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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 532
Gail Lynn 0:00
So think about how powerful our bodies are and our minds, that even though they still have that pain when they just gave that voice, that they didn't have that pain anymore, and that missing tone shows up. How incredible is this?
Alex Ferrari 0:14
The biggest problem we have in at least Western society, is giving our power away.
Gail Lynn 0:19
If you don't listen to the whispers. You get the nudges. If you don't listen to the nudges, you get the hammer. And the hammer is the cancers, the Parkinson's, the degenerative stage four illnesses, because maybe you stubbed your toe, you didn't listen. Then you broke your ankle. You didn't listen. What I talk to people about is the higher the vibration, then it seems like the healthier that you are, I think that there's spiritual forces to sound and spiritual forces to light.
Alex Ferrari 0:47
What is your definition of true healing?
I like to welcome to the show Gail Lynn, how you doing Gail?
Gail Lynn 1:01
Good! How are you?
Alex Ferrari 1:02
Thank you so much.
Gail Lynn 1:03
I'm excited to be here.
Alex Ferrari 1:04
Thank you so much for coming down to the Next Level Soul Studios. I really appreciate it. I'm you know, we met through a mutual friend, Susie Miller, who I absolutely adore, yes, and she her episode was amazing on the show. And she, she recommended I take a look at you and what you're doing. And we spoke, and I was just opening up Next Level Soul TV. It was in the preparations of building up that streaming platform, and then I have a documentary. And I'm like, let me look at I watched the documentary. I'm like, Oh my God, this would be an amazing addition to the platform. Would you be interested? She's like, absolutely. And it was just worked very synergetically, because you had no idea I was building that at the time. No idea, because no one knows about it. You know, as of this recording, they'll know about it. But before, no one really knew that I was building out this entire, like spiritual healing, you know, light filled platform and your film was just a perfect thing. It's called it's time. So when I went down the rabbit hole that I was like, Oh, I have to have to have her on and we now you're here, so we're going to talk all about what you're doing and in your journey. So my first question to you is, you had some health issues early on in your life, and you've tried everything, and you're trying to figure things out. So can you talk to everybody a little bit about what was happening to you, and then what kind of turned, what turned the dial for you?
Gail Lynn 1:12
Absolutely. Well. I started out in engineering at a young age, and then I moved on to Telecom, and then I moved into Hollywood. And after those three careers, in what 25 years, I was finding I had migraine headaches, I had insomnia, I had thyroid issues, I had liver issues, my hair was falling out, if you can believe that, and I had cystic acne, just and I'm thinking, I'm 37 years old. You know that happens when you get older, right?
Alex Ferrari 2:56
Well, by the way, and I could attest anyone who does work in Hollywood, these are the symptoms. So
Gail Lynn 3:01
I almost had a nervous breakdown. I mean, stressful situation. And seven years of that, you know, raising the money and doing, I mean, I feel like Hollywood is so many different businesses from the time that you write the business plan, you raise the money, you do pre production, post production, editing, marketing, film festivals, there's all these different businesses you have to learn. And so at the end of that, it was I was spent, and I knew I was really sick. But again, here's me. Oh, I'm 37 I'm getting older. I'm 54 now kill to be 37 gosh, no, I am so happy being 54 I am so happy with how I feel. I love my life. It's amazing. But at that time, I was like, if I don't make some changes, I'm not going to make it. But I thought I was really good in corporate America and even Hollywood, it's like, project management, producer, project manager, and that's what I was good at. And so I was always told the biggest sin of all is not using your God given gift. And my God given gift was operations and project management. I was really, really good at it, so I started to seek out different alternative and I had been trying to seek out alternative methods since I was in my 20s, because I always had yeast infections. Okay? Now nobody told me you get a yeast infection if you drink a Mountain Dew and eat a Snickers bar and have pasta for lunch and pasta for dinner every day. Nobody told me that
Alex Ferrari 4:24
With bread sticks, I'm sure, right?
Gail Lynn 4:28
So I said, Okay, now, in my 20s, I was getting a yeast infection every month. And I'm sure there's women out there that'll relate to this. It was just yeast and candida just building up every month. And so then I realized, oh, I can cut out the pasta, cut out the sugar, and the yeast infections go away. Wow, great. And then I was watching my grandma, she had diabetes, and my mom said, Oh, diabetes runs in our family. Okay. Well, Grandma worked at the bakery, ate Danish, is off the line every day. That's why she has diabetes. Yes. And you know, my mom for after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, we would have dessert. You know, we were limited to dessert, but ever it was Sugar, sugar, sugar. So I realized that that had to change. So at an early age, in my 20s, I started look at health, and I started to realize hydration is important, and eating well is important. So when I came up, you know, into my 30s, and I'm sick, and I say, okay, what can I do? I tried Western medicine. I even worked for a doctor's office when I was 17, and my migraine started at 17 years old. And when that happened, my mom had no idea what what was happening. And I just remember being in bed and I couldn't get in the light, I couldn't talk, scared her half to death. So when I asked the doctor, what can we do for migraines? Oh, no one knows why people get migraines, so there's nothing we can do that put me on a drug. And I didn't want that. I knew that. I mean, even at a young age, I knew there was more than just drugging it up, taking pills, surgeries, and so at 37 I said, What else can I do? So I was at a C level conference, and there was a man that gets on stage and he says, sound and light therapy, and he has this light box, and it was a rectangular box, okay, this is a little bit weird. My engineering mind is thinking, Okay, what is this thing? And he shows a presentation of a little boy that when you see his face, there's no soul behind the eyes, and he didn't have hair, he didn't have teeth. And this woman was saying, you know, no one gets to say that. My kid is never going to have hair, never going to have teeth, never going to talk. And so Mother's love is so powerful, and you can't, you know, doctors can't put an expiration date on these kids, because the mother's not going to let that happen. So she found this light box. So I'm watching the presentation. I'm looking at this little boy, and as he does sessions, the little boy, you see a soul come into the eyes. Wait a minute. What is this? And so I I bullied my way up to the stage after the presentation. The little boy does come on stage with arm crutches and his hair, and he has teeth, and he's walking, and I'm thinking, oh my gosh, this crazy light box did this, and it was just sounding light therapy. So I bullied my way up to the stage, and I say to him, I said, can this help with migraine headaches?
I just saw this kid, right?
But that's what plagued me. And he says, the body doesn't know disease by name. And I'm like, what an idiot. That's not an answer. I'm from corporate America. Give me a yes or a no. Well now, knowing what I know about, you can't make claims. And that was a perfect answer. The body doesn't know disease by name. Something's in balance, there's something going on. So I flew to a location that he had, and within like two sessions, the severe cardiovascular stress was gone, and I started to get a migraine while I was there. Then, come on, you know, you never know when you're going to get one. And it went away really quickly, weird. Okay, there's something to this. And when I got home after four sessions, I got home, and I rode my bicycle up a hill, which I had asthma since I was four, and I got to the top of the hill and I can breathe. Couldn't have been that silly light box, of course, because my engineering mind, there's no way. And then I went to the eye doctor, and he said, Why are you wearing glasses? Your eyesight is 2020, I said, I've been wearing glasses since I was 19. He said, Well, you don't need glasses. Okay, did this sound and light therapy do this? We're vibrational beings of light and sound from source, from God. Why aren't we healing with sound and light that's when I just dove into everything. I dove into sound and light therapy. I read over 200 books, and eventually everything went away. The cystic acne went away. The hair grew back in got off my thyroid meds, my liver healed, my migraines, I haven't had one for knock on wood, 15 years. It's crazy. So how is that?
Alex Ferrari 9:21
So I have to ask, because I always like to play devil's advocate here, how in hell is this happening? Like, what is the technology? What is the science behind this? Because it's not just woo, woo stuff. Like, you know, like, Hey, here's a crystal. And not that there's anything wrong with crystals. But you know what I mean? Like, if, like, you know you're starting, like, throwing a an herb on top of you and or sage is smoking, and everything's going to work out. That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of logical sense. Now, obviously your your results are speak for themselves. But what was the technology? What was the the the science? Is there a science behind this healing?
Gail Lynn 10:03
So it's great question. That's what I dove into. And I thought, I'm lying in this light box with on a four inch foam pad, and it's got these, like automotive speakers underneath, and you're looking up at a clearly painted, rainbow colored light bulb. How can this even work? So when I started diving into the science of it, if we're vibrational Beings of Light and set, you know, from source, then sound and light can heal us, the sunlight can heal us. We know that. And so I started looking at the music, that type of music, because I did purchase two of these light boxes, opened up a center in 2010 in Denver, and having amazing results, and just asking the people like, what are you doing? Is this all you're doing? Are you doing something else? And most of the people were so desperate that they would try to lie in this silly light box, right and see what happened. And so when I started studying the wave forms of instruments. This is where I think it came in. I looked at the solfeggio suite and the different frequencies, and when I looked at the waveforms of instruments, the flute has a really simple waveform, and it's affecting the liver and so many people, I'd put them in the box on flute music, and they would tell me, Oh, I felt some uncomfortableness in my right side here, that's where your liver is. And then I started to look at the chakras in the colors. So what I put together is drumming can help that waveform can help bring the Root Chakra back into balance, as well as red light. And so started building a protocol around the waveforms of instruments, colors of light. And when you look at Edgar Cayce's work, Edgar Cayce's consciousness came into this royal rife Wilhelm Reich. It's a bit of an Oregon box. Nikola Tesla and I started to bring this all together. When you bring together the spiritual forces of sound and the spiritual forces of light, as Edgar says, it's a great modality for the future. He said that in the 40s,
Alex Ferrari 12:09
A little bit ahead. Well, Edgar was a little bit heavy, a lot ahead. Yeah, very, very interesting. So okay, so let's, let's dive in a little deeper here. I mean, let's, let's take them one at a time. So sound therapy. Let's go through sound therapy first. I understand the idea of vibration, or frequency that we all are. We all are at a frequency, scientifically that's determined. Planets ring at a certain frequency. The universe that has a certain frequency to it. How does the sound bring things back into like, can you explain if there is a science behind what is happening to the body?
Gail Lynn 12:51
Well, do you know David? David Hawkins, yes, power versus force, yeah. So if you look at people live in fear, and they're at a very low vibration, and this is where I think I can answer the question that maybe it will make sense, shame, guilt, fear, those kind of emotions are a low vibration. Love is the highest vibration. So when you can elevate to a place of love, I don't believe disease lives there. I believe that disease lives in fear and shame and guilt. And even when I went to a conference called music as medicine, we went to Barcelona, and I raised my hand and I asked, you know, are they using the wave forms of instruments? Are they using the frequencies? And these were all a lot of doctors, and the doctors that were on the stage were saying, Oh, no, we're letting people listen to their favorite music, if it's, you know, rap music, or whatever I'm thinking, I don't think it works that way. I think that the musician also has to have a certain vibration for the music to be of healing nature. And so I think when we raise our vibration, that's when we come into balance. We come into harmony, we come into love, we come into our highest self, in kindness and in gratitude. And so I kind of explained to people, when they're at that lower vibration, living in fear or anger or guilt, they're susceptible to disease, because disease is attracted to that. So if I have to explain different frequencies, there's also the Sol Fauci, 528, Hertz, they say, is the frequency of love or it heals the DNA. Everybody has a guess. I don't think there is one size fits all. And so what if you're vibrating at 600 hertz or 800 Hertz? Now, when David Hawkins wrote his book. I think 1100 hertz was, or maybe it was 1000 hertz was the Christ consciousness, the Christ vibration. But when he passed away, he even said, it's higher. Now it's, you know, 1200 it's going up. So what I talk to people about is the higher the vibration, then it's. Seems like the healthier that you are.
Alex Ferrari 15:01
Is there a way to record to to find out what vibration? Is there some sort of method to find out?
Gail Lynn 15:07
People use the pendulum in in muscle checking, but you have to be really careful with muscle checking. I mean, if I'm gonna muscle check, do I need chocolate? I'm gonna probably get a yes. I'm gonna make it a Yes, right? For sure, I definitely need chocolate. But you know, people will do muscle checking, and they have to be really careful. I've had so many doctors and physicians do muscle checking and say, Oh, this modality isn't right for you, but they don't know anything about it.
Alex Ferrari 15:35
Is it muscle checking different than muscle testing?
Gail Lynn 15:38
It's think it's the same. Okay, yeah. So some people do the tilt test. Some people do the arms. Some people do this. Some people do you know this, and so when you're doing that kind of stuff, you have to be really careful, because emotions can get in the way. And I do think our consciousness comes into play. I had a doctor, and he said, Oh, no, one's testing to do, you know, the sound and light therapy. Once I educated him on what sound and light therapy was that everybody was testing to need it. So it's it, it came into his consciousness. Interesting,
Alex Ferrari 16:10
Interesting, yeah, so there's when you were talking. Something just popped into my head. Was the that documentary from the Japanese researcher with sound on the particles of water. Emoto, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I Moto, where he was able to project sound, but also just words, just writing the word love on a bottle of water and writing the word hate on a bottle of water, letting it sit overnight and then the next morning, putting them both underneath the microscope, and literally, there'd be something different, like one was beautiful, the other one was, like, edgy and often and very distorted, which is a fascinating idea. So and then when you yell at a plant or play it, you know, you know, speed metal versus, versus, you know, something classical, you there's literal differences in the way they grow. Um, so sound has been, it's always been something very powerful to us. But it's, I think, more and more coming into play that people are starting to recognize, on a more mainstream level, that no, there's something here. It's not just woo, woo and chakras and crystals and, you know, and patchouli.
Gail Lynn 17:29
That's from the 70s, right?
Alex Ferrari 17:34
But that's where a lot of this stuff originated from. The 60s. Of the hippie movement is where it really came up. Now, many people are in the 50s talking about this. Edgar was one of the few in of the few in the 40s, but the 60s is where a lot of this came up. And a lot of it was, you know, washed away with the same they threw the baby out with the bathwater, with a lot of these ideas. But now, over the decades, people are starting to come around to not only just like the idea of it, but the science behind it. So like in the documentary, in its time, one of your guests, one of your speakers, was showing an example of what a certain vibration on the speaker, the Cy manics, yeah, and they threw sand on it. And every, I think, frequency automatically had its own geometric, sacred geometry that just formed automatically. That's insane. How does that? Can you explain that?
Gail Lynn 18:30
I can't explain that, but I can. We can talk around the Emoto thing, and we'll kind of go to the tones and different things too. So with emotos work, you're right, and it's beautiful, perfect snowflakes when you're talking about love and gratitude, but then when you talk about hate and anger and fear, then the crystals are all gnarly. They're ugly. Think about our body, mostly water. Think about when we say, Oh, I'm so stupid. Oh, that's that was dumb that you did that. Think about what we're doing to the cells in our body. So I when I watched the movie, what the bleep when she was writing the little hearts? I did that for a while. I'm like, I'm just gonna take my little eyeliner pencil and make little hearts all over my body, because I want to love myself. And so many people don't love themselves, and so think about their gnarly cells, and think about them attracting other people that that don't love themselves, and so that vibration that they're attracting. And so there's another part too, of the Cymatics. You'd wanted to talk about the Cymatics. Yes, it creates mandala forms. So I've talked to John Stuart Reid. He's kind of the modern day Cy Maddox expert, and we've talked about music and the different frequencies, and it does, it creates this beautiful mandala effect different frequencies. And so think about what those frequencies are doing to our bodies. And that's really where I I love talking about and then what if you've tied a lot of astrologies on the show? Mm, hmm. Astrologers, and they talk about, when you were born, what if, when you were born, you were missing a tone from your voice, and that created an illness or disease? That's common. So a lot of people say, Oh, Scorpio, I'm Scorpio. Scorpios have a lot of colon issues. Well, maybe that's because when you dropped on the planet, there was a tone missing from your voice. So there's now voice analysis. People that do, they you record your voice, and they'll tell you you're missing the tone of G sharp, or you're missing the tone of F sharp, or F or C, and it correlates really well to what's going on with their body. I used to do this in my center, and I had a lady come in, and I listened to her voice, and it's, it's something you have to do. It's not like you just say 10, 9,8,7,6, you know, whatever you want to talk to them about their childhood. You're, you're using a digital tuner in a microphone, and you're six feet away from them. There's no, you know, the six feet that we had to social distance. You don't think there was an accident about that, how our auras connect with each other. So he's about six feet away from them. And you talk to them about their childhood, talk to them about their relationship with their parents, and say they have a pain in their body. They have a hip pain. You let them give that pain an audible voice, and they might just be like, Oh, I know it's terrible. But then at the end of that session, you ask them, what would, what would the audible voice be if you didn't have to deal with that pain? And maybe they but oh, that's when the missing tone comes in. So think about how powerful our bodies are and our minds, that even though they still have that pain when they just gave that voice, that they didn't have that pain anymore, and that missing tone shows up. How incredible is this? What is going on that? So I had clients that used to come in, and my one client worked on stained glass windows and lot of lead, lot of heavy metals. When she came in, she had a raspy voice because she had so many metals in her body, and sound and light therapy can detox heavy metals, as well as dark leafy greens and other things. And so she would leave with a different voice.
Alex Ferrari 22:24
How is that possible?
Gail Lynn 22:25
Yeah, and you detox this, that kind of is a trauma. Heavy metals is a trauma, sure. So that trauma created her to have a missing tone, which made her voice raspy. When she released those metals, her voice changed.
Alex Ferrari 22:40
I don't know if and I might be making making this up, or I'm misunderstanding it, but there was something I saw somewhere in the social media world or on YouTube or something that they were, they were, they were finding out that they can actually target cancer cells with sound at the frequency of the I don't know if it's the frequency of the cancer cell or something where, in other words, it's non evasive, and it could just go in and it basically eradicates that, that cancerous cell while not touching anything else. Again, I not making any claims or anything like that. It's just something I heard. Have you heard of anything something similar? What is that?
Gail Lynn 23:24
So, 111 hertz, some people were saying, but if you think about it, everybody's frequency is different in the morning and it's different in the evening, and it's different in different seasons, right? So just like the showman frequency so, and then royal rife had it. He had it down, but he used a universal microscope, and he stained the cells for each individual client, patient, so he could see where he where they were, meet them, where they are. But a lot of people are using the right frequencies now that he used in the 40s or 50s. Well, cancer isn't the same frequency anymore. It's different. So it's going to be different for every body. There is no one size fits all. We're all wired differently. So I believe if he was still around and using that universal microscope and staining the cells, we could really dial in to what the frequency of each person's, let's say just cancer or any any disease, and eradicate it with an exact opposite frequency to neutralize it from the cell.
Alex Ferrari 24:36
It's on the scientific state.
Gail Lynn 24:38
I think it can work, but it's not going to be the same for everybody.
Alex Ferrari 24:40
So has this been kind of tested in the scientific space, like, what kind of, you know, scientific studies? Has there been peer reviews, or anything like that that's even been or even rudimentary research? Because I know how the medical establishment is. So is there any sort of medical research about this stuff?
Gail Lynn 25:00
So the people who are doing sound and light don't have millions of dollars or billions of dollars to do these studies. So I have tried, you know, but I don't think that studying 20 people between the ages of 16 and 90 is a really controlled study. So I've had doctors call me. Well, did you, you know? Have you done a controlled study? I go, for me, a controlled study is that it's the they're the same sex, they're the same age, they're the same they have the same mother and father, they had the same job, they lived in the same city, they had the same diet. That would be a controlled study. When they say they do a controlled study and they range from, you know, 18 to 90 years old, males and females sick and not sick. Yeah. So for me, that doesn't tell, you know, I'm an engineer, and that doesn't tell me anything. I need to see consistency. So I don't think there's a lot out there. People have made, you know, theories. But there's, I don't think there's enough money to fund these kinds of studies.
Alex Ferrari 26:05
So the sound so as far as sound therapy is concerned, how long has that been around?
Gail Lynn 26:10
40,000 years.
Alex Ferrari 26:12
Okay, so with so within the last you know it was, is there anything in ancient history talking about sound therapy, yeah. What cultures?
Gail Lynn 26:23
The ancient Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Aborigines, the Native Americans, the Greeks, all of them have something, and that's, yeah, yeah. And even if it was, think about the didgeridoo, yeah. And there is research out there that the didgeridoo can help to heal bones, and there's research out there about flutes, and there's even stuff in the Bible about musicians using instruments to get rid of anger for certain characters in the Bible. So it's out there. It's been out there, but I don't think that there's a lot of money to be made by sitting in the sun or listening to music or grounding, or grounding
Alex Ferrari 27:08
Or something sound baths are all the rage now. What is that? Just another kind of version of this, where you're hitting, you know, I know each of those bowls have a certain frequency, and then if you get the gong, each Gong is at a certain frequency, and so on. Is that kind of like a one? Because I've had sound baths done. They're amazing, yeah, and they just kind of like, it's like this, it's literally what it's all a sound bath. So you're being constantly bombarded with this sound at multiple frequencies. It's not like a healing scenario, per se, like very surgical, like, with this frequency to hit that, but it's an overall like, you're hitting with all these kinds of frequencies. And after I was done with with many of them, I just feel like, I feel good. I don't know what the hell's going on, but I feel good about it. What can you talk a little bit about that?
Gail Lynn 28:00
So there's group healing, and then there's individual healing. And so I love sound bass. We've been to the gong bass and, you know, Crystal bowls and like the little chimes, and I just go to another place. What happens with me as an empath? And I'm sure lots of your audience are empaths, I end up picking things up that people released, and it's just a thing. So I believe that there's healers out there that are brilliant, and they know how to clear the room before and after, but there's healers out there that aren't. So people are walking out the door with other people's baggage. They got the wrong bag at the baggage claim, you know, and they're carrying someone else's baggage out. So we want to be really careful about that. I like, I like individual healing, because I think when we heal ourselves, then we heal the planet, you know, individually so. But I love these things. I think they're the sound baths. They there was an article not too long ago. It says Jim Carrey was seen leaving a sound bath, you know. So it is catching on. It is becoming mainstream. It is the they say it's the medicine of the future, but the future is now.
Alex Ferrari 29:10
Yeah, people are talking about sound more than I've ever had before. I've had some guests on who talk about sound healing, sound frequency, and what the magic of it is. But it is a very powerful you can viscerally feel it. I mean, you can't. It's kind of like when you go to an opera, or you go to a classical, you know, an orchestra or a symphony, or something along those lines, the energy that you feel coming from you know people who understand, like the performers who are at the top of their level know how to play those instruments so perfectly you feel this wave. I mean, people are brought to tears. People are brought to the emotions, because the vibrations, the frequencies of these sounds are so powerful. So sound is no joke, right? Oh
Gail Lynn 29:57
my gosh. I love it. I. I'm obsessed with it now, and, you know, looking at the different instruments, looking at the different historical societies that have used it, I went to Egypt, and I felt like I brought back a lot of the Egyptian energy into, you know, my technology. And then I went to Greece. I told my boyfriend, I said, we need to go to Greece, because I have to go to the asclepios healing area and pull some energy from there. And people will come in and say, oh my gosh, there's Egyptian energy in here. There's Greek energy in here. Everything's energy. And it's just such a beautiful thing.
Alex Ferrari 30:35
So with with everything that people know nowadays about healing, the term healing is very interesting, because when you go to a to you know you have, you have a headache, and you take an aspirin, you healed. Quote, unquote, what is your definition of true healing?
Gail Lynn 30:54
True healing, to me is you heal at the root. Okay, so some people are going to take and mask or put a band aid on it. And that's when I knew that a drug was going to do for my migraines. It's going to put a band aid on it. So what is the root cause of this? And it's there's books Louise Hay and Michael Lincoln, messages from the body, like, why are you having this? What is the root cause of it? And so when I looked at migraines, it could have been issues with liver, kidneys, but more importantly, dysautonomia, which is an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, so basically stuck in fight or flight. That could be parasites. It could be heavy metals. So that's why doctors are saying we don't know why people get migraines. There's so same with tinnitus or tinnitus. There's so many reasons why people could have it. Could be inflammation, could be liver, could be kidneys, could be heavy metals, could be parasites. A lot of people have Epstein Barr Virus right now, and it seems to be a mutation of the old strep. I don't know when you were a kid. Did you have strep?
Alex Ferrari 31:59
I had strep probably a few years ago. Okay, I have children, that's fine. Yeah, there's, they're lovely, right,
Gail Lynn 32:05
Right! All these gifts for you.
Alex Ferrari 32:08
Just lick the floor. When you walk into a place, just lick the enhanced. Just lick the seats. Just less. Why are we wasting time?
Gail Lynn 32:17
I see little kids crawling onto the floor, and they drop food, they pick it up, they eat it. You know, it's like, they're good. I mean,
Alex Ferrari 32:23
Yeah, well, they have to build their immune systems. I'm good, yeah, I don't need anymore, please. Thank you.
Gail Lynn 32:28
I love it. I love it. Yeah? So we want to look at the root cause. And that's where I look. I say, Okay, what is the root cause? Different parts of the body are going to be different. Reasons that you have issues. If you have a lot of liver problems, probably suppressing a lot of anger, lung issues, probably suppressing a lot of grief, kidney issues, probably suppressing a lot of fear. So every organ, every body part, has a message that's trying to send you. And like we talked about in the movie, Deborah says, If you don't listen to the whispers, you get the nudges. If you don't listen to the nudges, you get the hammer. And the hammer is the cancers, the Parkinson's, the degenerative stage four illnesses, because maybe you stub your toe, you didn't listen, then you broke your ankle, you didn't listen, then you tore your rotator cuff, still didn't listen. You get the hammer. We've got to learn to listen to our bodies.
Alex Ferrari 33:21
And so why is it that the medical establishment has, since its inception, essentially really focused so much on the treatments, but not the root cause they don't understand? You know? And I know this is a definitely a a wormhole. To say the least. I have a lot of doctors in my family. We have conversations about this all the time. I love forgot who said it in your in the movie, but they said Modern medicine is great for heroics. You need a heart transplant. Someone shot you. You know, you got into a car accident. Don't rub an herb on me. Don't get the leaves away. Get me into a hospital. They're really great at that, but the long term understanding of human health, they're not really great at that. So, you know, I asked, I asked the relative right now who just became a doctor probably a couple years ago, and is not very happy about how the system is running. But that's another conversation. She's like, Why did I do this? That I go, how much nutrition, just nutritional study did you have in all all the years in medical school? They're like, we took probably, like two classes on nutrition. And I'm like, it's, it's literally the guy who the Hippocratic Oath, that guy, he said, food is thy medicine, right? And yet it's not that. So why do you think the medical establishment has been focused so much on the treatments, but not the root cause? Is it because there's not as much money to be made on that? I mean, I have to believe at a certain point. I mean, doctors are great. Yeah, doctors are here to help us. I think most of them are. You. They're trying to assist us in the best way they know how, but a lot of them have been resistant to nutrition, to vitamin therapy, to the therapies we're talking about, anything that's alternative, outside of the norm. They don't even want to investigate it. This goes for all establishments in general, from science to everything. So why do you think?
Gail Lynn 35:20
Well, greed, we talk about this in the movie, Charles talks about it. Cynthia talks about it. Greed is one, but like I, I talk to people all the time, and we're the culmination of the things we listen to, the books we read, the shows that we watch, the people we hang around with well, it's not the doctor's fault that they weren't taught. This is what they're taught. This is what they're taught they're supposed to do as doctors. They take the Hippocratic oath and they to do no harm. But when they're in their training, they're taught that, you know, ozempic is a great drug. It's awesome. It's great for diabetes, and now it's weight loss. And now I'm talking to college kids, and they're saying it's, you're not cool if you're not on ozapic.
Alex Ferrari 36:04
Well, there's if you're a college kid, unless you have a real medical issue for it, please don't take it, right,
Gail Lynn 36:08
Right, right! But they're taking it and then you can't get off of it. So there's a lot of things, but this is what they're taught when I worked for the doctor's office and I was 17 years old, and I made a lot of observations. This doctor's office was in Michigan, and they prescribed diet pills to elderly women, and my boyfriend's grandmother was one of their patients. And I'm flipping through the charts, and I'm thinking she's gained 20 pounds since she started these diet pills. And so I talked to the doctor, and he said, Well, she said, they make me feel so good, and I can get my house clean. It was speed,
Alex Ferrari 36:41
Of course, it was
Gail Lynn 36:45
Speed. She's like, Yeah, right. I'm getting cleared, right? So and so I got fired from that job because I was always questioning the doctors, but I'm watching the reps coming in, and they're maybe 20 years old, they had a weekend course about this drug, and they're coming in and telling the doctors, this is the greatest thing since sliced bread. You need to give it to everybody. And I'm watching all three of them driving Porsches and going out all the time with these reps, and I'm making observations. And so people were coming up to the to the window and asking for things that they shouldn't be getting, because you're supposed to only get that every 30 days. And I got fired, of course. So I think it's a lot of just they're not educated on how the body works. They're educated on how to prescribe something to heal a symptom, if that makes sense, and so it's not their fault, and they don't have time to dig into it, because the insurance companies are saying you got five minutes with this person. In five minutes, you can't tell me that you understand why this woman has a stomach ache. You put her on an ulcer medicine. But if you don't know that, she's worried about her son, because he's getting into some trouble no matter what you do. And that's where the worry the pancreas, the stomach. So if they're not asking her, what emotions are going on, and they're not taught that, so it's not their fault, but we need to change the system. The systems neither health nor care. So we need to change that.
Alex Ferrari 38:20
You were talking a little bit about the chakra system and things like that. How does the spiritual legacy, if you will, spiritual ideas play into energy and sound and light therapy? How is that all mixed in? Because you were saying, like, the red of the root chakra and that kind of stuff. Can you kind of dive into that a little bit?
Gail Lynn 38:39
So spiritually. I'm not sure if I'll answer this correctly or not, but I feel like the chakra system is so ancient, and it's ancient in Eastern medicine, and then we had Western medicine, and there's some theories about how we separated that years ago, with the Vatican and the Pope trying to sell somebody's souls and and, Yeah, it just separated everything. So I feel like there is definitely spiritual forces in sound and there's spiritual forces in light. And so that's how I would relate. That's how I would answer that question, that sound is spiritual, light is spiritual. And when we look at the way our body and our nervous system is set up, and we might be wrong. Maybe red is not the root chakra, maybe purple is not the crown chakra,
Alex Ferrari 39:27
But it's been red for 4000
Gail Lynn 39:29
Right, right, right. But can it change? We don't know. As the plant is changing. Look how much is changing right now. And so what if that all changes, but right now, red is the root chakra. Purple is the crown chakra. And we look at things from the spiritual forces of sound in the spiritual forces of light. So when I create music, because I do still produce music, I look at what way form of instrument do I want to use? So say we want to work on detoxing heavy metals. It's. Probably going to be some didgeridoos, some drumming to penetrate the density of the organs that are here and to release, like heavy metals from being stuck in the bloodstream and the organs. You got to have a little bit of base. We got to love that base and and then we'll put on different light colors. You can do this at home. You can wear red you can eat red foods, and I'm starting to study right now, like, what foods are replenishing, what vitamins and minerals, and is there a relationship to what color they are? No, there
Alex Ferrari 40:32
I mean, there is Yeah.
Gail Lynn 40:34
That's so B vitamins and orange and red foods and orange light. So looking at how to replenish that way. So I think, not sure if I answered the question, but spiritually, I think that there's spiritual forces to sound and spiritual forces to light.
Alex Ferrari 40:49
We've kind of dug into the sound therapy a whole lot now, what's, what about light therapy? Because, you know, sound I get, I'm gonna get, I'm devil's advocate here. Sound I understand, because you can literally feel it, but you walk into a box and there's some red light on you, like, I've heard of red and this has now been proven, but like red therapy, or, I think a red light therapy, where athletes are now recovering faster because of this red light therapy. Can you explain what that is? Because that, to me, sounds so much more woo than sound frequency, because sound frequency, you literally could see it. You could feel it. There is some studies behind it. But with light, you're like, What am I doing? Like, I've been in saunas with a red light on. I'm like, does all red lights work? There's a specific red light work? What's that? What's happening there?
Gail Lynn 41:39
So every light color has a different spectrum, so reds and oranges are more stimulating, where greens are more neutral, blues are very calming, purple calming, relaxing. And so that's kind of how I design my protocols. When you have red light therapy, it can actually increase the circulation. So that's why I think red light therapy is great for athletes with injuries, because it can increase the circulation help that injury to heal faster. But you don't want to put a little kid on red light therapy. They're already crazy enough, right?
Alex Ferrari 42:14
Yeah, they have enough energy and oh god, their bodies. Yeah. My kids come up to me like, Oh, my back hurts. I'm like, shut up. Just shut up. What is wrong with you? You're sore, like you're just sore. You did something in gyms. Shut so you wake up and everything starts popping. I don't want to hear you.
Gail Lynn 42:33
Oh my gosh, right, I know, like I hear you. Because after I turned 50, I'm like, What is this little scene? I don't know.
Alex Ferrari 42:41
50 is that mark. I don't know if it's like, all of a sudden, things just like, Papa public, what is happening to me?
Gail Lynn 42:46
It's changing that mindset. I'm like, No, 50, I'm going down 30. Yes, I'm gonna go down in age now, right?
Alex Ferrari 42:52
Go ahead. Let me know if that works, right, right, right?
Gail Lynn 42:56
So even on red light, we don't use it for pets, even we, you know, because they don't need the stimulation, right, right? Yeah. Can you imagine Chihuahua? So every color, I think, has a different, different spectrum. Look at McDonald's. Look at these restaurants. Think about it. There's a lot of red in McDonald's. Burger King, Arby's, KFC, stimulating, stimulating the appetite,
Alex Ferrari 43:22
But that's but, and then I'm gonna cut you off here. But color spectrum in the filmmaking world, that's extremely powerful storytelling. Because if you put someone in a red jacket, it's very different if you put them in a green jacket, or a blue jacket, or a black the standard black guy, the bad guy wears black, the good guy wears white, old school kind of stuff like that. So it's a very powerful just that alone, we react to colors in a different way. But I never thought of it as a healing aspect or connection to it.
Gail Lynn 43:54
You don't want to paint your kitchen yellow. It stimulates the appetite. Look at the banks. A lot of banks are blues and greens, calming, trustworthy. You know, Hey, bring your money here. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 44:06
Educated or wisdom. Yeah, comes from that look.
Gail Lynn 44:09
And there's no accident that look at the trees. I mean, I love looking at trees, every different color of green. I can't even explain all the colors of green and the grass. And it's a neutral color, it's a healing color. And so when we look at color, we have to look at what is what does it affect? How does it affect the body? And not everybody's going to respond the same to every color. Like I have one lady, I put her on orange light one time, and she's like, hate orange light. Okay, let's dig into this. Why do you hate orange light at the root cause? After about an hour conversation, when she was born, it was a traumatic birth, and what she remembers is that the nurses had orange smocks on.
Alex Ferrari 44:53
That's the association. And she was 25 years old, yeah. And that's what she was. She remembered that. Yeah, interesting. So, So, alright, so, so each light, does it matter the quality of light? Could it be just a cheap red light, or does it have to be a specific kind of light?
Gail Lynn 45:09
Well, they say, and the ancients used to say, you want to have silk. They would dye silks, and that would be the thing. You would drape it over you, to have that color infused in your energy field. Yeah? Yeah. So for me, you know, I would love to use fiber optics. Fiber Optics, I think that the technology will change. But right now, I'm using like, a non off gassing Mercury LED light spectrum, because I wanted to get the most of the light spectrum. I can get almost the full red to purple light spectrum with these lights. Yeah, they're pretty powerful, yeah, yeah. So I'm sure an incandescent painted light balm will still be showing your eyes the color, so your eyes are going to still see that color.
Alex Ferrari 45:50
So it's not okay. So yeah, because I was always, that was the thing that always, I was trying to really be confused. Because if you were in a, let's say, a cheap sauna, yeah, like a little cheapy sauna, and they had this little red light there. I'm like, What is this supposed to do? I was like, there has to be, like, a special kind of bulb or a special kind of light to give you the special thing. So any red bulb, any yellow bulb, any green bulb, or anything like that.
Gail Lynn 46:14
It's just, I believe so. And even if you're wearing red and in your you know you're absorbing that into your body because the sunlight, you don't have to have your eyes open to get the benefit from the sunlight. We all lay out in the sun, and we get the healing energy of the sun when we got our eyes closed and we're just there, yeah, so I don't think so.
Alex Ferrari 46:32
So is that why? When you walk among there's many reasons why you walk amongst nature, or you're at the beach, the energy, the grounding, the ions from coming in from the waters and things, but just the color spectrums of those areas are so peaceful and relaxing and calming. You go to Zion National Park, you know, or Yosemite, or you know, or Sequoia, and you just sit there and just like, you know, but there's the energy, of course, of the plants, of the nature of all that stuff, but just on a color spectrum that also has a relaxing, calming effect on us, right?
Gail Lynn 47:07
Absolutely, absolutely.
Alex Ferrari 47:09
So, so that's how, so that's the spectrum of color. So we have sound, then we have light, and then enter is, there is energy healing.
Gail Lynn 47:18
There's vibration, vibration, yeah. So what? How's that different than than frequency? Okay, so let me see, there's a sonic massage that you can get with listening to music. So you're not going to get that if you're just listening to speakers that don't have a bass or they don't have a subwoofer. But when you add the subwoofer in, and you add the music, the intention of the music, because there's intention to like Jonathan Goldman says frequency plus intention equals healing, right? I haven't gotten his attention yet, but someday. So when you get that all going, but that's the subwoofer in the base. I mean, think about how you feel at a concert when you're that that base is hitting your chest. Oh my gosh, it's so amazing. I mean, it can be a little overwhelming because you can also have too much of that, but I think that's the vibration that helps people to heal the we have those exercise plates now the vibrational plates, it shakes the body, yeah. So that's vibration is different than frequencies, different than sound, different than light, but when you combine it all together, you have a lot of modalities in one
Alex Ferrari 48:24
So you talked, you mentioned Tesla before. How does the sacred geometry of Tesla's math contribute to healing, or energy healing?
Gail Lynn 48:32
So everything in nature is sacred geometry, and I think the pyramids are still standing today when the office building down the road from 10 years ago isn't standing correct because of sacred geometry. And I think nature respects sacred geometry. You go outside, I think Tesla talks about three sixes and nines, and I've observed nature quite a bit now because of the Tesla mathematics and three leaf clovers, to me are more natural than a four leaf clover. So is a four leaf clover like a mutation, because you look at petals of flowers, you'll see 12, you'll see nine, you'll see six, you'll see all divisible by three. And so I find it fascinating to watch nature and how I see the three sixes and nines all the time. And so I just, I love sacred geometry. I think sacred geometry has a symbiotic relationship with nature. We've had my technology has a lot of sacred geometry in it. We've had them in Maui. They're still standing the Marshall fires in Colorado. I'd like the fires went around the centers, uh, Fort, Myers, hurricanes, flooding, so many different things, and it never a tornado in Texas. And garland just went around the center. Like, how is this? How do you explain that?
Alex Ferrari 49:58
Interesting. That's fascinating. Now, you also mentioned intention. What do you can you talk a little bit about what intention means to the energy behind intention? Because intention just means, like, you know, I've, I'm intending to hurt you, even though I'm a super serial killer and I have, I'm Ted Bundy and, I mean, it's just help me with the couch in the back of my car. Can car kind of thing. So my intentions are obviously dubious, but outside I'm fine. So intention does that's what people pick up on. Because, you know, those kind of characters don't get all of their victims, because they can pick up on the intention something is telling them that. How does that intention work in healing?
Gail Lynn 50:43
So what. How we use the intention, which is so lovely, is when two or more are gathered. So you got a practitioner, you've got a client, and they're saying, You know what, I really want to attract a different job or a different partner in my life. So we help them set the intention and say, okay, feel what it would feel like, and all the selves of your being to wake up in the morning without your alarm clock, you can't wait to go to work. How is that gonna feel? And you start attracting what you intend. We all know, you know, some people do this, oh my gosh, I know I'm gonna get in a car accident that day. And they're like, You know what I got in a car accident? Or my mom has breast cancer, so I know I'm gonna get breast cancer. Guess what? They get breast cancer. And so that's an intention that you don't want to set. You set an intention of and this is how I set my whole life. I intend that everything's gonna go well for me, everything's gonna work out, everything's gonna flow. And no matter what happens? It's all for a reason, and that's how my life works. I was actually in a little car accident the other day. A guy was going down. I 25 in Denver, it was dark out, and he tagged me, but I just felt this little bump, and I was like, I think he just hit me when I heard screeching and squealing, and he pulled over on the shoulder, and I pulled over behind him on the shoulder, and I thought, it's dark out. I'm by myself. Is this guy? Did he tag me to, you know, carjack me or something? I'm gonna wait till he gets out of the car, see what he looks like, size him up, and then, you know, I'll get out. Feel that intention, right? Feel that intention. What is his intention? Right? So he gets on the car. He looked so scared. And he said, Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I don't think I hit you. I said, No, you you tagged me. And he said, No, I don't think I did. He goes, but I should have. He said, we're going to the hockey game. I wasn't paying attention. I was looking at my phone. I was speeding. I was talking to my buddy, and he was so sweet in how he looked so scared. I gave him a hug. Yeah, I'm like, I just hugged a guy for hitting me. What is wrong with me? And he was like, you're handling this so well. And you know, because I could have gone very wrong for him, yeah, very wrong. And we looked at my bumper and had a little scuff on. I said, Go enjoy the game. He's like, he's like, Are you sure? And I said, Yeah, I'm sure. Just go. And he's like, thank you. And I thought that's why I created the movie, and we'll come back to the movie, because I wanted people to do things with more kindness. There's no reason to scream and yell. He was so sorry. He was he felt horrible. What am I gonna do? Scream and yell at him, you know, attack him. And I just want people to do things with more kindness, more love, and have that intention when you go out, everything's going to work out for you. Everything's going to flow.
Alex Ferrari 53:32
So people that use these therapies, what is the long term effects? Meaning, like, how long do they stay healed? How long do they feel better are you? Are you stuck on you? Like, I have to keep going back 1000 times, you know, like a drug like, like, I need to stay at this for the rest of my life. I mean, periodically, of course, you're gonna have to, you know, if you get a massage, it wears off. Yeah, do a lot of these healings. Do that. Or can you actually heal something if other things are in play and not have to worry about that specific thing anymore?
Gail Lynn 54:01
I think the body in the right environment can heal itself. We know if our bone breaks, it's going to heal. We know if we scratch ourselves, it's going to scab over and heal. But I think people get caught up with what the medical community says. You're going to have this forever, or it's a death sentence, and I don't think it is, but I don't want people to be dependent on energy healing. I want them to heal their own bodies. But this is a support. You know, these modalities, these healers, are support for us to heal ourselves. We need to heal ourselves. We shouldn't be going to a doctor and saying, What do I take? What's wrong with me? We should be going, Hey, this is what I think is going on. Can you help me with this? I've had clients that had to fire because I don't want people dependent on it, but there's a small part of the population that is so identified with their disease that it's exciting for them. And I had one lady, I think she believed if she healed, her husband would leave. Her. Oh, so that belief, that belief, overcame everything. She was never getting better, but she kept coming back. And I said, I just can't help you anymore. You have to help yourself. And I went to a networking event one time, and this guy was running around. He had created a whole where you donate to a foundation, whole foundation around his wife's illness, and he's like, now she's allergic to laundry soap, and he seemed excited about it. And so then when he came up to me and he said, What do you do? I said, I'm in transition. I wasn't going to waste my oxygen in my breath to tell him what I did, because he was excited to have his wife so sick.
Alex Ferrari 55:38
That's an interesting idea, because, I mean, Much Johnson Syndrome is a great idea, but, you know, much Johnson Syndrome where the parent will basically make the child sick, oh, yeah, so they can get attention, right? It's like this, like, you know, so they slowly, you know, poison them. Let me literally, literally, there's many famous cases about that so much. Johnson Syndrome is something like that, where the disease is just another form for the ego to to get attention or belief like if I all the love I get is because of my disease, and if I heal myself, I'll lose everybody around me. These kind of stories belief systems are very, very powerful in our world, isn't it?
Gail Lynn 56:22
Absolutely yes. And I do have clients like that, and they, they almost their kid starts to walk, and they push them down. Oh no, you can't walk. You're sick, you're this, you're that, because it's a box, yeah, so it's the same. I didn't hear of it as a disease kind of a thing, what you just said, but yeah, it's a thing.
Alex Ferrari 56:39
It's, it's something that, like, it's a, it's a story where, like, I it was kind of like, when you're in a bad relationship, you're like, Well, I know this crazy, this new, unknown crazy that could possibly come is scary. I know this one, and I'll you know Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. And that kind of goes along with healing as well, especially with people with chronic diseases or chronic ideas about what they had like I had. I had issues with my I thought I had issues with my ankles for years. I twisted my ankles, broke them, tore them apart, ripped out ligaments. Throughout my entire life, I had just ankle issues. And I just thought I had weak ankles. I went to the doctor, went to orthopedic surgeons. I go, Are my ankles just weak, and he would test me, and they were like, No man, your ankles are fine. And only within the last three or four years, I found out it was my hips. My hips were so out of alignment that I would always fall when I was in athletics, since I was a child, so that I did therapy and my I was able to do a squat, now I'm fine, and I have no issues with my ankles, but it was the story I told myself, because I was all proof I had. Who would have known my hips, right? You know, was it with a problem? You know, I had to get physical therapy to strengthen those areas and stretch it all out. And then once that happened, the body was in alignment.
Gail Lynn 57:59
Didn't you ever sing that song? The wrist bones connected to the elbow, the ankle bones connected to the hip bone.
Alex Ferrari 58:06
But it's, but that's kind of the, that's kind of the version of that. That was the story I was telling myself. So people do, and I think people listening, you know, if there is, if they have some sort of chronic thing, I'm not going to the extreme of cancer, but just anything chronic headaches or this or that, analyze the story you're telling yourself about those illnesses and see if there's anything behind what we're saying here. Because that could be one of the things that is really stopping you. Because, like, perfect example, it was, I know these stories all the time where a doctor doesn't tell or that the patient doesn't know that they have cancer, or that the cancer is that serious, and they've been filled with positivity, like you're gonna break you could, and they all and they think there's hope. The moment that they they have hope, it pushes them forward, because that's the story they're telling them, and the body reacts accordingly. But the second a doctor's like, oh, you really only have three months to live. The moment that happened. They die three months later. It's, it's all in here. It's the placebo effect, right? Can you talk a little bit about the placebo effect and and that idea of, like, whatever we actually believe, and we can't be delusional about things like, I don't have cancer. I don't have cancer. I mean, you don't want to go that to that extreme, but there is some validity to what we're talking about, correct?
Gail Lynn 59:25
Oh, definitely. I wet my bed until I was eight years old, and I'm sure there was some kind of a stress around that, and I was so embarrassed, right? My mom took me to the doctor, and the doctor said, here's a little red pill. Once, if you take this, you won't pee your bed anymore. And guess what? I didn't I think it was just a little sugar, yeah, but in my head, I was like, Oh, thank God, because I'm so like, I don't know how to right? I need those red pills, right? So I think it's the same thing. I mean, you nailed it when you said, if somebody says you're only going to live for three more months, they're most of them are dead within the three months. If they believe it, yeah, if they. Believe right? If they believe it right, they believe it because our mind is so powerful.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:03
And that goes along with like you're worthless, all these stories that we tell ourselves. And I'm bringing these ideas in, because the stories that we tell ourselves are the things that control our lives in all aspects of and healing being one of the major ones. If your belief system is that, I mean, I would wonder. I would be curious to think it's like, you know, you know, I wouldn't say fast food is, fast food is the cure to all of my woes, and they truly believed it. I'm curious if they ate like nothing but fast food, and they were fine, and they were, well, there are people who do that. By the way. There was a guy who ate a Big Mac for 40 years, he has the record. He's this thin, yeah, he has no problems physically. Like, his heart's fine, the diabetes, and it makes no sense why that works. Like, how did that happen? Where, if you I did that, we'd be dead
Gail Lynn 1:00:58
If we thought so? I maybe not.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:00
I mean, there's, there's, there was a documentary years ago, Centurions who were just doing whatever they wanted to at like 100 110 there was this guy in England. I never forgot this guy. He was like 110 he jogged every day. He smoked like three packs a day. Had been for like 70 years, drank pints every day at the bar at the pub, and he's like, Don't live like me. You'll die. I was just like, this is the best. But he goes, but don't do what I do. It works for me, but I doubt that it'll work for you. It's definitely it's a fascinating idea of what the mentality behind it
Gail Lynn 1:01:44
Well and he told himself a story that he can do this and it won't affect him like we tell it like you said, we tell ourselves stories every day. I was at the hair salon the other day and they were talking about relationships, and he says, Well, how many marriages Do you have before you realize you know you're not the marrying type. And I'm like, too. And he's like, What do you mean? I'm like, I've been married twice, and you know, I said my second marriage. I said, I flew to Peru. He had been there for a week. I got there and he said, Oh, I fell in love with the assistant tour guide, so I want a divorce. When I got there. I'm like, yeah, he was there for a week, and he's like, you're lying, and the guy that the hair salon, you're lying, I'm like, No, it's a true story. I said, my life is stranger than fiction. My stories are my stories, but they're not who I am. If I define myself by that, right? I would probably say I'm terrible. I you know, I suck at relationships. I can say all these things to myself, but if you believe them, then you do suck at relationships, right, right? And I don't believe that. I believe that I was in a vibration where I was attracting something because I didn't love myself, and now I'm in this wonderful relationship where I've attracted this loving person that takes such good care of me, and I I'm in gratitude, and I stay in that place of gratitude, and I keep attracting more good stuff.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:05
But also to a certain extent too, that those other relationships, and I can speak for myself, not in your case, but just as general, all those negative things that happened to you were lessons I needed to learn at that moment in my life. For me to be to where I am today, I wouldn't be where I'm sitting here today without all of the pain, suffering and experiences that I've gone through in my life. It hasn't all been peaches and cream, so And only when you go through those difficult times and challenging times is when you grow the most because you're being tested on what you really want like, Okay, let's see if this person learned a lesson. Let's send them another narcissist. Let's send her. Let's send him another narcissist, or her another narcissist, to see if he, he or she figured this out, like, I don't want this anymore, yeah, but we're gonna make him or her look exactly the way they would want, and don't walk in. It'll start good, but then it'll start to do what? What happens when you date a narcissist? Yeah, let's see. Are they gonna go down this road again? Because this guy's gonna be worse than the last three we're gonna make this one. This is the hammer. This is so let's see if this person avoids the hammer, if they've learned the lesson. Yeah, you agree?
Gail Lynn 1:04:16
I 100% because I wouldn't be the person I am today, and that's what people say. Do you have any regrets? I said, No, no, because I would not be the person I am today if my dad wasn't an alcoholic and I wasn't molested by the priest of the parish when I was 14, and my two divorces and I'm like, I wouldn't be who I am. And I couldn't teach what I teach. I couldn't tell people, well, you were what, 27 when you almost went through the bankruptcy?
Alex Ferrari 1:04:38
Oh, I was 27 Yeah, when I did the movie for the mob. And, yeah, yeah,
Gail Lynn 1:04:42
I was 27 and I went through it because I was so stubborn. I said, Nope, I'm gonna do this corporate job. I'm gonna work in corporate and every door kept getting slammed and slammed until I lost my identity. I felt like I was stripped naked, and here I am. I have no idea identity. I'm this big loser now. And. And, you know, and the only thing that was available to me was to do the Wellness Center. And so, yes, I believe that when I was with my soul family in another universe, I took my last sip of tea and I said, well, going to Earth, guys. I'll see in 100 years or so.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:16
And so, what lesson should we learn this stuff? Well, let's all sit down like, Okay, well, you need to do this one. Oh, this one's going to be this one's gonna be a doozy. Yeah, great.
Gail Lynn 1:05:24
And we're all excited.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:25
And this one's gonna be super painful. Oh, you're gonna love this one. It's hard for us down here as the characters being played out in this this insane play, simulation play that we're in. But on the other side, it's kind of like looking at a movie or a TV show when you've seen characters go through pain. The only way you attach yourselves more to a character is when you throw obstacles in front of them, when you challenge them, because if they're just life is going it's boring, and they're not learning and they're not growing. So would that say you don't have to have all that all the time, but if you are learning these lessons, and that's why we're all here, is to learn these lessons and the healing journey is that as well. You know, trying to if you're being if you have something inside of you that's off balance, it is your responsibility if you want to, to educate yourself, learn about this stuff. You know, I have relatives who had were chronic, had chronic issues, and they went to multiple doctors, and couldn't figure out what the heck the doctors were just like, I don't know. And they started doing their own research, reading their own books to start to heal themselves, by trigger pointing, which is so powerful, or some other things like that that you know, is like, Oh my god. This is like, Oh yeah, what's wrong here? Oh, hold on a second, and you hit the trigger. Oh, yeah, and you're better now. And it's all science. It's not even woo stuff. It's amazing.
Gail Lynn 1:06:49
Now, I had a guy with drop foot, and he was, it's where you drag your foot and you just can't pick it up. And, you know, he thought, well, it's an Achilles tendon. It's this, it's that. It's the ankle. It's a weak ankle. It's something, something, everything's connected. It was the right foot, head, drop foot, his c1 was off. As soon as the chiropractor adjusted c1 he started walking, because the connection with the nerve came down and connected right there. Wow. I mean, all the information is out there for us to heal ourselves, we have to go look for it. We have to study, we have to research. But who knows your body better than you?
Alex Ferrari 1:07:27
And I think that the big problem I think we have, and I think it wasn't as much. I think our generation was one of the first to kind of break three free from this, and definitely the generation that's coming after us, the but like our parents generation, a great grant and grandparents generation, the white coat was all powerful, just like the priest was all powerful, just like the politician was all powerful, like the banker was all powerful, like they, whatever they, you know, if you had some sort of professional, there you are, you Know, you know what? I don't know anything you must, you know. So if the white coat said it the white coat, that's what it was, where now it's kind of be like, at least a lot of the more holistic MDS are starting to like, No, you need to do this. You need to do that. They're they're throwing responsibility on their patients a bit more, because they can't do it all. And they are aware of it. At least the good ones are on a they're aware of that they cannot heal you if you don't work with them, if you don't heal yourself, like, Don't smoke six packs, six packs a day. Don't drink, you know, stop watching that document, or that kid, that guy, is not what that's not you. But you have to be able to do it yourself. And I think the biggest problem we have in at least Western society, is giving our power away to not just the medical field, but to all aspects of our lives, whether it's financial, whether it's political, where it's health, where it's you know, our entertainment, you're giving away your power. And I think what's happening, I think in the world, the shift is happening is we're starting to empower ourselves. We're starting to educate ourselves, and it all started with the Internet. The connection of information, the direct connection to information worldwide, has allowed us to kind of find out things that would have taken us forever to research and to really find good information about. Would you agree?
Gail Lynn 1:09:19
100% My parents were both medical irids and in their 70s because they gave their power away. Yeah, my dad worked in an asbestos plant for 30 years. Well, there's that, and they said, You have COPD, because they wouldn't test him for mesothelioma. And so then he was on nine different drugs, antidepressants, painkillers, inhaler after inhaler for me so the leoma because they were treating him for COPD, and he suffered a horrible end of his life for the last four years, you know, and my mom just similar situation, but we gave away. They gave away their power, and we need to take our power back. And that's the thing. People are complaining grocery store prices are so high, blah, blah, blah, then grow your own food. Yeah, right. I think that we should be. I was going to write to them, one of the local news people, and saying, what you should do is suggest that we get, we give free seeds away to people once we start growing our own food, they're not going to be able to charge those high grocery store prices because we're not going to buy them. We're going to grow our own food,
Alex Ferrari 1:10:19
And it's just getting your power back, yeah, in all aspects of our lives, you know. And hopefully, these kind of conversations empower people to start, at least, you know, even investigate what we're talking about. Please don't take anything that we say at face value. You should do your own research. You should do your own testing. See it for yourself. I'm a very grounded I know it's weird, but I'm a very grounded guy. Yeah, you know, I try to look at things very even keel. And yeah, I do understand that things of the spiritual nature and stuff, but even the stuff I talk about in the spiritual nature, there's so much proof, so much knowledge, or so much history behind certain things, like the chakra system, people like, Oh, you're talking about shock. It's been around for 7000 plus years. In the in the Indian in the Indian in the east, ideas and versions of it throughout multiple cultures. You can't tell me that there's nothing, nothing valid there, or Chinese medicine or Ayurvedic medicine. You can't dismiss 1000s of years. That's something that worked now, is it as cool as like, heart transplant? No, but again, what we have today is very wonderful for heroics, but long term, yeah, you know, let's look at the old things. See what was working
Gail Lynn 1:11:32
Well. And people don't understand that everything is connected when we keep talking about that, but even the teeth are connected to the meridian lines from Chinese medicine. So people would have say a root canal, root canal on their one of my clients had a root canal on her stomach in ovarian meridian lines, and within a few weeks, she had stomach and ovarian cancer. And this is when she came to me and she said, Gail, you have to educate people and tell them that this is it's connected. It's a connection. And I was like, what? Like, just crazy stuff. And so it's all out there. There's there's teeth Meridian charts you can look up if you have a sore tooth, or, you know, you can look at what vertebrae are connected to that tooth, what organs, what systems in the body. It's all there.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:17
We actually have a documentary on on Next Level Soul TV, talking specifically about root it's called root cause. It's a whole documentary about that thing. How they've now, it's just now they're studying it. They're like, No things have to do with root canals and things like that are being studied now. They're like, wait a minute, is there a connection here and again, investigate it yourself. You know, there's a lot of literature and research out there about it.
Gail Lynn 1:12:41
But without the internet, like you said, without the internet, we would have taken a lot longer to find these solutions. But now there's really no excuse to not research what's going on and what messages your body is sending you. I mean, it's brilliant.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:57
Now tell me about It's Time. I love the name of it, by the way the movie, it's time. What caused you to, kind of, because that's a whole thing, putting together a movie, you know, it wasn't cheap to put something like this together. So what caused you to put this out there? And you're really just kind of, you know, you put it on our platform, but you know, you it's not something that you're trying to make a billion dollars with or anything like that. What was the cause of it?
Gail Lynn 1:13:20
Well, I just started to see people were really angry, and people were not treating each other very well. And I you know, I know a lot of people are on antidepressants, and I know it blocks the functioning and the nervous system. It numbs people down, and so I'm seeing a lot of that, and I thought, I'm just going to put out a movie. I'm going to talk about sound and light therapy. I'm going to talk about listening to your body, but I'm also going to talk about being more kind. And I knew that this, our USA election was coming up, and so I said, I need this out before the election. So I need to put out a documentary. And I decided to start it like January. And so they gave me, like, nine months. It's kind of quick to do, to turn around, yeah? It's quick, yeah. So I put everything else on hold. I said, I'm gonna do this. And I knew that I didn't want some of the, you know, people that you've interviewed. I didn't want the Greg bradens and the Joe Dispenza because, you know, they've said what they have to say. Let me get some, you know, no name people that I respect, that I've been studying, and, you know, they've been my mentors. Let me bring them on to tell their story. And so we open it up with judgment is the only thing that separates us. And then we close the movie talking about doing something else, as a Muhammad Ali quote, If 10% of the people would do more with love and kindness, we could change the world. So I wanted to create that space for people to see that we're all connected, that we're all one and that we should treat each other better, and none of us is getting out alive. I don't care how much money you have, nobody's getting out alive, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:14:52
Everyone wants to go to heaven, just not right now. So it's such a beautiful film and and we also have. Of an extended interviews series as well, of all the of all your amazing speakers on there. Now I want to also talk about your harmonic egg. Weird as hell. Let's just throw it out there at the beginning. I mean, it sounds weird. You want me to walk into an egg. What is happening here? Talk to me a little bit about what this thing you developed. Is it?
Gail Lynn 1:15:21
It was a channel download, however you want to call it. I was working with the light box, but I was finding that the clients were saying, well, the music sounds distorted coming up through a foam pad, and the light bulbs a little cheesy. It's just painted, right? And, and I thought, Well, life comes from an egg. Let's just build a large wooden egg. Okay, so I called some manufacturers, and the one manufacturer said it's impossible, and I'm a Scorpio. I'm a stallion in Scorpio, so I'm pretty stubborn, and if you tell me no, or you tell me I can't do something, then just get out of my way, because I gotta go do it now. And I said, Well, Walt Disney said, If you could dream it, you could do it. And he said, Well, you're not Walt Disney. Wow. I said, Well, get out of my way. And, yeah, I didn't want we talked about crystals in the beginning a little bit. You know, crystals are great, but they hold information and energy. Wood does not. And so I created it made out of wood. And it's walnut on the in the inside right now. And it's at the spiritual properties and the way walnuts harvested, and the grain, how it's so tight, it doesn't, you know, won't hold any kind of fungus or, you know, viruses or anything.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:33
And on a side note, by the way, the the walnut itself, if you crack it open, it is a complete representation of the brain, yes, yes. And it actually, if you eat it, it's actually good for your brain.
Gail Lynn 1:16:43
I know crazy, right? Isn't nature awesome? Because that's what I find in nature. I just, I love those kind of stories, you know? And just I, I cut open, what was it? It was a one of my red peppers from my garden, and it was just so beautiful. And it just had three and like I said about the threes, and it had three little veins. And I'm like, this is just so beautiful. And then the lady that talked about her dogs balls being beautiful, right on that show, and you're like, I don't think anybody's talked about their dogs balls on the show, but beautiful.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:19
Recently we had someone talking about beautiful dog balls.
Gail Lynn 1:17:22
It was Marie your show is great.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:27
Appreciate it.
Gail Lynn 1:17:28
And so what were we talking about? Oh, harmonica
Alex Ferrari 1:17:32
Made out of wood.
Gail Lynn 1:17:33
Yeah, right. So I thought, if people could go in, and I did, I used Edgar Casey's consciousness, Royal rice consciousness, with frequencies, the Oregon box with Wilhelm Reich. You know that consciousness Tesla and I said it, you know, let's, let's use frequency vibration, sound waves and light waves, and let's put it in one modality, and let's put people in there by themselves. Claustrophobia is no problem. There's a doorbell in there. They could push the door open, but get them in there to heal themselves, and I'm finding that it is, it's really saved my life. It's been such a beautiful thing, and it's not from me, it's it came through me. And so it's just a beautiful galactic technology that people can heal individually, and they're raising their vibration to connect to their higher self and them seeing them take their power back. I'm seeing more kindness. I'm seeing more love in the business model that I created. The brand attributes are love, integrity, reliability and community, and that's how I expect all the egg guardians to conduct their business with their clients. It's not a franchise. It's very franchises are very patriarchal. It's a business model of the matriarchal, divine feminine and the cooperation, not competition. And I think that's how we can change the world.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:57
So, yes, your business model is not this normal kind of franchise thing. It's like, kind of like, you know, everyone should benefit from this, right, right? As opposed to, you know, having to pay a franchise fee and all right, right?
Gail Lynn 1:19:07
The pyramid with the rich person at the top just doesn't work. And your shows have been talking about the flattening, and a lot of your channelers are saying things are flattening. The systems are crashing, things are changing. So I hope this business model catches on, where people can share and create abundance for more than just themselves. And so that's what I want to, you know, I want this show to come out. I want all the center owners to be packed out. And you know, it's creating abundance for them too.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:33
And then how many centers do you have around the country?
Gail Lynn 1:19:36
Over 150 in 12 countries.
Yeah, 12 countries really, yeah.
And I didn't really market this.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:42
I I've never, I mean, yeah, it's not a mass market.
Gail Lynn 1:19:46
No, no, the egg finds you, and that's gonna stop.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:49
Don't use, don't use that as a marketing tool. Is not going to work. You're not gonna get the construction worker to come out to the the egg will find you. It's just very, more convenient. Yeah, right?
Gail Lynn 1:20:00
Right. Everybody teases me about that because I'm near Boulder, right? And they're like, Is this, like Mork from orcs, egg? And I'm like, sure, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:20:11
So the egg will find you. But it's a non evasive thing. It's something that anyone could try and the proof is in the pudding, right? The proof is in the pudding on anything that you study and anything you look into and only these kind of modalities, you know, some people work with Ayurvedic Some people work with, you know, Chinese herbs, and other people work with, you know, sound healing, or sound baths, or, you know, a different there's so many, so many ways to heal yourself, not only emotionally, not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, even spiritually, how to heal traumas, how to heal things within yourself. But I hope that anyone listening could understand that the power is truly within you. It's just your choice whether or not you want to take the steps, the appropriate steps, to learn, enough to try or attempt to learn about how to heal yourself in all modalities in your life, all these different things,
Gail Lynn 1:21:09
Because not everybody's gonna want this. There's there's red light therapy, there's Nova Thor beds, there's Juve lives, a new a mortal chamber. I mean, all the stuff is coming out now. Therapy, yeah, and I think it's so beautiful, because we're not all the same galactic beings. We're all different, and we're not gonna all heal with the same frequencies or modalities. So I just tell people to be discerning. Tune into your intuition, if yours, if your stomach gets really sick when you see something that's probably not for you.
Alex Ferrari 1:21:39
There was one thing that I forgot where I heard it must one is my one of my guests. I might be an episode that hasn't aired yet, but, oh, actually, no, it was in our in our wisdom from beyond summit that we had with all of our channelers. There was a question asked about healing and the chant the the speaker said, allow for synchronous, synchronicities to happen. Don't judge what is in front of you. Feel it. Have intuition about it. Think about it. Put intention out into the world. So from what I've learned on this show is that when you ask for help out loud, it does come, maybe not at your timeline, and that especially not the way you think it's gonna come. But if you can truly open yourself up to these ideas and open up yourself to whatever comes into your life, understand that it is for your better. It might not look like it at the that narcissist coming in is at the end of the day, for your better, if you deal with it in the appropriate way, to learn those lessons, but in the sense of healing, open yourself up to the intention ask for help, and the egg will find you. No, I'm joking. But whatever thing that will help you heal, open yourself up to finding it. And it might just be a podcast episode. It might just be watching something on a platform. It might just be a book that you find at a at a library or at a bookstore, if they're still even around these kind of things, because you have to open yourself up to it. I mean, and I've said this 1000 times on the show, this makes no sense to me, that I'm here, doing this in this world, talking to you about this kind of stuff. If I would have been told this five years ago, I said, this is insane, but I've opened myself up to the synchronicities of the universe kind of guiding me through my life, and when I let go of those reins a bit, still have responsibility for yourself. When I let go of those reins, life just seemed to flow a lot better. So I think would you agree with in regards to the intention of trying to heal yourself? Put it out to my some I'm in pain. I need help. Give me the right book, get me the right show, get me the right information, connect me to the right person who will teach me or help me get healed. Does that make sense?
Gail Lynn 1:23:54
100% no I mean, you just got to let things flow. I had a mentor of mine. I was real antsy at a seminar one time, and I was like, Oh, I don't want to listen to another speaker. And I get real, you know, my start, you know, just jittery. I'm like, I gotta get up, I gotta move. And he noticed this, so he passes me a piece of paper. I open it up, and it says, L, I, F, E, let it flow effortlessly. And I had a bracelet made that stamped, let it flow effortlessly, and that's what you just open yourself up, you ask, and it might be not in your timing, but it never is, but that's why you were not in charge of what did people say? We're not in charge of the how? Yeah, okay. And so we just ask, and then we let it unfold. I used to have one of those accessories, things on my desk because I managed, like, 120 people in project management. Some people watch things happen. Some people make things happen. Some people wonder what happened. And I threw that thing away because I made my first marriage happen. I made my second marriage happen. And. Now I should have said, Well, I wonder what happened, right? Because it should have never been if I was letting things flow, and I was paying attention to all the roadblocks and how, how much struggle I was having to get into these relationships, and I just let it flow it. But that was my lesson.
Alex Ferrari 1:25:16
But that was and now you can talk about it because you went through it, right? Can't talk about it until you go through it. Really, yeah, really. Now, again, I want to ask you a few questions ask all my guess, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Gail Lynn 1:25:28
Living a fulfilled life is not having a schedule, not having to worry about anything, and just letting things flow.
Alex Ferrari 1:25:38
Beautiful question, let it letting letting it flow. If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Gail, what advice would you give her?
Gail Lynn 1:25:45
Be brave, be strong. Listen to your intuition and say yes to life.
Alex Ferrari 1:25:52
How do you define God or Source?
Gail Lynn 1:25:54
And I knew you're gonna ask me these questions. Now I'm like, oh my god, I'm on the spot. Now I think, you know, I am God, You are God. Everything is God. So I'm gonna answer it that way.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:06
What is love?
Gail Lynn 1:26:07
Love is the highest vibration. And I believe, like we talked about earlier, disease doesn't live in love. Love is just the highest vibration.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:14
Is that why chicken soup works so well because of the love and intention of the grandmother or mother making it.
Gail Lynn 1:26:21
It could be, did you ever eat something and you felt angry after you ate it?
Alex Ferrari 1:26:26
Absolutely! most fast food, because the people
Gail Lynn 1:26:28
Right are all angry, right? And so I feel that that, you know, my boyfriend makes me five days a week, and then he makes me leftovers, but there's so much love. He's like a little Mexican grandmother. He's hilarious. And there's so much love in that it's just nourishing. It just feeds my soul.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:44
There's a, there's a restaurant here in Austin. Oh god, I forgot the name of it, but it's, it's kind of like this. It's a communal but it's basically, you have one. They just whatever they have for lunch is what you're eating. Oh yeah, yeah, whatever you have for dinner is what you're eating. And that's it, and it's all organic and clean and organized. You walk into this area, Chanu is a chanus. I think it's maybe chanus. And you walk into this area and you feel the energy of the space already, and and there's like, you know, the metaphysical store there, and there's like a juice bar there, and it's like this whole like little community, but in the back, it's this restaurant and the food, you could just feel the energy of the food, you can taste it. It's like, you know, and when you go to a, let's say, a fine dining restaurant, the effort, the energy, the attention of and the intention of the food, the chef focused so much on making sure that that was there. People feel that, taste it. It's so powerful.
Gail Lynn 1:27:47
I agree 100%
Alex Ferrari 1:27:49
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Gail Lynn 1:27:51
I guess the ultimate purpose of life for me is to experience everything when i i played softball for 30 years, and so I feel like end of my life. I'm sliding into home base. I am safe. I've done everything I could possibly do in this lifetime. And like I said, you know, when I told my friends up there in the galactic I'd take another, you know, drink of coffee, and we'll see in 100 years, I'm going to earth when I'm done. That's, you know, I want to experience everything, all the emotions, everything, and then just slide into home base. Say, if you're done,
Alex Ferrari 1:28:24
Beautiful now, where can people find out more about you and your centers and everything you're doing?
Gail Lynn 1:28:29, and that's where everything is, all the locations. Just search for a location, and you'll find it, hopefully one near you. And then is the film, and that's why what I would like to get, my goal is to get a million people to watch it. I'm not charging anything. You know, it'll be on your platform. It'll be everywhere. YouTube. Rumble and just like, would like to see a million people watch it and do one more thing with love and kindness.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:29
Well, they'll definitely be able to watch it on Next Level Soul TV and and I hope that this episode helps drive some more people to watch it, wherever they decide to watch it, because it's a message I need to get out there so and do you have any party messages for the audience?
Gail Lynn 1:29:11
I would say, because we talked about story, I'm gonna say, Don't be your story. Change. Rise above your story. Know that you're not your story. You're a wonderful, awesome being, and learn to love yourself.
Alex Ferrari 1:29:27
Beautifully said, Gail. Gail has been such a pleasure meeting you and having this conversation, and thank you for putting everything out in the world that you're doing, especially this movie and the work that you do. So I appreciate you helping awaken this planet.
Gail Lynn 1:29:39
Thank you too.
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