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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 515
Dr. Theresa Bullard 0:00
Every 11 years, the magnetic north pole, south pole, and the sun flip. So this solar maximum that we're currently in right now is a stronger one than like the previous ones the universe led me into discovering alchemy. And as I started reading it, it was fascinating, because I was like, Oh, this alchemy is not at all what we were taught in school. It's the wisdom is the gold, and it's this really ancient tradition of the process of transformation. I believe that we're coming into a time now where humanity needs to wake up to more of our galactic being, that we are not just citizens of Earth, we are citizens of the galaxy. We are citizens of the cosmos. Most people, when they think of Kabbalah, they associate it with Jewish mysticism. But Kabbalah itself is more ancient than any of the religions. It's more universal in its system. It's more pure, if you will, in the sense that it's just it's about knowing thyself.
Alex Ferrari 0:55
I like to welcome to the show. Dr Theresa Bullard-Whyke, how you doing Dr. Theresa?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:10
Good! Thank you for having me on.
Alex Ferrari 1:11
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited. I've been wanting to have you on the show for a while. I watched your show on Gaia a while ago, and I was just like, anytime I can get a physicist. I've had met many quantum physicists, physicists, NASA, rocket sciences, anyone in the sciences who are also discussing spirituality is their unicorns. Are not very many of them out there.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:34
I like being a unicorn.
Alex Ferrari 1:35
Yes. So it's not a lot of them out there. And it's, it's where I think we're all going. It's kind of like this melting of the science and the spirituality, or, as I like to call it, the science and the Woo, the woo woo. So, so I have to ask you, so from being a physicist, how did you go from being a physicist to the woowoo, the spiritual Woo, woo, this, this insanity that a lot of people in your field look at like, what are you doing? So how did that happen?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:04
Well, I think it's, you know, it's a journey, first of all. And I think I had the advantage at the beginning of having been raised with a very open mind. So I was exposed to some metaphysics and energy healing and stuff through my parents, especially my mom. And so I grew up with some of it. However, when I was younger, I thought it was too Woo, woo, too eccentric, too out there, and I just wanted to be normal and fit in, and so I pushed it away. But then, as I got into university and I was, I was getting on the track of science and starting to pursue physics. I was very interested in astrophysics, and I really wanted to understand how the universe worked, right? I had big questions. And but then I also went to University of Denver, where it was more of a liberal arts school. So I had to do diversity, diversify. You know, I had different like honors English and various world religions and so forth. So I got exposed to a lot there again, and got really, I think my first personal resonance was in this English class that where we had to read the transcendental poets like Wordsworth and William Blake and Thoreau and and I thought, yeah, this really resonates. And then, so, so, you know, I explored a lot in in my, you know, teens and early 20s, I suppose, but it was all just on the side, you know, it's very career driven and focused and into athletics. And as I got into graduate school, I found myself immersed in 80 hours of left brain physics a week just pursuing that PhD. And it was, it was I went from a life of diversity to a life of just one thing. There's only room for one thing here, and that's science and and after about a year of that, I found myself feeling really out of balance. And because of that, I actually found myself depressed for the first time in what I could remember of my life at that point, and really dissatisfied with what graduate school was turning out to be. I thought we would be able to explore more the meaning of the quantum physics, and why is this? And, you know, get into deeper conversations, but it was like the exact opposite. It's like, don't ask questions about philosophy. Don't, don't talk about consciousness, and, God forbid, talking about spiritual anything and and just learn how to derive the equations, and do you know, pass your tests, all of that and so. So that put me in a position where I was like, something's got to change, because if I don't find that meaning and that balance and that well being again in my life, I'm not going to survive this. And I. Um, so, but I wanted to be efficient. So, like a scientist, I very systematically brought back in the aspects of life that I had had prior. I brought back in sports and social time and creative hobbies. And another year goes by, and everything's better, but not quite the joy is still missing. And and then one day, there was just, I was I was just thinking about the back of my mind while I was at the gym, and this little voice kind of came in and said, there's one thing you haven't brought back in, and that one thing was the spirituality. It sort of always been there, but I never had to put it up front. And all of a sudden it was like, well, it's the only thing I have to go on. Was a bit surprised, because by that point, I was very indoctrinated into the scientific way of thinking and spirituality, to me, was always just sort of my background, philosophy versus the thing. But here it was, the only thing I had to go on. So I dove into science and consciousness, science and spirituality anywhere where the two would meet, because I couldn't believe anything spiritually at that point, that negated what I knew to be true scientifically. But I felt that there was also a lot of room in science for there to be metaphysical components to it. It just they needed to match up, you know. So as an example, in math, there's certain constants, fundamental constants in the universe, and they, you know, like pi and phi and E, and these numbers actually all connect. There's a beautiful place where they all connect and come together. And it's almost like this is too perfect. There's this fine tuning within the universe. In astrophysics and cosmology, we learn that the universe is so finely tuned to be conducive to life and and even consciousness to evolve, that even if one of those things like the mass of the electron. If that was just a little bit different than it is now, we would not be here, right? So to me, I saw everything there's there's some perfection here, there's some intentionality here. That's, you know, part of a greater plan that that we're still trying to discover. And I felt that there's an intelligence and that that to me was, there's a spirit, there's there's a purpose to it all. So I dove into the finding, trying to find that where the two met.
Alex Ferrari 7:29
So yeah, it seems like you were kind of like you snuck into the physics department, almost as a sleeper cell of spirituality. Because normally, now, when you did all this, this is after your degree, or this is before your degree was over, I was in the midst of it, so you so, yeah, so it's kind of like you were, you got in, and you're doing the math, and you're doing the all the stuff that needs to be done for your PhD, but you're also, you know, going into waking up. That's fascinating, because I've heard of people who've gone through their career and maybe have had five or 10 years in their career, then wake up. You were like, right in the middle of now, at any point, did you just like, this physics stuff is just not making sense. Like, did it? Did at any point you just like, do I want to do? I want to finish this?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 8:20
That's a great question you got me, oh, my goodness, I actually tried to leave physics five times between undergrad and grad school. There was probably five points along the way where I was like, I'm out of here.
Alex Ferrari 8:32
What is it because of the because of the belief system? Or is it because of the pain and the struggle that it is to get a PhD in physics?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 8:41
You know what it was the hardest subject for me, of all the subjects that I
Alex Ferrari 8:45
Dr. Theresa Bullard 8:46
Yeah, physics was the hardest.
Alex Ferrari 8:47
So for whatever reason, why did you go to a PhD?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 8:51
You know, it was kind of one of those things where the universe led me into it. I never would have picked physics, but I so. Can I tell you another story, please? Okay, so I was in my, like, going into my senior year of high school, and I was looking at universities, and I knew I was going to go and get I felt like, at that stage in my life, I want to go as far as I need to go with my career, to never hit the glass ceiling as a woman. And, you know, I was looking at, what am I going to major in? Should I do psychology? Should I do this? Should I do that? Maybe math, maybe chemistry. I don't know, and I wasn't necessarily like super gung ho on science at the time, but I didn't really know what I wanted to do. But as we were looking at universities, and I was trying to get a volleyball scholarship as well to help pay for my college, my mom and I had gone off, and we were traveling around on a road trip to look at a couple different universities. And we went out to Phoenix, University of Phoenix, and I knew I wanted to go out of state. I was like, get me out of Southern California.
Alex Ferrari 9:54
Most people want to stay in Southern California.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 9:58
Beautiful weather, but yeah. I needed. I needed the four seasons. I needed depth.
Alex Ferrari 10:04
You always want what you don't have. It's just amazing. Most people are like, I promise you people in Michigan or in Buffalo in the middle of the winter, though, you know Southern California, not so bad.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 10:14
Yes, I know. But there, you know, my soul called me to an adventure, if you will, fair enough, and and so we were going from Phoenix up to Northern Arizona University. And on the way, we decided to stop through Sedona. And so my mom and I were just, you know, doing a little vacation, if you will, while also going and checking out universities. And in Sedona, of course, you've got all these vortexes. It's a very spiritual place. And we were we got a little tour to go around, to see the vortexes, and I was just really inspired by we had a lot of synchronicities happening during that time. And then, as we were driving out, we're on our way to Northern Arizona, my mom was driving. You know how in the desert you have just it's like beautiful, beautiful night sky, no light pollution, and she's driving, and I'm looking out and, you know, I've been inspired by this experience. And I'm looking out the window, and I'm seeing all the stars, and I see the whole Milky Way galaxy going across the sky, and I'm like, wow, that is so amazing. What's out there? I want to know what's out there. There's something. There's so much more to the universe than our mundane little lives down here. And I want to know what's out there. And that was the moment when the like, oh, that's what I want to major in. And I decided I wanted to do astronomy, okay, to understand the universe, and but then in the university that I chose, which is the University of Denver, it's the one that felt right to me, just intuitively, this feels right. But they didn't have astronomy as a major they and so the advisor is like, Well, do you do you want to go? Do you think you'll go to graduate school at some point? I was like, Yeah, I do. I think so. He's like, well, then what's most important if you want to do astronomy down the line is that you have a physics background, and then maybe you could do astronomy or astrophysics down the line. I was like, okay, physics was the last subject I would have chosen, but I'll trust you, and that's how I got into physics and but why I wanted to leave it a couple times is really because Newtonian science,
Alex Ferrari 12:11
Ohh just the Yes, yes, I get it. No, I complete. The second you said, that was like, Okay, I get it. I get it's such it's such a dogmatic look at, you know, it's, it's very much, really, it's a religion.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 12:27
Well, it had become, yeah, I mean, it had become the scientific dogma for a couple 100 years. I think Newton himself would have, would be rolling in his grave at what they made of the science that he because he was an alchemist. He was very spiritual, and he revolutionized the world at the time through his science. But he did say, He warned, don't take God out of the equation. Don't try to make the universe a great machine. And that's exactly what they did.
Alex Ferrari 12:57
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening more and more every day, mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us. That is why I'm inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond a six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul. Experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration. Join us and step into the extraordinary.
Isn't as funny that that's basically what they've done with all great teachers. I mean, you mean, let's not even talk about Jesus, but, but all great teachers, they they kind of strip away the stuff that doesn't appeal to what they're trying to achieve, the agenda, the agenda and in all fields, it's all fields. It's like that, even Einstein, when we're talking Einstein was a, I don't know if he was a spiritual person, but he definitely was an intuitive person. And he also basically went so far. He's like, there is an organizing and please correct me for more. There's an organizing force.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 14:26
He believed in God. I mean, he wanted to understand the mind of God.
Alex Ferrari 14:29
Right! So, but when you hear of Einstein, you know, it's physics, and that's it. And, you know, and then Oppenheimer and all that kind of stuff. But the greatest scientists, the greatest mathematicians, all connect to the ether, the Aqua, the Akashic field, the the the source, they channel, in many ways, wasn't when he when Einstein would play the valley violin to get ideas. He. But it was just form of channeling, essentially. Is that correct?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 15:02
Yeah, most of the really brilliant revolutionaries in science have a musical side to them, or they have some other really creative, artistic side to them. So it's like they're accessing more the whole brain, right? They have the right brain kind of creative capacity. They have the left brain, you know, detail oriented and the linear logical, but they know how to access both hemispheres. Whereas I would say the education of science is very, very heavily left brain. So they don't really emphasize that whole brain. They you know, it's about staying in the box, if you will, of course, and yeah. So my experience of Newtonian physics, so my first several years of of education in physics was, it was all classical. It was all Newtonian based. And it was very practical, right? It's like, how to, how to build buildings, how to make an airplane. It's, you know, how to, how to calculate the speed of a baseball. It's, you know, it's practical stuff that we experience in our macroscopic, 3d world. But it was not interesting to me. I'm like, I want to know what's out there. I want to I want to understand the deeper principle.
Alex Ferrari 16:10
Did you ever think of going into quantum physics?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 16:12
Well, that's the thing. Is, I was, it was only when I got to what they called Modern physics and quantum physics, that is like, Oh, this is interesting. Now this this intuitively I got it. Whereas, whereas classical physics, it was, it didn't connect as well for me. So it's almost like innately and intuitively, I really understood quantum physics, even without necessarily having to do all the math of it. I understood principles of it, but the Newtonian physics was just like it was so mechanical, and it was so, I don't know, it just didn't connect for me, like I had a harder time with it. So it just, it was dull, just dull. And so it was. But in science education, you're usually going to start out with the classical physics first and then. So once they've programmed you into the Newtonian way of thinking and perceiving and doing, then they start to introduce you to quantum and then, and then you have to like it doesn't make sense to most people, because it's so contrary to the Newtonian principle,
Alex Ferrari 17:16
Your base is completely counterintuitive of what your your fun stuff is teaching. So of course not, it's kind of like when you're we're teaching writing and storytelling. They teach you the classics. You go you go back to Plato, you go back to the bait, the real basics of it. And by the time you get to Quentin Tarantino, what is what is happening? What's going on, you know? Or Chris Nolan, you're like, what is, what's happening? It's, it's, it's very difficult thing, but that's, I guess, the systems they have to teach you, the classics. But they, they kind of impregnate you with this, these ideas that it's very difficult to and program you, to get you out of to become a free thinker. They don't teach. They don't they don't build free thinkers in American education, I'm not sure about European as well, but either of them, I don't think they teach free thinkers. Generally speaking,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 18:11
Not so much anymore. You know when, when the quantum physics revolution came around, they were free thinkers. They especially the younger generation at that time. Einstein would have been actually the older generation at that time. And then you had your people like Niels Bohr and Schrodinger and these guys who were the founding fathers of quantum physics, like they came along, and they were pushing against the old paradigm, if you will. And they were free thinkers. And there was amazing dialog, amazing conversation. They even talked about, you know, the consciousness and what role it has to play within quantum physics and but at some point, scientists just decided we need to get back to the business of science. So let's put all these philosophical conversations to the side, and let's just get back to the technology, the applicability, the science of it, right? That the philosophy, the spiritual whatever, that's not our domain and and and so then they just sort of swept it into the closet, the whole consciousness, piece of the conversation, and, and then, you know, by the time my generation came along, it's, you know, just here's how you do it, derive it, you know, first principles. It's the math, it's the skepticism. You got to poke holes at the argument. You know, there's and there's no room for talking about philosophy and and I remember, remember this point in my graduate school where I had passed, once I gotten past the qualifying exams, which was its own journey. I was then told by my advisor, okay, now, now that you've gotten to this point, now you need to come up with something original, an original contribution to the field of science that's never been done before. And I looked at him, and I'm like, I wouldn't even know where to start, right? Because that's not how I've been trained in school. It's like. I've been trained to do and, you know, not think originally, but to just follow. And so I that was actually one of the things that probably led me to feeling really depressed. Is I felt very cut off from my creative side. You know, I felt very creative cut off from my intuitive side, like my feminine side. Everything got very cut off in the process of trying to fit into the mold of the of the physics mentality, and that's ultimately why I broke out of just going and following a traditional track, is because I needed to have more balance and more wholeness, and the more I discovered my spirituality. At some point I realized actually my passion is, have a passion for science. It's very, you know, there's certain things are very interesting to me. And then I have a passion for the consciousness and human potential and the spiritual side. And at some point I realized, Oh, my purpose is to bring the two together, which means I'm not going to follow a traditional track.
Alex Ferrari 21:02
So when? So when you decided to go off the rails, as you will, off the beaten path, let's say that path, though, thumb would think off the rails, depending on the point of view, I guess. But when you decide to to go off the beaten path, what was it like for your colleagues and for your family and your friends and people who who are around you? Because, I mean, you are definitely a free thinker at this point, you're going against the grain. You're pretty much committing sacrilege, um, talking about this stuff, and not only talking about it, but teaching it, and getting on shows and and doing all this, what was, what was, what did the community? Because I know it's a very small, little, tight knit community, like a knitting circle. What did they say, and how did you deal with that? Because that takes a tremendous amount of bravery.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 21:57
Yeah, I wasn't brave at first. Most aren't. I was following my heart, but I wasn't brave enough to be open about it. You were closeted. Yes, I was. I was in the closet about my spirituality. Sure, within the physics community, and I remember being deathly afraid of losing, losing credibility, right? That's the big threat in the physics, in the science industry in general, I would say is you can't lose your credibility. If you lose your credibility, you won't get published. If you don't get published, you won't get a job. This kind of can't get tenure, all of that. And so I, yeah, I was very quiet and about it, and I just showed up. I was quiet, I did my work, did my research, and kept the spiritual stuff to the my free time. And fortunately, though I had a family that was very accepting, I had a mother who I could talk with about anything, and I searched for community outside of the science department. And I even for a while when I started to teach in some of these metaphysical classes and do some healing modalities and so forth. I took on an alias for a while because I was really afraid of losing that credibility or getting found out, if you will, within the science department. But so it was a, it's quite a journey of live, you know, living two lives and and that started, that was also part of my process, of my own, you know, coming into integration is, like, I had to stop keeping them separate, because it was kind of tearing me apart,
Alex Ferrari 23:29
But it was a process that you needed to go through. You had to, kind of, it's a journey. You had to walk. And it wasn't fun. I mean, it's kind of like this quiet, like, I'm just gonna do this on the side. I'm gonna do this on the side. I'm like, I have to, have to choose,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 23:42
You know, I think it was a journey to coming to know myself, yeah, to face my fears, yep, to accept myself, even if they didn't accept me,
Alex Ferrari 23:51
Takes a tremendous amount of bravery,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 23:52
Yeah. And it was, yeah, yeah. I had to take some leaps at certain points. And I remember at one point it was like, I, I don't want to, you know, I started off in neutrino physics. And neutrinos are these little particles that come from the sun, also from supernova, and we were detecting them at the I was working with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, working to, you know, figure out what they called the neutral signal that came from the neutrinos and and I remember looking at my advisors and who was around me as a model for what, what kind of career trajectory that would look like in the end. And I asked them, Well, what did you do before this? And would you do before that? And they were always chasing neutrinos. And I was like, I don't want to chase neutrinos for the rest of my life. They're interesting, but that's not what I'm here for, right? And so I left that, and I actually let I pulled out of graduate school for a while. I went and worked at a national lab for a bit, and in that process, I was, I was taking further steps on my spiritual path. And. And I actually got put in a position of, okay, here's here's a modality to do that awakens people's potential called the the life activation, or Dean activation. And I personally had benefited from it, and then it was being given to me, or handed down to me in the Mystery School tradition, to to do it for others. And when I started doing it for others, I found that there was like real fulfillment in and real joy in having a hand in helping somebody, one on one, directly improve their lives. And the more I did that, the more I felt fulfilled. And so on one hand, I was doing my research, it was, it was a Non Proliferation in the national lab, and like nuclear detection and stuff. And then, on the other hand, I was doing these spiritual healing and DNA activation and life activation modalities for people. And you know, neither of them crossed paths. They were very separate, but one gave me a lot of joy and fulfillment, and the other one, the only one who cared about it was, you know, me, and whoever I was working for and and so I had this really stark contrast between service and in a more spiritual, metaphysical way and the pursuit of knowledge. And, you know, maybe technology just for the sake of itself. It was very basic science. I thought I got to follow my heart here. I got to follow what fulfills me,
Alex Ferrari 26:31
But you still got to pay the bills. Yeah, there's that. So how did that work out?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 26:35
Well, I started doing just on the side, actually, what I ended up doing, because I was going to leave graduate school at that time and just take my master just take my masters and go, I wasn't going to get the PhD and and I started looking for a job, but I wanted it to be a job where I could just be myself and kind of bridge the consciousness and the science. And, you know, I went and applied, like with the Monroe Institute to see if they had a position. I talked to Bill tiller, who was a scientist who's kind of doing some research in consciousness. And you know, I talked with a couple different people, and the overwhelming message, they were like, we would love to have you, but you really should go back and finish your PhD. And so it was like, this message kept coming to go finish the PhD, so I went back.
Alex Ferrari 27:23
But the thing is that I think people like yourself, who are in the sciences, and you've, you've reached a certain level, like a PhD, adds a lot of credibility to what we're doing. Now, it's not woo, woo. You're not, you know, you're not a gypsy at a carnival anymore talking about this kind of stuff. And you're not the only one. I've had multiple, I know multiple people who came from all fields, you know, from the highest levels of government to rocket scientists to quantum physicists and physicists as well, doctors PhD, all of them who have come over to the spiritual side of the force, if you will. And and started to teach, but add credibility to essentially, an area that was extremely Woo, you know. And I use the Woo, you know, and the fleek, the freak flag, would fly in so many ways. I say that with all the love in the world, but, but you're adding a lot of credibility to it, and it takes a tremendous amount of bravery to do that. It's the number one fear of human, of a human is to be ousted from the tribe, more than death, yeah. And you know, which is ridiculous, but it is what it is. So. So let me ask you, where do you see the bridge between science and spirituality? How do these two things meet and talk to each other in your point of view.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 28:42
You know, when I was first exploring that, where is that bridge? I think that quantum physics really lends itself well to a lot of ancient mystical teachings. I started off like reading stuff like Tao physics, for example, whereas Eastern philosophy meets, you know, quantum physics. And I thought, Oh, this is great. I read Lynn mctaggarts book The field, which I thought, Oh, my God, this is amazing. And, and, you know, different books. But my frustration with all of it was that it was so theoretical, and I was an experimental scientist, so it was like, I knew we have to bring it to practical. Like, how can we ground this? How can we test it? How can we can we apply it, because it won't be accepted until it can become practical versus just conceptual and and somehow the universe led me, as I started asking the right questions, the universe led me into discovering alchemy, and that at first I had the the mindset, the program mindset, that the alchemists were just trying to turn lead into gold, yeah, Merlin, we know that that's not possible. And they're all pseudo whatever. You know, they're charlatans. So I had this sort of scapegoat about them in in my mind, from, from. Programming. But then this book again, synchronicity just said, Nope, you need to pay attention to this. And, you know, multiple things that pointed to it all at the same time. And I was like, Okay, I'm gonna open up my mind. I'm gonna read the book that came to me. It was a book by it was a book on the Emerald Tablets by Dennis Wayne Mauch, who's commentary on the Emerald Tablets, and as I started reading it, it was fascinating, because I was like, Oh, this alchemy is not at all what we were taught in school. It's a it's the wisdom is the gold, and it's this really ancient tradition of the process of transformation, whether it's the self transformation or the transformation of a plant into a medicine, or, you know, a mineral into, you know, something that is even more valuable, or the transformation of stardust into a planet. It's, it's the formula of transformation, and it's very universal. And not only that, but science came out of alchemy. All the early scientists were alchemists, and so I realized through this that this is a major key, because when it was alchemy, science and spirituality were integrated. They were one thing. They weren't separated. You the scientists would go into their lab and be preparing to do some experiment with, you know, some chemicals or some light or do some distillation process. And before they would do that, they would do prayers. They would do some ritual. They would do meditation. They because they knew that they were entangled with their experiment and that they had to be in the right state for the experiment to turn out right. So that was their philosophy and and then only later, after sometime after Newton did the science split away from the spiritual implications. And I think actually it was a political thing, because the church was persecuting. No, the scientist,
Alex Ferrari 32:00
Stop it. Galileo, Galileo anyone?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 32:04
And many others, right? It was they were being declared heretics because they were, you know, coming with these theories that were different from what the Church doctrine was. And so the scientists split away in order to survive, give them the freedom to pursue knowledge.
Alex Ferrari 32:22
Yeah, that church, it does. It does do a few things. You mentioned that you were, it's a new the Newton, the Newton. What was it? Not Newton, but neutrons, neutrinos, neutrinos, thank you. Those are from the sun or something.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 32:39
Yeah, they're, they're, they're small, tiny, tiny particles that are part, I mean, they came out from the Big Bang. They're, they're, they're part of the nuclear reactions, whether it's fusion or fission, they neutrinos will come out usually with Fusion, in particular, they carry energy, but they don't interact through the strong force or the or the electromagnetic force or the gravitational force. So they only interact with matter through what's called the weak force, so they're very hard to detect.
Alex Ferrari 33:13
So the reason I bring that up is because lately, there's been a lot of talk of solar flares.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 33:18
Yes, we're in the midst of it.
Alex Ferrari 33:20
Yes. So there's a lot of slower flares. There's talk of a solar flash. I haven't spoke. I've spoken to the woo, woo people about it. I'm joking. I've thought I've spoken to other people about but I haven't had a conversation about it with a physicist, from a physicist who's also a spiritual point of view. So can you, because there's a lot of fear around this, can you explain what these flares are, about, what it what they do, what they're doing to our to our atmosphere, to our, you know, to our Earth in general, from a physics standpoint, and then also from a spiritual standpoint. Because from my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong, our electronic, our electromagnetic field that normally protects us from those kind of things is either weakening or thinning because of the cycle that we're in right now. Is that correct or incorrect?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 34:09
So the sun, the solar model today, has like an 11 year cycle every 11 years, the magnetic north pole, south pole on the Sun flip. And so it's every 11 years this happens. And when it comes time where it's it's getting close to what they call solar maximum, the magnetic field lines start getting tangled up on the sun. And when they get really tangled, that's when you have then a solar flare and the ejection of solar mass and light and particles and whatnot to kind of release out. It jets out. And so this solar maximum that we're currently in right now is a stronger one than like the previous ones, for example. But there's there's cycles that you know, on a cosmic scale. These cycles. Our regular thing, sure, on a human scale. You know, it may seem like a big deal, because our cycles are very small by comparison to cosmic cycles. And then when the mass and whatnot, the solar flare ejects all this matter, these plasma there's photons, neutrons, neutrinos, all of it coming out. It hits our Earth, and the magnetic field of the Earth will react, because you have all this highly charged ionic energy and light that works through the electromagnetic force. It's going to interact with the magnetic field of Earth, and some of it gets drawn in. Some of it bounces off and just kind of bends around the earth. And some of it gets drawn in through the field. And as it gets drawn in, it it does shift the frequency of like Schumann resonance and so forth. You know, the frequency of the earth starts to shift. It will, it will create a more highly charged field inside our atmosphere, if you will, more ions, right? So there's more electric charge. And that can affect weather. Does that affect? It can affect us, for sure, because we are bio electromagnetic, of course, right? We have, we have bio field around our heart, around our brain. And what I what I feel, is that if you are prone to imbalance, then that kind of light and and higher charge coming in will amplify the imbalance. But if you are balanced, then that charge and that light comes in, and it amplifies your alignment, your balance, right? So it's, it can it's not bad. It's not necessarily all good. It's it, excuse me, it's based on the individual and how they harness it, which is kind of true. You know, if you look at astrology, for example, you can have conjunctions and squares and, you know, various alignments. That for some people, it might be like, Oh no, right? Oh God, Mercury's going retrograde. And for others it's like, okay, great. Now I know how to use this, right? I can, I can plan accordingly. And so I think it's always a tool that we have to learn how to harness. And but when you have more light coming in, and not only from our sun, I mean, we've had light coming in from other cosmic sources, you know, sometimes it's coming from the center of the galaxy. There's even a nova that's about to hit the Earth, right?
Alex Ferrari 37:40
So then let me stop you for a second, the Nova that's coming, Beetlejuice, right?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 37:44
Yeah, somewhere out that way,
Alex Ferrari 37:46
Not Michael Keaton, but
Dr. Theresa Bullard 37:48
The star.
Alex Ferrari 37:49
But, yeah, well, he's a star as well. But the other kind of star, um, from my understanding, is when that gets to us, it will become a permanent part of our sky, essentially, that will always have something up there, kind of like a shining light.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 38:03
It might be brighter for a while, yeah, until, you know, it depends on how much and how, for how long that Nova energy. And I mean that when that actually exploded, it would have been 3000 light, you know, it would have been 3000 years ago. But it's taken that long to hit Earth because it's, you know, around 3000 light years away. It that's, so it's, it's ancient light actually coming from the cosmos to influence us here now.
Alex Ferrari 38:31
And how will it influence us?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 38:33
You know, it's, I think, that there's various cosmic energies coming in to trigger awakenings. We're in a time on the planet where humanity needs to awaken, we need to become more conscious of the light. We need to become more conscious of our connection to the whole cosmos, because we are so focused on our dramas of human society on Earth, and we think that this is every This is it. Everything you know about what we experienced in this 3d physical human construct, is it? But it's not. This is like just a speck of dust in like the vast cosmos, and yet, because of entanglement, because everything is connected, you know, we, we are the microcosm of the macrocosm as above, so below, I'm going to go really metaphysical here for a moment. And so whatever is happening above, and then it comes and it actually shines upon us. It's trying to awaken something here below. So I believe that we're coming into a time now where humanity needs to wake up to more of our our galactic being, that we are not just citizens of Earth, we are citizens of the galaxy. We are citizens of the cosmos, that what we do here on earth plays a role like it ripples out, right? We're not We're not a closed box. You know that what we do here doesn't matter outside. It does matter. It ripples out. Everything is connected and so. So it's like trying to wake us up to this time where we realize that we need to be more responsible as humans, for our thoughts, for our words, for our deeds, for what we're doing on this earth and how that ripples out into the universe and and I think the the light you know, that's added, the Amplified light that's coming in, whether physically from cosmological sources or spiritually from, you know, higher spiritual planes coming down like veils being removed right now. And all of that is bringing more light so that we can wake up, so that we can see what it is we need to change in our way of being on this planet.
Alex Ferrari 40:43
So there's another thing that's coming in too. Is that asteroid is coming, not the one that's going to kill us, but a little asteroid, apparently, that's going to be circling, or, Oh yeah, circling around this interesting around the moon. And all of my days, I have never heard of this happening any I mean, at least to us, any time in history that I know of, I might be mistaken. There has to be some. And maybe I'm just fine looking for something here. But there has to be some significance to that at this time, like again, like all these cosmic things are happening, between solar flares, between the juice and lights and energy. There seems to be a lot of Stump something's happening, and it seems to be coming to a head that something's going to pop. And I don't mean in a bad way, I mean in a good way, an awakening, a shift in timeline, a shift in trajectory of humanity. But there's these little signs all over the place, so people should not be afraid of this asteroid.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 41:40
No, there's nothing to be afraid of. You know, there's asteroids and comets. There's asteroids all throughout our solar system, and every now and then, we'll get one coming that we didn't realize was even there. And because we don't know everything, we don't know everything. And sometimes, you know, we're looking through our telescopes, but it's obscured by the sun, for example, and it's coming from that direction, all of a sudden we get caught off guard. Off guard, but this, you know, but they, they, they have orbits, right? So this isn't a new thing. This isn't the first time it's coming. And maybe it's just we're paying attention to it now. So can pay attention to it, we can pay attention to it, and we are paying attention to it, right? It's being talked about, whereas maybe in the past, it wasn't really talked about, or people weren't paying
Alex Ferrari 42:20
I know about it. I mean, I'm not an astrophysicist, by any stretch, or an astronomer. So, yeah, if it got to me,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 42:28
It's pretty fascinating, though, how it's coming in. It's going to loop around the in between the moon and the and the earth, and then it's going to go around. It's got a very interesting big is it? Oh, that I haven't looked at, yeah, but it's not, it's not that big. It's big enough, but it's, you know, it's not really, it's not on a collision course or anything. So we don't have to worry about it. But I think what's happening that's interesting is there's this confluence of events, you know, you have the solar maximum, you have this asteroid coming, you know, and just sort of orbiting you. So we'll have a second moon, that's what they're calling it, right? And then you have this Nova, and there's so much happening right now, and it's all coming into this confluence of time, right? So there's a, there's a concentration of galactic energy coming in at the moment.
Alex Ferrari 43:15
And didn't they just, and again, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't they think that they found another planet in the asteroid belt, or something that they found there, that they're like, there's something there, yeah, is that correct?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 43:27
Yeah, they're finding another like, it's either Planet X or Planet Nine. Yeah, they're there. They're definitely finding new either Earth size or bigger planets out there in our solar system. They're just further out out there, and they're dark, so they're not as easy to detect, but they detect it by seeing deviations in the gravitational pull and orbits of other things nearby, and that's how they detect it.
Alex Ferrari 43:54
So that's something. Again, I know this, so I'm not I'm not reading science manuals or science papers or published papers. So if I'm hearing about these things, it's it's pretty fascinating that a lot of these concepts, like quantum physics, you know, are being talked about in in public, in very deep ways. And it's in our media. It's on our films, the concept of the multiverse, parallel realities, the Mandela Effect, all these things are coffee table kind of talk. You know,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 44:23
I think that's wonderful, isn't it amazing? Because honestly, like, even just 20 years ago, 10 Yeah, but people you talk quantum physics, they look at you like you're talking a foreign language, and they don't know why they should even care. And now it's becoming more common to talk about it, so that, to me, is an indication that humanity is ready to shift from this old Newtonian mindset into a more quantum mindset. You know, it's interesting. This is one of the things I'm really passionate about. Is that, you know, when Newton came out with his Principia. And His laws of of gravity and physics and whatnot. There was four principles that emerged out of that. And those four principles were applied outside of physics. They were applied to everything in society. They were applied to economics. They were applied to relationships. They applied to, you know, the like business structures. They were applied to so many different things, and they were based on number one, that things can be broken down into their individual parts. And as long as you can understand the individual parts, you can understand the whole two everything is deterministic. So we should be able to, you know, if we know the initial conditions, we should be able to predict exactly how it will unfold, and therefore we can also control it. Three, everything was separate, right? So, so there was, let's see separation. There's material or, yeah, materialism, like everything is physically real, and it kind of took mind and consciousness out of it. It's a consciousness is just an epiphenomenon of material, material stuff in the brain. It's reducible to its parts, and it's got to be rational. Everything has to be rational, reasonable, you know.
Alex Ferrari 46:11
So none of that works on a relationship, absolutely.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 46:14
They tried to make it, you know, a lot of Psychology at the time became based on that economic everything, you know, it's like. And then you add to that Darwinian, you know, survival of the fittest, sure, which was another misinterpretation, because there's actually the cooperation that was more important. And it was the elimination of the weakest versus the survival of the fittest that Darwin was writing about. But you know, that was that neither here nor there, the marketing was, you know, sexier, I suppose, with the survival
Alex Ferrari 46:43
As I've gone down the the ancient text path and started reading and started having conversations with experts, you start reading, there's a lot about marketing since the beginning. It really like, you know, oh so narratives and agendas. The Rapture was written by a publisher who wanted to sell more Bibles, yeah, in the late 1800s I'm like, what? Oh, hey, you can look it up. You're like, Oh, my God, you know what I mean. These kind of things are just like. So the more you dig in, you start seeing the cracks of these old systems, these old ideas that at one point, served us. You know, I picked I pick on, I'm a recovering Catholic, so I pick on the Vatican constantly. But at one point, you know, dogmatic religions were absolutely needed and served humanity. At a certain point, science, in its dogmatic way, served humanity. But we're getting to a stage or an era that that's not the case. It's not serving it. It's not serving If anything, it's now trying to hold us back in all aspects, from economics to medicine to healing, all of it. It's all being held up, but everyone seems to be fighting it. More and more, these conversations are becoming more public and being seen by more and more people around the world. So it's an exciting and terrifying time. All this time.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 48:09
It's very exciting, you know? And, yeah, we're going through a paradigm shift, right? And anytime you have a paradigm shifting moment, you have the old paradigm that fights for survival, and you have the new paradigm that's trying to come in, and it's having to fight against the attacks from the old. And, you know, there's this messiness that happens in between. That's where we are. That is definitely where we are right now. And and, you know, there was, there was an author, Thomas Kuhn, who wrote a book called The, you know, Structure of Scientific Revolutions. And unfortunately, he said, you know, for the for that new paradig to come in, often, the the older generation has to kind of die off, die off, right? And, and then the the younger generations come into, you know, who come with this new paradigm, and then they come in and implement and, but we're starting to see that. We're starting to see this new generation rising into, you know, they're in their adulthood now, and they're in, you know, getting stronger and stepping into more leadership, kind of and innovation. And all of this has been, I mean, our world has changed so much in the last 20 years, the last 10 years, like there's been so much change, and it's been bringing, it's been coming with this new paradigm, energy and but I think that you know, and this is why I chose, ultimately, to leave the traditional science track and try to bridge the science and spiritualities that I saw, that even with the knowledge that was increasing and the technologies that were increasing, that wisdom was not increasing. And we were, we were taking our technologies in a direction more and more secular direction, less spiritually guided, and therefore less sort of moral obligation to apply it in a way that was for the good of the whole. And I just felt like our knowledge in tech. Was outpacing the wisdom of humanity, and we needed wisdom. I think technology is fantastic, I think knowledge and scientific advancement is fantastic, but we needed to be guided by higher principles to help us make sure that we're harnessing it towards the good of the whole rather than putting ourselves on a course of self destruction, and so, so I felt that the science and spirituality needed to come back together. You know, there needed to be an alchemy where we've been through a phase of separation and now we need to come back to a conjunction so that there can be harmony. And I don't see any, yeah, maybe between certain dogmatic religious approaches to spirituality, there's there's conflict with science, but in a more universal kind of spirituality, where it's not about any particular dogma or doctrine, but it's more universal principles, but from a more metaphysical and human spirit kind of perspective, they align perfectly and beautifully. And that's a lot of what I teach in the mystery teachings on Gaia TV, that's a lot of what I teach in my work, you know, in the world and and so I see, you know, that the quantum principles, which kind of turn the Newtonian principles on their head, then, instead of things being separate, they're connected. Instead of things being reducible to, you know, just material reality you have consciousness plays a really important role. Instead of everything being deterministic, you have things that are contextual. Like it really depends on the individual context and what we choose to do with it, right? Because the universe is participatory, so free will can come in and redirect the way that you know things manifest. And instead of being like really easily deterministic, there's this thing called complementarity in quantum physics, which brings in an uncertainty. And inside the uncertainty is where infinite possibilities become accessible. And so there's these other principles that come from quantum physics that I think if we as a society could could learn to understand these four principles without having to get into all the math and the rigor of the science, but just extract the principles and see how they match up beautifully with things like hermetic principles, various universal, spiritual, mystical, Ancient Wisdom Teachings match up beautifully with these principles and then kind of apply them into various areas of life. Like Newtonian science had been because while we want to undo, like move beyond the old paradigm that's become it served us for a while, as you said, but it's become a limitation now, and it's we're not keeping up with the pace. You know, when we're in that old paradigm, it does not work well in our highly connected, highly uncertain, highly complex, fast paced world that we live in today. And we need a new paradigm, a new structure to align ourselves with and perceive through. But we still need a framework to grab on to, because human mind really needs that framework, right? It needs a guidance system, a way to navigate its way through, through the times and but it needs to be applicable. So, you know, this is something that that I'm, you know, really out there teaching is how the quantum principles can become a new framework where you don't have to necessarily align it specifically with like woo, woo stuff, but it can become something where the universal principles and the role of consciousness really can play a role, and it can start To open people up more in in a scientific way, if you will, towards why it's important for us to raise our consciousness, why it's important for us to learn to meditate, why it's important for us to quiet the mind and clean up negative ego, and all of these things that we do on a spiritual path of growth and and yet we can do it in a way That's, you know, it doesn't have to feel so, woo, woo.
Alex Ferrari 54:06
Now, speaking of Woo, you've spoken about a concept called the Universal Kabbalah. Kabbalah, yes, can you I've never heard of this term. I have no nothing about it. So I'm, I'm really fascinated with, can you explain it a little bit?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 54:21
Okay. Well, most people, when they think of Kabbalah, they associate it with Jewish mysticism, which is a vast study, a vast branch of Kabbalah, but Kabbalah itself is more ancient than any of the religions, Judaism, Christianity, uh, Abrahamic religions. Abrahamic religions, yeah, yeah, it but you could trace it back to at least Ancient Egypt, maybe even Samaria. So it came back far, that far into Samaria, all the way back to the beginning, you know, I mean, if we look at from from the Judeo. Christian kind of Genesis. You know the story of Genesis? And, I mean, that's, well, the Earth is only 6000 years old. We know that it's metaphorical, but it goes back to the first humans, when we started to wake up beyond a certain level, right? I mean, it's a long teaching, but, but it, it came in from the beginning of when we started to ask questions and receive answers from within. And so the universal Kabbalah is not really about any particular religion, and it doesn't have to be tied to a particular religion. It's more universal in its system. It's more pure, if you will, in the sense that it's just, it's about knowing thyself, and the method is by asking questions and receiving answers. And the the best answers, the most important answers, are the ones that come from within. But you have to first learn how to ask the right questions, and the right questions will lead you to the answers that are going to be most important for you to know thyself and to come to awaken more of your potential and align with your greater purpose. And so yes. And in coming to know thyself, you also come to know source, God, Spirit, Whichever name you want to give it, and you come to understand various universal principles of creation and how energy flows from these highest realms of the Spirit down into the physical. And so we study it as a system unto itself. And you know, we can link it into many different spiritual traditions. I could link universal Kabbalah to obviously, to Judaic, to Christian, to the Sufi tradition. I could also overlay Taoism to it. You know, there's so many different ancient traditions as well as more, you know, familiar ones of modern day that we can link into the tree of life, which is a central Glyph of the Kabbalah. And it becomes this way of organizing and and instead of them being all these separate different things, we can start to see where they're one thing, they're the same thing. They might have different names, they might have different sort of practices, but there's a universal essence to them all, where they unite and and I love it, because I can also overlay physics on top of it. I can overlay psychology on top of it, right? So it becomes this framework that we use with the Tree of Life and understanding each aspect of it, and we can use it to organize all the information that we're exposed to and bring it into greater sense of cohesiveness, order, connectivity and and then we go through a journey of what we call ascending the tree of life, to go from just thinking about life as purely physical and step by step, you go up this tree of life pattern and awaken different aspects of the soul, get to know yourself at deeper levels, and ascend it, raise your vibration up to the point where you have a direct connection with your own divinity, with your own
Alex Ferrari 58:04
So it sounds like it's a roadmap to enlightenment. Exactly. It's essentially where these, these gentlemen and ladies, eventually got to the Ascended Masters. They they went up the tree of life, essentially just raising their frequency higher and higher and higher till they finally were able to connect. Yeah,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 58:22
I think a roadmap is a great way. It's like life is a maze, yes, and you can often head into dead ends and whatnot and pitfalls, but if you had the map to the maze, you could navigate your way through from, you know, into the center and back out. And that's what the Tree of Life gives you.
Alex Ferrari 58:41
Can we you mentioned frequency a couple times, and you know when, when I first heard about vibes and vibrations, and you know it was good vibrations by the Beach Boys, but, but you know that that concept came, I think it correct me if I'm wrong prior out of the 60s, at least in popular terms, vibrations and but frequency is something that's very scientific, but it's also very woowoo, in a sense,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 59:10
Gets used in woo, woo way.
Alex Ferrari 59:12
That's what I mean. Yes, it is also yes, I agree with you. I'm playing devil's advocate. I'm on your side. So but frequency, for my studies in the in the mystic arts and and yogic philosophies and things like that, where the frequency of the person, of the human being, has to rise in order to reach the highest level of enlightenment. I i always use the analogy of being at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and it's very hard, and you can't move, and there's a lot of pressure and but as you rise, it starts to get a little lighter, a little looser, and the pressure starts to get to the point where you can break the surface. And the difference between even the top layer of the water and the surface is still a mag just a massive difference as far. As freedom and movement are concerned. So that's the kind of analogy that I use for raising your frequency. Does that make sense?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:00:08
Yeah, so frequency is, is a measure of wavelength and a wavelength of energy. So if you have, like, I mean, something that everyone could probably relate to is the rainbow, right? You have the seven colors of the rainbow. The red color is a lower frequency, the purple, you know, as you go up, you step up the frequency ladder, and the purple is a higher frequency, and it has a lot to do with the wavelength. So the red has a longer wavelength and the purple has a shorter wavelength, and and and so we can then relate that to us, because we have these seven levels, seven energy centers within the human system, which we call, in the yogic tradition, the chakras. And your root chakra is more the red, kind of lower frequency, and the crown is more the purple or the higher frequency. And it has to do with different levels of being. You know, root chakra is very primal, and it's very physically, you know, I want, I want. I want this kind of stuff. There's there's lust, driven energy there, but it's also the energy that we manifest through. So it's not bad. It's not wrong. There's nothing wrong with it. Literally work. You see your birth. Exactly, and so we need to have an open route. We need to have a clean, a clean connection to that. But when you have distortion in that is where we have problems, where people fall into lust and addiction and so forth. But when you have a positive, you know relationship with and you're not attached to the physical, then you can, you can manifest well, when the Root Chakra is open, but as you go up, you're working with different aspects of your being. You know, you work with your will. You work with power dynamics. You work with love and relationship, like in the sense of, you know, more heart centered relationship. You work with expression and your creativity. You're working with greater wisdom and insight and imagination. And here you're working with spirit like that, your own divinity. And so as we go up the chakras, we're sort of ascending or raising that consciousness up to higher and higher levels of awareness. However, you have some people who are they want to be all up here, you know, all in the crown chakra and the psychic and it's all up here. And they're not grounded, and they're not, you know, in their body, and they therefore can't usually manifest very well. They're not as functional in the world. So we as humans are meant to be both, right? We're here to have a physical life, but we're also we need to remember that who we are is the eternal spirit, that consciousness, that pure awareness, I should say, that comes in and it's here to have a physical experience. So we're here to master both sides of life. But you know, so you have some people in the spiritual sort of world. The reason they're called so Woo, Woo is they're airy fairy, up in the clouds and ungrounded about things. But then you have your people who are, you know, just worldly, and they're not so spiritual, and they're, they're, they're missing, you know, the whole connection of who we are, that higher wisdom that comes in. So we're meant to be both. So I don't think it's really about frequency specifically. You know, another way of looking at frequency is a radio station. You know, you have the radio dial, and you have different channels on the dial, and you shift to a different station, that station is broadcasting at a different frequency, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:03:38
It's not higher or lower, it's just different.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:03:40
It's, yeah, it's a different plane on the spectrum. It's a plane of information, right, right? And so we can, we can broadcast certain information on one frequency, and we can broadcast other information on another frequency.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:52
So, so that would bring in the concept of the psychic phenomenon and channeling, where the frequency is at a place where that person can tune into information that might be being broadcast all around us, we just can't connect to it. Very similar to microwaves, radio station, Radio waves. Radio waves are around us all the time, but I'm not hearing the latest Eminem album in my head right now because I don't have the ability to connect to those wavelengths. So what, I'd love to hear your point from a scientific perspective, and then a metaphysical perspective of this, the concept of psychic phenomenon, channeling these kind of things, which are being more and more researched, to a point where, I mean, the government had the whole psyops ops, so someone took it seriously back then, but they're actually hooking up channels to brainwave and there's something going on. Science doesn't really understand it yet, but there's definitely something happening when those things happen. So I'd love to hear your opinion on it.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:04:55
Yeah, I think that science is starting to find ways to detect. It now and to study and measure it, whereas in the past, they just didn't really have the right equipment and tools to detect or mindset. Yeah, science is very limited to what it can detect, very much so and what it can detect is, you know, based on technology as well as funding. So it's often driven by money,
Alex Ferrari 1:05:23
And you may be published, yes funding.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:05:25
And I know people, I know scientists who are very legit scientists. They are doing rigorous research on psychic phenomenon, and they are trying to publish, and they they get refused because it's too far out of the box of the scientific establishment.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:41
And I want to stop you before we continue on this, the publishing thing I keep hearing about, being published and published in scientific journals and things, can't you just publish yourself anymore? I mean, like, like, we could self publish book
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:05:53
We can, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:05:54
You know. I mean, I understand, like, being in the New York Times bestseller list has a, you know, a you know, a value to it. And I'm probably saying something so ridiculous, you're like, Well, it's, yeah, but these scientific papers in other aspects, like other worlds, you don't have to go through the establishment anymore to get attention. Is that? Is that even a constant idea?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:06:15
The reason in science is because they want peer review, so they want it published in a credible, professional journal, where your peers can review it, and then your peers can, just like, assess whether, no, you had to have done something wrong, this is bogus, or whether, yeah, this is rigorous. It stands up. Go ahead and publish it, and then we'll figure out what it means. So the peer review process is really integral to the scientific establishment, if you will. And and then the more you have your peer review publications out there, the more credibility you have in that world, the more reputation, and so forth. But in today's world, yeah, there's the self publishing world. You can put things on the internet like, there's very different channels now available than what used to be. Everything used to go through the guardians of, you know, those publications in order to be, to be put out there to the public,
Alex Ferrari 1:07:12
Yeah, like, what Graham hamcock on a different world, you know, doing with ancient mysteries and the establishment is just like before he would have had to go through the establishment. It wouldn't have a choice. But now he has a Netflix show, and they actually were trying to take the Netflix show down, because they're like, this is the greatest threat. This is the greatest threat of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I keep seeing more and more of that, so I was just wondering if there is a world for that, and I have a feeling not only is there, but it's going to get worse for the establishment as we continue.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:07:44
Yeah, I think, I think the establishment has been built on that old paradigm, and there's parts of it are just crumbling. And then, you know, meanwhile, there's new resources and new options available to people, and they're just going to find a way forward and use, use a new way. I mean, even old, old traditional media is falling apart. And yeah, exactly, people don't trust those sources as much anymore because of all the censoring and the bias that comes in.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:11
What stop it? I know. What?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:08:17
So, you know. So with the science of psychic phenomenon. There is very credible research. I mean, I think, like Dean Radin, for example, has done some amazing research, and he's got some smoking guns about how consciousness can be proven to affect quantum phenomenon, and the way in which, like the double slit experiment, for example, which slit does the does it go through? Can we collapse the waveform, all of that? And he's, he's very well, given some, some solid evidence of that, and yet it will not be published in a mainstream journal, because it's just too far out of their box. And they just, they, they won't even look at it. They'll just say, Oh, no, pseudoscience. Boom. And they just so they disregard it. Yeah, there's been a closed mindedness, and this is part of I had a distaste for in the physics community, the closed mindedness. And yet scientists are supposed to stay open minded and not biased. They're supposed to let the evidence speak for itself. And so I think that the scientific dogma kind of rooted in and scientism became its own religion. Why are they so scared? Because people have built their careers on a certain framework, and a certain,
Alex Ferrari 1:09:23
Certain textbooks have already been written. I get, I get residuals off those textbooks.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:09:28
Yeah, I don't know it was about the textbooks so much as as the whole, their whole credibility, of their whole reputation, their whole career, everything, everything, everything is built on that. And people don't. Humans tend to not like change. And so when they're they, you know, when change is pushing upon them, they feel threatened, and it's like they have to reinvent everything. And it's not just about the science, it's about their identity. You know, I think that's really what comes down to, is their scientists are people too. And yet, people tend to wrap their identity around who they are, what they do in the world. Hmm. And when that becomes threatened, like the ego, you know, fights, uh, really hard against that, that threat, if you will, of, of, no, I have to reevaluate who I am, and what if I don't, if this isn't who I am, then who am I? What am I
Alex Ferrari 1:10:14
Waste 50 years of my life, yes, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:10:18
Have I been chasing the wrong thing, you know, the whole the whole time, have I been living a lie the whole time? So people have to reevaluate these things, right? And it can be upsetting. And so I think there's and, you know, it's work to a degree, right? The old paradigm is obviously shown a lot of validity. And it's not that we're saying it's all bad. It's just that we need a bigger perspective. It's like we need to shift to a higher dimension. So, you know, it reminds me of the the these graphics where you have like a cylinder, and then it projects the light on one direction, and it shows up on a two dimensional screen as a square, and then on the other direction, 90 degrees, the light shines on and it's a circle. And is it a circle, or is it a square? So if you're only looking from one lower dimensional way of looking at it, you're going to say it's one or the other. It can't be both. But if you can shift to the higher, higher dimensional perspective, you see, oh, it's a cylinder. So it is both. So those paradoxes can be reconciled when you shift to a higher dimensional awareness that that can see the lower dimension, but sees that there's more to the picture than what we could recognize before, and that shift to a higher dimensional awareness is what the human collective consciousness, I believe, needs to go through right now, so that we can see from a bigger perspective and and part of that bigger perspective needs to be that we recognize our connection with everybody, if we realize that we're all connected, and what I do to you, it's also being done to me, I wouldn't be declaring war against you so much, right, right, unless I hate myself. Well, there's that, well, there's that. And so you know the end that consciousness plays a role. And if I realize that consciousness plays a role. And what I think is informing, right? What I'm thinking, for better or for worse, is informing the quantum field. And then that's going to ultimately, you know, my observer effect is going to somehow manifest that. Then I'm going to start cleaning up my thoughts, right? Because I don't want to manifest, you know, suffering for myself and and so and, you know, the idea of uncertainty is, like most people, in the egoic way, and sort of the the way we've been programmed to view things is to fear uncertainty. But in the quantum view of things, uncertainty gives me infinite possibilities. It gives me so much new opportunity and options available. And then I have to, I get to choose what I want to create, versus, you know, fearing the uncertainty.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:51
That's a very beautiful way of looking at those that same thing, but looking at it from two very different perspectives, a higher dimensional perspective, if you will. Yeah, because most of us are feared of uncertainty. But from the quantum, it's like, oh, uncertainty, yay. Now I get to choose,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:13:08
Yeah. And in my training, you know, through the mystery school training, through Kabbalah and through the quantum, you know, sort of mindset, it's like, I look to challenges as opportunities. I look to uncertainty is like, Okay, what do you want to create? How are you going to apply your will? How are you going to, you know, harness those forces of creation and direct it to create something really beautiful, rather than just being driven by fight, flight, freeze, ego, victimhood, you know, all these things that the world out there wants to program us with
Alex Ferrari 1:13:41
It seems like every, every industry, every modality, is going through this reckoning right now, from health care, from healing arts, you know, I know you know a lot about different kinds of healing, energy, healing things like that, that are valid and been around for 1000s of years, and yet, you know, the the medical establishment, you know, I heard someone say the other day, they're great at theatrics, which is a good thing, meaning that you're shot. Don't rub a leaf on me. Take me into a trauma. That's what they're really good at. But long term care, or long term chronic issues, not so much they try, but not so much. And I'm using this, you know, there's case by case, but generally speaking, so that area, the economic world, I mean, that's a whole other system. You know, education is a whole other system. Media, the all, every ass, religion, all of it seems to be crumbling. It is, yeah, it's, it's exciting for people like you and I sitting in these chairs, but terrifying for other people who've built their entire careers or identities around an idea that they've that they've kind of grown up with or been trained into. I. Can only imagine what's happening in the Vatican, and what they've seen over the last 15 to 20 years. When I was growing up, the Vatican was it was just, it was the Rock of Gibraltar, like nothing could even scave it.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:15:14
But even the Vatican is changing its tune, right? Well, yeah, saying we all worship the same God, and even if aliens, even if aliens are real, you know, we all worship, you know, we all fall under the same gods so they can, you know,
Alex Ferrari 1:15:27
Didn't you hear that? The Pope said, Hell kind of more of an idea than a physical place. He literally said that the other day. And of course, the Catholic, hardcore, Catholic sacrilege, there has to be a physical place where they poke you with an in a pitchfork. There they are trying to change it, but it's, it's, it's kind of like the the music on the Titanic, like,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:15:49
Yeah, the Titanic is heading towards an iceberg, right? And so that old paradigm, way, the old structures, it's all heading towards an iceberg. And it's like, at least point, yeah, at what point are you going to redirect your course versus just keep heading towards that iceberg? And so I think that as those old systems are falling apart, and yeah, medicine, education, like that, there's not that. There's, I mean, there's good pieces, each of them, right? It's like, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. We need to. This is where the alchemy comes in, right? It's like, you start with your raw material. You take it through a purification process and a transformation process. You keep the good that is essential, but then you discard the places where the pollution has come in, where the corruption has come in, the dogma, the dogma, yeah, the stuff that's not eternal and essential. You discard that. And then you you bring the essentials together in a new form, and and so. But in some ways, I think with people, because they resist change, they need for the disruption to happen, because it wakes them up. And I think that there are a lot of people who have their careers in those fields who look at what's going on and they're not happy with it. They know that there's certain things that just are being done that are not right. And whether it's the bureaucracy, whether it's the various agendas coming in, whether it's, you know, the ideologies that are starting to come in and pollute, you know, they're they're not happy with it, and some of them are speaking out. You know, we saw this during covid, where you had, you know, big pharma and the medicine, everyone has to be vaccinated as the only way. And then you had the people who are trying to speak out in as a as an alternative perspective, and they were silenced, right or but, but they, they felt so strongly about it that they had to speak up and say, No, this isn't the only way, and we have to keep an open mind to many possibilities, not just one. And I understand that it was a crisis time, and we needed to find a solution so the world could open up again, if you will. But there are people within those industries that know that things need to change. So the challenge is, is that they need to find what are all our alternatives, right? And a lot of them just haven't been exposed to the alternatives that you and I have, because we've searched for them and and so they come to this sort of crisis point where that that crisis point is a wake up call time, and this is actually the first stage of alchemy, is what we call calcination, where you have something is burned. You know, your old world view, your things fall apart. It's like the rug got pulled out from under you, and everything that you thought was solid and true is now burning away to ash around you. And it's a crisis. And, you know, the ego gets burned. The identity gets burned, and it puts you on this search, or it puts you it catalyzes this alchemical process that needs to start moving forward so that you can change and evolve. So unfortunately, people sometimes need that, that wake up call. They need the old structure to fall apart before they're willing to start seeking alternative solutions, because they're not so proactive. Those who are proactive, you know, they're already ahead of the game. They've seen it coming. They've started searching. They've been already waking up and seeking alternative sources. But ultimately, I think the new paradigm that we're moving into will draw the best stuff out of the old paradigm, and then bring in the new and find this, you know, beautiful synergy and synthesis between them.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:27
Do you think is going to be that easy?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:19:29
No, I didn't say easy,
Alex Ferrari 1:19:31
Because the way you said it, you're like, we'll take the good and then take a man with Synergy. I'm like, it's, I mean, I love that idea, by the way, and I think it's amazing. But, like, that old system is going to be holding tight, and it's going to fight. It's going to be it's going to be fighting. You said that that in the first stage. And I want to ask you about the seven stages of alchemy. I'm fascinated with it. But that first stage is you need that disruption. You need that thing to burn away. And for like, for me, there was a point where I wanted to open up a. Post production house and go off on my own, but I had a really good paying job, yeah, and that, that check. But I hated it. I hated doing the work. I didn't want to do it. I was angry. I was a pain in the ass to deal with, so I needed to be fired in order to be forced into like, okay, now I can go do it. Because that was just like that honey, that honey pot was so nice. The attachment, the attachment to that, that check I don't have to work for, yeah, of course, that to go out and take a risk, and that's when I went off and took a risk. Yeah. So I think that happens to all of us in our lives, and these industries are gonna, I mean, the pandemic was a huge wake up call. Do you think that there's going to be multiple more wake up calls in the next before that, before 2030, these next six years, because it seems like every week there's something new, crazy happening.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:20:51
I do. Yeah, there's a lot more coming. Feel like we're heading into a bit of a storm. Don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but you just look at what's going on in the world, and there's, there's a big storm brewing on so many different fronts everywhere. And, you know, I think that covid was a wake up call, right? Let's just look at that for a moment. Was a warning shot. It was a massive wake up call. And what did, what did everyone have to do? You know, during covid, right inside, you had to look inside. You had to become more conscious of your actions and the impact that you might have had on another person. The airlines had to clean up, like all of the you know, they had to sanitize everything. Had to clean that you know, everyone had to be much more conscientious about. How do they influence others? And it wasn't just about local areas, because if you traveled like, you know, you take it from one area to another, and that's how it all spread globally. Anyways. So we saw that, oh, wow, the world really is connected. And so we learned through that process that we had to step up our game and implement some new strategies in the world in order to get out of that pandemic. But look at what's happened since then. Are the airlines still no cleaning. They do sanitizing they do give you a sanity. No, they die anymore. I think I got one. Okay, well, that's one of the few airlines
Alex Ferrari 1:22:18
They hand occasionally
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:22:20
They aren't even wiping down their their their tray tables sometimes anymore. I mean it, they've gone straight back to how it was before. So have we learned the lesson? Right? And this is, we can apply this to our own lives as well. You get a wake up call, and you're like, Okay, right? We got to change. I got to do this. And you start making changes, and it's like, great, we've gotten out of that. Woo hoo. But then you start getting lazy again, you start cutting corners again, you know? You fall back into old ways again. So then you didn't learn the lesson. You have to repeat it. And I think that's what's going on. These wake calls will keep coming until humanity just actually realizes, okay, this we have to shift right? We have to learn the lesson. We can't keep repeating the lesson. We have to implement long range changes, sustainable changes, rather than just short term band aids.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:09
But Dr. Theresa, from my experience in life, when the universe tries to send you a lesson, it at first taps you on the shoulder, yes. So occasionally a whisper in your ear. It's going to give you a tap, it's going to be a push, a shove, maybe in a punch in the arm, and then you're going to get a sledgehammer to the head.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:23:27
I know. So we haven't had a sledgehammer to the head yet. No, not, not yet. And I hope we don't have,
Alex Ferrari 1:23:33
I hope we don't have to go there, but, but these will escalate. These, these Wake Up Calls will escalate. And I don't think we'll I hope we don't have another pandemic style thing. But there might be a war, there might be an economic downturn, there might be environmental catastrophe. I mean, right now, as we're talking there's a giant hurricane coming that is picking up where Hurricane just left off a week and a half ago. They're still cleaning up, and there's another one coming in, and I'm from Florida, so I very much
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:24:05
Be flying to Florida tomorrow, which is
Alex Ferrari 1:24:07
Probably, probably not gonna happen. I think you might be sticking around in Austin for a little bit, or go somewhere else, but, but these things are gonna happen. And I look at it as this, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it is that in order for something to be birthed, there has to be a tremendous amount of pain. And just look at the birthing process. You look at the birthing process and didn't know that there was a baby coming. You thought that woman was about to die, if you just saw that without knowing why she Why is their belly big? What's coming? Like no one knew what was if you knew you thought that woman is about to die, it's a very painful had no concept of the nature of what was happening. Exactly, all you saw was the pain. But then when that baby comes out, the storm stops, and then the beauty. Of the birthing process has happened, and something beautiful has been brought in. I do believe that humanity is kind of starting to go into some labor pains, if we could use that analogy before this birthing process, so it's not going to be pretty, it's not going to be, you know, fun, but it's, I think, a necessary thing. And I think that happens with our lives, you have to go through breakups in order to find your true love. Many times you have to have pain in order obstacles and overcome obstacles to get to the other side without the contrast.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:25:33
But here's the thing, so we prolong the pain when we when we try to avoid it, of course, right? And if we stick with the birthing process analogy, if the mother learns to breathe with it, learn, you know, and oh, there's ways to do and there's, there's more, you know, natural birth ways that can reduce the pain. You know, there's many tools that could be used to to help create a more, you know, ecstatic birthing process, even Absolutely, rather than having to be a painful birthing process. And a lot of that has to do with education and proactivity, you know, being proactive about it, working and pushing with the contractions, versus trying to fight and avoid them and because of fear, right? And, you know, I like to use a less graphic analogy.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:23
I'm a filmmaker. I like, I like visual story, I apologize.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:26:28
I like the analogy of a butterfly, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:26:31
It's not nearly cinematic, but I'll go with it.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:26:33
But it works perfectly with the the seven stages of alchemy.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:37
So you tell me, tell us about the seven stages.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:26:39
Yeah, well, let me, let me tell you, through the metamorphosis process. So, so you have the caterpillar, and the caterpillar is, you know, crawling on the land and very earthbound and feeding on the leaves and getting really fat and so forth. And it's just consuming. And, you know, that's, that's its existence. It's very earthbound and basic and but at some point, there's this little clock that goes off inside of its DNA, and it decides that it's going to go take a nap. And in the process of going and taking a nap, it spins itself this little chrysalis. Once it goes into that chrysalis, it breaks down. The whole structure of the caterpillar breaks down, and that is like the calcination process. It becomes like, if you were to open up a chrysalis in the early stages, it would be gooey mess. You would not see anything that resembled a caterpillar in there.
Alex Ferrari 1:27:30
It's a fascinating process, isn't it? Like it, but it breaks it down to the DNA and almost to the
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:27:34
To the cellular level. And in that process, then there's these, the old cells, right? The old cells of the caterpillar think they're dying, or they think there's an invasion, some virus, something, you know, some enemy is coming into the system, and it's the reason that it's all falling apart and and then you have these new cells coming in that are being put out by the DNA signals, and they're called imaginal cells. And the imaginal cells are the ones that hold the blueprint for the butterfly and and so the old cells start seeing these imaginal cells come in, and they think these are the foreign invaders, attack, attack, attack, and, and so there's this, this second stage, where it's very like everything's being dissolved. There's kind of this murkiness. It's, you know, it's emotional, and that's the in alchemy, the disillusion, right? It goes. It's like for us personally, we after the ego gets burned, you get emotional, you get you feel disillusioned by life, what, you know, these types of things. And then at some point, so the the imaginal cells keep coming, and they, at first, you're sort of almost like a stem cell. They kind of have to do everything. And but then at some point, they start to find each other and gather in numbers. And they find that when they gather in numbers, they're able to defend off the attacks from the the old immune system of the previous structure. And as they gather numbers, they also can start to diversify. So instead of having to be stem cells, they can start to take on different roles. You know, one can start to be a color cell. One can be an antenna. You know, they they they diversify. And in time, the more they continue to gather, the more this new structure starts to emerge, this new scaffolding, if you will, that will become the butterfly. And that's the second the third stage, that's the separations, where things are starting to clarify of what's what's, you know, important to keep, and what do we need to discard, and what's working, what's not working. And there's this clarity that starts to come in. And then there's another stage where the old cells, some of those old cells, could still be useful, right? They don't need to die off. They can be useful because a digestive cell in the caterpillar can still be a digestive cell in the butterfly. They just need to repurpose. They need to. Take their skill set and realign with a new structure and and as they start to do that, the butterfly forms even more and that that becomes this, you know, this blending of old and new, if you will. That becomes what we call the conjunction stage, the force stage of alchemy, and and so then the butterfly really starts to emerge in this process, the the old cells that refuse to realign with the new will die off, right? But, but there will be others that will choose to align with the new and repurpose. They'll adapt to the new paradigm, if you will. But there's still so there's still three more stages of alchemy that need to go on. Now, in our experience, you know, you've gone through the burn, you've had the emotional time, you've gotten to some new clarity, you've implemented some new aspects of life, and you've gotten to a new place where it's like, okay, things are going good again, right? We can emerge, but it's actually premature. It's not ready to emerge yet, and it needs to go through a couple more stages of refinement, of maturing, of perfecting. And so, you know, the process with the caterpillar to the butterfly, it continues to sort of get everything in place, and at some point it's like, it's okay, it's time, and it starts to, it's growing right. And as it grows, that chrysalis starts to crack open, and as it cracks open, the light starts coming in, but the the butterfly has to struggle to get out of the chrysalis. Now, that struggle phase is where we are at the moment, I think that we're not just in the soupy mess, we're in the place where the light is coming in and and the chrysalis is starting to open up, but there's the struggle to get out, to break free from the old structure, if you will. And if someone were to come in and see, oh, this put a little butterfly. It's struggling. Let me help it, it, and we open that up, and it comes out, but it can't fly because its wings aren't strong enough. It has to go through the struggle to become stronger, and only when it struggles to get out of that chrysalis on its own effort and then finally breaks free, are its wings going to be strong enough for it to fly. And even once it breaks free, it's okay. That was exhausting, right? That was like, that was a lot of work, and I think I need a rest now. So it just sits there for a while, and it needs to dry off before it's like, Okay, I'm ready to go fly and taste all the fruit and, you know, visit all the flowers and bring the beauty to the world. So, so these are, you know, the seven stages. The the distillation stage would be that part where the it's drying off, and then the final stage, the coagulation would be where it finally takes flight.
Alex Ferrari 1:32:50
That was extremely graphic. I don't know what you're talking about.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:32:53
Visual of it.
Alex Ferrari 1:32:56
It when, as you're saying, it the old and the new, and parts of the old will be that choose to come with the new will survive, if not, it will literally die off. Um, that's exactly what's happening. But I have to ask you, why is everything speeding up so much? I mean, I mean, I think you and I are of similar vintage, or close to it, at least, so when we were growing up. Um, things moved a lot slower. I mean, the 80s and the night. I mean, remember VHS and DVD, cassette tapes, cassette tape, eight track. I was a I wasn't playing eight tracks. I heard of the
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:33:37
Vinyl record,
Alex Ferrari 1:33:37
Vinyl, the vinyls are back, but, but all of these. But things moved so much slower. Companies were around for 100 years, not 100 days like they are now, literally, but things, everything seems to be speeding up. I mean, just the other day, AI was introduced, truly in the zeitgeist, and now it's literally, it's in so many parts of our lives, but I literally remember a year or two ago. I mean, we knew of the term AI, but like, chatgpt came in, right? It was all the news, and then changed everything. I mean, it just changed. It's just changed everything so quickly, and now we're, like, exponentially growing faster. I was downtown Austin, I saw a self driving car. I'm like, what is happening? It's moving so fast.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:34:25
Reminds me of the, you know, the Jetsons, right? We're living in, we're coming in
Alex Ferrari 1:34:30
Still waiting for the flying cars. Flying cars. We do. We don't have a Rosie yet, but we have versions of her.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:34:37
They're coming.
Alex Ferrari 1:34:37
But things are moving so fast. And I also believe that it's happening in the spiritual space, in our awakening, where things from the 60s was a small group of people from California started the hippie movement and all that stuff to the 70s. It was a slow process, the metaphysical movement without being burned at the stake. I. Um, but now it seems to be moving so fast. So everything seems to be speeding up. Why do you think that's happening?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:35:08
Well, so there's an As above, so below, right? So there's the why is it speeding up below? Well, technology, right? And technology, they say, is on an exponential curve, sure. So the the rate of the change of technology has definitely moved past that inflection point where it starts to go almost vertical. So there's a very rapid acceleration of the advancement of technologies right now, and that is speeding up things in our lives. I mean, just look at how the Internet, once the Internet came in, things really sped up, because you had emails and you could instantly get in touch with people, and then they started expecting you to expecting you to respond. It took a second. It took time, but
Alex Ferrari 1:35:46
There was no JPEGs. Even tile up the dial, but it did, but now it's moving so exponential,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:35:52
Yeah, and now, now people expect, you know, instant response.
Alex Ferrari 1:35:56
I want my toilet paper to be at my door in an hour like
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:36:02
So the conveniences that have been brought to us through technology, and those weren't around, I know, but the younger generations don't remember that, so they're growing up expecting that things should be as easy as the click of a button and as fast
Alex Ferrari 1:36:18
And have all media that's ever been made right at Your fingertips, right? You don't have to wait till Saturday morning to see cartoons.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:36:25
So there's a very practical side to why things are shooting up and that that you know, when we're still operating from that three dimensional, Newtonian way of doing things, we're struggling to keep up with that pace of change. But from, as you mentioned, there is a spiritual acceleration that's coming up. It's like we're going through a quickening and awakening in the collective consciousness of humanity. And I think that that's, I believe that there is sort of, like, the timing of the butterfly at some point that, you know, timer went off in the DNA, and it's like, right? It's time to change. It's just happening. It's within our DNA, right? There's something inside of of humanity at a very core DNA level, not that we're going to mutate into something else, but maybe we will. I, you know, maybe there will be some fusion that happens between tech and and biology. You know, it's already happening, yeah. So there's, there is something coming in and and from a spiritual, metaphysical perspective, it's like there's a necessity for humanity to wake up. Because if we don't, we're we are on a course of self destruction. Because you can, again, like kind of what I said before, we can take that knowledge and technology and then you can put it in the hands of a few bad actors, and they can do some serious damage to the whole collective. And so because our knowledge and technology is advancing so much, there is a necessity for greater awakening of consciousness, greater wisdom to come in, so that we can harness the same technology and use it towards the good of the whole, rather than just the good of the few, or rather than for nefarious purposes. And so they have to as a boast, well, it has to kind of come together. And I think the exciting thing is that, you know, there have been times on the planet in our history where we humanities maybe tried to wake up, right? We had a renaissance. We had a golden age. We had times of, you know, the libraries of Alexander. We had times where there was a uniting of different traditions trying to come together and bring an age of enlightenment, if you will. But we never had the technology that we have today. We didn't have the ease of connectivity all around the globe, all throughout the whole of the human collective that we do today. So there's something really unique about this time right now. There's, there's better resources available at this time right now, and there's, I think, a greater readiness within the collective and in the heart of good people who are ready for change. And everyone knows that they want change. They know that the system isn't working, and they're crying out for that change, and some of them just aren't going about it in the right way. They're doing the activism, and they're angry and they're you know, yes, that isn't necessarily going to be the right way to make the change, but it's it. The at the root of it is this need, and this desire for and recognition of change is needed.
Alex Ferrari 1:39:19
Yes, without doubt. Now you were talking about DNA. How do you unlock your DNA? I heard you talking about something about unlocking the full potential of your DNA. What do you mean by that exactly?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:39:33
Well, our DNA is what science knows about our DNA. It may be amounts to about 5% of what's in our DNA,
Alex Ferrari 1:39:43
Kind of like, what like, we can only see 30% of this of the viewable universe, or 1% 1% exactly or less than that part.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:39:50
Yeah, and we maybe are only consciously using about 10% of our brain capacity. The rest is unconscious or subconscious. And so there's a very small per. Percentage of our DNA that science actually understands. They're they're still researching into these other parts of the DNA that they call the non coding parts. And what's
Alex Ferrari 1:40:11
Mean by non coding so I understand DNA has code in it.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:40:14
Coding means so the coding sections means the parts of the the genetic code that create amino acids that build for proteins. So those are the genes, the coding parts of the genes, but that those genes only amount to somewhere between three to 5% there's like 1% or 2% that is like the stop and start instructions for you know how to translate those genes, or where those genes stop and start. But then there's these other sections, and they used to call them junk DNA.
Alex Ferrari 1:40:44
Yeah. I was about to say, Where's the junk DNA? Yes, which is hilarious, that because the universe or the arrogance of Have you ever, the arrogance is amazing? Have you ever looked at just a normal nature documentary and can see that, oh, that's just junk stuff that the cheetah is doing? No, it's all perfectly designed. The arrogance, but go ahead,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:41:05
Right! So science is starting to change its tune about whether it's junk DNA, right? They used to say, Oh, it's just left over from evolution. It's not needed anymore. My perspective of it was always like, if it wasn't needed anymore, evolution would have gotten rid of it already, because it's highly inefficient for the DNA to have to unwind, open up, transcribe, rewind, tighten up, again, all of that for 95% of it to have been junk. It was. It's inefficient, and so that would not have lasted. So, you know, my perspective has always been this potential that has yet to be tapped into. It's mysteries that we have to solve. Still, there's greater potential within our DNA that we're still trying to understand. And now they're starting to discover that in those sections of the what they call non coding DNA that doesn't code for the proteins, it's not the genes, it's actually the instructions to tell which genes, because one gene can create different proteins and it's telling it's the it's the metacode. It's the code that tells the genes what to do. It also interacts with the epigenetic layers, telling it where to turn on and off. It controls the morphology of the DNA to even allow for certain parts of it to be accessible or not accessible. So it's like the master code is contained within these non coding sections. Also, there's a part of the DNA that in America, the scientists haven't been researching it, but in like in Germany and Japan, in Russia, certain other countries, there's been a lot of research that's been going into where they talk about that, the fact that the DNA actually emits and receives coherent light, like laser, like light, like little LED light, you know, and it's in the visible spectrum, and the DNA is using this coherent light to communicate through all the The DNA of the body. It's communicating with light, and from a spiritual, metaphysical perspective, that light is is flowing down the center core of the DNA, but it can but the DNA itself isn't just the physical blueprint. There's a spiritual there's an etheric blueprint as well, that the physical chemicals just sort of orient around and that that spiritual blueprint is what we can go in there and sort of turn on the switches again, if you will, to remind it of the light and awaken that potential through specific modalities that are handed down through ancient tradition.
Alex Ferrari 1:43:36
So let me ask you this, because now I want to go down a rabbit hole here the idea that the DNA, there are areas of the DNA that are not active, very similar to our mind, that there are areas that are not conscious, if you will. Studying this yogic philosophy so much, I've always been fascinated with the Enlightened yogi and the forgot, is a pranas, or the the powers, the yogic powers that they've been able to get. You know, levitation, manifestation, bio, location, all these things has been documented multiple times over the course of centuries. Jesus, essentially, was a great yogi in the way that he did his miracles. When I read that was like, it's pretty much what I've been reading about yogis. What's the science potential behind those ideas? So let's say, for example, hypothesis that what we're reading about these yogic these yogis and these masters in all aspects of life, and Christian and in other aspects of life, there are other mystics who are able to do superhuman feats, do things that science, as we look right now, are not able to really understand. But you know again, you keep reading about these things. Let's say it is real. Is there a correlation between the DNA activating aspects of it through the frequency, rising with frequency, and connecting more to the internal, internal source?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:45:13
I think there's a combination of things there. So there is certainly an awakening of potential within and and I believe, yeah, that there had to have been some form of turning on switches within their DNA, through or maybe it's just even turning on the, you know, from the epigenetic layers, you know, they're turning on more capacity, more potential. But I think it's, you know, some of it's a rewiring of the brain. Some of it's an opening up of their sensory perception. Some of it's a cultivation of their chi, you know, through spiritual practices. Some of it is that they're, you know, really learning to harness the alchemical factory that their body even is through breath work, for example, through meditation, through Qigong, through various forms of ritual magic. And there's they learn how to harness their energy field, not just their physical body, but their biofield, their energy field that we have so much capacity to us and the more that we learn to tune our consciousness in beyond just the physical body, into the energy field, into the soul body, into the spirit body. You start tapping into more and more infinite resource that you can through your will, through your intention, through harnessing and focusing that energy of what you want to direct it towards you. Can you know you can flow it, but you have to achieve a great level of mastery to be able to do that and to direct it well, right? And to direct it in service to, you know, to what is going to actually bring good I mean, these energies could also be harnessed, of course, and used in a negative way. And have and have been so, you know, the developmental process is, is it's another tool. You know, all of these are tools for how to harness our potential, but then it's ultimately to the individual to clean up and surrender the ego to a higher purpose and higher wisdom to guide their use of it, versus for egoic purposes. And that's ultimately the defining feature is, are you doing this from ego? Are you doing this from True, true spirit and altruism?
Alex Ferrari 1:47:26
I mean, and in the yoga traditions that these powers are traps, they're tests, because they could become very intoxicating. Yes, very intoxicating. And they're like, they're just off on your path. They're just kind of like side roads that happen. You know, it's an offspring of of your path, but if you choose to go down that side it, you're gonna get locked, you're gonna get locked in there. You're gonna, you're gonna get off the beaten path, right? And not go what you're so they're, they're little traps, if you will.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:47:58
Yeah, even like experiencing euphoric states is trapped. Of course it is. I mean, how much of a trap is that in the world right now for people who are spiritual seekers, you know, they're seeking this sort of mystical, euphoric state. But that's not what enlightenment is about. Enlightenment is about serving your fellow human correct and helping to bring a better world to this planet, rather than just kind of going off and experiencing your little bliss. So that's a trap, right? And so we need to kind of redirect back on track. Now, I would say, with all of these masters, it wasn't just a process of them just sort of achieving enlightenment, like they went and got training. They went and studied with other masters. They got initiated in ancient lineages. They learned tools that were tried and true and tested, you know, someone like Jesus. Not only did he study in the yogic traditions, he went to Egypt. He went to Tibet. He you know, what, no what. So he got initiated and trained. He studied in Alex, you know, the Greek and Alexandria, right? So, so there were ancient mystery school traditions that all of them were initiated into, trained in. That's how they got to be who they were. But the thing is, is that all of them said the kind of thing, like, do it this way. Do the way I do, and then you can become this as well, right? Jesus said, You know, everything I could do, you could do it more and greater, right? And I'm showing you the way, but you have to wake up to your own godhood. You know you are gods, but you do not know it. Is one of the quotes in one of the Gnostic Gospels of that, you know, according to
Alex Ferrari 1:49:37
But, yes, absolutely, I mean, let's I won't go down the road of what they've done to Jesus's teachings. Yogananda said it best. He was crucified in one day, but his teachings have been crucified for 2000 years. And I was like, yep, that pretty much says it. Now. You brought up a concept of chi. And since I have you here and from a scientist. Perspective. How do you explain this concept of chi or ghee in Japan, where it is this life force, and for gentlemen of my age, the force, that's where George got it from, is this, this universal energy that surrounds as if I may quote Yoda, it is all of us. It's in us. It is around us. It is part of us, and then you and basically, according to Yoda, it's about focusing your intention your mind, to control the force, to use it for your to have it as your bidding. And martial artists, obviously very high level martial artists, can control chi, to create heat, to create extreme power, all this stuff. Where do you from a scientific perspective? How do you explain chi?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:50:46
Alex Ferrari 1:50:49
I know this is not one of your books, but I'm just curious.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:50:54
So you know, when you talk about the force, I would say that there that that that the totality of the force is more beyond just chi, correct, right? So, to me, the chi is the vital life force, energy within the body and and there are, you know, there's endocrine system. There are fluids that run through the body that you can use the breath to focus and to almost like squeeze and pump the various endocrine glands, and some of those then put out different chemicals, which can then, you know, polymerize, if you have an abundance of them, and they can become new things. And so there's, there's that part of it, which is a an actual biochemical process that's happening not just through chi, but I think some you know, various breath work, yogic chakra work, all these types of things, because the chakras relate to the endocrine glands and but then we have the biofield, and the biofield is very scientifically explained by now. I mean, we know that we are putting off electricity and magnetism all the time, that I believe that there's etheric energy, which is sort of like that fifth element, you know, the ether that scientists at one point discarded. At one point, they believed in it. Then they said, well, we can't measure it, so it's not it's not there. There is no ether. Now they're starting to talk about ether again.
Alex Ferrari 1:52:19
Was that kind of like the the field, the Akashic field, quantum, the quantum field, yeah,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:52:24
The quantum the the zero point field, right? The energy, the energy the vacuum itself, that is non zero, right? There's, there's this vast energy there. And and so we have, we are multi vibrational, multi dimensional beings. And you know, when you learn to when you're doing Qigong or tai chi, or, you know, various martial arts, you are learning to feel the energy like you can feel magnetism in your palms. I mean, oh yeah, people could just clap their hands really hard, rub their hands together, and then sort of bring it just to a slow and you'll feel like, if you do it, you want to rub it together enough so that you feel the heat and that friction really kind of creating. And what's happening here is you're rushing the blood into the hands you're when you are rubbing them together, you're ionizing things on the surface of the skin, and then as you, as you bring them kind of slowly together, like this, the ions moving past each other. So the ions will create an electric field moving past each other. It creates a magnetic field, and you will feel the gradient of that energy. So it's very physical, right? There are physical explanations for it, but I believe that in the various martial arts, they have learned to harness this chi, the magnetic energy and the vitality of the body itself, and flow it and circulate it through the body, and then, you know, condense it and grow it and expand it. Very much like going to the gym and you're pumping weights and you're building the muscle and you're, you know, doing your cardio, and you're getting more fit. You have an energy body that you can exercise. And various practices, like like like, Qigong are gonna and martial arts are gonna help you, if they're, especially if they're working with the Qi, which follows the breath and your intention. So you have to work with visualization and intent. So consciousness definitely comes into it. There's a quantum sort of bridge there with that chi.
Alex Ferrari 1:54:36
So then these, these things, you're talking about Qigong, tai chi, these ideas. These are ancient ideas. Ancient ideas. What is it about the old, ancient texts that we forgot and now we're trying to rediscover, because the concept of the May. Tricks, or the illusion, or the that we're in a construct of reality. That's Maya, that's the great illusion, that's the aborigine, the dream. You know, it's, it's. These ideas have been around forever, but yet we're seem to be catching up to these ideas. We're now starting to figure these things out. Why did we forget?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:55:21
Well, we went into dark ages for one thing, and there was a lot of books that were burned in, you know, like the burning of even during the Crusades, right? We have libraries being burned in Alexandria, many other book burnings, heretics, you know, being burned at the stake because, you know, with the Inquisition and witch hunts and so forth, because they taught something different from the the establishment. There's religion, right? So there was the suppression. It wasn't just religion, it was also political kings who owed money to them, or, you know, something along those lines. And so there was this suppression and various powers that be that wanted to stay in power and control would actually attack, you know, they would, they would try to eliminate, you know, there would be genocides like the Cathars, you know, there's a genocide against them, whereas Christian against Christian, because they were just different varieties of Christianity. And, you know, unfortunately, there's been a concerted effort to try and suppress some of the ancient wisdom. I think the core of the ancient wisdom is ultimately teaching you that you are God, that the Divine is within you. It's not outside of you. You're not some lowly human sinner who you know is is not worthy, like, No, you are powerful. Like there is immense power within you, and huge responsibility to you, know, awaken to that power and to make better choices so that you can create a better world. And so that is ultimately the core essence of so many of those ancient, ancient scriptures and Wisdom Teachings, and that's what we're remembering now. And even if it tries to be suppressed at one age, ultimately it goes underground and it waits for the next age when people are more open and ready to embrace and be tolerant and embrace these teachings again and have freedom to pursue your own development pursue according to what you feel called to versus what is imposed upon you. And we're very fortunate to live in this time where we have
Alex Ferrari 1:57:31
To have this open conversation, yeah, something like this. And yeah, you're, you're absolutely right. I mean, this, this conversation I always say 20 years ago doesn't happen in a public forum,
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:57:40
Yeah, well, it might have, but
Alex Ferrari 1:57:42
It might have like this, not like this. It's, it's everywhere now, and these ideas are being spread around the world through the internet and through technology like this. This show couldn't happened 15 years ago in the way that it's happening now, because the technology wasn't it was just starting. The butterfly hadn't cracked that, you know, gotten out yet. Yeah, hadn't cracked open the the the cocoon yet. So it's fascinating. We've talked a little bit about, you know, conscious, you know, accessing consciousness, the higher consciousness. How does one do that for themselves. From your perspective, how can one connect to the higher self, to higher knowledge, higher understanding, all these things that you and I have been talking about, where you and I understand at a deep level, because we've done the work and we've gone down that road. But for someone listening who's like, this sounds weird, man, but I really am interested in this, what would you suggest?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 1:58:42
My best advice is, don't try to just do it on your own, because it is a maze and you can fall into the traps as as you mentioned. You know from various teachings of the yogic tradition that we need a guide, and while there's so much available on the internet today and in books and so forth, the ancient teachings were always according to a tradition of face to face, yep, and oral tradition there, you know, it's a this is alive. How to do this is not a static thing. So you could read a book and get information, but it doesn't necessarily bring the aliveness to it. It doesn't adapt it to you as an individual. Whereas, when you're working with a teacher or a guide who actually knows what they're doing and who has the results to show that they know what they're doing, they can work with you as an individual and help guide you through step by step, help you avoid the pitfalls, and that'll basically get you there a lot faster. You can try to do it all on your own, but you're going to hit a lot of walls and and potential pitfalls, and it'll take you a lot longer if you ever even get there. Some some people often when they just try to do everything self. Guided, they they either get themselves into the wrong you know, they dabble and they're not quite ready for what they're dabbling in because they lack the foundation for it, maybe, or the proper understanding of it, or they just keep hitting the wall, and then they kind of get jaded, frustrated, they give up, and they never get there, but when you find the teacher or the guide that resonates with you, that you know is the path that you feel called to, I would encourage you, instead of, you know, being someone that flits from this thing to that thing and just tries to sample everything you can do that first, but at some point, you got to find what really speaks to your soul, what really resonates for you as an individual, and then dive deeper into that path and find a teacher who can guide you into the depths of it, so that you can really get more to the core, more to the higher level work, because it is a practice that you have to build up. And every path to enlightenment, and there are many, but every one would require you to have commitment, and that's something that people in the world today seem to lack, is this commitment and the discipline that it takes to have patience through the process. Because alchemy always requires patience and discipline and stick with it. And you know it is, it is a journey that we have to go through. So for me, I found that path with the modern Mystery School. I found some amazing guides and teachers. And it's a hermetic lineage. It's a Kabbalistic tradition. And we, you know, we have a lot of different tools, like we draw from Egyptian, we draw from Sumerian, we draw from Kabbalistic, we draw from some shamanic right? So I liked it because it was one place where it all kind of came together, but it also went deep, and it had the practices, and it was very much about, yes, the power is in your hands. You just need to have the right keys and the right knowledge understanding of how to use them, and then it's up to you to go do it, right? So we'll give you the practices and the tools and the keys and the proper knowledge and understanding, but you got to ultimately do the work yourself. I can't do that for you, so it's empowering us to own our own progression, right? Versus, I'll just bequeath some of my enlightenment upon you, and so long as you're my devotee. Then, you know, then, then you will share in my enlightenment. Well, then, you know, if you're ever disconnected from that person, then it's no longer yours, right? So I liked the idea that, no, this is in me, this is going to be mine, and it's up to me. So it's by my merit, by my effort, that I will empower myself and and so, you know, there's going to be challenges. It's going to be hard work, just like getting fit and masterful at anything, it's going to require, you know, putting in those those hours and the hard yards, if you will, but we can get there. And it's a really beautiful adventure. It's a healing adventure, you know, it's a journey of empowerment and transformation that we can go on and, you know, for the people who aren't quite sure they're ready to delve into, like the super magical kind of mystery, woo, woo kind of stuff, this is also why my husband and I have created something called the quantum Learning Academy, which is looking at, okay, let's take the Woo out, and let's look at the science. And we can look at the Newtonian model versus the quantum model. And how can we adapt these principles as a mindset for and learn certain meditation techniques that help us tap into that quantum space and learn, you know, the rules of the game. I look at the two almost like two different games. You know, game boards like you have checkers on one hand and chess on the other right, they both work on the same kind of template. You have the black and white squares on a grid. And chess is very strategic, and you have certain linear moves you can do. And I look at that personally more like a Newtonian way. It's very strategic and it's very linear, and it's very much bound to the board, but then you have checkers, and checkers, you're kind of making leaps right and and so to me, the quantum view is more like the checkers game. Now, what if you had a multi dimensional game where you could play chess on one but then you hit a certain square, and it pops you up to the checkers board, and then you had to play checkers and take leaps, and then you hit another square and it pops you back down to the chessboard. But from the chess, if you only know the game of chess, then you won't understand how that just happened, right? If you're playing an opponent, and that opponent knows how to play both games, Newtonian and quantum, right, chess and checkers, but the other opponent only knows how to play one game. Who's going to have the advantage, of course, right? And so there's, there's more possibilities to open up to you when you know how to play by the rules of both games, and they both are. It. They both just work in different contexts. And so when you can learn, yes, I mean, we're mastering the Newtonian game by now, but we haven't mastered that quantum game. And even though there's a lot of people out there talking, it's all quantum, there's a lot of hand waving, you know, it's very kind of surface level. What do they mean by quantum? They're saying, Oh, well, quantum means it's all energy. Quantum means it's all connected. It's like, well, yes, okay, maybe, but there's deeper principles to it and how it works. And there's, there is a certain there's certain ways that it will work, and there's certain ways it won't work. So it actually needs more specificity and understanding. So this, this how to play at the quantum level, is what we teach in the quantum Learning Academy.
Alex Ferrari 2:05:45
That's beautiful. One thing, and I think you've come across this with a lot of your students. I have personally done it, and I've seen a lot of people with my show, and many teachers that we have on the show, is that a lot of people will just watch shows, will take a course, will read a book, but won't actually do anything that they just like to in their identity, say I'm spiritual because I am watching this show, or I am taking this course, or I am in this person's community or reading this person's books. What advice do you have for them to actually look in the mirror and go, you're really just kind of brushing the top of the of the piece of wood here you need to drill deep in and actually get into the weeds.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:06:34
Yeah, spiritual. Spirituality is not an identity, right? It's not an identity badge. It's not something to just make you feel good about yourself. And you know, you got to be honest with yourself, and you got to look at the results in your life. If you're really living in your full potential, then you should have all those results. And those results are both physical results in the outer life. You've got success, you've got, you know, stable life, you're but it's also inner results. You feel joy, you feel peace, you feel fulfillment. You're you feel very guided by wisdom. And these two need to come together. And if you haven't mastered both the physical and the spiritual, then you've still got work to do.
Alex Ferrari 2:07:18
Fair enough. Fair enough. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. I ask all of my guests, how do you define a fulfilled life?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:07:26
I define a fulfilled life. I experience a fulfilled life as being really in service to something that is bigger than just me, a bigger mission, a bigger purpose, and knowing that the way I spend my time and energy, even if it's, you know, through what I might consider my my career. But for me, it's actually a mission, and knowing that the way I'm spending my time and energy is making a difference, a positive difference, in the lives of other people and in the world, right? It's reaching. It's actually making positive waves in the world that is really enriching. It's what brings me joy, and it's extremely fulfilling. But then also at a personal level, you know, it's like I live my my little heaven on earth, in my own relationship and in, you know, in my own life. And so there's, there's the the personal part of it, and then there's the the outward expression of that into the world and the difference that it makes
Alex Ferrari 2:08:24
Beautiful. Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Theresa, what advice would you give her?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:08:30
I would tell her to believe in herself and to trust her intuition and trust the dream. Trust the dream. You know, I think we all dream when we're when we're kids, what we want to do, what, you know, what inspires us. And then as we grow older, we sort of put those childish things away, you know, we or we're told that dream will never happen, you know, it's not possible. And you put it away. And, yeah, if those two things, right? And ultimately, I am living the dream, but I didn't know, you know, there's a certain period of time in my life where I didn't know that that was possible or how to get there and and yet, through my spiritual journey, you know, I was able to reclaim those dreams, if you will.
Alex Ferrari 2:09:17
How do you define God or Source?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:09:20
I define God, I define source. Let's start with that as the like in a Kabbalistic framework, which is very much what I would look at. We talk about source as this energy called ensoft, which means, without end, limitless, right? It's limitless potential. And as a as a physicist, I thought, okay, there's infinite energy, infinite potential, everything and nothing that that is is the source. But it has a it has a will to it. It has a purpose that it directs the energy of Creation with. And to me, God, there's kind of levels. If you will. There's that source level of it, but then there's various other levels as we come down through the dimensions in which it manifests itself in more individuated forms, each one having its own sort of unique piece of that global purpose all the way down to me. I am God fractals, yes, and I have my unique purpose and my unique role to play in this grand, this grand adventure of the cosmos.
Alex Ferrari 2:10:27
What is love?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:10:29
Love is a force. Love is a force of creation. And it is, I would say, the ultimate force that can overcome any obstacle, and
Alex Ferrari 2:10:42
What is the ultimate purpose of life?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:10:45
That's the big question. To me, the ultimate purpose of life is to learn from this experience of the physical, which is a very limited experience, which is very different from our true essence, our true nature, which is Infinite Spirit. So to take that Infinite Spirit and to come into a very limited experience of physicality and learn from it and the diversity of it and the challenges of it, and that causes us to grow and evolve into something more, something new. And we each come with a unique purpose here. So there's there's the purpose of the experience of the physical itself, but then there's also the purpose of us as a collective of humanity, and what we're trying to accomplish while we're here, and to me, that's creating a better world, more peaceful world, more harmonious and balanced society of life on earth, of human life on Earth. And then connecting also to, you know, our brothers and sisters in the you know, galactic space, right? That it's not just about us here. It's there's a whole, you know, galactic community and so forth, and and when we can create that better world on earth, then we get to graduate, if you will, from just being earthbound caterpillars to butterflies out in the universe. And we're, you know, even from a scientific perspective, like Michio Kaku talks about a type one society that we're, we're at a 0.7 type society. Right now we're trying to make the leap into this type one society, where we will have clean energy, more limitless resource, and it will be available to all, and will be then, you know, moving out into space and exploring space, and not just through Newtonian ways of thinking about space travel, but quantum ways of thinking about it. So whether you're looking at it from a spiritual perspective, this leap in human consciousness, or you're looking at it from a scientific perspective, and it's somewhat technologically driven, we're going through a huge shift right now that's very exciting.
Alex Ferrari 2:13:03
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:13:06
Thank you. The first place to go would be that is my website with my various aspects of what I do. And then there is so kind of more, the mystical, you know, the mystery teaching stuff, the mystery school stuff, but my various events and so forth, all of that is right there on, and then there's also quantumlearning, which is more specific to the quantum mindset that and some events that we're Creating there for helping people adapt into that quantum paradigm.
Alex Ferrari 2:13:43
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:13:46
My parting message would be to recognize that we're going through huge time of transformation in the world. And it can be, it can get chaotic, and it might but look for the light, right? Look for that light in the darkness. Seek those things that are going to help you find your sense of balance, your centeredness, your peace that is built from within, rather than you having to be so dependent upon everything being good outside in the world, and then you're good. That's going to be that's going to be very challenging to navigate the times ahead. But when you can be balanced and in peace within yourself, because you have practices and tools that help you do that, then no matter what's going on in the world outside of you, you still have your center, and you'll you'll be good, you'll be fine, right? You'll make it through.
Alex Ferrari 2:14:41
Dr. Theresa, it's been such a pleasure having you in studio, having this conversation. It was, Oh, I could just keep going down for hours and hours and hours, but I appreciate you so much, not only for being on the show, for helping awaken the planet. So thank you so much.
Dr. Theresa Bullard 2:14:55
Thank you for having me. It's been a fantastic conversation.
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