of course, that's the worst thing you can you know,
Alex Ferrari 11:56
Did you say anything?
Jennifer Shaffer 11:57
I didn't say no. So what I would tell my mom, I'm like, can I get glasses? Because I just saw things floating around. It was hazy, and it looks, you know, if you look at a hot street and you see that gassy look that goes up, my whole world looks like that constantly. And at night time, even like last night, I have to have one of those universal lights that goes up on the wall so that way I can see the lights and not everything in between, because otherwise it makes my heart race and I can't sometimes, even though nothing can hurt me. You know, it's just, it's kind of one of those things. So I would go my mom. I'll never forget this. It was $40 to get my eyes checked back then, and I was one, the only child that had 2020, vision that kept wanting glasses. All the rest of the kids had glasses and contacts. I was the only one, and I was the one kid that wanted them. And they're like, you have 2020 vision. I'm like, I just don't understand this stuff is just not moving
Alex Ferrari 12:51
So and there's no obviously, no one there to guide you.
Jennifer Shaffer 12:53
There's no one. There was no one, no books, no podcasts, nothing. No death school, no death school. And so that's a whole nother thing. So a lot of kids that thought about suicide, and I've worked with a lot of psychiatrists. I actually share an office with a psychiatrist who I love, Denise. I've worked with a lot of other, you know, people in the arena of mental health, in help guiding them. When a kid thinks about suicide, they actually might be working with the other side. They don't want you over there. That would defeat the purpose, but they want you to remember that you will be working within that could be a doctor, that could be a policeman, that could be a fireman. You could be in law enforcement. You know, eventually you're going to be working with the other side in some capacity. It's not for you to commit suicide. And there's like, I helped this girl not commit suicide once, and she now works because I said I'm like, you're thinking about suicide, but you don't even know why, but you tag it to something that's going wrong in your life versus what it's about. And like, you're gonna be working forensics. Well, she works forensics now, but that she had no idea at the age of 12 or 13 that that's what she would be doing.
Alex Ferrari 14:00
So as so as you're seeing, I call Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob's floating around, and did you just see them? Or did you start speaking to them?
Jennifer Shaffer 14:08
Well, I would have this internal dialog, which I now know what it is, but back then I didn't know, and I just would sit there and kind of, you know, I didn't understand it, but it would come. I always felt very calm. I never felt scared, ever. I just felt very calm. It was very loving. But I again, didn't know. I just thought everybody else saw everything.
Alex Ferrari 14:30
So when you heard, when you start hearing, because you were so young, when this happened, when kids, they just whatever comes at them, they just come like, Oh, this is the way it is, because they have no reference point, right? So when the voices start coming into your head and start seeing Uncle Bob floating around,
Jennifer Shaffer 14:44
Well there was worse. So my earliest childhood memory was when we were and I'll explain why, because it's not just about dead people. It's about seeing the future as well and feeling it. But not that part is what's really you know, what's. Really scary. So one of my earliest memories was not wanting to go across the street. And this the wonderful Mormon parents family we, you know, we were raised in a big Mormon family. I was raised in a big Mormon family. Everybody would go play, but I would never go to their house and like, there's just something really wrong. I just had this and I didn't understand it. My dad's like, I don't understand it, you know? I'm like, I just felt bad. Well, 25 years later, somebody in that household killed five people. 25 years after, 25 years later, the person that I did not want to play with did not want to go over to that house ended up killing five people in Texas, and this was down in California. And I knew the people that he killed. I knew the people that you know. I mean, it was,
Alex Ferrari 15:50
But you felt that 25 years earlier. So even if you would have gone over and played with him, it wouldn't have he would have been fine, because he was a kid,
Jennifer Shaffer 15:56
Right, right, really. So that was my earliest memory of just going, No, I can't be over there. You know, at any cost. It just was so scary to me.
Alex Ferrari 16:07
And it was a feeling. It was just a feeling. It's not anyone telling you, Hey, don't know, no. So, so as you're getting older, and this is fascinating, because I haven't had a I'm assuming x Mormon,
Jennifer Shaffer 16:19
I guess, yes, yes. So I appreciate the way I was raised, but I like wine. I like sex, yes, exactly. Psychedelics. There's a few things that they frown upon that they might not like
Alex Ferrari 16:34
Exactly. So as a former Yes, as a former Mormon, this is what I find fascinating, is, I haven't had a former Mormon psychic before. I've had recovering Catholic
Jennifer Shaffer 16:44
I was one of the first Mormon wives.
Alex Ferrari 16:46
Yes, exactly. So when you as, I'm assuming this is getting stronger and stronger as you're getting older, oh yeah, meditation, yeah. And you start meditating, and start amping up even more, right? I'm assuming the spirit guides come in at a certain point you start, and you do, search out books or some sort of guidance.
Jennifer Shaffer 17:08
So I My first book was a it was by Dr Brian Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters, which I actually put a paper bag over. I covered it up because I thought if my husband sees me with this book, he's either gonna think it's a sex book, many lives, many masters, or it's a spiritual book. And I didn't know which one was worse for him to see at the time, and he was Mormon as well. No, no, no, no. But I've been married to my husband for 23 years, so this was like 20 years ago, but it was one of those things, and so that kind of, I'm like, it resonated with me. It was the most fast. And I've met Dr Brian Weiss, and I love him, and it was the most fascinating book to me. And I'm like, That's what put me on my path, and to really go in deeper. Because I'm like, I need to understand this. I had no intentions of doing this for work. And then I got kind of brought into it, because I work with lawn, I started working with law enforcement, and I started working on cases. Well, this is in my this was in my 40s, early 40s.
Alex Ferrari 18:10
Okay, so there's a big jump between teens and 40s.
Jennifer Shaffer 18:12
Oh yeah. I was a stockbroker. I managed a half a billion dollars for 10 years.
Alex Ferrari 18:16
So you were Jesus, yeah. So like, and I'm imagining you using some of the psychic abilities. First,
Jennifer Shaffer 18:22
I knew everything about my clients, but even my boyfriends, my friends would call me psychic. I didn't even know how to spell the word. It just I had such a rough connotation towards it, which was,
Alex Ferrari 18:31
Well, at that time period too, it was not the
Jennifer Shaffer 18:34
And I say intuitive like I just call myself an intuitive because I'm also a medical intuitive, and investigate all the things that doesn't matter, right? I help people, and that's really what I want to do.
Alex Ferrari 18:44
The word psychic has a charge to it, just like the word God.
Jennifer Shaffer 18:48
If I don't want a conversation, I'll say that word.
Alex Ferrari 18:51
If you say intuitive, that's a difference.
Jennifer Shaffer 18:54
Yeah, it's a it even feels different.
Alex Ferrari 18:56
Oh, no, the word intuitive is so much, yeah, nicer. It does. It doesn't come with baggage psychics, you know, you think about, oh, it's the old gypsy lady at the carnival. You know,
Jennifer Shaffer 19:06
In the background, like, my office has an ocean view. I'm not in a back room,
Alex Ferrari 19:11
Yes but that was what it was, because coming up over the last, even the last couple 1000 years here,
Jennifer Shaffer 19:16
Give me, let me take away your karma. Give me $10,000 I mean the stuff that you hear, oh my god, it's just awful. Yeah, it's heartbreaking.
Alex Ferrari 19:24
And there's so many, there's so many scammers out there. There's so many people. I can't change that. And that's but that's in the industry, by the way. You weren't, you were in finance. Let's, let's not talk about that. Let's not talk about actually, I think the finance guys have done a lot worse than psyches have ever done.
Jennifer Shaffer 19:43
I think you're right.
Alex Ferrari 19:45
They've done a lot more damage than the occasional I'll take your karma. Yeah, have to dance naked child's play. What is it I have to dance naked in the I have to dance naked in the in the cemetery to relieve this. Of you, I'll need five grand. I've heard these stories. You don't want to dance naked, right? Just give me the money. I'll do it. Don't worry about it, these kind of things. So at what point did you come out of the intuitive closet to not only your surrounding colleagues, but the Mormon family and Mormon friends, and
Jennifer Shaffer 20:22
That was so painful.
Alex Ferrari 20:24
And before you go into that, one thing I've noticed about Mormons in general, and my Mormon for I have many Mormon friends, yeah, they're very unjudgmental. They're very unjudgmental. They're very sweet. You could be talking about something that completely goes against what they believe, and they'd be like, okay, as opposed to the Catholic or the Christians, or you know, or you know, or Muslims, or many other that they they literally will come to grips. But I've never seen that from the Muslim community. So I just want to say that
Jennifer Shaffer 20:59
The Mormon community, yeah, well, my dad was a Mormon Bishop when he passed away, and he was, you know, one of my biggest like, he ended up being one of my biggest fans, but he was not happy when he started hearing about this. And so when I came out of my closet, there was actually somebody down the street passed away, somebody that I didn't, never knew. The night that he passed away, he showed me and told me everything that happened, how he's going to be talking to his wife later on, how i The autopsy report was going to come back saying that he had a, you know, that he had a something that was developed in childhood, that that's what he died from, not based upon the circumstances. All. Every single thing that he showed me ended up coming out. And I was just terrified, like, what do I do with this? And one of my girlfriends down the street, she goes, please talk to her, talk to the wife. And I did talk to the wife, and every single thing ended up being true. And then the whole, my whole community in Manhattan Beach, you know, started talking about it. And so that kind of led to my first case. That kind of led to,
Alex Ferrari 22:05
How did you get our case?
Jennifer Shaffer 22:07
Another friend, Julie Greenwald, another friend said, she goes, I have, you know, I have somebody that their daughter in Colorado, there's some weird stuff that happened around surrounding her passing, and they said it was natural causes, and it just doesn't make sense. Would you be willing to talk to the parents? That's it. And I said, Sure, and I didn't know it, you know, I was so I knew way more back then than I do now. The more you know, the less you know, but the more you understand that statement. I know nothing compared to what I thought I knew then. But I still when I met them, I'll never forget looking down going their daughter was murdered. I don't know if they know this or not, and if I tell them, their whole lives are going to change. Do I Do you know, just because you know something doesn't mean you say it, but I was told to say it, and it took them on a whole different trajectory, but all the evidence I gave them about her being stalked, about her being killed, all matched up with what they had. But yet, there's a there's a lot of politics in Colorado, and they the sheriff's department has an old rule that's 100 year old rule that says of the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, no one can come in and take over, and because of that, they could say natural causes, and they eventually made it into a suicide, which just shuts it down. Then no one can open up the case. And they have more suicides in Colorado than they do murders because they don't investigate. Oh my god, it's brutal. It's brutal. They don't have the manpower, they don't have, and I have, I'm telling you, hundreds and hundreds of cases, but these parents should never have had to go through what they went through.
Alex Ferrari 23:56
You mentioned something that's really interesting about knowing information and saying information, right? I've, I've heard from since, I mean, I've had my, my spiritual guide, Connie, who's been on the show forever, and she's a site, she's a channeler, so I can love it. She's, she's one. She's the one that got it. She's the one that got me on this thing in the first place, yeah, but I'm not, I she was the one that told me years ago, when I was in my 20s. She's like, just because I know something doesn't mean that I'm allowed to tell you correct. And she's like, I know a lot about you that I can't tell you either yet or at all right, because if I do, it will change the trajectory of your life. That's it. And that is the kind of code of a intuitive slash psychic medium, where just because you have the information doesn't mean, is it moral, is it right? Like, if I go So Jennifer, can you tell me about when I'm gonna die? Like, can you, I'm sure that's been asked to. Fine, and I I would never want that information ever.
Jennifer Shaffer 25:04
I was told at the age of 21 when I was gonna die,
Alex Ferrari 25:07
That's horrible. I'm sorry. I know I'm sorry,
Jennifer Shaffer 25:09
But I thought, I'm like, it's so far away. I'm gonna be fine. Well, it's this year, but that's a whole different story, and things could change. Well, now I know it actually is a death based upon my chart, I'm starting a whole different
Alex Ferrari 25:22
It's a different kind of death. I get you, yes, we've, I've had multiple deaths in this life.
Jennifer Shaffer 25:27
I keep coming back.
Alex Ferrari 25:28
I am a spiritual, spiritual podcast host. At this point in the game, there has been a death from where I came from. There's no question about it. I got here absolutely. But that's, a really key point for people listening when they're trying to find guidance through a intuitive or a psychic medium. That if you have someone telling you, like, I remember I went to, I don't even know if she was real or not, but this is years here. I mean, this is years in my 20s, and she was like, I see this. What do you want to I'll tell you whatever you whatever you want. And like, it was just kind of like whatever you want me to tell you. I'll tell you it was, there was no, there was no com, there was no guarding it. There was nothing. It was just kind of like a kind of thing. It just, and then she was in a back, back of a crystal shop. So I, you know, they use,
Jennifer Shaffer 26:16
They use fear too, and that's not, that's no one from the other side works upon bear. I have had where I'm like, I get information that the only time I ever say it is if they're in danger, right? That's the only time I've ever, you know, and I've had to say it, like, just, if this happens, you know, I get on the plane. I'm like, don't get on the plane. I can't even, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 26:39
Don't get but that's, but that's something really important for people looking for guidance, because there are a lot of hucksters out there. There are a lot of people who are not morally guided because just, and I want people to understand, just because you've got this gift doesn't mean you're a good person.
Jennifer Shaffer 26:54
No, no, not at all. I would like to think I am, but why? I easily know how good witchcraft can be used as bad, you know, as something. It's a consciousness,
Alex Ferrari 27:07
Correct! So, and I want people to be very clear on that, because people automatically think, Oh, they've been gifted with the with the gift to see my dead grandmother, or I can tell you the future, that doesn't make them good people,
Jennifer Shaffer 27:20
No. And by the way, with quantum physics and with different different realities out there, we can get something in the future that might not be in this reality as well.
Alex Ferrari 27:31
Let's go now. Let's unpack that.
Jennifer Shaffer 27:33
So, you know,
Alex Ferrari 27:35
So we've talked about, on the show with quantum physicists about the multiple parallel reality, the multiverse, and that every time we make a decision, a major decision, right? Not catch up or no catch up, but major decision, it can shift off into essentially endless realities that we are living in currently. So in other words, there's a reality where you are the host and I am the psychic. So they're, they're, I'm sure something, because we're exploring,
Jennifer Shaffer 28:04
Well, Jimi Hendrix is always the host, always in the afterlife. When anybody crosses over there, it's the weirdest thing. Jimi Hendrix. Jimi Hendrix is the guy that greets people. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that. I'm like, No, is it Jimi? It's Jimi Hendrix. It's just see, we talk about that, but that's just funny that you
Alex Ferrari 28:22
Well, the one I get a lot of is Robin, Robin Williams. I love him. I know I love Rob. I love Robin too. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole Robin Williams, but, but he, he pops up a lot too, as well, for people and for myself as well, all the time, he's just, I absolutely adored him. When he died, I was in mourning for about two weeks, and I couldn't understand why
Jennifer Shaffer 28:42
I he took with him how a lot of people felt in their lives. How many times, I mean, I know, I didn't want to stay here early on, you know. And I'm like, What did you do? I was and then he would get angry. We get through that angry, like, how did you leave? Why did you leave? I, you know, but he's, it goes back, like he's giving me some of the most, the greatest advice in the world, like love. What love is like, love? Love, you know, it's just,
Alex Ferrari 29:12
It's, it's absolutely fascinating. But I do wanted to clear that up for people, because just because you're a channel, or you're psychic, or you're a psychic medium, does not mean that you are morally correct. That means that you are on the right path, that you have your best interest in mind. It's very just be very cautious.
Jennifer Shaffer 29:30
So I've learned with crime work, because I would teach other people, because I would think, you know, more eyes on the scene and the unseen is better because than just me, because there's so much, you know, when I'm on the phone with a bunch of agents, that's a lot, you know, and to take that all on your own is a lot, but, and what I've taught them is I'm like, so when, if you're talking to a mother and the daughter is missing, you know, you might get certain images, and if you have any any compromising. Thoughts, like, if you something, you know, if something bad happened to you when you were little, and you bring that into a case that's going to affect you, because you're compromised. I think I'm a I'm very lucky, because I knock on wood, other than being raised Mormon, I don't think any I've had anything really severely bad happen to me, and so I don't bring that into cases that being said, if a girl, you know, gets affected by somebody, or somebody does something to this girl and the mom you're looking at the mom, you don't tell the mom, oh, by the way, your daughter was XYZ. You don't have proof of that. She'd like always ask, you know, when you're in when you're an intuitive, you always, I always have to ask him, like, do I give this information? And a lot of times I get told, No, she'll bring it up or the person will bring it up later on, and then you'll be able to confirm it.
Alex Ferrari 30:49
So you're asking the other side, always should. So who's telling me? What's the voice?
Jennifer Shaffer 30:54
I think it's it. I think it's usually the it depends. Um, sometimes it's the person that has been killed, sometimes it's the person that sometimes it's my guides, sometimes it's my higher self. Like to see. You know, I had to let go of unless I really felt them. I had to let go of where it came from. I had to trust that, because that could get in your way as well.
Alex Ferrari 31:21
So we went off topic for a second. What happened when you opened up to your Mormon family and your friends and your colleagues? Hey guys, I'm intuitive
Jennifer Shaffer 31:31
My friends are like, can you stop doing drugs?
Alex Ferrari 31:36
California, New York. Where are you?
Jennifer Shaffer 31:37
Alex Ferrari 31:38
You're in California.
Jennifer Shaffer 31:39
Yeah, South Bay. So it wasn't at the time I actually was sober, so it wasn't even like I wasn't drinking. There were no drugs, there was nothing involved. And I'm like, Listen, I'm not here to say I'm a medium. I'm doing this and that. I just need to explore it, because if I don't, it's gonna something else is gonna happen. You know, I don't want any more here. Let's smash her face here. Let's do this, let's do that, and I just need to understand it. And I was very lucky that I had some great teachers take me underneath their wing and like, we're gonna teach you everything because it's it's learning languages, you know, just because I see it doesn't matter that, that doesn't mean what comes through here has any correlation to what I'm seeing and past, present, future shows up in the same place. That's another thing that intuitives get a little bit off sided with you have to figure out time that you know just because you might say, oh my gosh, I feel this, this and this, that might have already happened.
Alex Ferrari 32:36
You know what? That's so funny, because I get that all the time. I have a unique perspective. I talked to so many of you, weird.
Jennifer Shaffer 32:43
Well, you watched talk about you called me today. Like, I just want to make sure where you are. You literally walked out when I was coming up, like, and
Alex Ferrari 32:53
I turned to you goes, because, you know, I'm psychic
Jennifer Shaffer 32:58
I'm like, How did you like, oh yeah,
Alex Ferrari 33:00
There's so many, I speak to so many people like you and channelers and these kind of things. So when I've had readings done, and I've heard people to get readings, is that sometimes you're trying to interpret the images that are coming in. Sometimes it's voice, right? But a lot of times it's just images that are popping into your mind. So you're trying to go, Okay, there's this guy. He did this or that, I see a B, is it his name? Is his name, Bob? Is it Bob is, I think Bob's dead. I'm not sure. Is Bob dead? And you're like, yeah, that's my uncle William. Like, okay, great. Bob's dead. Okay, great, because you don't know if he's if he's alive, trying to figure it out.
Jennifer Shaffer 33:44
And so I have come to a conclusion for myself. Every medium works differently. Tyler, Henry, I love him. Hey, he does a scribble. He does a scribbling. So I scribble a little bit too. That's just but I need a name. So a lot of people like, well, if you needed a name, and maybe you're not, like, No, this is how I work on all my cases. I asked for a name, and I asked, Do you know, like, when I work with law enforcement, do you know if they're dead or not? I'm not gonna spend my time trying to that's a waste of time. I need to know so that way I can figure out what we're looking for, versus just, I'm over the fact of I know they're not trying to test me anymore either. It's not like that. And so, yeah, we need to like, you know, if you're if you're a meeting, we're like, Are they dead? Are they alive? You can fill into it as well. So when someone dies a certain way, I get the chills a certain way. When they die from a when I get called in, into a case or into a missing person case, I can fill them if they're dead. But I always, you know that's gets very tricky too, because you have to make sure you're like, wait a second, it comes to you so differently. But I have learned too that somebody could be alive and have a psychotic break, and it feels the same way as somebody dead,
Alex Ferrari 34:55
Interesting, that disconnected,
Jennifer Shaffer 34:57
Correct, somebody has Alzheimer. Somebody that's in a coma, they feel dead to me.
Alex Ferrari 35:02
Can you tell? Can you connect to people in that are that have Alzheimer's?
Jennifer Shaffer 35:07
Oh, yeah, yeah, it's so fun. They're having the time of their lives.
Alex Ferrari 35:11
So can you explain, because there's so many people, you know, I have family members, there's so many people who are struggling with that, and it seems to be rampant, yeah, rampant now, in a way that I haven't really seen in history before, like there's so much more of that happening. I'm sure environmental, I'm sure foods, all that kind of stuff that's going towards it. But can you explain to people what's happening to these souls and why they would choose to do this?
Jennifer Shaffer 35:38
I never feel sorry for anybody that has Alzheimer's or dementia, I feel sorry for their caregivers. Yeah, they are having the time of their life anytime I'm like anytime I'm talking to somebody. And I'll sit there and I'll start laughing. They're bawling in front of me because they're telling me, you know, you know, I'm like, is this person have Alzheimer's, or are they on the other side and like, they have Alzheimer's? And I'll start laughing, because I'm like, she's with her first boyfriend. And here the person that has Alzheimer's is married, you know, and blah, blah, blah, and it usually they're like, what? I'm like, she's having fun with somebody that was in the military that passed away, and she's saying it's her first boyfriend. They know what I'm talking about. She's really having an experience on the other side with the person that she was with before her husband. So they're just having back in that time period. They get to go travel in any time period. They can, they can be with their husband in a different time period.
Alex Ferrari 36:38
So what dreams may come? Absolutely, you can create whatever reality.
Jennifer Shaffer 36:43
We have so much to learn from them. Like I was talking to some not because I'm the LA chapter. I was on the LA chapter last year for Alzheimer's, the Alzheimer's committee. I'm like, Have you guys ever studied them in a way, their bodies, their bodies stay living forever, right? How many times have you heard when someone has dementia, they just they live for a very long time. It's because they're not tied to their body. They're not constantly feeding it that information. You're fat, you have cancer, you have this, you have that, you have this. You know they're not tied to their bodies. So their bodies last forever.
Alex Ferrari 37:17
Is that what? Okay, so now we're gonna go down another, rabbit hole. I love this because that makes sense to me. Because throughout history, now we're gonna go into ancient mysteries a bit. Throughout histories, there has been explanations of or stories of people living 800 years Moses, these kind of things are in the they live in. I mean, our sir here, Babaji, is supposedly 2500 years or older, and he's still walking the earth. There's many of them that last for long, long, long. So is it because that they're they are disconnecting from First of all, they're not beating themselves up. So that's base one, yes. Like, let's just start from there, from scratch. Yeah. Like, Moses is not going, am I? Oh, god, oh, I just feel a little pudgy today, like you don't hear Moses doing that swollen from the I feel I get too much pizza. I'm holding the sodium. But so you don't hear that from these, and you never hear that from you hear stories of like a Yogananda. I use him a lot because he was a recent Ascended Master who just who left us in the 50s. So beautiful. But you don't hear stories of them. You never hear Yogananda going, Oh God, too much curry last night. Like you don't. They're they're in a different, different level.
Jennifer Shaffer 38:42
They're creating their realities from elsewhere. That's what we're supposed to do. We could learn so much from that.
Alex Ferrari 38:48
We're creating our realities from elsewhere. Hence, the other side, meditation, meditation, these kind of things going up, your body can arguably sustain itself differently because it's not being bombarded with that kind of negative energy that we're or just living strictly from this place, because there's a time limit in this place, correct? That's the rules, yes. But when you, but when you transcend the code, I'll use the code as the matrix. When you understand the code and you start to transcend it, you can live that's that's their stories of yogis living for hundreds of years. They live when it they leave whenever they want. Yeah, Yogananda, like tonight, I'm leaving. He told us. He told His followers, tonight I want to leave. No, no, barrel, Haza, you're not going good. No, no, I'm gonna, I'm gonna leave. And when I leave, the words of India will be in my lips. And the last sentence he said was something about India, and then he just dropped, had a heart accordingly, had a heart attack, these kind of things. So it's really fascinating. I wanted to kind of go down that road and what we were going with that. But anyway, back to Alzheimer's. I'm sorry, so that's why they because, you're right, I had, oh my god, I had grandmother. I had an. And that they just, they just wouldn't die, and there was nothing wrong with them, like they were just sitting there and they would not, they eat. Yeah, their bodies would eat. They would do everything. Normally doesn't matter, but they just eight years, nine years, and we're just like, my What kind of existence, right?
Jennifer Shaffer 40:19
Right! It's so inhumane.
Alex Ferrari 40:22
And I want to, and I want to bring this up, because there's so many people who are feeling so guilty about my loved ones.
Jennifer Shaffer 40:26
That's the other thing. Oh, so many great things. So the other thing that Alzheimer's. The people that have Alzheimer's, they they know how love they actually feel that the person. So, you know, how many times do you hear like, I couldn't make it over there. I couldn't see that. You know my grandma. I wish I would've there more, but I couldn't, you know, it's too far away. I'm like, she thinks you're there right now. They think that you're right there. They don't have a proximity. There's no anger. They're not bitter. They're not they're bitter when they wake when they wake up, meaning when they realize they're here, like, wow, why my hair? Like, they get so confused.
Alex Ferrari 41:05
Back to the 50s, my boyfriend, yeah,
Jennifer Shaffer 41:08
I get back to him. I don't even like him. What's going on here? And why are you so old? You know? Could you imagine? And so, like, I and the other thing that I was shown recently, too, was that when people pass over, yes, they have to give me the information of how they die, because that's how I you know, that's the I'm an evidential medium. That's what I want to give my clients to make sure that they know their hair and and when they do, they don't, they don't take the last day. Because how many people feel bad like I was supposed to be there and I couldn't make my flight and whatever they don't take the last day they show me what happened, so I can give you that information. They get to take all the love that was ever given to them by that person, all at once when they take their breath on the other side, interesting at once. Could you imagine? You hear about that love, right? They all come flooding in, flooding in like they don't care. They don't sit there going, I can't believe might get to say me goodbye. You know, when I'm on my death bed? They don't, they don't, ever, I've never heard that from anybody,
Alex Ferrari 42:20
And that really does sync up, because all the near death experiences I've talked about and talked to, they never say that there was that, that right there, there's no they don't take that with them on the other side. They never do. They if they're going to the other side, they don't. I mean, when I say that, and we could talk about the spirit says they, yeah, we could talk about that later. But if they are, if they're on the other side, going towards delight and all that, and at that level, they don't bring anything like that negativity or any of that stuff with them. They do at the at the certain at the beginning. They do bring into my understanding. Please correct me if I'm wrong. They bring some of their programming with them until they are kind of cleaned out of that, meaning that you need to see Jesus show, or you need to see this, or see that
Jennifer Shaffer 43:02
I had, actually, I felt I had like a near death experience, I believe, during a meditation, where I completely left my body to the point of that bliss that you feel. And I got to this place when I left my body, that nothing was outside of me like but it was this bliss that had, you know, everything, like my husband wasn't outside, even my kids, I didn't mean to know where they were. Like, it wasn't that. It was literally a game where I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is my world. This is what I've created. This is Mike. And I'm like, it's, I can't believe it's just like this, like they're really the oneness that I felt, I will, I will hold on to forever, because it was every single thing just all of a sudden went away. So everything that's in this room just went away. But yet, was there in like and it wasn't, I didn't see myself. It, you know, I felt another presence there. And then I got drawn back to my body, but just those moments, and I thought I was gone for like two minutes. I was gone for two hours. I had no idea. And it was the most surreal thing that I've ever felt ever and I just and I sit there. I'm like, every time every interaction, like, how lucky am I to have this interaction? I created this, you know, but it's not I, it's we created this. It's this whole, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say I there is no i There is absolutely 00, it is all of us collaborating, which, you know, it goes back to that collaboration of what we're doing to create. But if we can take that matrix, so going back to that box, like, if we give and taking the Alzheimer's box and taking even my crime boxes that I work out of, you know how I remote view, if we can kind of compile them all together and really look into like, okay, so they're out there. People that have Alzheimer's, they get to go and have all the fun they want, right? And they get to have all those feelings that they want. How do we create that from here where we have the same
Alex Ferrari 45:11
There's something I've heard from I forgot who it was that told me this. They all blur together after I talked to so many people on the show, but they were saying about Alzheimer's patients, that if they had a particularly tough time life, a lot of times they just want to forget. They don't want to be here anymore, but they don't want to leave, right? So they so, you know, there are family members I have right now who particularly had a pretty rough life. People are really nice to them, though they gave a lot and so on, and they they just want to kind of forget. So they literally manifest themselves into this disease, to kind of disconnect from the pain of all of that, where they're in this happy place. Does that make sense to you?
Jennifer Shaffer 46:02
Yeah. So when you're mentioning this, you have somebody right now. Can I tell you what comes up, please? So one of them, it feels like it had to do with they're not ready to say goodbye to someone. They don't want to leave this other person. They also church came in in a weird way. So I them not either going or feeling bad that they didn't go, but not being able to do anything about it. Now that, I think is quite important, because whoever they're with is a church goer or fills it, or something like that. They're happy, but there's also somebody that's just not letting them go. It feels like and that's what they're thinking. It doesn't mean that it's actually happening, but they feel like they're still if they leave, then everything will fall apart. That's kind of where they're that's where their mind is. That's where their mind is when they're here,
Alex Ferrari 46:53
Whether they believe, if that's true or not, it's another story that's just their perception. That's just their first so because of that perception, they're holding on.
Jennifer Shaffer 47:00
Yeah, they don't have that much time now,
Alex Ferrari 47:03
I know, okay, yeah, I'm aware. I'm aware again,
Jennifer Shaffer 47:07
I asked if I could even say that.
Alex Ferrari 47:09
No, no, I understand. Yeah, no, no, it's I get it wanted. I want to bring on a lighter note for a second. Yeah, there was a story that Richard told, and I'd love to you to retell it, the story of that. I don't want to give away that the punch line he filmed you in, that there was a movie that he shot you where there was a very famous athlete,
Jennifer Shaffer 47:33
Okay, oh yeah, that one. Oh my gosh, he just showed up again this morning on my way here.
Alex Ferrari 47:39
So tell please tell people what this that story, because when I heard it, and there's a film of it, by the way, so you could actually see it happening, is hilarious.
Jennifer Shaffer 47:47
Okay, well, there's a couple, there's a couple of, I'm not sure about that one. I'm trying to think about,
Alex Ferrari 47:54
You know which one I'm talking about?
Jennifer Shaffer 47:55
Well, I can say this.
Alex Ferrari 47:59
He's very famous. We had a conversation about him.
Jennifer Shaffer 48:01
Kobe Bryant showed up. Okay, so it's about Kobe. So it's about Kobe, yeah. Okay, by now you put the punchline. I'm so sorry, but this is the thing, though. So this morning, I'm like, I don't, you know, I think I already told you. I'm like, as I was thinking about I'm like, Oh, I wonder what we're gonna talk about, probably about the cases or whatever. And then Steve Jobs showed up, and I happened, you know, there was a great story behind that, but there. But with Kobe, when he showed up, he just was looking in and like, what are you doing? You just, what are you doing, you know? And he's just, like, just seeing how things work, kind of thing. And then he left. And I'm like, That's interesting. First time you met first time I met him. I'm like, But you knew who he was. Oh, yeah, I knew who he was, and I was heartbroken over him. We loved heartbroken. And then inevitably, and now somebody else just showed up. Inevitably, I ended up working with his family, you know, I got introduced this family had no idea who they were, started talking to him, and he shows up, and he's like, I told you, you know, and I was talking to his wife and to his daughter, who I absolutely love their family. They wouldn't mind me saying that. And it was just interesting how he's kind of come in and out, and how he's he has helped so many people, so many people, and he has just, you know, his look on life, and you know he what he said to even his wife was just spectacular.
Alex Ferrari 49:24
So what was this? What was that little story that when, when, when you didn't know who it was, because you didn't know when you were speaking to the person you didn't know it was
Jennifer Shaffer 49:33
I had no idea who that? He blush, he he come. This is another thing they could do. It's not like when you lose your keys and you're like, Okay, give me my keys, and then all of a sudden, they come back. They just make you they can't they make it to where you can't see.
Alex Ferrari 49:46
They know there's something there, somebody there, but they, you want, they don't give their
Jennifer Shaffer 49:49
I had no idea. I had no idea who they I'm and I'm not even sure about this story you're gonna have to read,
Alex Ferrari 49:55
All right, so I'll tell the story. You tell me. Okay, so the story I heard was that you were sitting there with. Vanessa, yes, Vanessa, and you didn't know who she was, no, because that's what you like to walk into sessions generally, right? So you, you're, and you're, and this is recorded, Richard recorded this. Yeah, so you're sitting there and you're talking vessel, and it goes, there's this guy here, I think. And then you're like, arguing with him, like, I'm not gonna say that.
Jennifer Shaffer 50:23
Oh my gosh, that. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 50:25
So you could take it from here.
Jennifer Shaffer 50:26
Okay, so as as I'm looking at her and I'm talking to this person, I'm like, Oh no, not gonna say he goes, will you just tell her? And I'm like, oh, like, he wants to know if he can pinch your ass. And she looked at me, and I was just mortified, and she goes, those were the first five words he ever said to me. And I clocked him kind of thing, you know, she kind of laughed about it. I'm like something that simple, but I thought him about saying it,
Alex Ferrari 51:01
Because you didn't know what a reference was.
Jennifer Shaffer 51:02
I had, like, I'm not gonna talk about her ass. Like, what are you doing? You can't just I'm, like, I'm not gonna do that. But all the thing is, you know, working with, I have a lot of celebrity clients that are just normal people, but are considered that way, and I don't ever say anything that's on the internet. I, first of all, I don't know, when I walk into a room who they, you know, who they're gonna be, but also it's just, I mean, I don't have the capacity, but, you know, because they're thinking, Oh, they looked me up. You know, you can't help but think that too. But nothing that comes through, and something is the other wonderful thing he said to his daughter, and it was so simple, and I thought him on it too. He goes, tell her, I love her to the moon and back, and tell her about like como and tell her it was okay, but tell her, I love her to the moon and back. I'm getting the chills as I'm saying this and and she wouldn't mind me saying this. And I'm like, everybody says, I love you to the moon and back. I'm like, Okay, I said it to her, and she starts crying. She had a bracelet that said, I love you to the moon and back by her dad that she lost in Lake Como, oh, and her mom ended up getting her another one, but that was evidence that he was there, you know, but something I fought, just the little things I fight, but it's so stupid. Why would I do that? Well, you do, I do. I can't help it. I'm a skeptic of the other side,
Alex Ferrari 52:32
As you should be. And that's a healthy it's a healthy intuitive to be skeptic of what comes in the other side. Yeah. So let me ask you, just for fun, because we're gonna talk about a bunch of a little bit more, little bit a little heavier stuff moving forward. But just for fun, you said that ever since you got up this morning, there's just been a whole lot of people showing up. Is, has anyone showed up for me? And if they, if they did, I'd love to hear what you said. I'm doing this for fun for you guys, really, because I could easily talk to Jennifer off camera about this, but I think that my audience would like kind of have fun with it. So let's have some fun.
Jennifer Shaffer 53:12
So well, I told you, I mean, a lot of people from my class, and somebody, Matthew Perry, has been very like in the forefront for me. And every time he comes in, it's usually, I usually end up talking to somebody that that knew him. And I would again, I fight it too, but he's been, he has helped more people from the other side than you can possibly imagine. But it's for you. It's so funny.
Alex Ferrari 53:41
I usually have a line of people
Jennifer Shaffer 53:43
Well, so I now understand, like when it came to Yogananda, like every time I feel that for you, I feel like that's where you that's where you reside in your energy field, and what in your energy field, I feel you residing with his energy. Well, that's beautiful, and so and it's more and I keep getting your dream state is getting calmer. It was pretty, pretty crazy before, but now it feels really calm. And I feel so there's, yeah, you do have a lot hold on and a dog. Just give me a second. Your dog shows up all the time. Your dog showed up this morning. Been like, and I think I've talked to you about that, but you know, I forget everything. Your dog showed up, but you have a grandpa. There's somebody that's here that also felt like they had, either they were in law enforcement or they were so he had a heart attack. Hold on. Okay. You have your grandfather, your uncle, you. Uh, feels like a great uncle. Do you know of someone that that was in the Civil War, in your family?
Alex Ferrari 55:08
Civil War?
Jennifer Shaffer 55:09
No, I just see old guns, like, like,
Alex Ferrari 55:12
I mean, it might have been Spain, because that's where they came from.
Jennifer Shaffer 55:17
I don't to my down that rabbit hole. Yeah, hold on, somebody has something though of that that feels like there's a very old picture. Give me a second, because I do feel like you came fighting a different way, and I do feel you're very connected to that ancestor. They're showing me your daughter. Hold on, there was a celebration, or there's a birthday celebration that's that is either happening towards the end of the month, maybe, okay, just hold on, and it feels like it has to do with you too. There's some type of celebration about what you're doing right now, like how many, not necessarily, how many episodes, but maybe how many years you've been doing this. And I feel like it started like at the beginning of the year, and I feel like that there's something that's happening more with that too, that I'm being shown, but your grandfather is a guide. And I know that other people have talked to your grandfather, but I feel you talking to him more. And I also feel like the whole medium thing, like you are a medium well, but again,
Alex Ferrari 56:31
I don't see dead people just yet.
Jennifer Shaffer 56:33
It's not about seeing them. It's not about seeing them again. It's everything's inside of you, like that. When I was explaining that feeling. It makes perfect sense. Even the stuff that I see, because I see them come in and go out talking to you, and they leave, but everything is inside of you. It's not something you know. So when you're talking, people get so caught up of where it's coming from. So right now, just as we were talking, so I have your dog, I get all these pictures of your ancestors. I get the connection of your ancestors toward, of course, they're connected to you, but your DNA, this fighting blood, this blue blood line that I'm seeing, and then the and then Yogananda, the presence with him, and what you've been learning and how you're expanding. I mean, obviously, with everybody that you have on here, you are creating such an amazing platform for people that to come to and go down their own rabbit holes, right
Alex Ferrari 57:34
As you've been doing apparently,
Jennifer Shaffer 57:37
Once after I read you before, I'm like, now I can go watch it because I didn't want to know anything beforehand. You're like, I did, you know, I wasn't filming. Like, oh, okay, you know. And there's more, there's, I think there's a lot more people that you're connected to. There's somebody that's coming through the that I felt like either was a fireman or a police officer, and I'm not sure if you're related to them or not, and they feel like they had there's something about them having a heart attack, and you grew up with them, and I'm seeing road like either on biking with them, or you used to go biking with them, or you went to school with them. Do you have any idea to that? All right, we'll figure that out, but that's just
Alex Ferrari 58:19
The kind of things that happened. Yeah, you want to hear something funny is, I don't know if at this recording. I'm not sure if I said this on the show before, but I'll say it again, just because it's such a powerful story for me. I got a chance to go when I was in LA I went to the Self Realization fellowship in Mount Washington for the first time, and I was given a tour by a friend of mine who knows everybody there and and, you know, I'm walking around, and walked into the place where he used to meditate in its chapel, where people can sit there and meditate and so on. And they go. He goes, we have something special for you. We're gonna let you upstairs. I'm like, What do you mean upstairs? He said, Oh, we're gonna, you're gonna go to yogananda's quarters. Wow, they haven't touched it, really, since he left. And it's a, it's an, it's a museum, essentially, yeah, so you take off your shoes, and I have to wait for a brother to come down and kind of guide you up there and walk in when I walk in the walk into his living room. It's a house from the 20s.
Jennifer Shaffer 59:19
I felt him tapping you on his shoulder.
Alex Ferrari 59:21
Yeah. So I walk in and I see everything. I'm like, Oh, there's the staff that he has in that picture I've seen. Oh, there's this, there's the scarf that I've seen in others. It's all there. Is all there. And then I walked into his bedroom, and in his bedroom they have this kind of like a little picture, a backlit picture, of him meditating as a young man, and a chest that says prayers. And I could tell you about what that means. And then his shoes are right there, his slippers that he used to sleep in right underneath his bed. Everything's been there, covered in plastic, obviously for preservation, but it's there. And I asked him, I go? Can I can I meditate in here? For a little bit. He's like, Yeah, I'm like, five minutes. He goes, okay, because, you know, I have things to do. I'm like, of course, he didn't say that. But I sit there and I start to meditate at the bed of Yogananda with his shoes, his slippers are in front of me. I touch them. I touch the bed covered plastic, but still touch it, yeah, and I just start to meditate. And I've never had a meditation session so intense, so quickly in my life, I was I was second I walked in, I just started, you dropped in. The energy was just like rapid. And when I start meditating, the electricity in my body just changes. The My face was like, being hit with 1000 bits of energy. I never felt that before. I felt versions of this, but nothing is intense. And I started to meditate. And I sit there and I just start going deep. I'm like, if I it was five minutes, but I'm like, if I don't get out of this, I won't.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:01:00
You won't come back.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:01
I won't. I'm like, I could.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:01:03
That's what I felt like when I left. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:01:04
I could have sat there for eight hours and not even eaten or drank or anything. That's how intoxicating the image the energy was. And then images started. Things started to come into my mind. I started seeing I was I was connected in a way that I've not being connected differently than I've ever before. But the energy was so palpable there that I, like literally yanked my way out of it, because I felt bad for this poor guy just standing outside waiting for me to meditate. Felt very awkward for him, for me and for him, I was like, I don't want to do that to the poor guy, though he would have probably stayed there for 30 minutes. He would have been fine. He would have stayed there for 30 but I have stayed there for three but I felt but it was such a beautiful experience. So Yogananda and I've had a connection since I read his book, and I'm sure as millions have had a connection with Yogananda, but he dreamed about him now he's been Oh, no, no. I've had met I've had him in my meditation. I've had him dreams. No, he in my god, hasn't left you, and Connie is the one who introduced me to him. Yeah, that's when I read Autobiography of a Yogi, and I kind of walked down that path. So, oh no, he's been with me for a long time. I've had a deep connection with him, and he's literally right behind me all the time. I have him everywhere. I mean, he's there, he's in my other set, he's out front, he's he's everywhere, yeah, and his lineage as well, Baba Ji and Yvette schwa and so on. But that was just the connection for me. But it was just a really interesting energy that was happening. I'd never felt that before. I'm looking forward to go back to LA just so I can go back there.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:02:40
I love that. I love that. Well, when you get immersed in that energy, it's challenging to come back. Oh, but you just have to go to it. You have to just be in it. Once you know that you're in it, just don't leave it. You never have to leave it. I'm figuring things, things take you out of it. That's the difference life.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:02
So, so I wanted to talk to you a little bit about what's going on in the world. I'm not gonna ask you anything specific, as of this recording, the election already happened. Okay? So I'm not I don't care about who is gonna win or not win. To me, honestly, is irrelevant. Yeah, we created all of it correct. So it's gonna go whichever way it's gonna go. What do you see for the aftermath? Because the last election, there was a slight after slight aftermath. But I feel that whatever happens after this very contentious election here in the United States, there's going to be aftermath, not only here in the States, but I think it's going to ripple around the world. So as kindly and gently as you can, can you tell me what you're seeing for humanity in the near future, after this, this kind of turning point?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:03:58
Oh, it's just shown me. That's why I was shown a war, not for this, but how sometimes it takes something that bad in order to get people to come together. We really need to love each other more. And I think this is going to do that, and I'm hoping, but it's gonna, you know, like anything else, it's gonna be painful before it gets better and but I have hope for our humanity. I have hope for each other. I have hope for kind of working together. We we need to work together, not against one another. We're so polarized right now,
Alex Ferrari 1:04:40
But that's, but that seems to be by design, Humanities design, I know conscious design right now, and when I say that, it's because, you know, everything that happens to us, we create.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:04:52
That's, that's the deeper question, like we created this. So how did we do I. It. What do we learn from it? How do we get back to oneness again, to my understanding, or we never left oneness. But how do we
Alex Ferrari 1:05:09
Remember to my understanding, that is that humanity as a whole collective has made the decision not to self destruct. That's what I've been told multiple times. It's my also my own gut, my own gut feeling we're not going to destroy ourselves now, but we ain't gonna make it easy along the way, is the question. And you can see that around the world right now. It's never been as polarized well. I mean, the Civil War was pretty rough, you know, so it has been, but it's never been this polarized with this kind of technology, this kind of connection around the world. I mean, when the Civil War was happening here in the States, Europe, was like, look at those crazy yanks doing stuff. It really didn't affect them, because we weren't as interconnected as we are now, but as they say, when, when the US sneezes, the world catches a cold, yeah, and that's what I'm kind of seeing here, not from an egocentric place. That's just the reality of the world that we live in right now. So you agree that we we're not in a self destructive path, but it's not going to be easy
Jennifer Shaffer 1:06:21
We can end up killing each other with nuclear weapons and be done with the whole world within minutes, sure. So we're not going to do that. I do feel that nature has a little bit of a saying this, saying this. I do see a lot of that, and I think we've also created that as well, but I see us coming together, but it's just gonna be painful at first, I think,
Alex Ferrari 1:06:48
But, but I don't know about you, but every great lesson that I've learned in life has come through pain.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:06:54
I just wish it didn't have to agree with you. So when I was looking, when I started seeing, I'll never forget I had this woman in my woman in my office. I'm like, Yeah, I don't think her husband's going to be working. I didn't know her husband was the captain of the LA Kings. And I'm like, she's, what do you mean? Like, is he going to get injured? Is? I'm like, No, I don't see anybody. I didn't see anybody working, you know, and at the but it was COVID, you know, and there's so many things, so many things I but how great I'm back to. It's like, I think a lot of people really learned a lot from COVID. You know? They either learned how to love each other, they learned that they were in the wrong relationship. They whatever they learned was probably a little bit both.
Alex Ferrari 1:07:39
It was a reset, complete. It was a giant shift. You could tell humanity shifted after
Jennifer Shaffer 1:07:45
And it's already shifting now, because there's so many people leaving the planet too, I can't tell a lot of the older they're just like, bye,
Alex Ferrari 1:07:52
I'm out. I'm gone, I'm gone. And a lot of the newer souls coming into the planet are more prepared. They're locked and loaded to lead, yeah, they're ready to make this
Jennifer Shaffer 1:08:02
And the women that are coming in like, it's so interesting. It was so easy 20 years ago to say, Oh, you're having a boy, oh, you're having a girl. Now it's like, what? Because the energies are different. The girls are coming in super masculine, and the guys are coming in more fluid. And so I have to look for colors whenever I and by the way, it's a 50% chance of being right, as my husband would say,
Alex Ferrari 1:08:24
No, I feel that. I feel that
Jennifer Shaffer 1:08:27
They're meant to come in here and lead,
Alex Ferrari 1:08:29
Yeah! Because the older systems, and I've been saying this forever, the older systems are starting to crack, yeah, not starting to crack. They're crumbling. They're literally crumbling.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:08:39
There's, there's people holding on with band aids, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:08:42
While the ship has leaks left, and all of them are putting, like, literal band aids, trying to put it all together, and they're holding on for dear life because they don't want to let go.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:08:50
Powerful what our minds could do. Oh, God, you just gave that visual, right? And they think it's working.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:56
They think it's working because they because they have no if you're in a ship that's sinking and you believe that putting a band aid will help you survive, you have no other way to think about it. Because if you think that this is ridiculous, you will be done. So you can't think that now we are looking outside, looking at the ship going like the dude, that's not gonna work at all. I mean, the band aid is not covering the Titanic hit that you just got from that iceberg. It's just not gonna work so but that's happening in so many different fields around the world, media, the economy, food, medicine, education, religion, all of it's starting to crumble down more and more. And there really has, if you if you've noticed, I was thinking about this the other day, if you notice that there hasn't been one industry that has not had a shakedown, they all have had a shakedown, but now they all have an alternative. So. So before, and I pick on the Catholic Church as a recovering Catholic, it was that way. There was no other alternatives. But throughout history, even early on, you know, Mormonism is, I don't know, 100 years old, 150 years old, something like that, right? But then there was Lutherans. Then there was Baptist and and the Protestant, and they all kind of scattered and started splintering away because they became alternative to the main narrative. Well, then Hollywood has alternatives now, which is social media and YouTube, which, by the way, now, YouTube is the biggest streaming platform on the planet, much bigger than all of the other guys, I think even combined, that's how big, and they're only getting bigger. So there's an alternative for voices like this now, economy, cryptocurrency was created, you know, love it or hate it. It's so it's here to stay, yeah, exactly. So it's, it's, it's something so in in health, alternative medicine, so that every industry has had some sort of alternative come up because people are tired of the old systems
Jennifer Shaffer 1:11:09
Like Charlie Goldstein, and we need to work together. Like Charlie Goldstein is a healer, and recently, when I was speaking to him, we were discussing he's like, I want you know the medical industry to utilize healers, like, why can't you have a healer there with somebody else that's working on them? Oh, right,
Alex Ferrari 1:11:28
Little little bit. Yeah,
Jennifer Shaffer 1:11:32
I get that. But, like, I work with law I work with law enforcement.
Alex Ferrari 1:11:36
But there's a difference there. Because, look, I know the difference is that when you come in, they've hit the wall. Yeah, they have no other option. And they're like, why not? A doctor or the medical field will never yell, uncle, yeah, they just won't. They just won't. And if you come in and heal it, then they're gonna be out of a job. See, it's a very different dynamic.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:12:01
Yeah, they're doing a lot of studies on that. I He's the most documented healer. And there he just, I can understand that, that they should have something, but we were talking about, you know, working together. That's the only way that this, how all of this is going to work, is if we combine our effort.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:18
And is it going to be nature that continuously challenges us. Because, look, I've lived in Florida for 25 years.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:12:24
Nature cleans, cleanses us
Alex Ferrari 1:12:26
Well, yeah, I mean, like I said, I lived in Florida for 25 years. I've been hit by many hurricanes. I've gone through I went through Andrew, I went through Wilma. I've been in I've been through all. I've been a lot. I've never been devastated where I've lost my house, but I've definitely felt a lot. Yeah, lost a roof. I mean, I've gone through it, so I see what that does. But when that happens, everyone gets together. There's no politics anymore, there's no color anymore. Hopefully none of that, all that's gone. There's like, No, we need to move that log so we all can get power. You know, we need to lift that so we can get water as a community. Yeah, I hope that that's not that we don't continuously get pounded by nature so we constantly are these disasters are the things that bring us together. Look at 911 the entire country came together. Look at Pearl Harbor. The entire country came together. But we needed to have this massive devastation for us to get together? Yeah, look how powerful we are together, right? I mean, it's amazing.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:13:28
I don't think, I think Mother Nature is just gonna I mean, we have a lot of things that we're working on, and I do believe that, you know? I mean, I don't know how anybody can deny global warming. I just don't know how that's even happening. It's hot, it's hot, it's well, we've, we've had the cold again. I live by the beach, which I'm incredibly grateful for, but we've had the coldest summer in the world because it's not always hot. It's because it's so hot inland. That is not. Okay, that's not and I'm not talking about what. I'm not talking about us having cold weather. I'm just saying it's not okay to be that super hot to where we have plow covers the whole time
Alex Ferrari 1:14:08
Growing up, I if I ever saw a weather report that had 101 it's usually in Phoenix or Death Valley. I never 110 Oh yeah, that's Death Valley in the summer, where no human being should be. That's what I when I grew up. I never living in Florida, right? Never heard of anything like that. Now it's common. I mean, last summer in Austin, we had eight to 12 weeks of 100 plus every single day. Wow, every day. 100, 100 500 700 8 in Austin, not Phoenix, not not not the valley. That's crazy. It's so it's getting hotter. There's something happening.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:14:48
There's something happening. Well, when I go diving, I'm either, oh, the coral. I've never been so devastated seeing all white underneath. I'm like. Oh, my God, this is heartbreaking.
Alex Ferrari 1:15:03
Well, from what I understand, the planet, without us, we'll be fine, any damage we do to a certain extent. I mean, we saw it in COVID, yeah, quickly, everything rebounded, still, like three weeks.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:15:19
I mean, if you think about the matrix, right, you've got to think about the people that are coming back in that know in the future what we've done, know in the future what's happening. They've got to be doing some change here. And I do want to believe that
Alex Ferrari 1:15:33
When you said coming back in, souls being born,
Jennifer Shaffer 1:15:35
Souls being born, also different people here, I don't know, consciousness, you know, looking into things, figuring it out. How can we help right now, stop what's happening in the future again, past, present, future is in the same place for me. Why can't we, why can't we have that? Why can't we get the knowledge to help us now, to get quiet, to help us for our future. And I do believe that there's people that are doing that.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:02
Where do you see humanity's consciousness shift going? Because from where I'm sitting, it seems to be growing. Our consciousness seems to be going. I know it's hard for people listening like, Are you kidding? It's the worst time I go, Yeah, well, but no, people are waking.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:16:20
COVID woke up everyone that I know of, like, it's not 10 years ago. They're like, what do you do now? It's like, oh,
Alex Ferrari 1:16:27
What do you do?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:16:30
Who are you?
Alex Ferrari 1:16:32
Can I get a session?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:16:34
Exactly. I don't know if you want your great uncle from Spain coming
Alex Ferrari 1:16:37
Exactly with the Civil War gun.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:16:41
There's a picture there somewhere. Yeah, I don't, I just, I think that we're, I mean, I think that it's done a lot for us by what we've been through. And I don't, I'm, I feel that we are all waking up like we're remembering. And so I don't I've been I read extensively, and I tune in a lot, and I do believe that employer is an equalizer, the only reason why I could do the crime work I do. So I'll have seven hours with the clients, and two of them will be murders. Every week. I have parents that have lost their children. How do you do that? Well, this is why I'm saying saying this that want to know the last 24 hours of the child's life. They want to know if it was murder. They want to know if it was a if it was a suicide. And, you know, sometimes, I A lot of times it was a suicide, they're never in the right mind when they do it, obviously. But that being said, I have had in order to be because I've asked him, like, I want to be the best medium I could be the best crime person I can be. How do I how do I do that? And I had to learn to just know out there that there's an equalizer. Some people call it a pendulum. Some people call it, you know, a yin and yang kind of feeling. I because I know that I'm not in charge of whoever did this. I'm not in charge of why it happened. I'm not I had to get out completely, out of all of that in order to not be compromised. Because if I have feelings, I'm not going to get, you know, I can pick up on what the parents think I can, you know, I have to get the right information to come through. I have to kind of, I'm not, it's not that I'm desensitized by knowing there's an equalizer out there. If you think about it, with what we were just talking about, then there's a polarity, right? So, with what you were saying, like, with everybody waking up, yes, there's going to be more things that are happening because of consciousness, you know, and when more groups of people get together and do certain things, they've documented, what the power of prayer, what people meditating? You know, when I had that experience, it was with Dr Joe's walking, you know, walking meditation, that ended up where there was 140,000 people from around the world doing it at the same time. I know that's how I entered into that state. It is a very powerful thing. So, yeah, you polarities, you're gonna have something that's very similar to what I call the equalizer. You know what I'm saying?
Alex Ferrari 1:19:26
I do. Okay. So let me ask you for someone listening right now who is living in a place of fear. They're hearing this conversation, and they go to fear right away, because their place is a default. Is fear. You know, I was talking to someone the other day, and when I would, they go, so what's going to happen? And I go, Well, based on what I know, because I have so many interactions with weirdos like yourself. Thank you. It. I go, it's gonna be a little bit rocky and but we'll be fine, and we'll get through it and all that kind of stuff, you know. And every, in every economic downturn, there's people who make billion dollar companies and people who are devastated. It's gonna, it's gonna range everywhere and in between. But they were like, so what do I do? I'm like, I don't buy gold toilet paper and bullets. I don't know what do you want from me, but they went to fear right away. What can the and I want to ask from the other side, yeah, what does the other side have to say about someone who is living in fear right now from this conversation?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:20:35
So right when you were talking about it, I kept getting love like fears the abs, absence of love, right? But love is something that like, so when someone says that they're fearful, everything's going to turn out to be okay in some form or fashion for wherever you are in whatever place or state that you're in. But my biggest thing that I've learned this year, and what I have received from the other side, is fall in love with yourself. You're not the first to say that fall so deeply in love with yourself that you everything you look at is magical, right, that you can find all the good in anything that's gone wrong, and that you know that no matter doesn't matter if you have a home doesn't home is inside. Nobody from the other side can no one shows me their homes from the other side, unless they died in it, or unless they, you know, unless they want me to find something in it, you know, like, look, how cool. Or like, or, yeah, when like, Oh, I forgot the, you know, I forgot to put, you know, down her name for the trust, that kind of thing. Like, nobody shows me anything like that. So, but it really is to find your home and to find love and to be in love with yourself. Because once you're in love with yourself, every part of you, you send a neural you send, you know, different feedback to your body. Your body gets better automatically, absolutely, and then the people around you get better. And then you want to do more, and then it kind of carries over. But I would suggest just doing little stuff like find if you can't find anything good about yourself, figure it out.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:21
Fair enough. Fair enough. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask about my guests. Okay, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:22:31
It's being peaceful with wherever I am. It's it is having the love of my children and my husband and my friends and my just my life, I think just knowing that everything's going to be okay, whether I'm here or not.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:52
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Jennifer, what advice would you give her?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:22:56
Stop being so exhausting.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:01
What do you mean?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:23:02
Oh, I was in my head constantly, yeah, oh, my goodness. And just know that no one cares that much. Like, where to put their own crap, yeah? Like, no one cares. Just start living your life, you know. And just know that you are going to be great. You're going to be so much fun later on.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:25
This is a side question. Why do you think that you chose this path in this life, like you, your soul blueprint, your soul plan. What did you want to learn as a as an intuitive, psychic medium in this time period as a woman coming from a Mormon family, I mean, there's some challenges being thrown up there. Why do you think you wanted to go down this road? Because, I mean, you live from what I see, a very fun life, a happy life. You're enjoying what you do. But it wasn't always like that. There was definitely some journeys there to get there. So why do you think you chose this?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:24:00
I think I chose this. This time around, I was told that I had, I committed suicide a lot, because I never got to the point where you wanted i was able. Yeah, I wanted out. And my daughter, I was told by an intuitive and an astrologer separately, that my daughter came here to be my insurance policy to stay interesting, and that we were sisters in a past life, and you don't have to believe this. It doesn't even matter, but we were sisters in a past life, and I committed suicide, and she said, Okay, you're gonna be my mom this time, and if you make it, you're gonna have the best life ever, but if you don't, I'm gonna have the worst life ever. So that's and I remember someone saying this because she because I thought about the other side. I just, you know, I was sick at the time. I had endometriosis. I It was just awful, and I just didn't want to be here anymore. And I heard her say. Like you do know, if you leave your daughter will have the worst life she's ever had. She will never it will be the worst life for her. She came in here, in here, counting on you to stay. And it worked. It worked just from that there was something that worked, because she used to freak out every time I leave both my side at her. And I'm like, when I was able to come home that day, I'm like, I'm never gonna leave you. She didn't cry again. It there was something that healed that. And this little girl got a feeling, yeah, wow. And this little girl was astrophysics Student of the Year at her high school. She's an aerospace engineer. She is, we talk 10 times a day like I am so grateful. She's literally learning how to fly like she's I just, and it just took that, I don't know, that little piece of an intuitive saying that to me, that helped heal me. And so talking about coming in here, I think the Mormon church actually saved my life because I didn't want to commit suicide. So that was my stop, right? You needed that programming. I needed that program. And then my Mormon dad telling me, you know, it's not your job to make anybody believe in anything I'm like what? He goes, Jennifer, it's your job to give evidence and to be who you are. And he goes, you've been consistent with who you are. He goes, let everybody else figure it out. And if you use that with anything that you do, if you're not trying to prove and if you do it that way, all of a sudden, you don't have anything like you shouldn't have that fear. Help me become a better worker.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:33
Beautifully said. Now, how do you define God or Source?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:26:37
He must have a very funny personality, or she must have to have all of this happening. I do find it from my experience. Again, it's just my experience. Is it is love. You have to love everything. It's you, it's me, it's this, it's you know, all of this we've created, right? I believe that we're just creating whatever source wants to experience good, bad and indifferent. Doesn't matter.
Alex Ferrari 1:27:13
What is love?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:27:15
Peace, happiness, but it's nothing outside of us. It never will be. It helps so.
Alex Ferrari 1:27:24
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:27:26
Finding out who you are. Remembering, yeah, remembering.
Alex Ferrari 1:27:31
Jennifer where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:27:35
Oh, thank you., so, my website, or our podcast with Richard Martini hacking the afterlife, that's always entertaining. You never know
Alex Ferrari 1:27:51
Richard if you guys have not seen the Richard episode, watch the Richard Martini episode. It's hilarious.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:27:58
He is so good. He is so amazing.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:02
Yes, absolutely adore him and does the other side have any parting messages for this audience?
Jennifer Shaffer 1:28:11
Stay on your path, regardless of where it goes. A lot of times we are so wanting to get to somewhere right and get to that side of that we forget about, I know we talk about it, but the other side is just saying, just stay on your path. Just that is the journey. It's not you know, and don't let anybody tell you not to. Don't let anybody tell you you shouldn't be doing that, and don't hold back.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:46
It's worked out for us. I guess I'm still here, same here. Jennifer, it's been such a pleasure having you on the show. So much fun. Thank you so much for coming on the show and for everything you're doing to help awaken this planet.
Jennifer Shaffer 1:28:57
Thanks for having me.
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