In the soft glow of today’s conversation, we welcome Elisabeth Carson—a luminous soul dedicated to exploring the subtle yet profound connections between our bodies and the Earth beneath us. Elisabeth, an advocate for holistic health and conscious living, brings a perspective rooted in deep personal experience and an unwavering curiosity about the unseen forces that govern our well-being.

Our discussion begins with a concept so deceptively simple, yet incredibly transformative—grounding or earthing, as Elisabeth calls it. It’s the idea that by physically connecting with the Earth, we can absorb its healing energy, a practice that can bring about profound shifts in our physical and mental states. Elisabeth shares, “It’s impossible to be chronically inflamed when you’re grounded.” These words resonate as she unpacks the science behind this ancient practice, linking our disconnection from the Earth with the rise in modern ailments.

Elisabeth’s journey is one of discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. From trying out silver-threaded sheets from Amazon to diving deep into the research behind earthing, she’s walked a path that many would consider unconventional. Yet, it is this very unconventionality that opens the door to healing. “I took the deepest breath I’ve ever taken in my entire life,” she recalls after her first true grounding experience. It’s moments like these, where science meets spirituality, that define her approach to life and health.

As our conversation flows, Elisabeth introduces us to another tool in her healing arsenal—brain training, particularly through neurofeedback. This practice, she explains, is about helping the brain heal itself by making it aware of its own issues. It’s a process of deepening one’s connection with the self, peeling back the layers of stress and trauma that accumulate over time. “Our nervous systems are stuck in fight or flight most of the time,” Elisabeth explains, highlighting how these practices help down-regulate the nervous system, bringing us into a state of peace and presence.


  1. Grounding to Heal: Connecting physically with the Earth can reduce inflammation and promote overall wellness, a practice as ancient as it is effective.
  2. The Power of Neurofeedback: By tuning into the brain’s frequencies and helping it self-correct, we can alleviate stress and bring about profound inner calm.
  3. The Importance of Shadow Work: Addressing and integrating our deepest fears and traumas is crucial for spiritual growth and emotional well-being.

Elisabeth’s insights on shadow work are particularly poignant. This is not a process for the faint of heart; it’s a journey into the darkest parts of ourselves. But as Elisabeth puts it, “The other side of scary is beauty and ecstasy and love and peace.” It’s about shining a light on the shadows within, not to banish them, but to understand and heal them. This approach to self-awareness and healing is what makes Elisabeth’s message so powerful and accessible.

In conclusion, our time with Elisabeth Carson reminds us that healing is both an art and a science. It’s about embracing the practices that resonate with our deepest selves and being open to the transformative power of simple, yet profound, actions. As we wrap up this conversation, one can’t help but feel a sense of calm, a grounding of sorts, as if we’ve just taken a collective deep breath.

Please enjoy my conversation with Elisabeth Carson.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 490

Elisabeth Carson 0:00
So we are stuck. Our nervous systems are stuck in fight or flight most of the time. So when we do things like this, it's like, wow, now your nervous system is down regulating. You're getting into peace, calm, restore, relax, parasympathetic, where a lot of people don't even feel this ever so that's the shift. That's that blissful feeling because we're stuck, ah all the time. But once you can take a deep breath, relax, and you actually get present, which, that's what it does. I mean, down regulates your system. It makes you feel so blissful, so connected, because we're too sped up to be connected to anything.

Alex Ferrari 0:46
I like to welcome to the show Elisabeth Carson, how you doing Elisabeth?

Elisabeth Carson 0:49
I'm doing well. Thank you so much for having me.

Alex Ferrari 0:51
Oh, thank you so much for coming on, coming to the show. I appreciate it. You know your your significant other just came. Yeah, we just had him on and with and we and we thought, well, what you hear, might as well just jump on and let's have a conversation.

Elisabeth Carson 1:03
Thank you. Thank you.

Alex Ferrari 1:04
I gotta ask you, what is it like? You know, first and foremost, you know, being in the Billy world, that must be intense,

Elisabeth Carson 1:11
Yeah, yeah!

Alex Ferrari 1:13
Because Billy's an intense dude, I love him to death. He's like, he's a lot of information coming at you, yeah? Which is awesome.

Elisabeth Carson 1:20
You know what? It's a little different for me, just because, um, he, he has a persona of forbidden knowledge. But then I also have the Billy that I know personally, and so it's so different than people would expect, because he's so funny, and we just laugh all the time and joke and fool around, and it's like, it's very it's so light all the time with us. So it's not all so serious. We're not sitting there like, you know about that ancient structure. We thought like, you know, we're not.

Alex Ferrari 1:47
I didn't expect you guys to sit around going, you know, the Anunnaki baby. Can we just watch TV? No, no, but no, no, the Anunnaki when he came in the DNA strands.

Elisabeth Carson 1:59
Yeah. I mean, a lot of people think that we do, though they're like, I wish I was a fly on the wall between your guys's conversations and we're sitting there talking about, like, the most craziest.

Alex Ferrari 2:07
Like Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, no. People always think that. People always ask my wife that too is like, you guys, you laughing all the time. And she's like, No at all, at all. He's so funny, like, no!

Elisabeth Carson 2:22
No at all,

Alex Ferrari 2:23
Not all the time.

Elisabeth Carson 2:24
Yeah, yeah. There's like, an on and off. But you know, it's been, it's been a real growth. It's been growth for me because I came from a whole other world. I knew nothing of forbidden knowledge. I knew nothing of ancient civilizations. I actually hated history in school. I didn't pay attention. I am not into aliens, UFOs. That's never been my lane. I've never claimed it to be my lane. I'm completely body health, fitness and mental health and trauma work. So just to get inside of his realm and his information, it's just been a real blessing for me, because I've been able to learn so much that I never even knew I could, I could learn about. So it's been, it's been a real blessing for me,

Alex Ferrari 3:06
And vice versa, I imagine, too, he got into your world too.

Elisabeth Carson 3:08
Yes, yes. And it's cool, because the missing piece, I feel like that he has. He's so knowledgeable about everything, right? Like everything in the whole world. He knows everything.

Alex Ferrari 3:16
He's a savant.

Elisabeth Carson 3:17
Yes, yes, I would agree. But just with my stuff that I know about is the only piece that I've noticed that he does not know. So it's like, when we talk about my stuff, he's like, Oh, wow, he's actually learning from me. So it's cool.

Alex Ferrari 3:30
That's very fun. Yeah, so let's jump into your world. What inspired you to write the recipe to elevate consciousness?

Elisabeth Carson 3:39
Okay, so Billy actually inspired me to write that. He he found out my life story through people, and I've told him, and then he was like, No, he didn't believe me. He was like, you could not have been you. You know, you're so different I can't even see you doing all this stuff. And and then he started talking to my friends and my mom, and he was like, Oh, wow, you actually did all this stuff. He was like, You got to write a book. And then I was like, You know what? I should write a book.

Alex Ferrari 4:06
Babe I just had an idea!

Elisabeth Carson 4:10
This great idea. No,

Alex Ferrari 4:13
My wife would agree with you. Yeah, I do that all the time. So say something to me, and I'm like, you know, I just had this idea. I just told you a week ago.

Elisabeth Carson 4:21
But no, he really, he helped me to get the courage to do it. So I ended up writing that book. Within three months, we were on planes, I was just typing away, and it just, it was so healing, yeah, just that whole experience was incredibly healing for me. So it was that was also a blessing. And, you know, the first half of my book was an interview of my life story between Regina Meredith and myself. So she was interviewing me and talking to me. So we took that interview and we just we translated to words, and then that's the first half, and then the other half is 46 different modalities that help you to elevate your consciousness. That I've used, I've done all. Are, I would say 95 at this point in my life, holistic modalities. And these are some of my favorites. So I wanted to make sure I roll.

Alex Ferrari 5:09
So let's go over a few of these. What are some of your favorites?

Elisabeth Carson 5:11
Well, I would have to start with grounding, not the not the grounding like I'm sitting here, grounding my energy. No, it's yes, earthing, exactly. So it's actually the transfer of negative ions into your body. And every cell in your body needs electrons. So we are not connected to the earth anymore. So we're not getting the abundance of electrons that we used to get when we were connected to the earth all the time. So you've seen an uptick in autoimmune disease, diabetes and all these different things. And I wonder, I don't say, but I wonder if a portion of the reason why all of these conditions have gone up is because we are not connected to the earth anymore, because it's, it's impossible to be chronically inflamed when you're grounded. So what is the basis of all autoimmune disease is inflammation? So I just, I'm curious. I'm not saying it's causation, but I'm curious to see maybe the uptick is because rubber souls shoes got slapped onto the bottom of, you know, tennis shoes and were disconnected from the earth. So,

Alex Ferrari 6:12
So I've, I've had Clint on. I love Clint. Yeah, we've talked about earthing and grounding. I ground all the time as well. And it's, it's pretty remarkable, the the power of of earthing and grounding, what and what it can do for people. Can you kind of dive in a little deeper into what that is, what, how it helped you? How do you first see what was going on with earthing and grounding? Because it is, it's too simple. And the one thing I when I talked to Clint was that he's like, do you see animals with cancer, generally speaking, do you see animals with autoimmune disease? Have you ever heard of an elephant with an autoimmune disease? It doesn't exist because they are grounded 24/7, because they don't have little booties on exactly. We put the little booties on the dog, which is hilarious, when they shake their legs, but, yeah, but, but that's, that's a human thing. So in the animal kingdom, you don't see, generally speaking, you don't see that unless there's environmental issues, right? You know, but there's no cancer, I know, in the animal kingdom, unless there is some sort of environmental scenario that's been created by man.

Elisabeth Carson 7:21
Yes, I talk about that a lot, actually. And yes, I love Clint. You know when my story of grounding. So I got those silver threaded sheets from amazon before, and I've tried them. And I was like, Oh, these are cool, but I didn't really feel any different. So I'm like, whatever. And a couple months later, this is about, I would say, eight years ago. A couple months later, I saw this huge special. It was like a Father's Day special and all this grounding equipment. I'm like, Wow, this looks great. I'm gonna try it again. So I bought it, and it got to my house, and I realized immediately it was different than the silver threaded shed, the cheap stuff, the chief stuff, yeah, it actually had substance. Like, it was like, carbon fiber. I was like, wow, this is really, you know, high quality. So me, of course, as a biohacker, I'm all excited. I put the sheet on my bed, the pillowcase on my pillow, the patches on my body. I put, like, three patches on and I got butt naked. I'm laying in my bed, like, okay, let's feel Yes, yes. And you know what? I noticed that five minutes later, I took the deepest breath that I've ever taken in my entire life. I was like, What is this? This is different. And then I laid there even longer, and I felt like I could feel my nervous system deregulating, down regulating, so I can down regulate my nervous system easily through brain training, which is another modality I'll talk about. But I noticed that that happened within 10 minutes of me laying on that mat with my patches and my head on my pillow, my nervous system down regulated, so I'm sitting there in peace, calm, parasympathetic and I'm like, breathing deeply. I'm like, this is different. What is this? So me as the nerd that I am, I dove straight into the research, I found Clint Ober. I started sending him messages. I'm like, please, like, you have to. I want to this is, this is incredible. I need to learn about this. And so I just kept on sending messages and sending messages. And finally I got a response. And we ended up meeting in California, and we ended up helping a friend of mine who had a pawn stroke, and she that's where you have a stroke, and you're basically conscious, but you're locked in your body. You cannot move, you can't talk. So people think that you're basically brain dead, but you're not. So she had that stroke, and because she had a trachea, because she couldn't breathe on her own for so long, she would have to periodically go to the doctor to get her throat, the scar tissue removed from her throat so she could breathe and eat. So she would have to go get surgery every two, three months to do this, and she had just come out of surgery for this, so she came into the meeting whispering, and then Clint, he grounded her and put a patch on her palm. And immediately you started seeing flushing on her. Face, the blood started coming back to her face. And as she was talking, her whisper turned into a full fledged tone. And I was like, this is this is magic. And she ended up leaving, and now she doesn't even have to have those surgeries every couple months. It's been years. So I just, I was like, I need to get involved. And that's when I teamed up with clint's right hand woman, Olivia Smith, and we wrote the Mother Earth effect together. Because I'm like, I called her one day. I'm like, Olivia, you know, one of my major goals in on the planet for me to do my work, I want to ground more than a million people. Because I was like, this will change lives. So that's been my mission since. And now we have a volume series, Volume Two of the Mother Earth effect is coming out very soon. So that's just a mission, man. I mean, it's just the easiest thing. It's free, you know, you can get products, which I would suggest people to

Alex Ferrari 10:52
Free in house. Yes, we all can't sleep out in you know, Clint, I'm sorry, Clint, we can't all sleep out in the grass, right? Yes, but, you know, his whole story is, like, how he, you know, he got the metal and he put it on the bed and grounded himself an electrician and all that stuff. It's pretty fascinating. And a lot of people live and die by it. Really. They really love it. And we, I mean, every time I release a Clint episode, people just go crazy because it's so new to people.

Elisabeth Carson 11:23
I know it sounds so Woo, woo, but it's science, you know.

Alex Ferrari 11:26
But if anyone who's been to the beach can really tell, yeah, that like, you know, there's something a little different when your feet are in not only your feet are on the sand, and let's say you're at the beach all day and your your bare feet are on sand all day, so you're grounded. But then you get all these ions coming in from the ocean, and then you get in the ocean, and then you get into the ocean. Yeah, you can't tell me you don't feel different. There's a reason why people gravitate towards the beach. Yes, you know you don't feel that in the pool

Elisabeth Carson 11:55
Right! Exactly. No, you don't feel that in the pool. And also, I mean, think about when you come home from vacation, how relaxed you feel, how good your body feels. It's like, oh, I finally got some rest. But no, you've been probably grounded that you probably never really been grounded like that. So I mean, it's just the significance of it is incredible, and the changes and benefits.

Alex Ferrari 12:17
It's insane. And when I went to Hawaii, I never forgot it when I walked off the first time to Maui and I get off the plane, it's like, you hit with a wall of relaxation, yeah? Like, off the plane, you just go, oh yes, God, slow down. I was coming from LA at the time, oh yeah. And you like, Oh, okay. And then we got back from LA, we got off the plane. It's kind of like walking up out of the subway into Manhattan. You just like, oh, and you just get lifted off, yeah, yeah. And it's this kinetic energy, yes. But in Maui was just like, calm,

Elisabeth Carson 12:52
Chill, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 12:54
You can't hurry.

Elisabeth Carson 12:55
I know. I know. I know. Yes, I agree.

Alex Ferrari 12:58
You have to fight distress, right? You gotta wait. You gotta work stress at a place like that.

Elisabeth Carson 13:04
I feel like that in Florida too. You know, different places, different places in Florida, absolutely. Yeah. Get that like feeling.

Alex Ferrari 13:09
Oh no. Florida definitely has a different vibe, yeah, than any of the other major cities. You know. I mean, your downtown Miami is a different vibe, yeah, but, but yeah. But even at the beaches and things like you do feel that energy. So hopefully people listening, who will give grounding. And it's not look it's free. It's free. Walk outside, put your feet on the grass, yes, hang out there for a little while. See how we feel. Go out in the dirt, not dirt, but you know what I mean, the ground, and put your feet there and see how you feel. And then if you start feeling something, there are products that you can connect to your plug and ground yourself through the grounding of the electrical system, yep, and you could sleep with it. Yes, there's blankets, there's pad.

Elisabeth Carson 13:47
I have a pad on my laptop, but I, you know, it's really easy. I stay grounded.

Alex Ferrari 13:51
It's really easy. Yes, so what's the other modality you said you can down regulate your nervous system? Yes, yes. Please tell me how you can do that.

Elisabeth Carson 14:00
Well, it's through brain training. And this is the, this is actually the first modality that I've ever experienced, and it was when I was 19 years old. I had just come off a heavy drug bench. I was on a bunch of ecstasy, and I was just, you know, out of my mind, pretty much. And three months of that, I came out of that, and I couldn't finish sentences. It was like, my brain was so foggy that I couldn't say things. And I'm like, This is not me. I always prided myself off being incredibly smart. So I was like, What is this? So I walked around in a daze like that for quite a while, and I got approached by a friend of mine, and he was like, Have you ever heard of brain training? And I was like, No. And I was like, but I'll try it. So I went immediately I did it. And after the first session, I was like, I can complete senses again. It was like the fog out of my brain had just been poof gone. And I was like, What is this? Again, I was like, What is this? Let me do this more. So, yeah, I mean. I experienced that when I was 19, and have continued to Brain Train since. So what is brain training? Exactly? Um, so the system that I used when I was 19 is neurofeedback. Oh, yeah. Now that that word, yeah, that word, I call it brain training, because there's a different system that I use that doesn't feed your brain signaling, but it actually just stimulates your brain to heal itself, because it's making it aware that there's issues. So whereas neural feedback, you actually have to connect to a machine, yeah, connect to a machine, and then you have to program the system to where you have to get a brain map done, program the system. Hey, you're low, you're low here, you're high here. So you bring that down. It's a little bit more intricate. It's pretty then it is very amazing. And I would recommend Neurofeedback for anybody, everybody.

Alex Ferrari 15:45
It's like, when I did what, I did it a handful of times, and when I when they hooked me up to the system, the computers, oh, yeah, this, this, this, What program do you want? Am I? I don't know. And she's like, Okay. And then I could literally feel myself blissing out. That is what I'm saying. It just, it just did. It was doing something to me. And I was like, it was almost like I was, I've never taken drugs, so I have no idea how high feels. But, I mean, I'm sure it's not as insane. But there was a bliss. I know what bliss feels like, yes, yeah, I felt, I feel in meditation sometimes, but it was just like, oh, and you just.

Elisabeth Carson 16:16
That's that shift, your feeling. I think I would, I would think that that is the shift, because we are walking around in fight or flight right now all the time, especially people in America, we're too sped up, we're too stressed, we're too much of a hustler. You know, we have that, that mindset, yeah, I'll sleep when I die, but you'll die a lot sooner if you don't sleep till you die. So anyways, but so we are stuck. Our nervous systems are stuck in fight or flight most of the time. So when we do things like this, it's like, wow, now your nervous system is down regulating. You're getting into peace, calm, restore, relax, parasympathetic, where a lot of people don't even feel this ever so that's the shift. That's that blissful feeling because we're stuck, ah, all the time, but once you can take a deep breath, relax, and you actually get present, which that's what it does. I mean, down regulates your system. It makes you feel so blissful, so connected, because we're too sped up to be connected to anything. So that's what neurofeedback. But I mean, it does a host of other things. And yeah, but the system that I use, it's just all you do is you listen to 33 minutes of music, and then you hear skips, pauses and interrupts. That's basically your brain talking to itself and fixing itself in real time. Because if you don't know you have an issue, how are you able to correct it? So it's putting a mirror up to your brain saying, hey, this, this, this, this, fix, fix, fix, fix.

Alex Ferrari 17:38
This is something I'm interested in because I dealt with it. I've dealt with this. I mean, every human being deals with it. When you were writing your book, you were, you were kind of healing yourself. Yes, when I wrote my book, I almost made a $20 million movie for the mafia. It's a whole story. Met the biggest movie stars in the world, whole story. I was 26 when this all happened in the same story. My life being threatened all the time. It was crazy. I was so true, yeah, I'll give you a book. But that that trauma I held on to for 18 years, and I had no idea what power it had over me, yeah. And really was running my subconscious throughout my career. I avoided certain things. I sabotage certain things. And you were talking, you just said something that triggered this, this thought, which is, like, you're walking around, you don't even know that you have a problem. So many of us have traumas, so many of us have things that are happening inside of us that we've just had for so long that it's just part of our, you know, it's kind of like, you know, you have a scar, yeah, you know, I've just had that since I was five. Yeah, you don't even think about it right at all, right? And you're in a lot of the stuff that we talking about here is about doing that work, which is my next question, is Shadow Work. What is Shadow Work?

Elisabeth Carson 18:51
So Shadow Work is, is basically shining lights on the places of yourself where there's darkness, right? So I know it's, it's a scary thing, but the other side of it is, is beautiful, is bliss, but it's addressing those scary parts of yourself and and trying to bring those parts of yourself to heal, to the lights and to become aware. Because that's, that's the first step. You have to be aware that you have it. Everybody has trauma. There is. It's impossible for anyone to walk through this life unscathed of trauma, even coming through the canal as a baby. That's trauma. That's trauma. Any any if you had a cord wrapped around your neck, that's trauma, you will have

Alex Ferrari 19:35
Your head this pointy when you come out. Yeah, that's trauma. Yes, you walk into that AC, yes, ooh, like it's freezing, you know.

Elisabeth Carson 19:45
Listen, this is, this is serious. It's serious. And I know it because my core wounds and my trauma happened to me at an age where I don't even consciously, I can't consciously connect to it, of course. So I know those. First moments are incredibly important, because you're coming into this world. This is your first experience, and moments in this this realm, and if you don't get the immediate touch and gaze of your Mother, you're lost and confused. And I know this through doing shadow work, because I wanted to know, why do I have such bad abandonment issues? Why do I have separation anxiety? Like I'm curious. I don't know why, because my adoptive parents, they never you know they were there, so I'm confused. So I did regression work, and I experienced my birth process and realized that I never saw my mother. I got taken right away. I got placed into one of those bayonet thingies that just left there. Yeah, yeah. And no one touched you. No one touched me. They would come feed me. And, you know, back in the day in Korea, it was not known that that physical touch and the love at such a young age is so important, so it wasn't practiced. So for the first three months of my life, I wasn't getting the love and attention that I needed. So I came into this life brokenhearted. So, you know, and it's completely subconscious, subconscious all the way, like,

Alex Ferrari 21:04
It's not like you sitting around, like, Man, I didn't get held when I was a child. None of that. It's just something that is always running in the in the programming, in the back, yeah, and it's guiding you, yep. It's guiding your whole decision making process. Yes, without you doing it. So if you don't do this kind of shadow work, yes, or dig into it, you'll be running on that program forever. Now, if you do the shadow work, though, as you just suggested, it's not fun.

Elisabeth Carson 21:27
No, no, it's not fun.

Alex Ferrari 21:28
When you wrote your book, when I wrote I was crying when I read my book, yeah, I was I was bawling. I was like, I used to skip chapters because I knew what I had to go, where I had to go back in your minds. So I would like, No, I'll go back there afterwards, and I would finish other chapters and then go back, go back, because it was so so it was just so

Elisabeth Carson 21:45
It had a hold on you

Alex Ferrari 21:47
And I had no idea

Elisabeth Carson 21:47
You didn't process it because you didn't address it. Never processed it. That's what people don't understand about trauma. If you do not process it, if you do not get it out of your body, it will manifest as a physical disease no matter what. So that instance in your life, it was so big it would have manifested if you didn't write that book. Because writing that book, you're processing it in your brain. You know how you had that emotional that stimulation of emotion. It was so big and your body when you were writing it. Now, when you probably think about it, it's not as big, the emotional response is not as strong. So you're able to look at it from an observer, instead of being in it, because you processed it.

Alex Ferrari 22:25
And I think I've processed it to a certain point, like by the boogeyman who was my my gangster who was with me, Jimmy. I used to look at him as a boogie man. I don't look at him as Boogie I actually am very grateful for him now, because of the what I learned and who I became because of it, a lot of the work I do in this world is because I never wanted other people to go through what I went through. So that's why I wanted to help filmmakers and my other shows, and now I'm literally helping more and more people with this show. So it really was a catalyst for what I'm doing, right? I think I'll fully process it once I make the movie, because it'll be surreal me, directing me, about me, it would be a little weird, but I think at that point I'll finally, but I don't know about you, when I, like, literally finished the first draft, there's, I felt literal weight, lift off my show. Yes, I could. It was just a weird, weird feeling.

Elisabeth Carson 23:16
Is that energy. It's leaving your body. It's stuck. Emotion and energy, all that is, all stuck. Emotion is, is, is energy blocks. It's a bunch of energy just balled up and stuck, which then your body will tense. Subconsciously, you won't even realize your attention areas. There's so many different parts of your body that you tense when you're in stress that you don't even realize. So when you're tensing those body parts, you're restricting lymph flow. You're restricting blood flow. Now, what does that do? It lowers the amount of nutrition and healing that's going to those places in your body. So that's usually where things will pop up, like the cancer or a tumor or something. Yes, yes. And because we're unconsciously, subconsciously tensing all the time because we're so stressed, we're not dealing with our stuff, we're just trying to distract our minds away from the what is really important, and it's us.

Alex Ferrari 24:03
And the thing is, you know, we're talking about a lot of the physical world right now, but if we don't take care of this stuff going on in our subconscious, it's very difficult to rise in consciousness, yes, to elevate your frequency, because those traumas are holding you down essentially, like you can't You're not gonna find a yogi with abandonment issues, right? Like, that's not a thing, yeah? Because they to elevate to a level of enlightenment, you must release everything of this, of this realm, of this world. Yeah, so if you don't do this work, as, I don't care how many workshops you go, how many podcasts you listen to, how many books you read, if you don't actually do this work, you you won't go up anywhere. I mean up, meaning leveling up your conscious or elevating your frequency to a higher level. You'll get to a point. But that's an it's literally an anchor

Elisabeth Carson 24:55
Feeling as a feeling, would you hear, yeah, oh yeah, you're carrying weight. You're carrying weight. And then. And you know, when you're full of trauma, you're not even attracting what's divinely meant for you, because you're vibrating at a lower frequency because you're heavy, stuffed up with stress and trauma. So you know, everybody has past life experiences and and you know we've gone through things, and we come to these moments with judgment because of our past. So every present moment, we're judging everything around us, whether we say it or not, we are. So especially when you're having stress and emotion and triggers in your system, you're coming to present moments like, you know, defense in defense and protection, instead of being present, coming to the present moment with no judgment. So what trauma work helps you do is to get rid of all that stuff in your system so you can really enter the present moment with no judgment, and you're just here, and you're not reacting to different things that could trigger you, because you've dealt with your triggers.

Alex Ferrari 25:50
You see, Elisabeth, you seem to be a pretty grounded person, not earthing, but like a grounded person, grounded in reality. It seems, at least from what I've from our short interactions, it seems that way. Yeah, and we're talking woo here. We're talking a little bit of woo stuff. Here, did were you always kind of like when you say past lives? And I mean, on this show, we talk about this stuff all the time, but, but that's still out of the norm for a lot of past lives, reincarnation frequencies, rising up to enlightenment, all were you always on this or were you kind of intro was there ever a point in your life you're like, that's some crazy ass stuff, and then all of a sudden you opened up? Or have you always been kind of down this road?

Elisabeth Carson 26:30
So I've always been down this road, but when I met Billy, I was like, Wow, that's some crazy stuff.

Alex Ferrari 26:35
You know what? I said the same thing when I met Billy.

Elisabeth Carson 26:38
But I've always been more open minded. I'm very, very different. I was raised Christian Presbyterian, and I respect my church still. I mean, I've heard these horror stories, and I've been introduced to these horror stories about religion in church, but that was never my experience. My experience in church was everybody just want to help everybody, and we feed the homeless and we help, you know, nursing homes and so we did a lot of great work, but I never believed the Bible. The Bible never made sense to me. I'm a recovering cast. I was like, it never made sense to me. I'm like, wait, but God loves everybody in all love, but then he's killing people. Never made sense. So I was never, I never followed the religion. I followed the community, community. Yes, the good stuff, yes, yes. And then, you know what? I just didn't I never fell into that.

Alex Ferrari 27:23
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Elisabeth Carson 27:59
So I was always open to a higher power. More you know, I'm always very outside of the box. I was never inside of the box ever.

Alex Ferrari 28:08
So we're talking about the unconscious. What advice do you have for people who are listening to this? I'm like, I don't even know if I have drama like you. You didn't know. I didn't know. How trauma? How do you identify in the shadow work, the stuff that you got to work on, because we really, no one's giving you guidance. Really, like, okay, so when you were six, this little boy walked up to you and the player, and he said this to you, and that tore you up because it was at age six, so you didn't have defenses, and now you that's why you run away from relationships.

Elisabeth Carson 28:38
Yeah, I know it's very crazy. It is, it is, I would just say the first steps to really addressing yourself is to realize that you are not your thoughts. You're the observer of your thoughts. So we get wrapped into zombie mode, just reacting, reacting, reacting because we align with our thoughts, which are not us. We can grab thoughts from ether, you know, that aren't even our thoughts. So we have to become separate from our thoughts, and then we can start to watch and control what happens in our head. So for instance, when a person gets triggered, I used to get triggered all the time driving. I had road rage like a mofo. It was bad. I was crazy. I was a psychopath on the road. I was one of those crazy crazies, but it was so bad. And so when I started doing the work, I'm like, why is this so triggering? So when I would feel triggered, I would be like, Okay, where is this happening in my body? Right? Where is it happening in my body? I would pinpoint the area of my body. When I get angry, it's like a beating red ball. Boom, right here. And so I would look at the ball and I'm like, What is this? What is this about? And so it's almost meditation on yourself. You kind of address your body, and you ask your body, because your cells remember everything that's ever happened to you, even if you don't consciously connect. And your higher self will let you know things about. You that You can handle in the moment. So I don't think that your higher self will ever make you remember things that you can't handle. So things will kind of come to you as you need to heal. So I would just be in almost a meditation to address, hey, this part of your body is reacting to this. What could it be from? And then I go into my past, and I'm like, Okay, well, I know that I was adopted. I know that my the first three months of my life was not great, you know. So it could it be that I'm reacting to this, to the stimulus of these cars trying to cut me off and move and go fast and because I feel like I'm being attacked, right? So it's almost like connecting the trigger to something that happened in your past, so you can see, hey, this trigger is coming from that past thing. It's not coming from this current moment. So I need to fix my thought process about the current moment and know that, hey, it's okay that I feel like this. Don't push the emotions away, but know that it's coming from a different place, and it's especially important to do that when you're in a relationship with somebody, because otherwise you're going to take all of your anger out on your current partner that might have happened to you from last relationship, last relationship, last, last, last until you address those things so it's always showing up to the present moment with no judgment and addressing your triggers. See, when we get triggered, we start acting out, because our emotions take our body over. So we start saying things that we don't mean, and we start doing things that we wouldn't naturally normally do. This is scientific. When your body goes into fight or flight, 30% of your blood goes to your hind brain. So you're not logical anymore. You're not consciously there, really anymore. But my challenge, my challenge that I challenge myself on a daily, I challenge other people that do this work on a daily is when you feel most triggered. Can you get most conscious? Is that when you can be the most conscious? So that's what I've been working on doing, is really getting so conscious when I feel triggered, like my body's taking over. And then I'll do deep breaths. I'll say this present moment, I'll really try to observe what's happening around me and know that I'm safe. I always tell my body I'm safe, and I always tell myself it is okay to feel like this, because we're taught that emotions are negative, that if we're angry, we're inappropriate, if we're irritated, we can't act certain ways because emotions are bad. But that's that's what's messed us all up. We have refused to address our emotions and to feel our emotions, which that turns into physical ailments, that turns into stuck trauma in the body. And if you're not addressing these things in the moment, then they will stack up. It's like pouring more coffee into the cup, and now it's overflowing, and now you're just overflowing with emotion, and now you're reacting to everything so

Alex Ferrari 32:41
Beautifully said, Yeah, beautifully. Beautifully said, Now, what are some of the modalities that you would recommend?

Elisabeth Carson 32:48
So brain training and grounding. I would also you reminded me of when you were talking about Clint, how he says that animals in the wild don't have PTSD. I talk about this all the time. I do, and people say, tell me, I'm crazy. But there's an exercise called trauma release exercise, and it's where you tighten your psoas muscle, and then your body naturally shakes and tremors to get rid of that tightness, basically. And if you look at mammals in the wilds, like a zebra, let's say that a lion is chasing a zebra. The lion attacks the zebra takes a chunk out of the zebras butt, right? Zebra falls on the ground, shakes violently for a couple minutes, and then gets back up, starts grazing like nothing happens. I know, right? Why is that, though? Because they're dispersing that trauma. They're grounded, right? So that energy from that trauma is dispersing out of their body. They're shaking it out of their body, and is going into the ground. So now they're getting up, and now they're coming to the present moment with without judgment, with nothing, because they have gotten rid of all of that in their body.

Alex Ferrari 33:50
And I never seen a zebra, you know, a week later, go, man, I almost died. Like, no, they don't mind that lion almost killed me. They don't. And they go right back there. And then you tighten up and everything like that, like we do. We do it every day, right? So you look back at like, I can't believe she hurt. And we can go, if you and I really concentrated on a traumatic thing that happened to us, yeah, in high school, we'd go back and be like, we're there. And you would the body would physically,

Elisabeth Carson 34:16
Because the brain doesn't know fake or real. The brain just knows what you tell them.

Alex Ferrari 34:19
So you could also do that in reverse, yes, you could also focus on something positive, yes, and bring in endorphins and bring chemicals to absolutely to make you feel better and yes, and happier and more peaceful, less stressful.

Elisabeth Carson 34:31
Yes, yes, exactly.

Alex Ferrari 34:33
That's and that's where people always talked about the Woo. You know, oh, you're a woo. Woo. I'm like, No, it's science.

Elisabeth Carson 34:38
No it's science. It's just behind the veil, everything, everything that's woo could be proven by science these days. I mean, quantum physics is real, so like, um, but yeah. So our bodies don't carry trauma. Our our bodies carry trauma, but not not animals in the wild, they don't carry trauma. So this exercise, trauma release exercise, is something that we can do to help our bodies. Tremor and shake and get rid of old stuff, trauma. So if people want to look it up, there's YouTube videos. You can find trauma release sort of certifiers that can, you know, a practitioner that can guide you through a session so you can learn it. And, you know, I learned this a long time ago through Dr. David Bricelli, who actually invented trauma release exercise, and how he invented this is because he was in a war long time ago, and he was in a bomb shelter, and he noticed right across from him was a mother with two little boys on her lap, and bombs were going off, and everybody and everybody was scared, but what he saw was the little boys shaking every time the bomb would go off and get closer, the boys would shake more and shake more. And then he was like, why is why are none of the adults doing the same thing that These boys are doing? So he started to look into it and realize that that's the body's natural response to get rid of stress, trauma, tension, anything that's disruptive to the system. It's the natural way we have been, just been taught. Can you imagine if we got scared as an adult and we're like, you know, it's like inappropriate people look at us like we're crazy.

Alex Ferrari 36:03
Well, I mean, if you look at old cartoons like Looney Tunes, that's exactly what they do when you get scared. You Yeah, that's a that's what you're supposed to do. Yes, you know, as you're saying, that animals in the wild don't have trauma, but animals in captivity,

Elisabeth Carson 36:18
They have lots of trauma, tons of trauma.

Alex Ferrari 36:21
So like dogs, I watch Cesar Milan, so I love Cesar Milan, and he deals with traumatic dogs all the time. But the thing is, I just thought about like, but they're not grounded, yeah, all the time, right? They're normally in a house, and they're getting cancer, and they're and they're feeling the energy constantly from their owners, because they receive all that energy, and they absorb it, you know.

Elisabeth Carson 36:43
You know humans are

Alex Ferrari 36:45
And dogs that they can feel the energy. It's it's like bees, like, like in Jerry Maguire, dogs, and dogs and bees can sense fear, yeah, and it's very true. But when you walk in with a certain amount of energy, a dog will pick it up, yeah? Instantly. If anyone's ever seen an episode, Caesar just walks in and a wild dog be like, All right, I'm cool now. I'm safe, because this energy is here, right? But I was, I'm using this as a point that animals in captivity have the same problems as humans do, yeah, maybe even worse, because they're not even hanging out with their own peeps, yeah, right.

Elisabeth Carson 37:21
I know they're all alone. They're dealing on the erratic human to calm them. So, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 37:27
That's insane. Yes, no, we talked a little bit about your trauma when you were younger, and why you had abandonment issues and all that kind of stuff. Can you talk about those first seven years of programming that we go through that is something that many when I first heard about that, I was just like, holy crap, yeah. Like, you are the person you are based on the first seven years of your life. So whatever happens within those first seven years, it's the hard wiring. It's the hard programming in the circuit boards. Yes, not the software. The software comes afterwards, then the software is a lot easier to change.

Elisabeth Carson 38:02
Oh yeah, oh yeah. It's the hardware.

Alex Ferrari 38:04
It's the hardware. Now you got to go in there with a soldering and you got to change the so it's very different, like what you had to deal with, with that not being touched, yes, when you were born, right? That that's a hard wired thing. So can you talk about those for seven years a bit?

Elisabeth Carson 38:19
Yes, yes. And I feel like even goes way deeper than the first seven years. It goes back epigenetics, you know, go back 15,20,30. I mean, I just, I think they go way back. So I believe even as a baby, we're all we're already stuffed up with drama because of epigenetics. But what happens is, as babies and young kids, they're not in the same brain state that that we are, right? So, so they stay in basic theta alpha, which is very meditative. It's where you can actually, if you can get into those states, you can reprogram the hard wire. You can you can reprogram your subconscious so zero through seven, their brains stay in that state, and so everything that they're seeing is being programmed into them as a deep belief. So let's say that your parents, you grew up with parents that are abusive and fighting and and just very, very toxic, and this is what you're learning. So now you're an adult, and now you're finding yourself in these toxic relationships, and you're fighting and you're you're basically acting, uh, out what you went through as as a kid, what you saw. You have to ask yourself, hey, you know, why is this? And it might be because that is the way that you were taught love. So that's the way, unconsciously, subconsciously, you seek love through toxicity, through fighting, because that is more comfortable to you than the unknown of real, the devil you know, versus Yes. So that's how that's how deep this programming can go. It will affect you for the rest of your life, until you can really look at it like hey. And I'm not saying that the Shadow Work fixes you. It does not fix you. You. I think that this work takes a lifetime, and you still, when you die, I don't even think that you're fully healed, because I still get hits of emotion during triggers, but now the hits of emotion are lower and I'm able to control them. Whereas before I started addressing my trauma, I could not control my emotion. It was like, you know, I would just lose it, but now it's less reactive, and I'm able to stay in consciousness when feeling triggered. So, I mean, I think that it's up to everybody. It's everybody's responsibility to know what has happened in those years of their life. You know, talk to their parents or talk to someone that knew them back then something, because you might not even consciously remember. Some things that have most you, most Yes, most things you won't Yes. And through the shadow work, you'll discover a lot, a lot will come to you. I mean, I was getting Somato emotional release work this one time, and the woman put her hands on my stomach, and as soon as she did that, I shot back into my mother's womb. It was like I was there, and I was I was there and feeling, I could feel everything, and my mother was stressed, depressed, didn't want me. She was it was an incredible amount of stress. And, you know, I'll tell pregnant mothers be careful with that too, because halfway through pregnancy, stress hormones cross the placenta, so the baby is feeling all of that. So you pregnant women need to be very careful with their, you know, feelings and they should be just pampered and relaxed, because you're literally growing a human in your in your system. So no wonder I had anxiety, high anxiety, because I was swimming around in stress hormones for the first moments of my my life, right? So all of this stuff matters, all of it, all of it matters and will show up later, somehow, some way, it's for you to just kind of dig into yourself, figure out, okay, you know, usually my reaction has something to do with those seven years and has nothing to do with the thing at hand.

Alex Ferrari 41:54
And to be honest, how many things do you remember from year one to year seven? No, you don't like hard other than pictures that you go, oh yeah. Kind of remember that party, or, yeah, well, I kind of remember that, that girl or that guy, but you don't.

Elisabeth Carson 42:05
You don't remember because you're in theta alpha. You're present all the time, all the time. You're not grabbing on to things and remembering things. You're just present. You're walking around like, whoo. This is, you know.

Alex Ferrari 42:15
Well it's funny because now, I mean, my generation and Billy's generation, there was really no. I mean, if you had a Super Eight camera, you might have some video, you know, some footage of you back as a kid. Yeah, this generation, like my kids, they're the most documented generation in history, yeah. So they don't have memories, but they can see the videos, and those become their memories. So they see a lot of stuff that that I didn't say, I'm assuming you didn't see a whole lot of stuff either

You know, even VHS, you know,

There's not that many VHS, right, right? And they were huge, not as easy as just picking up the kid, right? But so people could understand, like, there's not a lot. You remember back there, and there was a lot of stuff that happened to you, yeah, and it's not always the parents. Everyone always blames parents. It's not always the parents, but it could be your brothers and sisters. It could be your cousins. If it could be your cousins. It could be anything, friends in the play in the playground that they did something.

Elisabeth Carson 43:07
You could fall and scrape your knee on the sidewalk by yourself and not know that that is a significant trauma in your life. You could that's something so small as that.

Alex Ferrari 43:14
I remember things being said to me by people in like third, fourth or fifth grade, and that's how much trauma it caused. They would say something mean to me, and I had no defense against it at the time, and I and it just hooked on to me, something that it would still hold on, you know, to this day, if you didn't do the work right. And it's something as stupid as a little boy or a little girl saying something stupid,

Elisabeth Carson 43:39
Or if you got bullied, if you were a bully, you know, it's all of these different things. You got to look at your you're basically, we're just little kids walking around in these adult bodies at the end of the day. We're all trying to do the best that we could do with what we know how. And it's just, it's hard, you know, it's, it's, I mean, okay, I'm gonna take that back. I don't think it's hard. Our perception of things makes things hard. So we just got to change our perception, and then things can be easy.

Alex Ferrari 44:03
Let me ask you, Elisabeth, where do you think we're going to be going in the next 10,15, years? Because right now, the world seems to be a little bit out of whack. Yeah, there's a couple things going on, yeah, in the world. And to be fair, I think that it's heightened because we have access to basically everything all the time. Yeah, so it seems like it's a lot worse than it maybe is, considering that, you know, we have a handful of wars going on in the world right now, but you look back 100 years, yeah, it was a lot, way, way worse you were looking back 50 years, yeah, way, way worse than it is now. Yeah. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.

Elisabeth Carson 44:43
Yes. I mean, okay, so I have two sides to this. Yes, the world is in a place right now where I feel like it's it's incredibly unbalanced and not fair. I mean, masculine energy has taken over the planet. I mean, there's wars, there's fighting, and I just feel like once the planet. Gets into a better balance, and once people start waking up to themselves, then the shift will be into a golden age. Although I feel like right now today, if you choose, you can live a golden age yourself, because right now is the present moment. This is the only thing that exists ever so what are you paying attention to in your present moment? Are you paying attention to the wars? Are you paying attention to CNN, or are you paying attention to what's right in front of you? Or are you thinking about your beautiful family? Are you thinking about the beautiful project that you're working on? I mean, it's really just attitude and perception. Because I could sit here and stress about wars all day and think about, oh my god. Well, what can I do to help? How can I This is awful. This world sucks, but no amount of stress will ever add positivity to the world that lowers your frequency. So if you can stay high vibe and live in your own golden age, then that, in itself, will inspire others to do the same, and it's like we're paying so much attention, because it's all over the place. Media is like, you know, in our faces all the time with all this drama. It's like, you know, they're trying to trigger us. They're trying to make to bring us out of our minds, right? So we act crazy, because then the crazy people, you tell them what to do, and they just, they just do it. You know, you're just a sheep, basically, and that's how they want to keep us. They don't want us to have our own thoughts and their own ways and just, you know, disconnect from the systems that are controlling us. Because really, at the end of the day, we can take our power back at any time. We just have to stop participating.

Alex Ferrari 46:33
But well, let me ask you this, because this is something I found really interesting. A lot of people always say that when you say they, they is a very big term. So, you know, a lot of times there's a conspiracy on there's this secret society, secret group, secret families, who are controlling everything. And I don't discount that. I've seen enough, but there doesn't have to be a conspiracy for things to want to be moved in a certain way, meaning that there might just be a whole lot of people at a certain level in society that have shared interests. Yeah, and those shared interests control the narrative, not that they all sit down in a meeting in a clubhouse somewhere and go today, we're gonna make sure Big Pharma does this. We're gonna make sure that the media is doing that. It seemed, that seems a little and very well might be, who knows? Yeah, exactly. So what are your thoughts on, on that, in general, like that? Because a lot of people think all of us, all can conspiracy. They and they know, if George Carlin said it the best, you don't need a conspiracy for people who have aligned interest, interests. You don't. Would you agree?

Elisabeth Carson 47:43
Yeah, yeah. I would agree with that. I would agree with that. I don't really. I was never in this realm of of, like, No, this community is brand new to me since Billy so like, I wasn't able to conspiracy or and I've never been into that. But what I do know is that these systems, they're being controlled by people that don't have our best interests at stake. Everything is monetized. Our health is monetized, education is monetized. So it's like, you know, I try not to get mad at the people that run this stuff, because if I was in their position as a business person, would I do the same thing? I don't think so. But you never really know the situations. You don't know what is going on. So it's like, do you choose to participate or not? You know, is really, at the end of the day, the what my choice is and what my family's choice is, like, I will not go to the doctor unless I'm bleeding out period. I just, I'm just terrified because doctors killed my, you know, my dad and messed my brother up. And I've just seen there's just so much abuse in that Western medicine thingy, right? And you know, a woman I interviewed last night, Kim Rogers, the warm queen, she's amazing, by the way, she said something interesting. She comes from a Western a western medicine background, and she said that people need to reframe the way that they look at Western medicine, because Western medicine is there to save your life, but it's not there to address little symptoms of, like, oh, you know, my shoulder hurts like, they're not there to address symptoms like systems. They're just there to save your life. So if you look at them, to save your life, yes, they're great, but anything beyond that, it's like, I don't.

Alex Ferrari 49:18
I always, I always said to people, I'm like, Look, if, if I get a bullet in my I get shot. Yeah, yeah. Do not rub leaves on me No. Do not rub leaves on me. Take me to an emergency don't pray over me. I don't want any energy healing. Please take me to an emergency room, a trauma unit. Yes, please, right? And that's the that's the difference. But I love that you said that that is like the Western medicine really is about saving your life, yes, in an extreme scenario, because the older, the older ways of even Eastern medicine and other things, those are really good at longevity. Yeah, attacking certain problems, systemic problems in your system, understanding what the problem is, not the symptoms. They're excellent at that. Yes, you get stabbed. Do not rub a leaf on me. I don't want Reiki. I don't want none of that stuff. Lord Jesus, no, I don't want to know. Lord Jesus, get me to a trauma unit.

Elisabeth Carson 50:23
Yes, I agree 1,000%

Alex Ferrari 50:25
And then that's what people don't understand. And I'm glad you made that distinction, because if you start looking, and I think once you start exploring that area of medicine and things like that, you know, like, Oh, you're gonna have to take this pill for the rest of your life. I mean, and I can't say that for everybody. There are certain situations that you might have to have something like that, but generally speaking, they're more unlikely. Is some sort of natural path to fixing it again, not for every case, but investigate that if, if the Chinese medicine has been around for whatever, 2000 3000 years, and Indian medicine has been Arabic, and medicine has been around for 6000 years. They kept somebody alive. Yeah, for a while now, when, when the, when the donkey kicked you and broke all your ribs, they was over. Yeah, and you and you got your heart got stabbed by one of the boat. It's over. Yeah, yeah, no rubbing of the leaf because they weren't set up for that. But that's what Western medicine is, really perfect. That really.

Elisabeth Carson 51:30
Yes, yes, absolutely, don't. They're, they're great at saving lives, just, you know, not addressing root causes. And also, think about it, synthetic drugs, right? Are basically all one molecule away from an herb.

Alex Ferrari 51:43
Oh, well, all, yeah, it's all coming from herbs.

Elisabeth Carson 51:45
But so they so they only change one molecule on it, so they can patent it.

Alex Ferrari 51:49
Of course they can.

Elisabeth Carson 51:50
But it comes from herbs. It's natural. So it's like, yes, so we just, you know, it's about taking our own power back from these systems. If you don't like the way that something is going, then create your own. This was something that forbidden knowledge that we do. Don't like the music, create your own music. Don't like school. Create your own classes. Create your own education. You know, don't complain about it. Don't be a victim out here. Take your power back. Don't participate. Like I said, I'm not going to the doctor unless I'm bleeding out. I will figure out ways and I stay getting my labs done, make getting my family's labs done, making sure that we're on point ourselves, that we are more educated about ourselves than anybody else out there. Because we took our power back. We're not gonna let these people dictate to us what they're doing. No, we're their bosses. We pay them. They don't pay us.

Alex Ferrari 52:36
So let me ask you this. You know you and Billy run 4bidden knowledge and I run next level soul, and I've seen that there's been a major uptick in people interested in the work that we're doing. Yeah. Why do you think that is because forbidden knowledge 10 years ago? No, not gonna happen. No, even if we had the technology we have today, yeah, yeah, 10 years ago, maybe too much. Nobody be people would be like this, some tin foil stuff. Yeah, it might me too. I mean, there's just it would be such a on the on the fringe. Yeah, we would literally be called fringe TV. Yeah, because we would be on the fringe. Why do you think so many more people are not only open to these ideas, but actually searching for the answers than they were before?

Elisabeth Carson 53:20
Yeah! I think it's multiple reasons. I think that the collective, as more people start gaining consciousness and separating themselves and gaining awareness, that it just creates kind of like a compound effect. So the more people that wake up, they're gonna wake more people up. The energy is shifting. And then also we're going into the Age of Aquarius, so the energetic, gravitational star alignment. You know, I'm not an astro astrologer or anything, but I know that when the moon is in a certain place and the stars are in a certain place, the gravitational pull on us is different. So we're getting hit with all these different frequencies that are probably starting to almost wake people up as well. I mean, in Aquarius, I'm Aquarius, by the way. I mean, we're always out of the box thinkers. We always question things. We're not like, you tell us what to do, and we're not going to do we're going to do it the other way. So it's like, you know, this mindset and this energy of Aquarius, I think, is starting to affect people as well. And you're starting to get people that are really talking about this more openly. And because of social media, it's like, you know, you can't scroll without seeing something woo, woo these days, because it's everywhere, and it's becoming more widely accepted.

Alex Ferrari 54:31
And I think a lot of the insanity that's happening in the world is that people, a lot of people, just can't handle this new kind of energy. Yeah, frequency that's happening, yeah? And they're literally lashing out. Yep, they're figuring things out. I mean, some people are like, Oh, thank God. Other people are like, No, I want to keep it the way.

Elisabeth Carson 54:45
Yeah, yeah. A lot of people are starting to still hold on to these old systems, and you can see a lot of die off, you know. I mean, I think, like, even the pandemic, you know, that that was a big that was a purge, I think, like, it was horrible. But, and

Alex Ferrari 54:59
And for people who don't. Truly believe in astrology, and that's fine, but just what you said in regards to the energy and the gravitational pull, and people are like, Oh, that's some woowoo crap, right there. I'm like, well, there's something called the moon, think about it. And there's something called tides, yeah, which are being pulled by the moon every 30 days.

Elisabeth Carson 55:19
Thank you the fluids in our bodies,

Alex Ferrari 55:23
Because we're how much percent we're 80%

Elisabeth Carson 55:25
80% water. I mean, we're limp fluid. I mean, we're basically like liquid.

Alex Ferrari 55:29
Well, that's why they you know, the whole concept of the werewolf and the full moon, because when the full moon is that full is the most and if you ask any cop in any the police department, or any, any, any paramedic, any, anybody in those services on a full moon night, yeah, stuff is popping off. Yes, yes, because people's they just energy. They can't their systems are a little bit more out of whack. People go, it's, it's a thing. It is a real scientific thing.

Elisabeth Carson 56:01
It is and and also, I also learned this last night through my interview, that you had the parasites. If you have parasites in your body, they become extremely overactive during full moons. So if you have a full moon and you start to feel or have certain sugar cravings or all these different things, then you probably have parasite too. I'm like, so this absolutely affects us. If it's affecting the parasites inside of us, I mean, parasites sometimes even control us. So obviously, there's some

Alex Ferrari 56:28
Microbiome in general. That's a whole other episode of the microbiome. Make sure you got a good microbiome in life is a lot easier. Absolutely, absolutely, a lot easier. Now, what are some of the future projects that you and Billy are working on at 4bidden knowledge?

Elisabeth Carson 56:44
Yes, so we have, I mean, second season of Anunnaki, Ancient Secrets Revealed. We're gonna start filming soon, the first season. You know, people loved it. Billy did a phenomenal job. Just so incredible the amount of information and education you get from such a short little

Alex Ferrari 56:59
He's Rain Man, I know he is rain. Man, I don't care what you say, a functioning Rain Man,

Elisabeth Carson 57:08
I know, and I'm very excited, because next year, where I'm actually launching, launching a women's group with Olivia, who's clint's partner, called alyssian elegance, and I'm doing a women's conference tour, so we're setting it up right now. We had a very successful women's conference at the 4bidden knowledge conscious awards this last weekend in Miami, and so the response was so great. I'm like, we need to take this on the road, so we're planning a little tour for us next year. And so that's really exciting. It's always been my goal to help young women feel like there's hope, because I was one of those young women that didn't have any so I wanted to be a voice for young women. And then also, we're doing our manifest destiny and GOD Power event combined as an entire weekend, and it's going to be one of the biggest events that we've ever done. We're going to have interactive experiences where you can literally get Kundalini awakenings like the day prior. And then the conference is going to be massive Billy and Dr B serious, of course, will be leading it. And then we'll have Tiberius law of attraction and myself, and probably another possibly Mystique, who's a lymphatic specialist, which lymph is in right now. So it's going to be a massive, crazy, beautiful event. So we're looking forward to that as well.

Alex Ferrari 58:24
Beautiful. Yes, now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask about my guess. How do you define a fulfilled life?

Elisabeth Carson 58:29
How do you define. Wow? So I would say that doing the shadow work, I was never fulfilled until I started to do the shadow work. I always felt like I had a gaping hole in my stomach now I was trying to fill with outside stimulus that never filled me up, right? And I realized that, oh, that's just my self love that I'm missing. So once you can fill yourself up with that self love, then you know your life is pretty, pretty peaceful.

Alex Ferrari 58:54
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Elisabeth, what advice would you give her?

Elisabeth Carson 58:59
Oh, man, just keep doing you, man, keep doing you, whatever.

Alex Ferrari 59:04
Do your shadowwork earlier.

Elisabeth Carson 59:05
Yes I know, right, yeah, just, I mean, just keep doing you. I wouldn't change anything about my past, because then I would be different today. So I just, you know, keep doing you

Alex Ferrari 59:17
Fair enough. How do you define God or Source energy?

Elisabeth Carson 59:21
Whoo, that's the big one. Um, so everything all just one. It's like what you are one. We are one. There is no separation. Separation is an illusion. So it's everything. It's all of us. We are it. It is us.

Alex Ferrari 59:37
What is love?

Elisabeth Carson 59:38
That oneness. Oneness is love.

Alex Ferrari 59:43
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Elisabeth Carson 59:45
Oh, man, deep question, ultimate purpose of life? Um, to, I don't know, to elevate, I think, to gain more life experiences so you can raise your consciousness and become more. And a higher frequency when you incarnate.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:03
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work that you're doing in the world?

Elisabeth Carson 1:00:08
Yes, they can find me. My Instagram is Elisabeth, spelled with an S i Carson. And they can also find me on and and, yeah, that's it.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:18
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Elisabeth Carson 1:00:21
Umm, just keep on working out here. I mean, try to come to the to each moment presently, and definitely do the shadow work is, it's necessary, and the other side of that is, is the other side of scary is beauty and ecstasy and love and peace, and that's what we're all trying to get so.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:40
Elisabeth, I appreciate you coming down here and coming to studios and being here in person. I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken the planet. So I appreciate you. Thank you.

Elisabeth Carson 1:00:48
Thank you so much, and you as well, Alex, and thank you so much for having me. Appreciate you.

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