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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 546
Dougall Fraser 0:00
Even Since 2020, our sort of concept of time has completely shifted. And everyone kept thinking, well, it's going to come back to normal. Whatever normal is, it's going to come back to a steadier pace. And it's only getting faster.
Alex Ferrari 0:14
I feel that humanity as a as a collective, we got some shadow work to go through. We've been going through it.
Dougall Fraser 0:20
Researching what colors will make you, eat more, spend more, feel a specific emotion, like we are. It's not just woo. It's because black represents all color like it's literally made up of every single vibration. The most accurate psychic reading you can ever receive is going to be from yourself.
Alex Ferrari 0:38
To empower people to look within themselves, all the great gurus, all the great yogis, all the great Ascended Masters, all of them say the power is within you.
I'd like to welcome to the show Dougall Fraser, how you doing Dougall?
Dougall Fraser 1:02
I'm great Alex, how are you?
Alex Ferrari 1:04
I'm good, my friend, I'm good. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Our mutual friend connected us Sara Landon. And after I saw some of the work that you've been doing, I was like, this is going to be an interesting conversation to say the least. Yeah, yeah. You, you, you're a psychic. You're a psychic medium, or just or psychic.
Dougall Fraser 1:21
I mean, I'm all of the above. It's one stop shopping. I tend to sort of talk about myself as being a clairvoyant, because most of what I do is visual. So that's sort of my specialty.
Alex Ferrari 1:30
When you say visual, that means like you're getting images as things come into you, or?
Dougall Fraser 1:33
Yeah, I mean, well, it started for me that I actually see color and energy around people, and the way that I have to do that is by listening to the sound of someone's voice. So when someone speaks, I start to see energy and color in my mind's eye. It will get deeper than that. If I'm in a private session, I might see symbols. I might see pictures. I might see films, like little shots for what feel like from a movie, but it always starts with color and energy for me, so for me, that's the aura from the scientific community, they would say that I have synesthesia, which is when two senses in the brain overlap. So you'll hear, if you look this up on YouTube, like kids that listen to music, they'll see different colors, or days of the week that categorize by different colors. So my language has always been through the lens of color. That's how my work started.
Alex Ferrari 2:19
Oh, that's amazing. So what was it? So did this start at the very beginning, when you were a child, or was there a time of normalcy, and then all of a sudden this happened? How did
Dougall Fraser 2:27
Normalcy? How dare you? There was never How dare you. How dare you? Normalcy would know, not even interested, actually. I mean, my belief system is that we're all born inherently intuitive. We all have psychic ability. I do not see this as a gift. I'm not special in any way. The difference with me, though, is that my mother in particular, encouraged me to talk about it. So the story goes that by the time I was standing in the crib, I would talk about seeing colors around people and hearing voices. My mother was delighted, and like burying crystals in the yard and like taking me to her trans channeler. It was the 80s, so it's trans channeling. My dad, on the other hand, was like, we got a live one and sent me to therapy and went to get my eyes checked. So I sort of had this balance of being encouraged to talk about it, but also my dad being a little bit skeptical and basically wanting to make sure that I didn't have a personality disorder. So far so good, but it was always a part of my life. And sort of the idea of the afterlife was a part of my life. When I was eight, my sister was diagnosed with cancer. She's a cancer survivor, but the idea that she could pass was on the table. So I started reading books about and the ease near death experiences and just, you know, anything that I could sort of figure out and try to make some understanding or rationalization from I was just fascinated with the afterlife.
Alex Ferrari 3:48
And how old were you when this was happening?
Dougall Fraser 3:48
Really early. So like, do you remember back in the day when you'd have to make dioramas for a book report? Do you remember? Obviously, okay, so for those of you watching, if you don't remember, you'd have to take a shoe box and you'd have to put, like a scene from the book, or like a theme. And so in my class, I want to say this is like fourth or fifth grade. Everybody's doing like their favorite actor or their favorite athlete. I read a book on nd ease, so I put cotton balls at the bottom of the book.
Alex Ferrari 4:16
I'm laughing now because I could already, I could picture this thing in my head already,
Dougall Fraser 4:19
And I hung angels from string dangling, and I got up in front of the class and said, Did you know that children who die report seeing a light at the end of the tunnel? And I remember my English teacher like, like eyes coming out of their heads. Like, this is not a topic for public school, but I bought a deck of tarot cards when I was eight years old. I channeled entities that sleep away camp as a teenager. It was just always a part of my environment and my belief system.
Alex Ferrari 4:48
That's insane. So how did you, I mean, it sounds like you were kind of programmed at the factory like this, so like your software and hardware are kind of built for this. It didn't seem like they didn't seem like any time. I mean, your journey, that you had a like, you were having struggles with it, or like, oh my god, am I going crazy because I hear voices in my head, or I'm seeing this stuff. You cut because I have it so early. It was kind of just your life, your normal experience. Or did you actually have that a little bit
Dougall Fraser 5:15
When I got to, like, my teenage years? You're not the cool kid on the playground when you're whipping out Tarot guards and crystals, so when you're the gay, overweight psychic boy, like it's not them. So I started to pull it in a little bit. But here's the serious thing, like truth be told, my intuition was born out of trying to figure out if an environment was safe. I'm a sexual abuse survivor. My sister had cancer. There was a lot of drama in the environment. So in the beginning for me, it was just a hobby. Two things, if I could find out whether or not this environment was safe, I would do that with my intuition. And then the second thing is, it was way more fun for me to focus on your problems than my own problems. So it became a little bit of a crutch for me to tune into someone else, for me to read someone's cards and talk about their struggle, pulled me away from my own power. It wasn't until I was like 1920 that I realized I had to work on myself, emotionally, spiritually, my psychic ability was a byproduct, but I really had to sort of clean house. If this was the direction that my life was supposed to go away.
Alex Ferrari 6:22
It's very interesting. I've spoken to a couple of psychics in my day. I've never heard I've never heard anyone using their abilities as a coping mechanism to kind of project outside of themselves and not having to deal with their own own crap, own trauma, own stuff, on baggage, because we all do that. I mean, everyone represents that. Everybody does that. They shove it down. This is where cancer comes from. This is where disease comes from, all these kind of things. But I've never heard someone going, you know, I'm gonna start doing readings for other people, so I don't have to focus on me. That's a first for me. I've never heard that before. It's really interesting,
Dougall Fraser 6:58
Controversial statement. I identify as an empath, and for years, I used my empathy as an excuse not to live a full life. And I was like, drunk on the divine here, like I would say things like, Oh, I can't come to your party, you know, I'm way too sensitive for that, or I can't go to malls. I'm an empath, you wouldn't understand it. Or I don't have a lot of friends, because empathy is so overwhelming. And then one day it hit me in meditation, maybe the reason I don't have any friends and my finances are a mess and my body is a mess is because I'm using my empathy as an excuse not to live a full life. And so I teach a lot of empaths how to manage their energy, and one of the things I always try to teach them is the difference between projection of an emotion in an environment versus really like observing an emotion in an environment as a sensitive, intuitive person. Because I think there's this big misconception that if you're an empath or a sensitive person, you can't live a full, thriving life, and I'm not afraid of people's energy anymore. There's no crack in my aura. You can't throw daggers at me or all these things that we hear about, like I got it. I know how to observe energy, and I know the difference between absorbing energy, but it took some real deep therapy and trauma work, like you said, to realize I was using it as an excuse.
Alex Ferrari 8:21
So when you were just explaining yourself, like you can't go to parties and things, it sounded almost like you were like a psychic, like a psychic, Empath, emo kid, 100% right? Like I can't, I can't go out, you wouldn't understand, I can't go to your party, like that kind of thing.
Dougall Fraser 8:45
And it was so ego driven, like, this is one of the things about intuition. Like people really want to identify as psychics, as gifted. That term is thrown around so often. I really, really don't like that term. First of all, my belief system, for anyone watching is the most accurate psychic reading you can ever receive is going to be from yourself. That is something I will say over and over and over again, because we all have this inherent ability. We all have this ability to tune into Universal Wisdom and our own intuition, our own GPS, and it's really incredible. But the ego, I'll speak for myself, my ego really liked to attach to the idea that I was gifted, the idea that I was special, because that made me feel unique. You know, of course, I'm the chosen one. This entity came to me. I must be doing something, right? Well, the entity comes to all of us, right? It's not an ego thing. So to decline invitations because I was so sensitive and so psychic, was so ego driven, and it sort of makes me giggle now when I think back to those days. But you know, that was a long time ago. I've learned a lot about myself, and I've done some work
Alex Ferrari 9:54
Well, so you were like the golden child, and Eddie Murphy was trying to protect you. I mean, that's
Dougall Fraser 9:58
First of all, I love that. Movie that is all time favorite movie.
Alex Ferrari 10:03
It's such a ridiculous 80s movie I love that
Dougall Fraser 10:06
Seen that that's very intuitive, you, because I've seen that many, many times,
Alex Ferrari 10:13
Something must have rubbed something. Something must have rubbed off of me with all these conversations I've had. Right?
Dougall Fraser 10:18
Sure. So actually, can I ask you a question that's really interesting? So even before the show, you and I were talking, so it's all through the sound of my voice. When you and I are talking, and you have, like, a really unique combination of energy when you speak, when you first speak, I see really, really deep blue, but then towards, like, the end of your sentences, or the tone of your voice, it will go into green, which are very different colors, so blue is like introspection. It's wisdom, it's information. It always looks like a bookcase. In my mind, you'll see stacks and stacks of books, because this person has to absorb information. They have to gather information. But they're usually a little bit shy. They're traditionally introverted. But then it goes into green, which is like the polar opposite. Green is like communication and creativity, and you'll see it around like writers and poets and speakers and presenters. So I would imagine in your lifetime, there was a little bit of a dramatic personality shift where some people that maybe knew you a long time ago would be a little bit shocked that now you like deliver information on a public platform, and by the way, do a really good job at it, but you were confusing me at first, because I was like, Well, are you introverted or extroverted? And because you you kind of flip back and forth energy
Alex Ferrari 11:34
On both.
Dougall Fraser 11:35
You are!
Alex Ferrari 11:37
I am, I, if I may, quote clerks. I love people, but hate gatherings.
Dougall Fraser 11:46
I get that I'm on board.
Alex Ferrari 11:48
Yeah, so it's, no, it's, it's, it's very, it's very true that I I'm happiness at home. I rather now go out. And as I'm getting older, I'm becoming more crotchety. So it's kind of like, like, I don't want to go anywhere. I so my home is My castle kind of situation. But when I'm thrown into a into a party or a public scenario, I turn on and I'm off, yeah? So it's like, yeah, my wife looks at me. She's like, What is like, you don't want to go out, but if you do go out, I can't turn you off, right? Like, yeah, that's kind of the way it is. So I'm both it's, it's, it is, it's exactly
Dougall Fraser 12:25
Interesting, exactly, yeah, and it was going back and forth. So I thought that was kind of interesting.
Alex Ferrari 12:30
So, so when you were, so when you decided to stop being an emo kid, a spiritual emo kid, yeah, and started, started to go dive deeper into your own, do your own work, really, that's the thing, doing the work, having that dark night of the soul kind of really doing that. Once you broke through all of that, we all I went through that in my own life, once I was able to go past it, then I was like, Okay, I could get to work. Now, when did you decide to come out of the closet, of the spiritual, psychic closet, if you will, and tell the world, hey, here's my freak flag. I'm a psychic. I'm an intuitive. I'm just because that's not something that is like I always, I always joke, it clears a room, you know, especially 20 years ago, especially 20 years ago,
Dougall Fraser 13:19
Yeah. Well, so for me, I used to be a massage therapist, but I was a terrible massage therapist because I talked too much, and no one wants the massage therapist to talk too much, and readings were just something I did on the side, right? I'd read cards. I'd give readings here and there. I lived in Dallas, Texas at the time, and when I was 20 years old, the Dallas Observer did their best of at the time, and they selected me the best psychic in Dallas, and I didn't even know this was happening. So it was more like the universe pushed me into this being my focus. And I remember the phone ringing off the hook and being petrified that I didn't know how to do five to six sessions a day, and then a TV show called Two weeks later, and then a radio show called, like, a month later, and this public part of my work immediately presented itself, which was very unexpected, says the psychic, but very unexpected. Was very overwhelmed by it. So I understood suddenly that the universe was saying I could do this if I wanted to. And then I write about this in my first book. But you know that already? You know, I'd worked with a psychic friends network. I'd done all of these weird things, sort of like trying to find my home and my space, but publicly, becoming a psychic was pretty easy. What ended up happening for me about six or seven years was I didn't like that. People were coming to me as a fortune teller. When's my boyfriend going to come back? What's my new job? Contact my grandmother, and it just felt like this on demand service that wasn't fulfilling something deep inside of me. And as much as I love forecasting and giving you an idea of the direction that you're going at, it was really taking me some time to figure out how I was going to become a. Spiritual teacher, and how could I teach people about mindfulness and meditation and intuition and make predictions? And I almost felt like I couldn't give myself permission to do that. So becoming a psychic and declaring that to the world, pretty easy beginning to want to describe myself as more of a spiritual teacher. I had a really hard time with that, my own sort of self criticism that my life needed to be perfect in order to be a spiritual teacher. I'm a big believer that we're all a work in progress. I'm still working on myself. I can pull in divine information and still have insecurities and all of these things. So where I am now that took a little bit more time. It wasn't probably until, like, my mid 30s, I'm 47 now, until my mid 30s, that I felt really comfortable telling the world that I identify as a spiritual teacher. It's the combination of all things that brings me great joy.
Alex Ferrari 15:53
I have to ask you this question, what was it like working at the psychic network, like that old was it Cleo? Was it Miss Cleo, or was it the actual
Dougall Fraser 16:02
I mean, I may have gotten fired from the Miss Cleo one, which is another story, but here's why, guys, if you're watching this, hear me out. This is not a bad thing. I thought, let's give people a bang for their buck. So if it's like $5 a minute, I'm going to give you the fastest reading you have ever had in your life. I did not know that if you did not have a minimum call length of 10 minutes per call, you got canned. And it was not like you didn't get a letter. You just log in with your number and it wouldn't let you sign in anymore. And I was devastated. Remember, I'm like 17-18, years old. I'm still trying to figure out the world, the psychic friends network, allegedly, I really believe that these things, I thought that this was real. I had three interviews. I took it really seriously. I was up in the middle of the night in my massage office, wearing my headset, waiting for my phone call to ring. I write about this in my book as well. The reason I quit the psychic friends network is I got a call one day, someone called my extension and they had received a form letter in the mail that said, like, dear Susan, your psychic at extension, 4257, do needs to speak to you about and then they list, and this was all fake. I didn't send any of those things out. That was complete, and she was screaming at me on the phone because it was actually her husband that got the letter, but he had passed away, and so I didn't know that they were basically a scam business, like I genuinely thought it was real. Y'all can Google this? There was a period of time that if you were on government assistance, they would send out a list of jobs that you could get, and one of them was for the psychic friends network. Yeah. Wow. So another thing that's been difficult for me Alex is sort of the blending of business and spirit. You know, there's so many things behind the scenes that we aren't aware of, and I try to be, like, really cautious of that. I don't want to breed dependency, and I want people to follow their own intuition, and I want them to get their own Oracle deck and pull some cards and all these things. But as a young kid, I was addicted to channels. I went once a week. No one should see an intuitive once a week. In my opinion, I gave all of my power away. I followed Osho for a while. Did a guru.
Alex Ferrari 18:10
Oh, great documentary on Oh, love that documentary that documented. That's another conversation we're gonna go to show in a second. No, no, no, we gotta go to Osho in a minute. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Dougall Fraser 18:21
But I was giving my power away. So I saw people giving their power away from the psychiatrist network, like I've done so many different things in the spiritual business and and the world of self help that it just it makes me worried sometimes, and I want people to be curiously cautious.
Alex Ferrari 18:38
That's the one big thing that we try to do on the show and with the work that we're doing is to empower people to look within themselves. All the great gurus, all the great yogis, all the great Ascended Masters, all of them say the power is within you. You can do what I can do and more. I mean, I mean, this is straight out of Jesus's handbook and Buddha's and, right? It's all it's all the same thing. Appreciate you saying that, because it is something that so many people love to give their power away, just like you did, because it's easier.
Dougall Fraser 19:10
Yeah, it's and we do it. And so people give their power away to celebrity or people give their power away to, you know, Instagram influencers right now, like, there's so many different versions. It's so new, I know, I know, but it's fun. It's fascinating.
Alex Ferrari 19:25
Yeah, like you give away, you give your power away to a white coat, and you, you really shouldn't. I mean, yes, they have they have value, they have information. They can heal you. But you need to listen to your intuition about things.
Dougall Fraser 19:38
You have to advocate for yourself
Alex Ferrari 19:40
Absolutely, absolutely, all right, so before we continue, I have to know Osho. I mean, I, I was introduced to Osho through that documentary,
Dougall Fraser 19:48
okay, oh, really. So through the documentary, okay, through the documentary,
Alex Ferrari 19:52
I was the first time I ever heard of Osho. This is pre, I watched that pre next level soul. So I wasn't even doing next level soul yet. Okay, just. My understanding, and please let me all I know. I've done a little research on Osho, that documentary. I know how I've been in the film industry for a long time. I've been an editor for a long time and a director. I know things could cut to make things look like that. So I Sure, yeah, they're building a story. They're building a story. There were some things that 100% were undeniable, like, that's not anything. There's some crazy, some crazy crap going on, yeah, but, but he has millions of followers still around the world. And to my understanding, his teachings were pretty profound.
Dougall Fraser 20:34
I mean, I loved them, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 20:37
But was he? Was he a case of an imperfect messenger with
Dougall Fraser 20:42
I started when I started following Osho, it's because I worked at a bookstore on Long Island, where the owner of the bookstore was a sannyasin at the time, so he had a weekly meditation group that I started going to, and I was just exploring meditations. I'm six foot six, and as someone that's awkward in their body, Osho meditations are very physical. There's dancing, there's movies, and I had never heard of that before, and I found that really freeing and interesting. Cut to just a visualization of me, 16 years old, spinning around a base from apartment in Glen Cove, New York, with a bunch of people on their trying to find my center. It's an interesting visual. One of the reasons I stopped seeing Osho just this is my own perspective. So if there's some yassins up there, I mean no disrespect, I didn't understand the concept of you had to change your name. And at that time, Osho had died, and so I was reading his books, and I understood like he was a pretty powerful, cool guy. But then the skeptic in me said, Well, I don't understand. If he's ascended, how am I going to get my new name? And they said, Well, there's a group of people now that channels it for you. And I just thought, I can't wrap my head around that. Just didn't click for me. So I didn't want to wear the mala with his picture, and I didn't want to change my name, which then I wasn't quite as like, popular in that circle at the time, because I just wasn't like, going to the next level. But here's the thing, I think osho's teachings are really beautiful. I don't believe in all of them. He has a poetic way of writing. He has really interesting meditations out there. And I'm just a big believer in Season to taste. Read as many cookbooks as you can, but then come up with your own recipes. Yes, so I did sort of think of him as, like the cosmic cookbook on a shelf of many books that I've read.
Alex Ferrari 22:30
Fair enough, fair enough. I just wanted to. I'd never heard of anyone. I've never met anyone who followed him, so I'm really curious. Yeah. I mean, that documentary is absolutely amazing,
Dougall Fraser 22:39
And what I love about the documentaries. Even when I watched the documentary in the beginning, I'm on board. And then when things get a little strange, I feel that it's seductive. In the beginning, this community of people supporting each other and loving and kindness and and a Buddha field like who wouldn't sign up for that. But then human
Alex Ferrari 22:58
The machine guns came out.
Dougall Fraser 22:59
That's exactly sharp. Left turn when. I don't want to give it away for people that haven't seen it, but it takes a sharp left turn from the booty.
Alex Ferrari 23:08
There's, there's a, was it there? Like 30 Cadillacs or something like that? Oh, roses. Yeah. Rolls. Royces, thank you. I'm sorry it
Dougall Fraser 23:15
Was caught dead in a Cadillac. No way.
Alex Ferrari 23:18
Which is, which is quite ascended, if I may add, it's a very enlightened and, like, I cannot travel
Dougall Fraser 23:25
Well. He was one of the first gurus that would talk about spirituality and wealth and prosperity. He was what. This wasn't Gandhi. This. This was like, you can have nice things, the nicer, the better we deserve these things. So it was kind of a flex at the time, and an interesting perspective for a guru to talk about that. But you know, there's lots of things you can do with that money.
Alex Ferrari 23:47
All I'm saying is, one Rolls Royce is fine, right? Not 23 or whatever that 23 or 30 that he had, there was no real you see that. And then when the machine gun showed up, I'm like, what is happening? There's and for everybody listening, because I know we're going to get messages about it on the comments. The name of it was, is it wild wild country? It is, remember, it's called Wild Wild country. It's on Netflix. You have to watch it. It's Do yourself a favor. Do yourself a favor. It is epic. It is absolutely an epic documentary. Um, so, so when, when you you started to come out, and you became an author, how did you incorporate this idea of color? Can you talk to me a little bit about the color and what that means? Because I've had people, I've spoken to people who read auras, but it sounds like the way you're doing it is a bit differently. How does it work for you exactly?
Dougall Fraser 24:37
Yeah. So for me, in the beginning, seeing energy around people. Now we know that I said at the top of the show was about whether or not it was a safe environment, but then it turned into me studying different personality types. I am an incredibly shy person like as much as I am honored to do an interview like this, there's a lot of self talk beforehand. I have to meditate. I have to think about it, and I would observe the aura. Of other people, and I would see different personality traits, and I would start to visualize those colors like a chameleon, to try to shift my energy and vibration into a different kind of personality trait. And this is what I love about auras. It's not a fixed system. In numerology, your life path number is always the same. In astrology, your this is your chart. This is how it works. When it comes to auras, you can literally transform and shift your energy. So I also prescribe colors to people for certain things. I empower them to visualize the way they decorate their home, the way they dress their body. You can actually visualize a specific color to transform your energy according to any situation or any time.
Alex Ferrari 25:44
It's very interesting, because I just had a Feng Shui master on the other day, and she was talking a lot about color and and color is very, very, very powerful there. And I said, and I always tell people, I'm like, if you don't believe color is powerful, paint your bedroom red, right? And let me know how that works out for you. Exactly you sleep.
Dougall Fraser 26:05
That's exactly right? Yeah, you know, because classrooms always yellow, because it wakes you up and it stimulates the brain and it activates the mind and thought. I mean, advertising companies literally spend millions of dollars researching what colors will make you eat more, spend more, feel a specific emotion, like we are. It's not just Woo. This isn't the world of science as well.
Alex Ferrari 26:27
Well. I mean, if you just look at the button that Amazon, the Buy It Now button that color is billions of dollars in research, 100% that is the color that people click on most goodbye. It's insane.
Dougall Fraser 26:41
Which, to me, is so interesting. So I mean, when I hear it from like a marketing perspective, it feels somewhat manipulative. So I try to see it more from the spiritual perspective, like, what wakes up your heart, what makes you feel good, what relaxes you? And then it turns into like, what do I visualize before an interview? Or if someone's going on a first date, or if they're making a toast at their, you know, siblings wedding. You know, you can literally, we do it with clothing. You know, I stand differently in a suit versus pajamas. If I light a candle, the meal feels more special. So we're we're ceremonial by nature, and color is just this interesting bridge between worlds. Alex, if a psychic tells me to, like, visualize my third chakra. I've been a psychic for 25 years, even I close my eyes and I'm like, I think I'm visualizing my third chakra. If a psychic says, close your eyes and visualize the color gold. I can do that. I can buy gold flowers. I can buy gold piece of artwork, like it's a tangible thing that my mind can actually focus on, and then the momentum of the meaning behind it, whether you think it's placebo or energy, I don't care, but it's it's helping you step into a different part of your consciousness. And
Alex Ferrari 27:53
I love the idea of you're using almost like feng shui, color systems on yourself, not only in your environment, but like wearing a wearing a yellow jacket or wearing a red right? I mean, anyone who, anyone who ever goes out, has ever gone out in a, if it's female, a red dress that has a very, very different energy than a black dress under percent or or a blue dress or a yellow dress, it just, it's a completely different vibe. And I've been working in the industry as long as I had the film industry. Color is very, very important. Hence why? Generally speaking, the olden days, the bad guy wore black.
Dougall Fraser 28:31
The stereotypes of color are so funny to me. People always joke, oh, you must see brown or black America, like it's this terrible thing. Earth tones are so powerful. The reason you see a lot of creative people only wear black is because black represents all color, like it's literally made up of every single vibration. And so you'll see designers that will only wear all black, or artists that will only wear all black because they're so creatively inspired they need to pull their energy in. It's the color for grounding. When I lived in New York City, I mostly wore earth tones because space is a commodity. So if I'm on the subway and I'm surrounded by people, I want to pull my energy in. When I moved to Los Angeles, suddenly I started noticing I was wearing bigger, brighter colors, because I had more wiggle room, I had more space, I could expand my aura a little bit more. So in my opinion, there's no such thing as a negative color or a bad color. Every color has energy and influence and wisdom, and I encourage people to play with all of them, just to see how they feel and what comes up for them based on each specific color.
Alex Ferrari 29:33
So when you were talking to me about my my voice turning into green, is that just purely within, like you're kind of reading me through my my voice, or are you actually seeing those colors around but it's like you're seeing the aura. You're seeing the aura as well.
Dougall Fraser 29:50
And I can teach anybody to do that. I probably it takes me 15 minutes. I've never had anyone not be able to do I can teach anyone to see energy. It's fairly simple. In my opinion, our brain wants to do. Be more complicated, but anybody can see energy. See, I physically see it around people, but the only way that I can see it, which I still I'm trying to figure out, is I do have to hear the sound of your voice. So back in the day, when I saw clients in person, people would bring pictures. I can't do it say your sister's name, and I can read the energy through your your your voice, but it's the vibration. So if we're going to go into deep metaphysics, everything is vibrating, right? Everything is energy. So the sound of your voice, the tone, that vibration, that's what sort of pulls me into the energy. That's how I see it. That's why I loved doing radio back in the day, because I could just have my eyes closed and just listen to callers voices, and be able to immediately tune in, whereas if I'm talking on Zoom, or if I'm doing, you know, a live event, skeptics will say, Well, you're reading body language, which, by the way, body language is a form of energy, so there's nothing wrong with also connecting with body language. But that's a whole episode. But usually what I do is I turn away from people. I ask them to say their name three times, and that's how I start to see energy.
Alex Ferrari 30:55
You kind of joked earlier that that you didn't see something coming, you know, like the psychic saying I didn't see something coming. That is one of the that's one of the easiest kind of digs that people do to psychics. They're like, Oh, you didn't see that coming in your life. You didn't see that car accident. Can you explain from a psychics perspective or intuitive perspective, yeah, why that is because, from my point of view, you're a human being. I understand that it's not easy for you to read your own life and your own cards as easily as you could read somebody else's, and sometimes it's blocked. Like, yeah, I know channels who cannot. They need a reading from somebody else. How does it work for you?
Dougall Fraser 31:37
So a good example of this is when I met my husband, and this was 27 years ago. I opened the door. 25 years ago I opened the door, I made eye contact with him, and I heard in my head, you will marry him. And in the next thing I heard in my head is, Am I drunk? That was my The second thing I heard so I had this divine moment of you will marry him, crystal clear, and then immediate self doubt and like that can't be right. So the divine part of me spoke in that moment and said, You should take this more seriously. There's something here. I want you to be mindful. I want you to really think I didn't. I told a friend. I didn't tell him, because that would be spooky. But again, we've been together for 25 years, but even I didn't believe it. So if a client comes to me and I know absolutely nothing about this person. It is a total blank screen for me. I'm completely neutral. I don't have any investment in the game. I'm just this is the energy that comes to me based on the topics. I'm completely neutral for myself, I have certain things that I want to happen. I want them to to manifest for me. So it's a little bit harder internally for everyone, not just me, to decipher the difference between the most divine version of yourself preparing you for something and steering you in the right direction, versus the voice of fear or ego or insecurity, or whatever it is that might be telling you something is going to happen. And I used to think, if I can just resist that, if I can just finally understand everything, 100% I will have, you know, reached like spiritual mastery, or something like that, like we talked about earlier. I don't think it's possible to predict things 100% for myself and or for other people. And I know that can be disappointing, and it's not the most sparkly answer would be much easier for me to just say I can, you know, with 99% accuracy, but I just don't think that's how it works for me. The Universe hands me like the book of someone's life or even my own life. And I have a moment to read the book jacket. I get the highlights. I can skim some of the pages, and like a puzzle, I try to understand where I think it's going and how to prepare for what I think is going to happen. But there's adventure, and there's free will, and there's excitement and there's changes of energy that are the beauty of being on this planet and on this earth, and so we just can't predict it 100% for anyone. I don't think that's possible,
Alex Ferrari 34:09
Right! Because it's also free will, and things do change you have, you're almost like, you're almost talking about the probability, like you're more likely going to marry this person. You're more because that's a really strong connection. But are you gonna move to New York for that job? It looks like it right now, but then you might get a call from San Francisco for a job and you're like, I'm gonna go do that one.
Dougall Fraser 34:32
It's in the realm of possibility. You know, I have been invited to do things professionally that the introvert in me and the insecure person inside for me wants to say no immediately, absolutely not. I'm not ready for that. So I call them energy invitations. When the universe sends an energy invitation into your life, oftentimes it's whether or not you're ready to level up. Are you ready to take a look at your shadow self and what? It's bringing up for you and step into this and try as hard as you possibly can. Or are you not? So when an interview, when someone comes to me for a session, I'm seeing the energy invitations. Here's the possibility, here's a direction that your life could go in. But then we have to bring the energy down and see where we are in the now, where we are in the present moment. Has this person done the self work? Do they understand their shadow self? Do they understand their own trauma and how this is going to affect and sort of rattle the system? And then we're estimating based on where they are, how that's going to unfold, and excitingly offering tools and tips on adjustments that we could all make to accept those energy invitations to live our best possible life.
Alex Ferrari 35:45
Beautifully said. Beautifully said. Now you've also spoken about this shadow side of color. What does that mean?
Dougall Fraser 35:52
So here's so I have an Oracle deck that I made with my friend Bradley Valentine. It's called Angels and auras, and we offer shadow messages, which is when the card presents itself inverted, and I did not know that was going to trigger as much as it did. We have people that try to guess from the back of the card whether or not it's inverted based on the artwork on the on the back, people really see shadow messages as this negative, bad thing. Every color has a so we talked about Blue earlier, right? So blue is the color of truth and wisdom. I often call it the information junkie. It's someone that's constantly absorbing information. But if you only had blue in your aura, this would mean that you were stuck. This would mean that you were using information and going inside of yourself as a way not to be a part of the world and as a way to sort of hide. And part of the lesson of blue or the shadow side, is fear. So if someone really starts to understand the color blue, they end up facing a lot of fears in their lifetime in order to move forward. Like it almost becomes like a little bit of a thrill and a rush for them. And you'll see as you get order, as things get taller, you think, no, I can do that. I can leap farther. I can go more. There's always a shadow side to every single color. I tend to have a lot of orange in my aura. That's someone who's very intuitive. That's a life coach. But we get distracted by giving advice to people, and forget to take care of ourselves. So there's an imbalance there, to the point where we get dizzy. I tend to get very, very dizzy. So the shadow side is the wisdom. You know, people in the United States only understand this, but you know, when you have a kid that doesn't eat their vegetables, and so you put like spinach in your brownies. So the shadow side is the spinach in your brownie. It's it's your ego, it's your the perception of who you think you are, who you're supposed to be. It's the wisdom, it's the life lesson. And as an intuitive, I got, well, actually, really, as a seeker of intuitive guidance, I sort of got tired of psychics just telling me all the great things about me. You know, your love of your life is right around the corner. You're so strong, you're an old soul like feels good. But three months later, my life didn't change when I started going to spiritual teachers who would say how you criticize yourself too much and you've got some self doubt in there, and here's how that's getting in your way. Well, that's when things started to change. So if you're at home and you pull an Oracle Card and you get a shadow message, if it's inverted, this is not the universe reprimanding you. This is not a prediction. It's a reflection. This is the universe saying, like, I believe in you to do this work, to grow and to evolve and to change. And I believe in you for eating your vegetables if we're going to whittle it down to like its purest form. But in my opinion, Shadow Work is where we really grow.
Alex Ferrari 38:36
Well, yeah, I mean, without the obstacles in our lives, we never could grow. You need, you need resistance in order to
Dougall Fraser 38:42
You know, I even, I have a family member right now who's getting married and they're engaged, and everybody was like, Oh, it's so wonderful, and you're so in love, and you're so in love. And then I asked this person on their own, have you guys had an argument yet? And at first they were a little offended by the question. And I said, Listen, I'm not worried for you when everything's going great. Like, if you guys go away and you hit all green lights on your road trip, that's going to be easy. But when you go away and the flight gets canceled and it's raining and there's nothing to do, I want to know how you manage the argument versus the great that's shadow work, you know, so couples that are like, we never argue and everything's okay. How about that? Of course, we argue. This is my soul mate. I adore him. But yes, we argue, and we hold space for each other, and we listen and we communicate. So I'm way. It's the same thing with energy and color. People love to tell me what color they love. I'm way more curious about the color that's too spicy for you or that irritates you, because we can sink our teeth into that. There's something there.
Alex Ferrari 39:43
God, I don't even know what that is. I'm trying to think about, like, what that What's the color that it just No, like, the whole everything here in our studio is very earth tone. Everything's very grounded, very earth, very good for you. Yeah, gold. You know, some like, golden colors and earth and browns and greens.
Dougall Fraser 40:00
Well, gold is interesting, because gold is the color of, like, the visionary. So gold is self employed people 90 90% of the time, someone with gold in their or is self employed. It's also someone, though, that wants to be the provider. So, like, if you're watching this and you're drawn to gold, it's not just about you. A gold person wants to, like, create income and prosperity for other people. That makes them really happy. Sometimes a gold person forgets to enjoy what they've created because they're so, you know, focused, you know what, if they're on to the next thing, because they're so goal oriented. But it's a great color for manifesting for people out. So that's a great thing, though. So if you're an emotional person like gold does not come naturally to me, because I'm overly emotional. I had to learn to use gold to write multiple books and have a successful business, and I'm blessed to travel the world doing the work that I do, but that took a lot of gold energy for me.
Alex Ferrari 40:49
Now I have to ask you that, you know, the world is a little bit upside down and a little bit something, some stuff going on around the planet, but there has been this, this giant shift, and I talk about it on the show quite often, because I think people are really interested in it, that there is a shift in consciousness happening. It has been happening since, I mean, it's been happening since the beginning, but the speed of the shift even in our lifetime. I mean, from where we were in the 70s, you were born in the 70s, I was born in the 70s, to where we are now is, I mean, this conversation does not happen other than in the back of a metaphysical store, Mystery Schools. Mystery School, exactly? Mystery School bookstore, yes, so. But now these are, these are becoming much more mainstream. These conversations, where do you see humanity's kind of consciousness going over these next few, next next few years? Because you were just talking about shadow work, I feel that humanity as a as a collective, we got some shadow work to go through, and we've been going through it. Would you agree?
Dougall Fraser 41:56
100% first of all, you use the perfect word, in my opinion, use the word speed the even since 2020 our sort of concept of time has completely shifted. And everyone kept thinking, well, it's going to come back to normal. Whatever normal is, it's going to come back to a steadier pace. And it's only getting faster. But here's the cool thing, I think that can present itself in two very significant possibilities. If one has a strong foundation, a sense of self, a spiritual practice, an emotional practice. If there's any roots that keep you grounded, that speed is going to be okay for you to maintain. You'll connect yourself. You can manifest more you can feel more connected. You can, you know, it's really limitless, the potential if you do not have a strong foundation, if you have not done any work to sort of really ground yourself and understand who you are, it is going to feel like you are in a hurricane or a tornado, and everything is outside of your reach. So it begs us to be a little bit more honest, honesty and sort of the perception of things feeling distorted and changing that is all going to go away. And sometimes seeing Shadow Work is accepting all of the mistakes that we've made, and I don't want to curse here, but the stuff that comes up with the shadow work. So we have a choice. You can either ground yourself and have a foundation and step into it with your own magnifying glass and start taking a look at what's really going on with your own choices and your own belief systems, or it will be thrust upon you and you'll feel like your head is spinning and will feel completely dissociated and uncomfortable.
Alex Ferrari 43:43
So is that why? That's it seems like people are kind of losing it more and more because they are, because the foundation, yeah, there's pops happening all around, things that I never saw before, just things that are insane people, the way people treat each other, anger, frustration, also just their equilibrium seems to be off, because things that were foundational for them has not cracked or is being torn down in all walks of life, religion and government and money.
Dougall Fraser 44:14
And here's the thing, though, if you don't, because even spiritual people do this, you know, an election will happen, and then everyone freaks out and thinks the world. You know, when we've got radio ads of like how to build your bunker and storing food for the next three years. So when people get triggered, they polarize, which is not to say that what's happening on the plan is quite triggering. It's triggering for all of us. It's waking us all up. It's making us look at life completely differently. But when we get triggered, if you do not have the tools to bring yourself back to your center, I get triggered all the time. I'm not saying that I walk through life, you know, with rose colored glasses, I'm constantly triggered. But I do have the tools to see the trigger. I do have the tools to find my way back to my center, and then once the trigger. Happened. I'm interested in doing the digging to figure out how I can approach it differently, and how my behavior and my belief system, collectively does change the planet. So there's a lot of finger pointing going on. If you would change, if you would change, if you would change, and all these you statements aren't going to get us anywhere. More I statements and what's going on inside of me and us and yourself, and how to manage that energy. That's how we find more peace on the planet. In my opinion.
Alex Ferrari 45:30
Do you do you foresee a little bit more shadow work ahead?
Dougall Fraser 45:35
Yeah, I do, especially for the US. I mean, it's, it's in particular, it's, it's certainly in all different parts of the country, but it's definitely a buckle your seat belt kind of a thing. Now, some people on a roller coaster throw their hands up and scream, and it's cathartic. So you do you. It's up to you. There are other people that white knuckle it and get nauseated.
Alex Ferrari 45:56
That's such a great analogy, because I keep I never thought of it that way, but I always tell people, I'm like, Look, even in the greatest in the Great Depression, some of the greatest companies in the world were created and started during depression, and art and music, the Renaissance and Renaissance, right? This kind of these dark out of the dark ages came the Renaissance, all these things. But I've never heard, I never thought of the you're right, it's, we're all on a roller coaster. It's gonna be and it's a wooden one. It's an old, oh, it's rickety. It's rickety, it's wooden, and it's gonna shake your soul. I've been in That's exactly right. They're horrendous. I walk out like that thing. That's where we're all going. Now, some people Whoa, this is awesome, and other people are gonna be like, this is but the same thing is happening. It's just different perspectives on different different experiences of the same event. So during the pandemic, a lot of people, really, it was very difficult for them, yeah, but a lot of people changed their lives. A lot of people started businesses. A lot of people, you know, married, got married because, like, I don't want because they were forced to live with this person.
Dougall Fraser 47:06
We need to get married
Alex Ferrari 47:07
Exactly, we've been together for six but let's just get married. Or the other side, like we've been together for six months, we need to get a divorce.
Dougall Fraser 47:14
Yeah, I do think, like, back in the day, I would read things in spiritual books about different dimensions, and I'd kind of roll my eyes again, Says the guy that sees like colors around people, but I would be like, What are these dimensions? But the truth is, right now, I can guarantee most people listening to this have been at a party now in the past year, where you feel like everyone's living in a different world, their belief systems, how they feel about the world, their response to things. And I think this is like real time, the difference of energy, dimensions of where you are. And some of it is really choice and perspective, like with the roller coaster idea, you know, screaming or white knuckling it. And so a lot of it, for me, is learning to empathize and not villainize people for a different belief system or a different way of life, like we're closer than we've ever been, as far as access and the farthest we've ever been, as far as heart connection. And so empathy and perspective and communication and understanding are what I choose to use as sort of the fuel to understand this new era that we're in, versus protect your energy, bury food in the backyard, you know, the sort of like doomsday prophecies. That's just not, that's not my vibe.
Alex Ferrari 48:33
No, and I agree, and I agree with you 100% you said, talk about dimensions and energy. That's a really interesting idea, because I've had multiple quantum physics physicists on the show who I love talking to NASA, rocket scientists, like these kind of people who talk about spirituality and with and they mix metaphysics with quantum physics. Yeah, the idea of you were saying in the same party, there's multiple kind of realities, because it's one person's reality is Fox News, the other person's reality is CNN. Another one's is no news. You know, there's the no news. There's no news people. Another one is just watching next level soul. Another one's just reading your books, you know, like, that's, there's there's different, there's different realities for everybody. But I've actually heard from multiple channels as well, and mystics that there is the veil is thinning to the point where we're starting to see shifts happening almost in real time, because it's, I don't know there was, there was points in 20 to 2010s that I'm walking around going, I this is I feel like I'm in bizarro world. I feel like I have walked into another dimension that this doesn't and I would tell that to people all the time. I'm like, Doesn't this feel like if you were watching an 80s movie, like the upside down world, or, yeah, world, that's all gangster. Or the world that's all marshmallows, or, like it was, like, that kind of weird thing, and it's getting worse, meaning, like, or more intense, not worse, but getting more intense. So my question to you is, then, in this shifting of realities by your choice and where you want to go, there will be a separation of these higher, higher vibrational souls, like, you know, like we're talking about, like people who are moving towards more of like, they call it the fifth dimension, and others who want to hold on to the old ways, want to hold on to the more three dimensional world. And there's literally two existences happening,
Dougall Fraser 50:38
But in that separation, when the energy separates, you can also perceive that as the door opening, because with all of these different belief systems, the other thing that I've started to notice too is how certain belief systems have started to overlap, and one community will echo something that from years ago, these two communities would never have anything similar at all. And certain worlds where I thought, Well, where did did that come around from the back and like, where did that start to come from? So when the veil begins to thin, I think people start to lose this feeling of safety and like they are going to be untethered. I see it completely differently. When the veil begins to dissolve. We start to see that we are all of the same energy and of the same space and of the same pure form, but we resist that. I mean, we grit our teeth, and we sink our teeth, we our feet into the ground, and we do not want that to happen, but these differences become a sense of oneness if we want them to, and that's ultimately where I think we're going, but it could be a bumpy ride to get there,
Alex Ferrari 51:48
But that's but that's the ego that's fighting. The ego doesn't want us to be a part of a giant thing. No, no, I'm unique, I'm special, I'm gifted.
Dougall Fraser 51:56
I have the right way. I have the right opinion.
Alex Ferrari 51:59
Yes, we are the chosen ones. You are right? Yeah, that's always fun. That's always fun. Yeah? Jae, that God only chose the one group. Ignore the other three or 4 billion, just this one group like it never made sense.
Dougall Fraser 52:13
But I have this, like, obsession, Alex, with universal languages. So we talked about color being a universal language. But there are other universal languages, like sports, you know, like, every four years, the world comes together, and we compete, and we bring our strongest and we we try to be soulful about it and and really unify and food. Like, if you've ever been to another country and they want to welcome you into their food or share with you their art and their music, like these fundamental universal languages are really sort of like the the web of energy that keeps the entire planet and consciousness together. And again, we have a choice. We can see this as differences and weird, and I don't understand it, and I can't get along with a person behind me or, let alone 3000 miles away from me. Or we can learn that these universal languages are really similar at their fundamental basics, and that's a choice that we could all sort of dive into and connect and just bring peace to the planet.
Alex Ferrari 53:15
How do you how? What advice do you have for somebody who wants to connect with their soul consciousness this higher your higher self, this divine wisdom that we are all connected to on but on this side is a little harder to connect, as opposed to on the other side, where I've heard all these near death experiences that everything's instant over there, there is no there's no mud to go through, you know, well, here we're in this guck. It's very, very dense, Yeah, but how in this dense muck, how do we stick our antenna up and connect to that signal?
Dougall Fraser 53:49
Meditation is key. It's such a boring answer. It's just, I mean, listen, I love I'm wearing. I love crystal grids. I love astrology, I love candles. I love I love any tool that helps you find your center. But it is my belief system that the core energy at that center is mindfulness and stillness. There is so much noise on the planet, so whether you use exercise or a mantra or affirmations or crystals or oracle cards or breath work or prayer, whatever you use to find your center, to tune out the noise and listen to the most divine aspect of yourself that is the key to spiritual connection.
Alex Ferrari 54:31
Beautifully said. Beautifully said. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions I ask all of my guests. What is,what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Dougall Fraser 54:41
Oh, content. I had this belief system where at the end of the day, when I get in bed and I just feel content it wasn't the best day. It's not like when your kids are born, or the day got married, or the day got the promotion, those are, those are marker days, but it's big energy. I'm talking about that perfect temperature. You fulfilled stuff. I got things done. I connected with people. I feel good. Took the dog for a walk, laughed. I get in bed, and I just feel content. That's ideal.
Alex Ferrari 55:14
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Dougall, what advice would you give him?
Dougall Fraser 55:20
Wow, that's a that's a big one. He would be so tickled to know the adventure that I have had the pleasure of going up like it kind of brings it's I have a picture of myself as a child on my desk, because occasionally I like to remind him of what we're going through. So I would just tell him to prepare for, like, really tremendous, exciting joy and adventure, and it's a really fun ride.
Alex Ferrari 55:48
How do you define God or Source?
Dougall Fraser 55:50
I define God or source as pure, unconditional love, a love so deep and profound that in this moment, any single person listening exactly where you are, who you are, every life circumstance is purely loved. That, to me, is God or Source.
Alex Ferrari 56:10
What is love?
Dougall Fraser 56:11
Love is probably one of the best feelings on the planet. It is a knowing of someone that's like so deep in your fiber and your core and your sore and your aura, that connection, it's it's connection, it's understanding. It's knowing. God, I could answer this question for hours. It's something I hope everyone experiences. And what is the ultimate purpose of life? The ultimate purpose of life is to learn and to grow.
Alex Ferrari 56:36
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?
Dougall Fraser 56:40
So you can find me at, which is dougallfraser,, I'm on Instagram, I'm on Facebook, I'm on all the things, but I'd love to connect and get to know each other.
Alex Ferrari 56:54
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Dougall Fraser 56:57
If there's one thing that I would want people to remember is that I really do believe that the most accurate intuition is going to come from self. So find what works for you, whatever tool, method or form of connection that brings you into your center, I can guarantee that will dramatically change your life. And it's just a beautiful path to be on
Alex Ferrari 57:19
Dougall it's been such a pleasure having you on the show, man, I could talk to you for at least another few hours, but I do truly, truly appreciate you. Your energy is so beautiful, and your teachings and what you're trying to do for the world is really appreciate you, my friend. So thanks again, so much for being on the show.
Dougall Fraser 57:35
Thanks, Alex! This was really fun. I really enjoyed it. You're really good at this, so this was my honor and my pleasure.
Alex Ferrari 57:41
Thank you. Thank you.
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