BRACE YOURSELF for 2025! Top Psychic Predicts HUMANITY’S Next Stage of EVOLUTION! with Ella Ringrose

In today’s episode, we are graced with the presence of Ella Ringrose, a spiritual guide whose journey began in a rather unconventional way. Imagine sitting in a math class and suddenly hearing a powerful voice urging you to drop out of school. For Ella, that moment was a pivotal turning point, marking the start of her profound spiritual awakening. From that day forward, her life has been an unfolding of mystical experiences and a deep connection with Spirit that has guided her through both personal challenges and spiritual growth.

Ella’s early years were a struggle of trying to fit into societal norms while hiding her sensitivity and psychic gifts. Diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia, she faced the educational system’s challenges, feeling out of place and disconnected. But it was a nudge from Spirit during her teenage years that set her on a different path. “I heard this very strong voice…telling me to drop out of school,” she recalls. From there, she embarked on a journey filled with self-discovery, guided by spiritual mentors, books, and life-changing moments.

During our conversation, Ella shared how a family crisis became a catalyst for her spiritual journey. After losing her home overnight, she moved to Canada, where her connection to Spirit deepened. She describes her experiences as if they were straight out of a mystical novel—angels and guides appeared to her, offering wisdom and guidance. One of her earliest spiritual revelations came in a bookstore, where a book by Gabby Bernstein caught her attention. This book became a spiritual key that unlocked deeper layers of her consciousness, connecting her to angelic forces and her own psychic abilities.

Ella’s psychic gifts have allowed her to help countless individuals through readings, each encounter offering her new insights into the nature of the soul. She recalls one of her first readings, a spontaneous moment on a beach where she approached a stranger. “I knew they had lost their job, and I felt their insecurity. It was surreal.” From there, her abilities only grew, and she has now completed over a thousand readings, each one a transformative experience not only for the client but for Ella as well.


1. Follow the voice within: When Ella was urged by Spirit to drop out of school, she didn’t hesitate. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most powerful guidance comes from within, and trusting that voice can lead you to your true path.

2. The power of vulnerability: Ella’s story of feeling like an outsider in her youth is one many can relate to. Her journey teaches us that embracing our sensitivity, rather than hiding it, is key to unlocking our spiritual gifts.

3. We are all connected to the divine: As Ella beautifully expressed, “The more I connect with people’s guides, the more I see how much love there is for every single person.” This reinforces the idea that we are all connected to a higher power that is always guiding us toward love and truth.

In her reading sessions, Ella consistently taps into a deep well of unconditional love from the guides of those she serves. It’s this love that helps her balance living between the earthly and spiritual realms. She candidly spoke about the challenge of grounding herself in human life while staying connected to higher energies. Her solution? Living in alignment with her soul tribe and taking care of her physical body with organic and primal nourishment. This balance keeps her grounded and allows her to integrate both the mystical and the mundane.

As the world continues to shift and awaken, Ella believes that we are in a spiritual warfare between light and dark. However, she remains hopeful, stating, “The light is going to win.” She often tunes into the future and sees the balance tilting toward light, despite the catastrophes that might come. Her message for us is one of hope, urging us to remember that no matter the darkness we face, it’s all part of our journey to reclaim our power and anchor the light.

Please enjoy my conversation with Ella Ringrose.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 508

Ella Ringrose 0:00
Why is this all happening? This is devastating. This is heartbreaking. You know, I've tuned in on the future many times, and I do see like, of course, there is going to be a lot more catastrophes, but on the other side of that, they always show me that the light is going to win, like the digital age is approaching. So it's really just how we kind of look at that, because, like, the first level is awakening to the systems, and the second level is anchoring in your own system. Faith is like our birthright. It's just that we've wired in fear so much we think that's our natural state of being.

Alex Ferrari 0:38
I like to welcome to the show Ella Ringrose. How you doing Ella?

Ella Ringrose 0:40
I'm super well. Thank you for having me.

Alex Ferrari 0:43
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm looking really looking forward to talking to you about your unique journey into where you are getting to this place in your life. So before we start talking about your more psychic and mystical abilities, what was your life like prior to you learning about your psych abilities, or at least coming out of the closet, if you will, with your psychic abilities.

Ella Ringrose 1:07
Well, I became aware that I was psychic quite young, young, but for most of my teenage hood, I really struggled with my sensitivity. So I guess I was hiding in a sensitive closet of always feeling like there was something deeply wrong with me, and I really struggled to fit in in school. I was failing everything in school as well. I was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia, and so sitting in class, I couldn't retain information. It was like my mind would shut off. And I always found myself being extremely sensitive to other people, other people's emotions, you know, people who were quite strong. I was very sensitive to a lot of stuff, so I grew up very much masking myself and and who I really was to fit in. But it got to a point where I just felt like I was gonna crack like, you know, when you have like, like, a lid over a boiling water and it just starts bubbling over. It just got to this point where I just couldn't continue pretending to be just like a normal person. And so when I was 17 years old, I was sitting in the back of math class, and I heard this very strong voice. Now I know it's the voice of Spirit, telling me to drop out of school. And I was in the back of math class, and I remember just making that decision in that moment. It was like every part of my body, every cell knew that that was going to be my last day. And so I went home and I told my mom, and they were not obviously happy about it, but I knew that this was what I had to do. And so shortly after that, my brother was on his own self development journey, and he bought hundreds of self development books and spiritual books and filled our bookshelf in our living room up. And so one day, he handed me the specific book called feel the fear and do it anyway. Before that,

Alex Ferrari 2:49
I remember that book. Yeah, I was in college when I read that book.

Ella Ringrose 2:54
Yeah, it was before. Then I was just depressed and I was so super anxious. So when I read that book, my 17 year old mind was like, fear isn't real, like, why has no one told me this? Like, it infatuated me. And so I'd been wanting to do YouTube since I was 12 years old. And so I ran home from reading that book on the train, and I started my YouTube channel, even though I was petrified.

Alex Ferrari 3:16
What year was that? What year was that?

Ella Ringrose 3:20
I don't know. I'm 25 now, so it was nearly eight years ago. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 3:24
So we're looking at oh gosh, 2012 early on. It wasn't when YouTube wasn't popping just yet. It wasn't Oh, Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast wasn't around yet.

Ella Ringrose 3:34
No, not at all. He probably was, but he wasn't known. But I've been watching YouTube, because the only thing that kept me going when I would go home from school and cry every day was YouTube. It was the only thing that made me feel I could relate to other people who were on the other side of the screen showing things in their lives. Because I wanted that normality, and so I found that book, and I just became infatuated, and I just went around down a rabbit hole, and was studying and studying and reading and learning, and one day, our family, we lost our home overnight, like we were told that we had to leave. So I couldn't bring anything, I couldn't bring my clothes, I couldn't bring my furniture, because it's a long story, but I had to leave everything overnight because there was a mold infestation as well. So all my products and things were destroyed. We were all quite sick, and so I flew to Canada, and that is when the spiritual journey really started accelerating. It was almost as if angels and guides and spirit were coming to me, and I couldn't ignore the guidance that was moving through and the guidance they were showing me. It all started with me when I was walking into a bookstore, and this book was a book by Gabby Bernstein. It was called Super attractor, but it had my face on the cover. And at this time, I was still somewhat of an atheist. I was very into like energy or emotions and mindset, but I was still very closed off to that realm. And this book had my face on it. And. I remember just staring at it, looking around like, is anyone seeing what I'm seeing? What is going on? That was my first kind of like experience where I was physically seeing things with my eyes. And I went home and read that book, and it was all about angels. And then within the next few days, the voices just came in. The connection just clicked. It was like reading that book overnight. My body just knew that this was real and I recognized it. It was as if my soul was remembering a part of itself that was ready to be activated. And that was kind of the beginning of my, my spiritual journey.

Alex Ferrari 5:29
So when you first started to feel these psychic the voice, I hate the voices, the voice, the things coming through, I always like asking this, did you think you were losing your mind? Did you? Because that's a normal normal thing is like, Hey, I hear voices. That's when they used to send people to the loony bin with that stuff in the in the padded sense. So I always ask channelers, and I always ask psychics this, because it's the first question I would ask if I heard a booming voice in my head, and yeah, and it did with was it just a voice, or was there an energy or a feeling with the voice that calmed it down, which I hear that happens as well?

Ella Ringrose 6:07
Yeah, to answer your question, no, it was actually, I mean, of course, later in my spiritual journey, I did start to think I was losing it like the more I started diving deep, of course. But when I did receive that guidance, it was actually a moment I had never felt the amount of peace that I had, because I finally didn't feel alone. I was like, there is more here than meets the eye that I was craving and seeking this whole time I was on earth, you know. So it felt very peaceful. And how my gifts work is I don't see them physically with my eye. Although I did see the Gabby book, I see it through my third eye. So like, it's like a, I see, I call it like a projector, like, you know, like a movie projector screen, like, puts it out into the wall. It's as if my third eye can can show me it in the physical room. So I was being able to see it through my third eye, but not my physical eyes, if that makes sense. Of course, yeah, I was scared of angels at night time when I was in bed, and I was like, Oh, my God, are there like, these beings around my bed, on all of that. But no, it didn't. It wasn't scary to me. Like, cellularly, I feel like it was my soul remembering as I dive deeper. It was just an awareness of like, oh no. This has been a part of my path for many lifetimes. You know? It just felt natural. It felt normal. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 7:16
It was like you said, a remembering, because if you were an atheist, then past lifetimes was probably not a thing that you really thought about, or even thought was real when you decided to come out of the spiritual closet start your YouTube channel. I'm assuming your YouTube channel was in this this space at that time, even when you started talking about so you're talking about this stuff in public eight years ago, which you know, to be fair, eight years ago, the consciousness of the planet wasn't near where it is today. It wasn't as open. There weren't these kind of conversations happening freely as many as they are now, what did the people around you say, your friends, your family, and how did you deal with what they came at you with, because I have to imagine, it wasn't all Kumbaya.

Ella Ringrose 8:05
They were worried for sure. Yeah, concerned. I have a lot of joy. And from from my perspective, it was exciting me so much, I just wanted to share it, you know. So in my head, it was like, Oh, this is literally transforming my life. This is incredible. Like, this giddiness in me was like, let me share all of this. So I was, like, spewing this online, making videos every day. But in regards to like, family and friends at the time, I had actually kind of cleared all my friendships, so I was very much kind of in my own journey. I didn't have a lot of friends around me at the time. But in regards to family, it was very much like a concern. It was kind of like, I don't know what Ella's doing. Is she getting into a cult, you know? So that was, that was a strong thing, yeah, and especially when I was diving deep and healing a lot, you know, as well, was concern of like, do I need to go to a psych ward? There was definitely some parts of that. But at the same time, my family aren't like a normal family either, in the sense that we've always been very like loving and open and expressive with our words and like from a very young age, my mom and my brother and I, living together, we were all so into mindset and self development. So we were all quite like, expanded in our minds and open to possibilities and ideas, and as the path moved on. It's kind of comical, because my mother is extremely psychic, and my stepmom was always believing in this stuff. She had a million Angel books in her home. So there was actually a lot of people surrounding me that were in that realm that I wasn't aware of until I was able to see it to myself. You know,

Alex Ferrari 9:37
Now was there a moment where you used your gifts to do a reading or help somebody that not only changed their life but surprised the heck out of you.

Ella Ringrose 9:47
Oh my gosh. I feel like that's every reading, Alex, every reading,

Alex Ferrari 9:50
Your first your first one, the very first time you did it, like I imagine the first time you did a reading for somebody, you were like, Oh man, that worked kind of thing.

Ella Ringrose 9:58
I actually remember it. I remember it. I was living in the Canary Islands at the time, and my psychic gifts started accentuating very strongly, and I heard spirit being like, just go give it to strangers on the beach.

Alex Ferrari 10:12
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening more and more every day. Mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us. That is why I'm inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond a six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul. Experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration, join us and step into the extraordinary.

Ella Ringrose 11:07
So I went up to someone, and I just said it. I was, I was literally just like, Can I can I do this? They were like, Sure. And I knew that they had lost their job. I knew that they were suffering and they were struggling. I felt their insecurity. I felt so many different things, and I was expressing it. And he was like, Who the hell are you? Like, this is weird, you know. So I was kind of like, oh, that validated it, that it's correct. And I just kept on going and doing it with other people and friends, and started to know a lot of stuff that, of course, I wouldn't have known myself until I tuned in. And that's when spirit was like, you're going to have to start offering readings. And so I was living in Lapland at the time, and that's when I started going full time giving readings. And I think I've done over 1000 now, and they've all been deeply transformational. But I always find that each reading I've done has given me more than than what I give them as well, because I'm learning so much about each person's soul, and I'm learning so much about giving ourselves permission to have joy, because whenever I tune into people's guides, it's nothing but unconditional love for that person sitting right in front of me, like their guides just want the best for them. They just want love for them. And seeing that like common thread that is played out in every single reading, it's like, oh, the meaning of life is actually very simple. It's very simple. And it's it's giving ourselves permission to experience that.

Alex Ferrari 12:21
So being in the space that you're in, and even being in the space that I'm in, there's criticisms that come towards you. You know, obviously, let's not even talk about the YouTube comments, but but in let's not, let's not go down that dark rabbit hole. But have you dealt with that kind of energy coming towards you about your gift. Because, again, this is it's much more accepting now than he was even a decade ago, and is becoming more and more accepted as shows like mine and others are kind of putting the word out for things and people's consciousness are raising. But how do you deal with that kind of negative energy that comes towards you? Because I have to believe that you have had it at one point or another in your journey.

Ella Ringrose 13:04
Yeah, yeah. I mean, what's quite interesting about that question is it doesn't really bother me for the reason that I dove so deep into heart, awakening a long time ago, and connecting to my heart, that I feel just genuinely compassion. Because I find when people think of this as kind of weird or not real, I have like, this sadness, feeling like, on some level, they're missing out. Because it's so joyfully infectious in my life that I kind of just see it as like, okay, it's just not their time yet, and it's very accepting. And also, from doing so many psychic readings, I really feel I have one foot in the physical and one foot, like, in the higher realm. And so I see everything from a higher perspective, always, rather than, like a grounded, like, reactive state of like, why is this happening to me? I always see it from like, a soul level of being like, okay, it's not their time. I see their perception. And because I can see through people's emotional bodies, their spiritual bodies, whenever I see this kind of criticism, I always see the reflection within themselves. So it just gives me a higher grace of compassion, not to say that I'm a human and I don't get triggered, but it's like something that I've just learned over time and and I think also just of the miracles that it's created my own life and seeing in my friend's life, my loved ones lives, like it's just kind of for me, like it's so real. It's like, it's my soul, it's, it's everything to me that I just, I don't mind because I just am like, well, it's, it's such a blessing that I appreciate it, regardless if someone else doesn't believe in that or think that's crazy.

Alex Ferrari 14:31
How do you balance living a human life with the amount of knowledge and connection you have to the other side? And this is a problem that I know near death experiencers have, and channelers have, and psychic mediums have, because they live a lot of times more time on the other side than they do in reality. So how do you build relationships? How do you you know, if you want to have a loving relationship, you know a romantic relationship. How does that work? How do you deal with other. People that might not be at the same place that you are, and you're like, Ah, why do I have to deal with this stuff, this lower energy stuff, when I know what's happening on the other side, I know where we're all going to be going, like that, knowledge has to weigh heavy on you, to be to balance that just normal living life day to day.

Ella Ringrose 15:17
I do. I think that it's kind of comical, because I've made a career out of it, so most of my life is surrounded by that type of energy anyway, but I understand where you're coming from, and it's been a journey, you know, like there was a few years where I was literally sitting in my apartment talking to angels more than humans, you know, and that that wasn't normal either. That's a problem. It was a problem. And at the time, I didn't see that, and I was connecting to angels. I was connecting to more on that side than literally anything, and I didn't have many relationships. And it took kind of like this moment of me surrendering literally on my knees and praying and being like, I allow you to take over, because I feel like Spirit is the one that moves through me and guides me. And so what started to happen was I just started being guided to the right places and the right people that I brought people into my life who were extremely grounded, who were extremely like, into their body, or into, like healthy eating, or like a specific way of living. And I found I've traveled all over the world for the past five years, living with multiple different people who reflect and get, like, have so much codes to offer. Just for example, like I was living in Costa Rica a couple months ago, and I was living with a beautiful like, sister of mine, and she is, like a primal, ancestral eater, and she's very grounded in her body. And like, living with her impacted my life so much that, like, I eat so primarily now and organically and like good, that it's almost like I do my psychic reading, and then once that's finished, I'm not thinking about spirit. I'm in my body. I'm in my life. I'm in my experience. But in regards to it being a challenge, because I can understand a lot of people listening who are just in a hometown and they feel like they're the only one who's kind of awake to that stuff, I really resonate with that pain, and I do understand that that is a very challenging and difficult thing, and it was something that I was tuning into before coming on here that I really wanted to like address, which is, I really believe that it is so vital, like essential is to have your soul tribe. It is to have people that literally inspire you and expand you and uplift you. Because I've been on the other side, where I've been around people where they didn't really understand my way of being. And truthfully, it feels like my soul is suffocating to some degree. And of course, there's a lesson, there's there's growth there. But I also find that it's really important that you find people that you're like are your tribe that can inspire you and influence you. And whenever I used to tune into that and call those people in I kept getting visions of like Earth grids all over the world, like people, like, even if you are alone in your hometown, you're connected to 1000s of other people who are on your frequency on Earth right now. So you're always connected. So what I started to do was, like, connect to that frequency of having support and having people. And it went from I remember like crying to my mom being like, I've literally no friends to like, I don't really want any more friends because I have too much, if I'm being brutally honest, because I've called in so many and it came from like really connecting and believing those people were out there and then going out to meet them, because I've been on that side where you feel like you just don't have anyone who understands you. And I do know how painful that can be, and I really want to honor people who may feel that or go through that. But what I've come to learn is it doesn't have to be that way. Of course, we learn stuff from people who aren't like that, but you can find so many people who are on your wavelength, who are on your path, that are here to guide you and to expand you in a friendship, in a relationship, in whatever way that wants to come

Alex Ferrari 18:33
Yeah, we always joke around. Like, as you get older, you start running around when people come into your life and try to become friends after you get to a certain age, like we're all friends. Like, we're all friended up here. We're good, yeah, we don't need any I'm not like that, but I could understand, no, we're good. Thanks. I don't have the energy or time to build a new relationship. I have enough. Thank you.

Ella Ringrose 18:55
You're overflowing.

Alex Ferrari 18:57
We're overflowing with blessings. We're good. Thank you. It's very, very interesting. Now, one thing is, I want to, and I would love to hear what your spirit, your guides, are saying about this is that we're going through such a difficult time right now, these last four years, the decade so far, has been a journey, to say the least. It's the roughest decade I've ever been a part of. I have been on this earth a couple years longer than you, just a couple, and it seems like we are going through a major, major, not only shift in consciousness, but a shift in general, for so many people who are like, Oh, my God, the world's coming to an end. This is everything's burning, all this, all this negative stuff. Why, from your spirit guides point of view, why is this happening to us right now, and where are we going to be going over the next Well, this year we'll see where we we still got a heck of a year left over here, but the next decade or so, where are we? Where are we going? Why is this happening?

Ella Ringrose 20:01
Yeah, this is something I have really like argued with my guides and confused, because the human heart, the compassion is like, why is this all happening? This is devastating. This is heartbreaking. But what I've come to understand, and what my guides have shown me so many times, is that a lot of the darkness we see today has always existed, not to say on this entire time on Earth, but because there is such an influx of light and a frequency of people awakening, and so much information nowadays that people's consciousness is accelerating at such a rapid rate, we're just being revealed what was already there. And so I see it as like they always say to me, Ella, this is like a spiritual warfare of dark and light, but it's all essentially happening so that we can remember who we are. And whenever I would tune into this, it was, it was just a really hard, hard thing for me to tune into, because I am very conscious of my guides would show me a lot of things that were happening, happening in Hollywood and with the music industry, the film industry, things that like I logically didn't seek out like my guides show me all the time, things that are happening in the world that, like, are just horrific, and something that I just freaks me out. But they're always showing me like there is a density on this planet, because Earth is, like, one of the only, or if the only planet in the galaxy that has this ability for us to be eat the most, like, like animalistic, primal to Avatar consciousness. Because if you think of like a dog or like a cat, they can't, like, ASCEND their consciousness, they just are at that level. Whereas humans have the option of, like, going from such a density of pain or of trauma, of all these deepness, all the way to like, higher vibrational frequencies, like we can become whoever we want. So with the state of the world, it's kind of like showing me that it's all just being lifted because there are more people on Earth right now than ever that are awakening, that are holding the light, because a long time ago, there was a darkness that took over and tried to place these fear paradigms on the earth that we have all been controlled and constricted to live and embody every day. And so we're waking up to expand that and to remember our light. So the more that we see these terms play out, unfortunately, that is a reflection of how much we're then remembering who we are, because we're being asked to look within ourselves and to remember the light, which is kind of the purpose of this earth. And you know, I've tuned in on the future many times, and I do see like, of course, there is going to be a lot more catastrophes, but on the other side of that, they always show me that the light is going to win. I have been shown like, I don't want to get too into it, because they always say, like, it's not for most people to know, but there are going to be earthly disasters. I've been shown that a lot, but the reasoning for that is of a higher level again, and it's something that just doing my work as a psychic and seeing the higher level in everything. It allows me to hold that higher vision, again, of understanding, because I see it as like on a human level, we're very reactive, we're emotional, we feel, but on a higher level, the soul is like just breath. It's just like a heartbeat. It's so neutral about everything. So when we can hold a higher perspective and understand that this is all happening for a higher reason, for people to remember of who we are and to take back our power. That's kind of the higher scheme of it. So like they're showing me like a pyramid right now. It's like remembering the top of the pyramid the higher mind and like understanding and holding the light of that, because we come here to remember who we are, and the more people wake up to that, the more it's going to shatter those fear paradigms that we have been under illusion for for centuries.

Alex Ferrari 23:23
So how can we maintain spiritual balance during this insane time? Because it's one thing to go up to Tibetan, to Tibetan monastery up in the Himalayas. You know, we just eat pure food all day and sit down and meditate for eight or nine hours. Very easy to become, not very easy, but easier to have spiritual enlightenment in that scenario. But the rest of us don't live in that world. Some of us are parents. So I always said to yogis, I'm like, where is there a yogi that had kids? And there's only one that I found, but it's very difficult to have enlightenment when you have to deal with real world events, just normal life, but then now dealing with this turmoil and the wars and the economic stuff and the political stuff and the and everything that's happening to us, how can you maintain spiritual balance in the middle of that kind of hurricane?

Ella Ringrose 24:16
Yeah, and what's interesting is I had a dream about this a while ago, that spirit answered that question, because I was very much battling between the two worlds, and they showed me that everything that is happening, I think this understanding that, like spirituality is something outside of ourselves, or it is like something we need to transcend and move into a different realm, like the earth experience is the spiritual experience, because everything is spiritual matter. So I see everything in this world as the spiritual experience. And it went from me, you know, going and sitting in circle and ceremony and retreats and traveling all over the world to these events and doing what you were saying, of, kind of like moving up the scale to the mountains and to these spaces of enlightenment, to come to this point where I am now. Of, I have no desire to do any of that, because it's not about. Me finding these height and spiritual experiences. It's getting dirty in the game of life and the reality of this. So I see everything as kind of like a spiritual experience. And that is what's like. We're working towards an understanding. So this paradigm that in order to be spiritual, we have to meditate and have crystals and pray and do all of these things, I really believe, is dramatically incorrect, because everything in this world is is just energy. Everything in this world is a spiritual experience and spiritual game. And I've had that discussion with a lot of my friends who are like coming back to life, back to the world, and seeing that that's the real game, and that's where it really stretches us and gives us that grit. So I don't see the two as separate anymore. Of course, I used to, but I see them as one of the same. So I kind of see it all as part of the game. I see this whole world is just like a game.

Alex Ferrari 25:47
If there is, you know, if Jesus was here today, or Buddha or Yogananda, or any of these great avatars, you know what I mean, if they were physically here in matter, don't be a smart butt. Okay, see, so if any of these avatars were here today, they would have YouTube channels, wouldn't they?

Ella Ringrose 26:08
I actually laugh about that so much. I'm like, Jesus was an influencer. Like Jesus was literally like, I was just my ultimate the ultimate influence, ultimate influencer. I was like, thinking this, like a few months ago, I was like, imagining him, just like, have a millions of followers on Instagram. Just like preaching and just like putting up the peace sign and being like, here with Mary Magdalene, like it's it's true. You know, they were all just influential. And I really believe that that awareness of you see, I think Jesus came here to remember, to reflect to us who, to remember who we are, not to praise him as a god or not, to see him as like, worshiping something outside of ourselves. It's the understanding that we are all part of the Prime Creator, and I think that's what we're really starting to understand. So everyone's starting to wake up to that sovereignty, that we are all one and we are all part of that. I mean, I went on like a Bob Marley kick. I love Bob Marley so much. My mom actually hitchhiked across Europe to see him, and I was so jealous. But one love, I literally just listened to that song every day. And I'm like, That is the message. You know, it's like a weaved within a soul. I always see it as this vision spirit shows me of like this green chord, or like a white chord that interconnects us with everything and everyone, like that, a piece of source is in with all within all of us, and we have the ability to connect to anyone and anything, no matter how far it is in the galaxy, because we are all just energy, and we are all connected. And I think that's the real awakening that we're coming here to learn.

Alex Ferrari 27:32
And I also, too, like Bob Marley, a lot, that concept of one love, and it just it's remarkable. I love to hear what your guides have to say about the shift that's happening between the old systems and the new systems you were speaking of Jesus, His teachings have been slightly, not often, slightly changed since his original just a little bit has been manipulated just a slight bit since he originally was preaching them. But you know that kind of truth of those original teachings, of all the great avatars and all the great masters, you're starting to see cracks in these institutions that were absolutely infallible. I mean, you come from an Irish background. I come from a Latin background, a Latino background, the Catholic Church. You could, oh, my, it was this omnipotent, powerful, just it was the Rock of Gibraltar, like it was unmovable. Never questioned today, not so much. And it seems that I'm using that as an example, as one of those systems that seems to you starting to see the cracks. People are going, No thank you, though, that's not what we really want, and it's happening in every world, from media, Hollywood and the music industry. Is a big shift in politics, there's a big shift in economics, there's a big shift in health. Is a big shift all that stuff. So what are their take on this old system, new system paradigm that we're going through.

Ella Ringrose 29:02
Yeah, and I love that you said it's a paradigm, because Spirit have shown me the old and new a million times. I've spoken about it in so many YouTube videos as well. And what they're kind of showing me at this point is like. They kind of use the analogy of like, that we have the information is the light. So if we are aware, that is the light. So I'll give the example of like, if we're in a dark, pitch black room and we hear these creepy noises, we're going to be freaked out. We're going to be scared. But if we turn on the light and we see where that noise is coming from, we feel a bit calmer knowing where it originates from. So when we have that awareness, and we have that understanding that in itself, is enough to really start to enhance like, what is happening, but what I've come to learn, and what my guides are starting to continue to tell me now, is, like, it's not about us waiting on the side and just like, waiting for these systems to change because, like, of course, we believe that they are going to change eventually, because we're all kind of waking up to that, but they're still very much concreted in their own way. So it's not about because I've had so many. People and Coles who are just waiting for, like, everyone to just wake up one day, and that's it, and it's just and my guides are like, Ella, that's just not the case. It's just not going to be that way. And they always show me a set of like, spiritual laws, which I can email you, by the way, that they channeled for me, and they were like, what they're really wanting to usher in is a paradigm that we can anchor and hold, whilst these systems are like simultaneously still existing, because it's not about us waiting and sitting on the sideline or, of course, we can fight and do whatever we want, but it's about us anchoring in our own systems. And that's what they keep showing me. So it's like living and breathing in the embodiment of your own systems, regardless if you're working in like a nine to five or you're in the midst of, like, the most like matrixy thing, and you're super awake to it. It's living in your own system. So I can email that to some of the laws that they've shown me, because what they're wanting to do, and they're even showing this now, is like, it's about us anchoring in the new systems, instead of because, like, the first level is awakening to the systems, and the second level is anchoring in your own system while simultaneously. And the more people that remember that, because it's sovereignty, the more collectively it's going to start to shift. But we are very much in the next 50 years, like things are going to very much accelerate and shift like it's, it's just a matter of time,

Alex Ferrari 31:12
Yeah, and the thing is that you can't, it can't shift overnight. It would be, we don't, the world would literally explode. And you couldn't, so if tomorrow, all of a sudden, all fossil fuels are gone, yeah, and we're like, we're just going to do electrical we don't have the infrastructure for all electric now. Or we don't have infrastructure for like, it takes time to shift those systems, either political health. Look how long it took for organic food to become a thing, you know, like that. I remember when I was coming up as an editor, creating videos explaining to people what organic meant. Like, now it's such a give it, but they did. They're like, what is this organic food? You talking about? What is the difference? Education wasn't there yet. So it took for it took years before that just that one little strain stream of a change happened in that giant industry.

Ella Ringrose 32:05
Yeah, and I find that, like, what you're saying is so true, and it's, it's such a, it's such a, I always say, like, if everyone went through spiritual awakening at once, it would be an absolute show. Like, there is levels to this. And spirit have shown me like to like during covid, that was a massive, massive wake up call. They always show me like a siren, like they're sending out this light, and it wakes up the people. Do you remember that noise when you I don't know if you had it when you were like a child, there was like a ringing noise that until a certain age you can hear it like after a certain age, I don't know. Some people might know this. It's like a buzzing noise that you can play, and only a certain age of a child can hear, and after that, adults can't hear it. It's invisible to the ear. And I see it as that of, kind of like when they send that ding or that siren out, the specific people that are meant to hear it will hear it. And they've showed me, like, there's going to be two more that are going to play out in the next few years, overlapping in the same year, but it has to happen momentarily. You know what? I mean? It's like, what you're saying. It can't just happen like all at once, because it would be absolute chaos. And at that as well, they want to say they have been speaking to me a lot about AI, and I know when it first came out, I kind of thought, like, Oh, my God, this is ruining the planet. You know, I want us to go back to the old days. And I'm like, the truth is we can't, you know, like, this is the most electronic, technical world we've ever been and we can't just go back to, like, cooking everything under a fire, you know. But what they're showing me, they keep saying to me is, like, AI is actually a blessing. And they're like, this is a way to faucet abundance and to faucet information and resources so that we can expand our consciousness at a more accelerated rate. And for people listening and people who watch, you probably have felt like they've lived 30,000 lives in the past, even three years, because we're accelerating at such a rapid rate. And that is because of the information eight that is accelerating. And of course, like the solar flashes and the frequencies, but on so many levels, we're expanding at such a rapid rate. And AI actually has a very beautiful part to play in that, as well as, like, all the information that we had our fingertips, like it truly has never been easier, in my opinion, in regards to the system and the way the world we are in now that's like the digital age is approaching. So it's really just how we kind of look at that.

Alex Ferrari 34:08
Isn't it amazing that, like, when I first heard AI, and then, like, it felt like the next day, oh, it's everywhere. What happened? Like it was so fast. I mean, chatgpt was, what a year and a half ago, did it come out like? Seriously, now it's incorporated in every so millions and millions, if not billions, of people's lives around the world and their businesses and things like that. And how it is really fat what it does, it just takes a lot of the time that you would spend doing something that's mundane and speeds it up for you, but it's very similar to and not in the same way. But the Spartans back in the day, or the Greeks back in the day, had slaves, and those slaves were able to do a lot of the. The menial things for them, so they could sit and think deep thoughts or think or sit and become warriors like the Spartans did. I'm not, I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it is an analogy of what's happening with AI now, because it's just taking the mundane stuff off of our plate so we can then start like, Okay, I have this time now. What? The what? Oh, what's the meaning of life kind of, kind of thing, because now you're not worried about, I gotta go for 45 emails, and I'm actually upset, like, I want it to speed up faster. I want AI to, like, take over a lot part, a lot more parts of my life, to speed things up even more. Because I'm just like, Why do I have to what is? What time is? Ah, good Lord, would you agree?

Ella Ringrose 35:39
Yeah, it's it. But it is. It's creating so much more space and time for us to access our own creation and to like, really, I mean, of course, again, I really find it's very important for us to maintain our time as well, though. Because right now, of course, there's so much content and information like Instagram, it's very easy to like scroll, but I really encourage you to like, take your time, to step back and like, utilize the time that you have wisely, because there is so much space then for you to cultivate and create, like, so much awareness and so much just like crazy things that can happen, like absolute magic. So yeah,

Alex Ferrari 36:13
And you were saying that things can change overnight, because it would be chaos. It would be the equivalent of you waking up one morning and all the abilities that you have now are just thrown upon you. You literally would lose your mind because you couldn't process it. Channelers, from what I understand, they they are kind of weaned into it, because the energy of those entities coming into you, your nervous system literally will pop like a circuit board because it's not built to handle it, so it takes time to kind of word. And some some people have different circuit boards than others and can handle things at a different level. But generally speaking, it can't just be thrust upon you. Is that a fair statement?

Ella Ringrose 36:54
It's probably correct for a lot of people. What's funny with me? Alex, it was kind of like that overnight. It just happened overnight when it happened. But after that, my nervous system was fried, and I had burnout for an entire year, you know? So there's that, yeah, it's very real. It's like stretching our capacity to hold but when I think of like, how much I've moved through in the past couple years, like, there is no way on earth that I could have done that in a day. Like, like, everything takes time. So it is true what you're saying. And I even like, feel like, if we were to actually experience the velocity of the Prime Creator, of source, of God, of that feeling like our body physically cannot contain that it's too much. We're holding a very not that we're not powerful, but we're holding a very small amount compared to what the feeling really is, but it's exactly what you're saying. It's too much. We're built in a body that takes time, because obviously we've been programmed and conditioned, and our DNA has shifted over time, and we're now accessing more of a god state, DNA that we're wanting to anchor, that's also going to take time to unwind and unravel. And I really feel like that's why the emotional age is waking up like if you go on Instagram now, I feel like every retreat is just people crying and feeling and like, banging like a pillow and anger. And it's because we're actually being called on a higher level to, like, dump out all the tar in our body. We're being called to all become clear channels and clear vessels. So what's happening is, is we're all clearing slowly stuff out so that then we have the space to access more of that heightened awareness and more of that feeling in our body, and that was definitely a process for me that I had to do for many years of just like feeling and clearing and letting go. So that was valid for that time, but I see that for a lot of people, even if they're not like awakening, they're feeling a lot deeper, because we're all connected, we're all moving kind of out of an emotional dark age. So yeah,

Alex Ferrari 38:41
And it's, it's like the older generations. I mean, can you imagine grandparents or great grandparents going to therapy? Tell me.

Ella Ringrose 38:51
Yeah, it's, it's like a new world. But, you know, I heard a quote, like someone say this, not a quote, but like, a while ago, and it has always stuck with me. And it was that feeling is a privilege, like the fact that we are at an age now where we're able to feel and we're able to like, talk about things that we weren't able to like, that is a privilege, because our grandparents, our ancestors, they couldn't do that. They just had to get on with it. You know what? I mean, it was like stone cold, like, suppress yourself and move on, you know? And I very much saw that in in so many like, every generation, and every, um, sorry, not generation, every culture, that was just the way it was, and they were very much smacked into that. And so I also feel we're feeling so much for our ancestors. It's not all our own, because we're all so ancestrally connected. So when we're feeling something, I know a lot of my healing journey, when I was moving through stuff, I was feeling my grandmother's pain, and I could feel it physically in my body, same with my great grandparents, people I didn't even meet, because it's like, it's an honor that we get to feel now, because it's, I even laugh, the fact that we get to like order food, or we get to like order something, and it can come the next day, like Amazon, or we order a taxi

Alex Ferrari 39:56
Day, like, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, it gets there. Yeah, it helps.

Ella Ringrose 40:00
When I was it was, it's absurd. It's like everything is such an easy access. It It is a privilege to be in this day and age. And I have had to wire that in, within myself. I'm laughing at your clock is 12:12? Is it? Yeah, it's, it's like, my guides were like, it's all perspective. And for ages, I was like, This is the worst time to be alive. People are like, on screens, we're all disconnected, and then I had to move to this whole other side of the pendulum be like, this is a freaking privilege. We're connected to people all over the world. And that is a part the internet had to play in the global awakening, because we can talk to people in China and Russia like you're across the world, you know, like, that was not a possibility before. Like, it's profound the amount of abundance we have right now an opportunity in that it's, it's, it's wild my mind even, like, gets giddy, just like thinking about it.

Alex Ferrari 40:46
I mean, I mean, right now, you're on the other side of the world right now, and in a different time zone, and every different everything, and we're having a conversation like you're in the room. That's absolute magic. I mean, if I would have said this to anybody 20 years ago. They would have been like, what are you in a sci fi movie? Like, that's insane, you know, yeah. Like, I mean, and like, I said, I'm a bit older than you, so I remember what it was like before the internet. And I also remember when the internet was showed up and people saying, it's just a fad, this internet thing, it's just not. What can you really do on it, like, it's, it's, the same thing they said when personal computers showed up, like, what are you gonna do with that? Like, it's, it's always that thing. But what I've noticed in my lifetime is the speed has changed so rapidly of things changing in our lives. So when we first start, when I don't know if you remember blockbuster back in the day the video stores, but video stores came, then DVDs came, then streaming came, and before that, think about it. Movies. I'm gonna use the movie industry, since I'm that from there, from 1900 to 1980 really never changed. Little bit more technology, little bit more of this, but it was pretty much, you shoot a movie, you go to the movie theater, see it, and that's the end of the day, right? And that was, that was it. That was all you can do. You wanted to see a movie, you got to wait for it to come back. Then VHS showed up, DVD showed up, streaming showed up, and it's just now, it's like, now it's on your phone. Now there's people like you and me making content without a middleman, uh, telling us what we can and cannot, say, Do what, let's say, it's so rapidly changing, even in the time I've been podcasting for 10 years now almost almost 10 years I've been podcasting, and just a shift in the time that I've been doing it. It is insane how fast things are going, and it's not only in this technology, but in every aspect of our lives, from the awakening, from people seeing, hey, you know those politicians aren't that's not, no, that's a Oh, that religion, oh no. Oh that, that economics, no, it seems to be moving quicker. Would you agree?

Ella Ringrose 43:01
Oh, my God, I don't even like, it's, it's insane. It's insane to me, Alex, because the amount of deaths and rebirths I say people go through, like, processes is quick and it's fascinating. You know, like, maybe before we would feel a process for two months or something, we'd go through now it could be in five minutes. And you're like, Okay, good. Onto the next thing, but I want to touch on something because you were saying, like, I even think of, like, emails or like, you know, sending someone a message and it just dings across the world. But people don't believe in the spirit realm. I'm like, What are you talking about? Like, we literally send something and it voices off across the planet in, like, literally a millisecond. Like, that's wild to me. But what you were saying about the politicians and waking up to like, okay, there's a dark force running this show. I'm sure you've talked about reptilians and the dark force. Maybe, I don't know, yeah, of course, the thing I find with the light of information, like knowing the information, is that this these systems feast and survive of people's fear, and they survive off people's paralysis and scarcity, that is how they self sustain, because they've disconnected themselves from the light, from the creators. They need a way to self sustain. And so I think it's really important for people watching just to understand that when we wake up to that fact of like, oh, it's because it's sustaining, like an entity or an energy form, that's when we can take back our power and realize that actually fear scarcity have no place for us in our bodies. They're not actually meant to be like, of course, like if we're going to be eaten by a lion, that's where fear comes in, you know, like it's designed that way. But day to day, those are frequencies that my guides, like drilled into me to say in this podcast, to say that like this is not something we have to choose any longer. These are self sustaining paradigms that we have been cooperating with because we're in a universe of free will, like the place that we are in the universe is a free will. So when we really understand that this isn't mandatory, this isn't necessary, we've created and self sustained that and imposed that within ourselves through limitation, because just through witnessing people's journeys and healing and on psychic abilities, what I've come to. Understand is like, people aren't afraid of their darkness, they're afraid of their light. And like it even moves me to tears, and I look at people who cry about this, like, of actually, deep down, they're so afraid of experiencing that love or that light or that abundance because they're not used to it. They're scared of it. They separate it from like, oh, I don't deserve it. Or we're like, you know, celebrated for being humble, or celebrated for just being like simple people or just like small but in actuality, it's like understanding that we are of the light, and the more we recalibrate that in our nervous system, and we feel that every day, and we choose to feel good, and we choose to find things that enhance us and expand us, we're starting to rewrite the new system within ourselves. We're starting to rewrite the new paradigm. And every person deserves to feel this. It's more that we've just had these conditionings and these layers put on us that make us think we shouldn't through many different systems, religion and all the, I mean, all the systems, really. So, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 45:52
Where do you where does the guy, where do your guides, see our timeline in the shift of human consciousness? Like, what's the timeline? I'm not asking for a month and a day, but generally speaking, what are the broad strokes of this consciousness shift over the next 100 years?

Ella Ringrose 46:08
Well, what I find exciting about that question is there are infinite timelines, and that's just the truth. Everything is energy, and so time, we have a very limited perspective of what time is. And I think if there's one thing that people in school could learn, it would be about time and really understanding and grasping the time isn't like start, finish linear like forward thinking we as we move on, our energy in the now is dictating where our future is going. So it's really an understanding that we right now have the power to choose and become that. And I heard someone say this, and it really shifted my life was, instead of seeing the earth and seeing all the catastrophes and everything that's happening and getting entangled and getting engulfed in it through feeling what they said to me, they were like, we live in the quantum so the quantum realm, or the universal realm or the spiritual realm, is infinite. It's abundant. We want to pull down and create. So if we live from the reality of already being in that new Earth or being in that heightened timeline, and choosing to anchor that, that is what my guides keep showing me as like part of the process is us choosing to live in that now. And it might sound counterintuitive, because when we see something, and I even for myself, as feeling I see things, and it breaks my heart or like, I see things and I'm like, why is this happening? My guides always remind me. They're like, you have to live in what you're wanting to see as a representation. And they even said something fascinating to me a long time ago, which was, like, a lot of people who you know want peace on earth are actually coming from the future, and they're remembering what Earth is going to be deep, deep down into the future that we're being called to anchor it right now. And so there may be this longing or this feeling of, like, Why can't the earth just be this way? Like, I look at this image on the back of your wall and like that just resonates with me, and it's so interesting. I was in Estonia a couple weeks ago, and I was going to buy something very similar to that. But it's like remembering who we want to become and what we want to create and embodying that right now. So they very much don't like to get entailed with timelines. For me specifically, anyway, when they share it, they might, you might have had other channelers who have, like direct access to that, but with my guides, they're very much like wanting to entail to people that we have the choice right now. Because if anything, if I were to tell you a timeline we're living in, the end of that timeline, we're choosing that, and we're going, Oh, that is going to be a reality. And then whoever, how many people watch this, anchor that in, you know? So it's like we really have that power of our energy of what we want to alchemize and move into to then create. Essentially, if that answers your question,

Alex Ferrari 48:34
It makes it makes sense. I understand what you're saying. Um, do do your guides have any message that they want to kind of put out into the world now?

Ella Ringrose 48:44
They're saying, they're showing me in words, they're like, love is a love is of access to everyone right now, like the access of love is for everybody, everybody listening at any point in time. I'm just getting a vision of someone like a mom picking their kid up from school, and they're just over the mundane, or like someone in their job, it is of access right now, and I think that's where we're coming more into is is of this presence. Instead of choosing what's going to happen down the line, or where are we going, or how's this happening, or waiting for the systems to change, instead we're right now what we have access to, and ingraining that in now. But I also really want to express that it is everyone's birthright to feel joy and to have permission to experience joy and to experience abundance and to experience love. And that word abundance gets thrown around so much, it kind of makes me laugh, but I see the word abundance of the opposite of scarcity, and when we look around at people's frequencies, they're scarce. Their bodies and their backs are just shoveled in and their hearts are closed. Abundance for me is really understanding we are infinite. And I even invite people to say that my affirmation I am infinite, and really feel into how it feels to be infinite. They told me that a couple years ago, and I always felt it, and I was like, Whoa, because we're a soul. We're infinite, like we never die. We're eternal. And so when you feel in. To this infinite state. It fully opens your aura and your body to realize, like, whatever you're focusing on in the Monday, whatever you're stressed about in the Monday, is so irrelevant in the higher picture. And so if we can wire that in again, coming back to the systems, which I'll send you to put in, what you're really doing is you're fully anchoring in heaven on earth now. And that's just what they want people to know, is that it is all of access to them right now, and to follow that path of love and it's okay to not know where you're going as well, is what they're saying. You know, a lot of us, we want certainty, myself included, psychic okay? Like, I'm like, obsessed with knowing people's futures. I'm like, Well, let me see. But what I really have come to learn is like, you know that quote? I don't even know what it fully is, but it's like, when the students ready, the master will appear, or the teacher will appear. Yeah, they're just showing me. I'm being guided to the book behind you. They're showing me like when someone chooses to access love in this Now moment, they keep showing me this vision of someone working in a corporate job with coffee and they just don't like their job, and making that decision to access that now the next step is revealed. The book falls off the shelf. That was the that was my path. That was my journey. You know, it just continues to unveil a step at a time. I really could make a whole video on the amount or a book on the amount of synchronicities I've had in my life with with just that understanding of not needing to know where that step goes, but being open to the mystery and surrendering to it and imagining that it could be even better than you imagine that it could be even better. Because sometimes we think we know what we want, but it's not actually, well, we think we know what we want, but it's from our limited paradigm.

Alex Ferrari 51:32
Oh, trust me, I've been there down that road. Many, many a day. I worked in the film industry. So yes, so there's that can you right now talk to the person and listening or watching, who is in that dead end job, who is in that relationship that they can't get out of, who is in that corporate job that's literally sitting right now as they're listening when they're not supposed to be listening. They should be working on listening to that podcast, when no one else is watching, drinking their coffee thinking, how am I going to get out of this? I'm so miserable. Can you talk to that person to help them break through those limitations that they're going through right now?

Ella Ringrose 52:10
Yeah, they're actually showing me a grid right now. So I'm going to keep my eyes closed to show what I'm what I'm seeing. They're showing me three points, and the it's like a line right in front of them, and they're showing me a star. It's super important to have a North Star, even if it's delusion. And that took me a while to understand. I really mean that, Alex, I really if we're practical, yeah, practical.

Alex Ferrari 52:33
I'm not practical. Does that? That makes no sense? You're a psychic. I'm a podcaster. That's not even a thing, really,

Ella Ringrose 52:39
Okay, cool. Well, like, what I mean by North Star is, like, if we actually, like most people, set the future and go, Well, it's, it's the same mundane stuff. So I'm not going to expect anything big if you have a North Star that, even if it is delusional, even if, but it makes you feel fuzzy inside. It's very important to have a North Star that's that's the first one again, and it's not to go like I just said, like you don't need to know where you're going, but more a North Star, of like, I'm going to be happy, or I'm going to feel abundant, or I'm going to heal this illness, or move from this job, like having a North Star to give you that satisfaction of living in the now and then. The third ones they're showing me is really just, again, tuning into your heart, into love. I really encourage people to try ceremonial cacao, if you if you are anyone of listening, drinking cacao is like such a heart opener. And I went to, I lived in Guatemala earlier this year, and was studying with the Mayans.

Alex Ferrari 53:27
Not lived, laid off 10 or 15 places for God's sakes.

Ella Ringrose 53:38
But, yeah, I was studying in the Mayan and like cacao was called the food of the gods because it was more valuable than gold. And you would connect and you drink it, and they would open their hearts. So they call it the food of the God, because they were feeling God. They're feeling love. So anything that feels love, I even make rose medicine, like connecting to Rose Oil, anything you can to connect to your heart. Even color therapy is so powerful wearing color that really brightens the mood, like allowing things that accentuate your vibration, but the first one is really anchoring in the feeling of love. And if you feel that you are so disconnected from your heart, because I know that's a reality for a lot of people, make a list of the things that have hurt you, the people that have hurt you, and move through that, because the first step is really allowing us to unlock the heart, because that is the portal that is where we're connected to everything that is the electromagnetic field, okay? And then the middle one they're showing me is like a practice for some people. It could be meditation, it could be the gym, it could be eating, well, it could be dancing. It could be a pleasure practice. It doesn't matter what the thing is, it's it's not getting out of this idea that, like, yoga is the only way, or meditation is the only way, because mine has changed a million times depending on that. So having a practice that sustains you in the heart, and they're showing me that just leads you on the path, it just leads you, but you have to have faith. And I think we've been kind of taught that faith is like this, weepy or like, like, not like, like. Like a weak thing. I don't know. I've been kind of raised with that feeling of people like, oh, have faith. Like we're powerless to just have faith in something bigger, but faith is, like our birthright. It's just that we've wired in fear so much we think that's our natural state of being. So when we hear like things, sometimes we might think it's too good to be true, to feel love or to access love, but I feel like I'm a living proof that that is not the case. It's just about you rewiring those old paradigms, and they're difficult, like, it's really challenging and hard to, like, rewire stuff that you believed was so cellularly true. But when you can move to that other side and rewire it in and just connect to your heart, they're showing me that step. But I want to connect in just for a moment and see if there's, like, a sentence they want to come through. So I just want to see that for a moment. Yeah, they're just saying, Let the light be your guide. Let the light be your guide. And the light doesn't mean you have to be this Perfected Human. I had that kind of mistaken when I got into Jesus and Mary Magdalene and all these teachings, I was trying to be this angel. And I was saying to my friend, I'd go to festivals and or like, just places. And I just listened to people dump stuff on me for hours because I was like, I'm just meant to be the light, and I'm meant to be this kind person. So it's not having a paradigm of what light is to you. Light is fully being anchored and fully being a light within your own life. Because I do believe we're moving into an age of sovereignty. We're moving out of that Guru age. For myself, anyway, that is a paradigm I've had to let go of this guru that people have the answers or no more than me. Of course, everyone has something to teach us, but moving into the sovereignty is understanding that when we are fully embodied within our own message, our own light, we're an inspiration for others, and that is what is the light work like when we're fully anchored in our power and our light, it inspires everyone around us, like you doing this podcast, you've inspired millions, so it's really allowing your light to lead you, and choosing yourself as the project, as the avatar, as the full soul experience of going well, how can I craft my reality? How can I craft myself? And It sounds counterintuitive, because I feel we're here for the world, but when we fully tune in on ourselves, we're an inspiration, and that is where we can fully lead so letting our own light lead us, and that's unique and different for every person, but finding those practices in those ways that can sustain that. And they could be two minutes, you know, they don't have to be like an hour of yoga, or they could literally be like a minute of a mantra, I Am infinite, or like affirming yourself, having it from the now, because the now is so present, the now is so powerful. We get to choose the energy and manipulate that energy in whatever we went now, whatever we want. Now, you know, so, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 57:28
Beautifully said. Beautifully said, Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all of my guests, and you've been watching the show for a little bit. So you know some of these questions, what is your definite? What is, how do you define living a fulfilled life.

Ella Ringrose 57:41
Oh, gosh. You know, it's so funny. Immediately Bob Marley flashes into my psyche. I believe it's one love that is. I think the core thing, the core paradigm I've locked in as one love, is seeing God within every person, seeing light within each person. And it gives you permission to fully be in whatever way you want, because you feel everyone is deserving of their own way. Like, when I think of one love, or when I think of oneness, I really see like the things that you know, the energy of jealousy or the energy of like scarcity. When we see other people living a reality that we desire, if we understand they are me, it is of access to me too. And so then we just want that for everybody too. We want good for everybody, and then we feel more worthy to experience ourselves. So I find oneness has so many umbrella terms to it, so many gifts and so many nuggets. But I think it's, it's one love

Alex Ferrari 58:36
Beautiful. If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Ella, what advice would you give her?

Ella Ringrose 58:40
Honestly, nothing at all. I'm so proud of the way she did it, and I don't think there was anything I would change truly.

Alex Ferrari 58:46
I mean, give her a hug, though, give her a hug.

Ella Ringrose 58:49
I say. I'm proud of her, I'm happy for her, but I just think everything that happened made me the person I am today. So I don't have any regrets

Alex Ferrari 58:57
ever. How do you define God or source? I

Ella Ringrose 59:01
love that question. And then my mind has gone to every place under the planet to discover that question. I believe, is the source and the creator of all things, simply put as that, it is of love. Yeah, it is of love. It is love.

Alex Ferrari 59:15
And what is love?

Ella Ringrose 59:16
Oh, my God. It is everything, everything, especially from a psychic perspective, a higher self perspective, I see that everything on a higher level is from love, even though, on a human level, it might seem messed up or dark.

Alex Ferrari 59:27
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Ella Ringrose 59:29
To remember who you are.

Alex Ferrari 59:30
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Ella Ringrose 59:34
Yeah, you can find me on YouTube at Ella Ringrose. That's where I'm posting my videos. That's where you can find all my links.

Alex Ferrari 59:40
Okay! And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Ella Ringrose 59:43
Oh, let me tune in just hearing we are all one creation. We are a creation to remember your creational beings, and you can create anything you want.

Alex Ferrari 59:54
Beautifully. Said, I appreciate you coming on the show. So much, Ella, and for everything you're doing to awaken the planet. I. Appreciate you. Thank you again.

Ella Ringrose 1:00:01
Thank you, Alex!

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