Doctor has NDE; Her GUIDES Send Her BACK with URGENT Message for ALL Parents! with Efrat Shokef

On today’s episode, we welcome Efrat Shokef, a truly radiant soul who takes us on a deeply transformative journey of a near-death experience (NDE). What she shares isn’t just a story of survival; it’s an invitation to explore the profound truths that lie beyond our physical existence. The narrative of her life-altering accident begins with an ordinary day turned extraordinary. In that fleeting moment, she was catapulted out of her body and into a realm of sheer beauty and divine love. Her words remind us that life, even in its darkest moments, holds a sacred purpose.

The experience started with a rain-soaked day, mundane tasks, and a car accident she never saw coming. Efrat tells us she felt nothing of the crash itself; her soul had immediately departed, leaving her physical body behind in its battered state. “I was in the most beautiful place ever,” she recalls. Floating in a dimension of light, she found herself surrounded by luminous beings. These weren’t human figures but beings of pure energy, guiding her to understand a truth far greater than the physical world we inhabit.

In this dimension, there was no pain, no time, and no questions. As Efrat describes, she was simply embraced by love. She floated forward, accompanied by souls who had completed their earthly journey. She speaks of meeting a figure resembling her grandfather, who communicated not in words but in frequency—something deeper and more profound than language itself. He took her to what she calls a “balcony” where she could view Earth and humanity in all its glory and sorrow. This moment of deep observation allowed her to witness life’s beauty and the complex choices humans make, many of which lead to suffering.

This powerful vision left an indelible mark on her soul. Efrat came back with a mission: to share her understanding of love, relationships, and the higher dimensions we all belong to. “It is possible to create different conditions for our children,” she says, recalling the visions that guided her. The key, she emphasizes, is staying aligned with our truth and teaching children not to forget the love and light they are born with. She reminds us that we often lose our way, boxed in by societal expectations, but we have the power to change that narrative.


  1. We are love incarnate: Efrat’s NDE reminds us that at the core of our being, we are pure love. This love permeates every cell, every thought, and every action, if we allow it to flourish.
  2. Soul contracts and blueprints are real: Each of us comes into this life with a plan, a blueprint designed for our spiritual growth. Efrat’s journey suggests that even though life presents challenges, these are part of our soul’s path.
  3. Children hold the key to our future: Efrat’s message about nurturing the pure, spiritual essence in children is a call to action. She encourages parents and guardians to protect the innocence and spiritual alignment children come with, allowing them to grow without losing touch with their true selves.

As we reflect on Efrat’s incredible journey, we are left with a profound understanding that death is not an end but a transition. The love, beauty, and light she experienced on the other side are available to all of us if we choose to embrace them in this life. Her story encourages us to live with purpose, guided by the deeper knowing that we are always connected to something greater.

Please enjoy my conversation with Efrat Shokef.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 524

Efrat Shokef 0:00
Started as a beautiful day, it rained, needing to coordinate a specific moment in time that I would leave, and I would try to leave the small village. And it took me time to turn left, something I don't recall happening before or after into the main road, and the next thing I remember was a sense of the boom. I didn't see the other car coming. I didn't. I don't have any memories of the crash. I was out of my body immediately. My physical body completely crashed, multiple injuries, bleeding, barely making it, and I was in the most beautiful place ever.

Alex Ferrari 0:47
I like to welcome to the show Efrat Shokef, how you doing Efrat?

Efrat Shokef 0:51
Hi, Alex, thank you for having me here.

Alex Ferrari 0:54
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I am really looking forward to your pretty remarkable story of what happened to you before your life after, after you died, you came back. It's a whole thing, but before we get into what was your life like before you had a near death experience?

Efrat Shokef 1:15
I just finished my past doctoral studies. Was a Fulbright scholarship in the US. We were back home. We are from Israel, and I had three little ones. My toddler was my first was a little over three, and I had twin girls, identical that was 13 months old. I wasn't working much. I was priority, prioritizing motherhood and but it was for a number of years that I was feeling something unsettled. I was looking for my past. I was looking for my way. Like many other people that have these extraordinary invitations, I call them, to transform and show up as we wish to show up. So I wasn't calm. I had but it was happy life, doing laundry, cooking, playing, running to the playground, going, doing that, spending time with other moms in our community. I was very happy, but I wasn't settled. So this is me before the car crash, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 2:21
So what? What happened the day that you you died?

Efrat Shokef 2:27
Started as a beautiful day. It rained. I brought my toddler, toddler to her daycare, the twins. I nursed them together for the last time, and I held that memory in my in my body, and I I went off to the one where I left them home with my mom. And it was the one morning I was teaching in an academic college at the time and spent some time talking to a friend had the all the time in the world. And it was like if time was stalling or like it's spirit was keeping me needed, needing to coordinate a specific moment in time that I would leave, and I would try to leave the small village, and it took me time to turn left, something I don't recall happening before or after into the main road, and the next thing I remember was a sense of the boom. I didn't see the other car coming. I didn't. I don't have any memories of the crash. I was out of my body immediately. My physical body completely crashed, multiple injuries, bleeding, barely making it, and I was in the most beautiful place ever.

Alex Ferrari 3:39
So, so, so before you continue, when you were in this car crash, were you? Were you? Was your soul just catapulted out of your body? Did you feel any of this? No, you didn't feel any of this. So you didn't feel you saw it, but you didn't feel it.

Efrat Shokef 3:54
I didn't see it. I didn't see the car coming. I have a memory of the of a sense of the boom, but I don't, I don't even it's like there's no other way for me to describe it. And the next thing is beauty, luminosity, deep, deep, deep stillness. I don't remember leaving my body. I don't remember the car crash taking place, my car spinning around, me being injured. I don't, I don't have any memories of that. I was immediately out of my body, and not until yeah,

Alex Ferrari 4:25
Oh yeah, you weren't hanging around seeing anything. You were just instantly transported to to the light, essentially. So what was the So, when you realize what where you were, or at least that you were not you one moment you're in the car, and the next moment you're somewhere else. What was that like? Take us from there.

Efrat Shokef 4:44
It was both extraordinary and and new and and waking up curiosity, where am I and what is this place? And at the same time, very, very familiar. I knew I've been there before, and it's. Not a conscious sense of knowing. It's a energetic knowing. I was just letting it embrace me. I was floating in love, flowing in it's like this feather light energy luminosity that became less and less denser, like the frequency was rising and expanding, and at first it was just me. I was in that space. I wasn't asking question. I wasn't in any awareness of what's happening to my body. Where am I? Like the contrast between the things I was just very much in the moment, in the in the fraction of the moment, because there is no time in those dimensions and spaces. And the next thing is that I noticed I was floating forward. And I was not floating alone. Other beings were floating forward, not very close to me, but in that same space like this floating forward as an interpretation later, I understood that these were beings that died, finished this journey, this lifetime, and went back home. So we were floating forward. And then others came to meet those other beings, sometimes just one being, sometimes a few of them. Some of them took a very human form. Some of them were more like Luminous beings. There was one also very much of a just an orb of light that just enveloped and embraced that being. And they were floating forward. And I couldn't I reached a barrier that was not a scene barrier, but I couldn't float forward. I was like stuck. I didn't care about it so much. I was I was just embracing the deep acceptance, the remembrance of who I am, who we all are, feeling the love in my cells, remembering this is what I am. So it was, again, very not in alignment for what was happening to my body at the time, which was breaking, very painful, but I wasn't feeling any of it. And at some point, a figure came towards me. I recognized it as my grandfather, but and I share this as part of the story, I don't know if it was really my grandfather, because I recognize the frequency, and I continue now to communicate with this frequency, hot, very high frequency. So I think my guides, and I never asked them, but I kind of know the answer. I think my guides took the form of my grandfather so that I would feel at home, safe, be able to communicate with them, and that it was not really my grandfather. It was my guidance, again, because of the frequency. You know, we recognize other beings guidance according to their frequency. It's not how they look or how we vision, envision them so and after this shared expression of telepathic love. Again, the communication is not in words. And I'm sure you heard that in many other NDS, I was invited for the main I guess, reason for this experience to view Earth on its and humanity on its various forms and challenges and beauty. So I was kind of standing with my grandfather, slash guide, on a beautiful balcony, shimmering, and I'm not sure. I'm never sure if to explain it as the balcony was moving beyond, above Earth, or it was Earth. It was moving below the balcony. But we were just, I was shown a lot, a lot of small pieces of interactions of a mother and a child, of elderly people walking, people enjoying nature, the beauties, and also a lot of the very sad, confusing decisions and and choices that humans, we humans, make a longer journeys. It was very rich. It felt like many days. I've seen a lot. I went back there many times later to to recall, to refresh my memory, back to those same scenes, until I got it all within me while I was integrating afterwards. But during that time I was just, I guess, drinking what I was seeing, there weren't many explanations. It was one of more about Caesar sees that see the con, see how things compare. What are people choosing and and then it was time for me to go back. It was a few minutes in earthly time, and my guide, slash grandfather, was sending there was no time. And it wasn't a choice. I had no choice of staying. It wasn't something I was asking for, although, other than becoming my dog, staying. Here for being my daughter's mother, I would have stayed there. I went back there many times after, but I didn't know that at the time that I will be able to just visit as many times as I want. And I was just floating downwards, backwards and fell back into my very painful, wounded body. And at that point I was there was someone standing my by me, trying to talk to me, saying I was rolling my eyes, barely breathing, and he was asking by my daughters, because we had a click Connect infant car seats in the car. So he was very he he was worried that one of them flew out of the car and that they need to look for a baby. And I was I was fully awake. I said, No, no babies in the car. Call my husband. I gave him the phone number so my husband, it was very close to her house, so my husband could come over. And I was out of my body, and then I was floating above, not in the luminous spaces of not in the dimensions of love where we come from, but just above the car, seeing the fire, seeing me being taken out of the car, and all that those pieces, but that happened at the kind of the end.

Alex Ferrari 11:16
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening. More and more every day, mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us. That is why I'm inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond. A six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul. Experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration. Join us and step into the extraordinary.

So, so at the end there, when you're floating above watching the scene, are you also feeling what's going on in your body, or are you then just disconnected? You're kind of coming in and out.

Efrat Shokef 12:22
I'm coming in and out. I'm feeling and I'm escaping. I'm feeling and I'm running away from it. Every time I draw it back into my body, it was so painful that I was just getting out of it.

Alex Ferrari 12:37
Fair enough. When you were on the other side, you say they were floating there, and there were other beings next to you. Are you? Are you assuming that those beings weren't there for you? They were on their own path, and you were just kind of all walking towards Yes, for lack of a better word, you're in a subway station. You're all walking towards the train, the trains, and then there was a point where you just couldn't go past anymore. They went on the train and you didn't have the ticket essentially.

Efrat Shokef 13:04
Yes, that's a precise way of putting it. Yes. One, take you forward in order to continue. I didn't have that and I didn't have any ticket or permission to cross off over. No, not.

Alex Ferrari 13:19
What did you so? So what else did you see besides these beings? What does the environment look like or feel like?

Efrat Shokef 13:26
I didn't see much. I could see in the very, very, very distance. I could see some gates, okay, very, very, very far away it was, it was not where I was. It was just luminosity, shimmering, beautiful, luminosity.

Alex Ferrari 13:44
Did you have any sounds? Did you hear any sounds?

Efrat Shokef 13:47
Yes, um, again, from far away, not where I was. Like, the best way I can describe it is like far away bells, or when my, one of my daughters, plays a harp, and when she plays a harp and closes the door because of acoustics, and I'm outside and I feel it. I can hear it vaguely, and it's, and it's, it's more of a physical feeling of the of the harp, making it sounds and creating because the harp is such an energetic tool, so instrument, so that kind of very, very delicate.

Alex Ferrari 14:23
So when you're when you were taken by your grandfather, slash spirit guide, and he and you're basically being shown Earth, what do you feel? The purpose of that experience was, because it's not a life review, where you review your life, or anything like that. It was an experiencing like, look at Earth from this point of view, and you're seeing the good and the beautiful, but also seeing the confusing and the negative happening down on Earth. Wasn't future events, wasn't past events, it was current things that were happening in the Now Is that correct?

Efrat Shokef 14:59
It was. In past is what is in future. Was it in the now, or was it examples? You know, as we step into other dimensions, there is no time, so I don't think time has had any significance there. I think the significance was what I was seeing, the interactions, and it was a lot, almost all of the scenes, not all of them, but almost all of the scenes that I recall and are alive within me were about relationships, and a lot about the relationships with our children and the promises, and that takes me to my book. That's the message I'm sharing. And I think that's why I needed to see what I was seeing, to understand that it is possible to create different conditions for children, to nurture them in a way that will allow them to avoid a lot of the confusion that we teach them and we and we kind of put them into. It's like we a child comes and they're they're loved, like you're love and I'm love, and that's what our cells are made of, and our food and our trees and our and our plants and our pets, everything and then, and we see that love in them, because we adore babies, and they push our buttons, like reminding us of what we are. It's not just, you know, in a an adapt, an adaptive availability, like, as they say in psychology, they're cute so that we would take care of them. No, they're cute because they're still innocent and pure and aligned to their truth. But then we need to fit them in, because of of modern life conditions, because, you know, there's no judgment about it. It's people need to put food on their table. People have a lot, you know, it's like, it's, there's no judgment about it, that we put them into boxes, and I think that most of what I was seeing was to open my eyes or my heart or my energy. I'm not sure what the red description is, that it is possible to do it differently, and that these tremendous confusion that we are living in little elements of our lives and in our big conditions of our lives, maybe good in the sense that the chaos is bringing everything out, and we have to become choice makers in terms of how we walk and what is our truth, but it is also about the very little details of how we walk life within our families, how we raise our children, and how we let them Stay true to ourselves, so we will not reach, as I did, a point that I needed a car crash and being severely wounded and needing to reorganize my whole physical so I would not go back to my old life.

Alex Ferrari 17:33
Why do you why do you think this happened to you? Is that? Is that the reason like you because you seem to have gone being on the path you were happy? You know, it's not like you were, oh, she's up, she's off doing drugs somewhere, and she's completely off the path that she was originally supposed to be on, and she's not doing the career that she I mean, you were not that you were on the path that you were happy in and seemed to be good and but it wasn't the path that you were supposed to be on, is what you're saying.

Efrat Shokef 17:57
Yeah, it wasn't the past I was supposed to be on. And so you were off. I was off. I was off,

Alex Ferrari 18:04
But happy, but happy, and yes, happy, yes, you were happy. You were happy, but off the path and almost ignorant, and an ignorant bliss of being off the side of this path.

Efrat Shokef 18:16
No, I wouldn't say it was an ignorant bliss, because I felt the discomfort.

Alex Ferrari 18:21
So you did feel it.

Efrat Shokef 18:22
Yeah, I was very happy. I was so grateful for my daughters. I was enjoying those moments with them. I looked forward to becoming a mom, and I was and I was, I was just happy about those years. I wasn't hurrying anywhere to come back to my career or but I was walking with a lot of questions, and there was something in me that wasn't settled, very delicate. So I was very happy, and we were happy as a family, but there was something that was not precise to who I was, and I was, again, like many other spiritual awakened beings, spiritually aware. I'm not sure how to refer to it. I was always intuitive. I always had psychical abilities. I always I was always able to mediate healing, all kinds of abilities that I embraced after as I was integrating what happened, but I wasn't walking those. I was ignoring myself because it scared me. I didn't have the guidance like many of us. But what I was showing shown was that it is possible to keep those abilities alive. It is possible to allow children to stay true to who they are. They don't have to ignore themselves, close everything out and then need an event, some transformative event. It doesn't have to be a near death experience. There are all kinds of event, events that invite us to show up to life.

Alex Ferrari 19:45
So so let me, let me ask you, what happened after you came back in your rehabbing How did you process what had happened to you? Because obviously you have had time to process it. Now you seem very comfortable with it. You've. You've gone back here and there, but right afterwards, I imagine this seemed this was an overloading of the circuits and the trauma of the physical body as well. How did you process all of this as you move forward after you came back?

Efrat Shokef 20:15
It was a long process, a very long process. The near death experience was an invitation. It was not an initiation for me. It was an invitation to start learning what love is, not just in the sense while I'm in that experience, but how I want to bring it to Earth, to my life, to how do I want to walk it took me a long time until I started sharing the story, sharing what happened. The first person I talked about this was my husband, and it was a few months after I was back home when we finally had a quiet moment on our own, because we had so much help. There were people around all the time, but in the hospital, a lot of things happened when I later shared with some of the doctors and nurses that were taking care of me and were walking with me through my processes of physical healing, what had happened when I was already about so as I said, You were calm. You were you know, I was never angry about anything. I was in tremendous pain, and I was smiling at them. I had this vibe about me that I wasn't noticing that something was in me was different, but I was different. I wasn't like other patients. And they later understood that it was a process with them as well, that they understood that those patients showing those symptoms, good symptoms, may have had an experience, and maybe somebody needs to ask about that experience. Then I learned there is something called the near death experience. You know, I suddenly found books, and books found their way to me in a magical way. It took me over a year until I was able to hold a book and read a page. From that point on, when I realized that something significant happened, I was for a while playing with it in a way that I didn't want to know anything. It scared me, but I was so I was more scared not to explore then stay safe, not going into those realms. And I was also all along from the moment of the car crash as soon as I woke up in the ICU, and I was constantly going back to those spaces. So I would go to rest, and I would close my eyes, and I would be in those luminous spaces. And then I learned that if I go through medical procedures, I can disassociate from my body and not feel the pain or feel the pain in it would be bearable, so I wouldn't need to take any medicine or desensitize myself. And the doctors did not like that because they didn't understand what was going on, but it was, and it was starting to control my ability to leave and come back, leave and come back and and. And around that time, I also started to intentionally close my eyes and go back to those spaces. And at that time, I was just going to again and again and again to the same space, to the same balcony, repeating the experience, reminding myself what happened, I guess, drinking energetically, feeling myself with healing light, so that I would have that as part of my the healing of my physical and Only then. And at that time I was also I was starting to write a word and another word. I wasn't able to write more until those words became passage paragraphs and messages started to come along in automatic writing and and I needed to understand what was coming. And about five years after the car crash, I think everything aligned into an understanding that I have an ability to travel and I can mediate healing using this ability and information and so and downloads. So I think that's a process of five years of integrating one step at a time, going back and forth, going back and forth, and it was aligned with my physical recovery, which took a long time.

Alex Ferrari 24:08
So when did you finally decide to come out of the NDE closet and tell everybody about it and write a book and become public about it and do interviews about it? How did, when did you decide to do that? And how did the people around you deal with this new version of you, which is a it's a common theme, and a lot of near death experiences and spiritual awakenings that people around them don't understand how to to deal with this, because they're dealing with their own stuff, and they kind of, you know, so, family, friends, colleagues, how did that work out? And then, how did you deal with it, psychologically about possibly losing family and friends?

Efrat Shokef 24:49
I was lucky to have my closest family, very supportive. At some point, my father sent me a book about near death experience. One. Of the first books about nudge experience that I read, and it was like it was a confirmation that he accepts the story and embraces me with it. A lot of people did not want to hear about it. A lot of people wanted to hear a bit of pieces about it, just the luminosity, but not, nothing about the integration, nothing about the challenges that it brought. It was like, give us that confirmation that afterlife exists, and let's not continue talking. A lot of friends stayed my friends, and a lot of friends did not stay my friends. And it was related to to the not only to the story of the near death experience, but also to the different frequency I started walking and the alignment. I really, I really need my moments to be aligned. And if I'm not aligned, I myself all of my sensitivities awoke, and so did the sensitivities of my daughters. So we were navigating life in a new form. We weren't able to join everything others were doing. We had different priorities because of my limited energy, and I have a few colleagues that still I'm not we're not in the same field anymore, but some of them I have, we still are connected through mutual friends, and they don't know how to digest me so well. And and, and I have a few others who think I completely lost it, and I and about that last point, I think even my close family, at some point, they were accepting the stories. I understood something really significant happened, but they were convinced I lost it that I'm losing my mind, and it was and having that reflection was also confusing me, and I was asking myself, am I losing my mind? Is any of what I'm remembering and experiencing real? And but it was, it was stronger than anything else in my life, I know it's real, I have no questions, but I needed to to get that confirmation from within me, knowing that it's real, and then when I started mediating healing, that was a proof. I guess that was the most powerful proof, because it doesn't matter what I feel or what I see or what I sense, the result, the end result matters is the person, the child and working with feeling better, is the issue solved or not so? And that gave me a lot of, I guess, stillness and calmness and confidence within what happened and what I'm seeing and what I'm experiencing, and that gave also the environment around me, my community. They see what I can do for them, so they trust what I'm talking about.

Alex Ferrari 27:52
So were you? Were you raised religious?

Efrat Shokef 27:55
No, no. I was in a circular home and but not. It wasn't a spiritual home at all. We didn't got it was just circular, yes,

Alex Ferrari 28:12
So then it wasn't. So there wasn't a big battle within yourself of like what you've been told about the afterlife or about how how the world works, or about God or or any dogmas. You didn't really have to deal with any of that. When you came back, you're like, Oh, this is the truth. Where there's a lot who are, like, Catholic or Jewish or Muslim, and they come back and going, well, everything I've been told is a lie, because I know the truth now. You didn't deal with that.

Efrat Shokef 28:36
No, not significantly. I was asking questions. I was trying to fit that in, into the paradigm I was walking with to make sense of things. And then I it was very easy for me to let go of those paradigms, because it was just it wasn't aligned. And no, that that was not an issue for me, not significantly.

Alex Ferrari 28:55
And were you? Did you have any spirituality in your life up until that accident? Did you have any Did you it seems like you would, did you ask questions? Did you dig into it a little bit? You know, any nothing? You were just like, I'm happy. I want to be I'm happy being a mom.

Efrat Shokef 29:09
My friends, like when I started sharing with close friends, and when they read my the draft of my book, my close friends from childhood, they were not surprised. They say I always had confidence in the beyond. A good friend that lost her mom a couple of years before my car crash, also in a car crash, said you always knew that. You showed me my mom above, above the grave at the funeral, you told me, let's wait so everybody will go away and you can talk to her. So I was seeing things, and I was experiencing and where I felt comfortable, I would touch on it, but then I would Shush, I would back away. So it wasn't but I wasn't asking questions. I didn't ask questions, and I didn't read books or anything. I had a bit of it within me,

Alex Ferrari 29:58
But let me ask you, if so, if you had these. Abilities before the crash. Why did you fear it? Why did you pull away from it? Why didn't you embrace it? Because there it didn't. Seems like there's a heavy religious world around you that would condemn you for doing it. So you were truly free to embrace this kind of stuff. But I understand it's a little weird. No question. But how do, but why? What was the, what was the thing that stopped you from investigating or going deeper into that?

Efrat Shokef 30:26
I think I can, I think, you know, in retrospect, I'm like, wiser now, but three reasons, I didn't as a child, I wasn't aware of the ones I could have shared, that I'm seeing things, experiencing things and and that may and I was always told I had a very fruitful imagination, so I was being put down with my abilities and that, you know, that I lost my confidence as a team for a while, and that's the second reason. And I see that with a lot of teens I work with, something opens up spirit, spiritually in the teen years, and it comes with puberty and something just it's like the soul as we reach puberty and and the kids are as if adults, like the physical body is becoming an adult body, although there's still kids, but many years later, the soul is starting to shout and and align and say what it wants and what it is and what's what what the past is. And they have a lot of spiritual experiences. I as a teen, I knew when people were going to die. I had premonitions about people in my environment, in my community, dying, and then they died. Now, what I didn't know is that always that what was happening was that I was tapping into the field, and the information of something coming was in the field so I could tap into it. I thought I was contributing to their death. And I was scared. I was scared of being myself, and I had and that would happen, and then I would close all the doors scared. And then I would something else would come along, and it would be the delicate, or it would be big, and I would close those doors again. And a third reason that I think is true for many of us walking spiritually. This is not my first time around on Earth, and I I know now, because I worked with a lot of past lives and parallel lives, not using my power Well, of abusing my power, and sometimes the abuse of our power is, is about not bringing our gifts to the world. We don't do anything bad. But I was really afraid of being a channel for healing, for mediating healing. Healing I needed, and ethics was and still a big issue for me, because I think we need to be very careful when we remediate something energetically at the soul level. It's really, really, really important, and I needed to process that, and until I was giving that excuse my language. Kick in the butt with the carcass of the new dash experience saying either you become who you are or you basically, you can live your life dead. I was really scared to show up for who I am, but then I didn't have any choice, because that was why I came back.

Alex Ferrari 33:19
Right! This was the So do you agree that on the other side, we do create a blueprint, a plan, for what we want to learn in this life, in this incarnation?

Efrat Shokef 33:28
Oh, definitely. Yes, yes. We create a plan. We have a blueprint, and some of it is very personal, the type of the personality of the parents where you're born, specific challenges that you want as a soul to to go through and in order for you to grow. And some of these, some of this blueprint and expectations is universal, and we try to weave it in together. And sadly, for most souls beings coming to earth these days, it's a plan that is going to change because the confusion around us is so tremendous. This is why I find it so important to find the ways and create the conditions for those kids and those families that are aware to stay true to who they are to stay true to their ability to their ability to listen, to be in a constant motion of of healing and opening up and embracing the moment and and so forth. So yes, we do have a blueprint. Only a small part of it we manage to go through unless we are very, very aligned. And being aligned is challenging. It's not an easy path,

Alex Ferrari 34:42
But when you get online, it's just like this wonderful ride. When you are on the path of worship, like, doors open up, things happen the way they're supposed to. People come into your life the way it's like you are just rocking and rolling, and then the rest of the time you're just like, bumping into a wall, bumping into a wall, bumping. Into another wall going around. It's the road gets rough. It's not a paved road. You lost your shoes like it's rough sometimes, to say the least,

Efrat Shokef 35:11
It's rough. And I think even being aligned all the time is very tough, because you lose a lot of people. You need to prioritize what you're doing what you're not doing, and unless I'm very fortunate to have a number of people around me that are all walking aligned in prioritizing their alignment. So this makes it as a family easier, because we are a number of families walking, and there is a gap. We bridge it, but for most people, it's, yeah, the road is Rocky. I know it was rocky for me, and it can still become rocky at times, and I try to enjoy it, but

Alex Ferrari 35:53
Dance in the rain, as they say, Yes, don't be afraid of the storm. Dance. Learn how to dance in the rain

Efrat Shokef 35:59
And choose joy. Choose to see the beauty. Choose to be grateful everything that is happening, happening in my country. Now, it's very difficult to, you know, say, Oh, I'm not part of it. I am part of it. That's the situation. But we it's about where we put our energy, what we're choosing to focus on, and how to live our lives.

Alex Ferrari 36:18
Do you believe that this next generation coming up as a parent and seeing your children and seeing other children, that these these souls that are coming in are much more awakened and ready than we were when we were coming in, as far as the level of frequency of these beings understanding that they're not falling traps. They're not falling into the traps that maybe you or I might have done in the dogmas or these institutions, or the stories that we were told coming in, that we might have believed until we discovered the truth ourselves. When they come in, they look at and they go, That's ridiculous. Why would I do something like that? Do you? Do you agree with that?

Efrat Shokef 36:58
Yes, yes, I will, I will say that the that my sample of the sample of the children and the teens and the families that I meet is not representative. I meet spiritually aware families from all over the globe and and my community. So it's a type of children that I meet, but when I look at little ones, it's expanding and they, and you get the that glimpse of eye to eye with them, and for a moment you can see, I can see their being, and some of them are souls, and some of them are beings that it is. It's their first journey to Earth, and possibly the only one. They are either here because of the adventure for them and because they're helping us raise a frequency. So, yes, a lot of these kids offer us higher frequencies. They show tremendous wisdom. They can say the wisest sentence and they have no idea what they said a minute later, because they're still in a dependent body. They don't forget as much as many of us did. Like you know, kids are come and they're aligned, and they're aware, and they talk with their angels and their spirit guides, and then they start to forget, also because of how we what we teach them in the educational system and in the homes and in religious and so the forgetting is not just a natural process, it is also something society creates, but Those that are coming now, it's much harder for us to make them forget. They're on a mission, and they're doing their best to remember, and they are bringing us something. They're bringing beautiful, beautiful energies and beautiful gifts. But we need to nurture that because we can. It's very easy to to stop a child from being who they are because they want to please us. They're dependent on us. So even those really, really advanced beings and advanced old souls coming to raise a frequency and and they're all over the world, need our help as parents, as adults, in the in the service and the conditions we create for them.

Alex Ferrari 39:05
There's, I'm sure, people listening right now who are or have lost somebody, who is about to lose somebody, or they're on their way out of this of this journey themselves, and they know that that time is coming soon. What message do you have for them? What What advice do you have for them for dealing with this loss or preparing to transition from for your point of view,

Efrat Shokef 39:33
For the one preparing to transition, I would just invite them to trust their last breath that the most beautiful thing that ever experience is going to happen at that moment, and if they're still in a state that they can read books or listen to audiobooks or listen to a podcast like yours, listen to as many near death experiences you can, because this will give you the confirmation and remind you of something that you know for those staying behind, I think that. That's, I think the hard pieces of those leaving are the suffering that need, because you need to leave the body somehow. So you need to help your body decline in some way. And sometimes we need those processes of developing dementia or Alzheimer's so that we reconnect to the spiritual world. Sometimes we need to be ill to appreciate and become grateful and let others take care of us and let go of control. So sometimes we need those processes, but they're not fine. I think that's part of the challenge for those staying behind. I think that's the most challenging piece, because we really miss those that have left, and sometimes it is right for them to communicate with us. We can always ask for signs, and we each see signs in different ways. It can be song and it could be butterflies that many people see. It can be various natural signs coming from nature. We can ask for those signs, but I've also learned that it's really important to respect the processes of those who left. Not always they're not always available to come. Sometimes they need to integrate, and they need to be away from us for a while until they can return and communicate with us. And people may if you share, and I hear that a lot people get the signs and get the tap they feel physically their loved one coming and touching them and being there for them, and but if they share it with others, people don't believe them, and things are going crazy, and just trust what you're feeling, trust what you're feeling. And for many, those connections actually open them up to spirituality and for downloads and information and guidance trusted processes, and there's so many psychics, mediums, shamans like myself, people that can guide in those situations. So just seek one in your area that you can meet face to face, not over zoom. This type of interactions need a hug and and, and get the confirmation that you need from those people who have those experience and, and sometimes can even connect you with those you've lost. So

Alex Ferrari 42:13
So then let me ask you this. You mentioned before that you are able to go back to that place again and again. How do you do that? And when you do go, what do you see? What do you experience? What do you what's happening?

Efrat Shokef 42:32
At first, I was just able to pop up close my eyes and and not feel anything that was going on around me and be in that luminous environment and just absorb light. And I still go there sometimes, just to absorb light, nothing else this. It doesn't change. It doesn't look different. I don't meet other guides there. It's just about embracing who I am and reminding myself and nourishing my energy. What opened up for me was something that I later learned was called shamanic journey, was traveling to other dimensions. So in shamanic journeying, for those not familiar with it, I would describe it as an advanced guide and imagination, if somebody else is guiding you, but once you know the map of the cosmos, you can go on your own. And there are various stops, like in a traveling with a train and stopping in various spots, until you know how to reach various spaces, various dimensions in the cosmos and and communicate with other beings or receive the healing that those dimensions can offer us. Healing dimensions, dimensions of wisdom, dimensions of love, dimensions of compassion, dimensions of color, and other planets, as well as other planets. So using the method of a shamanic journey, I am able to travel to those spaces that I feel comfortable traveling to and bringing information or bringing a soul peace back or for a client or or mediating the healing that I am here to mediate.

Alex Ferrari 44:08
What was some of the most profound knowledge that you brought back from one of these trips?

Efrat Shokef 44:15
That's a hard one. I think the knowledge that we are beyond, it's not a, you know, a profound piece of wisdom, but it's, it's, I try to walk that oneness. And that oneness is not just about one with earth and one with the plants and one with the plants. It's also oneness with other beings in the cosmos, in the universe, and that sense of frequency and energy. It is not something that I can express in words, but as soon as we open up to seeing a world not as matter, but as energy and the energy of things, things change, our acceptance, our ability to communicate, our ability to be so, yeah, it's not a perfect. On piece of wisdom, but that's what's coming to me now, so I guess that's what I'm supposed to be sharing

Alex Ferrari 45:05
Fair enough. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all of my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Efrat Shokef 45:11
Joy, living in joy, following our truth and managing to weave ease and grace into it.

Alex Ferrari 45:19
Very true. If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to the little version of yourself, the child, what would you say?

Efrat Shokef 45:26
I would tell her that what she knows is true and that it's not going to be an easy journey to convince the other adults and the others around her, but to follow that truth that she knows.

Alex Ferrari 45:41
How do you define God or Source?

Efrat Shokef 45:44

Alex Ferrari 45:47
What is love?

Efrat Shokef 45:49
Love is you. Love is me. It's a practical that it's everything, and it's a practical that creates everything. It is what we are now and our potential

Alex Ferrari 46:00
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Efrat Shokef 46:02
On Earth it is Joy. Joy, Joy. Enjoy, enjoy the beauty. Earth is so beautiful. With all the chaos going on Earth is so beautiful, and relationships are so beautiful, and this, there's such a sacred path. And enjoy people, enjoy nature, enjoy who you are, enjoy creativity, live joy.

Alex Ferrari 46:25
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Efrat Shokef 46:30
On my website, that's my website, and my book. I'll show it just it's The Promise We Made. It's on Amazon and practically everywhere books can be found.

Alex Ferrari 46:44
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Efrat Shokef 46:51
Trust your knowing, trust your intuition, trust your truth, and nurture that truth of your own children. Our children need that reflection, that energetic communication that they know and what they know is right, and they need that nourishment from all of us, even if it's just in there, the lady in the supermarket, that you can look into the eyes of a child and give that luminous confirmation everything is okay. We are safe as souls, to be who we are.

Alex Ferrari 47:27
Efrat it's been such a pleasure talking to you. I love your energy. You're so you have just beautiful luminance about you. No pun intended. Uh, thank you so much for being on the show, and I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken the planet. So thank you so much.

Efrat Shokef 47:40
Thank you for having me. Thank you.

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