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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 539
Bree Melanson 0:00
Every challenge is an opportunity for you, personally to step forth into who you truly are. Have you not been living in the unknown all along, and isn't the unknown where all good things occur? Yeah, you can't take your ego with you when you expand. And so if this is true, then how do I see this challenge? How am I being invited to express from more, from my inherent self?
Alex Ferrari 0:47
I like to welcome the show Bree Melanson, how you doing Bree?
Bree Melanson 0:50
I'm good. Thanks so much for having me on.
Alex Ferrari 0:53
Thank you so much for coming on. We've been trying to get this going for a little while now, so I'm glad we finally were able to lock it in.
Bree Melanson 1:00
Destiny has arrived.
Alex Ferrari 1:01
Yes, yes. When the perfect timing will always present itself, it will always present itself on the universe's time, not on ours. Yeah, so, um, so you've been your, your story is pretty remarkable. You've been, uh, you're a channel and you channel it wisdom, and you consult people, and you help people find their truth within themselves. But before we jump into all of the woo woo, I would like to know what was your life like before you jumped into the woo woo?
Bree Melanson 1:33
Well, it was kind of out of the woo woo.
Alex Ferrari 1:37
Oh I saw, saw what you did there. Nice, very well played.
Bree Melanson 1:42
No, I mean, I do like to offer that we, you know, intuition is very inherent, even just survival, you know, skill and so as kids, were all pretty open. And I was, you know, I we're also, like, taking in so much information as kids, there's a whole world to like figure out, and so, you know, I saw things that you know other people didn't see, and had some experiences, but you just learn to like shelf those if you know they're not affirmed, and they can easily, kind Of like, turn into fear if you don't have bearings for them. So I shut off my intuition for, like, most of my life, just like a cool 20 years. I mean, I still had experiences now and then, like, I would get prompted, or I would, you know, be in a I remember once I was like, in the catacombs, and I had this, like, full on, I just started bawling. And it was like I had this spiritual experience out of the blue, where I was, you know, being like a young adult pack backpacking through Europe. So, yeah, I lived a pretty basic, basic boo kind of life. And it was, you know, I guess what I'll say too is like I was always really interested in the spiritual world, like I couldn't quite shake that curiosity and that connection. And so, yeah, I think what I also like to offer is that, you know, what brought me to where I am today was, like, really, just saying yes to the things that lit me up, but what kind of pivoted me back into the Woo? Woo was some like life hardship, just, you know, my mom had gotten cancer for the second time. And, you know, you get real spiritual real quick when you're up against life, space views, you know. And so it's kind of like, Hey, buddy, how you been? And just kind of got back into conversation with the unseen in a way, through prayer and through Yeah, just really wanting to, yeah, I guess, have hope in a greater way. So that kind of, like reopened me, and then that also inspired me to do more of what lit me up, like, death is our greatest muse. And so you just get really real, you know, and hardship comes, you're like, Okay, what's important? And part of that was moving to LA to pursue dance, because it was a love that I had. And when I moved to LA, there was more of, like a spiritual community. So I learned, essentially, like, how to connect within and how to meditate. And I hadn't had those like resources before, and I would always hear, you're a healer, and I just didn't. I was like, massage therapist, like, what do you what do you mean? I just, I never knew it was possible, because it also at the time, you know, there were, weren't, I didn't see people teaching how to access the the ethereal. But I guess my big pivot was, I. Was on a plane going to Mexico, and I was reading, like, yet another spiritual book, because it's all read, and the author was talking about having a spiritual teacher, and I just didn't know as an option. So it was like, okay, you know, I don't know if my mics on at this moment, but if I'm supposed to do this work, then I need a teacher. Like, yeah, I need someone to show me the way. And then, on the way home from Mexico, this woman sat next to me, and she handed me her card, and I saw myself working for her in that moment. And she later invited me to take her class. And I still doubted, you know, because at the time, it didn't make any sense. It didn't like fit in, into the regular world as, you know, we experience as children. So I did it. I fight, you know, I was able to, like, say yes and take the plunge, and then I just kind of started practicing and reconnecting. And I just have found that, you know, the more that I or we lean into just the little things that light us up, like it was dance that brought me to LA that, you know, unlocked another key, and then the path is is shown, or the universe, essentially, can provide in ways that we would have never guessed. Right?
Alex Ferrari 6:19
So you you practicing, and you're going down the spiritual path. But at what point did you start to channel? Because that being a spirit, being on a spiritual journey is very different to being on a channeling journey, hearing voices in the head or outside the head or or having some, you know, something come through you, is very different than reading a whole lot of spiritual books and watching spiritual podcasts. So that's the kind of like, what happened when that first happened to you on your path. Because I imagine it's jarring.
Bree Melanson 6:46
For sure, I was, it was scary and I was but let's see. So the first time I experienced channeling and witnessed it, I was getting a reading from a now mentor, and she was channeling Kuan Yin, and she was like, I'm gonna channel Quan Yin. And I was like, Cool, go for it. And then her voice changed and her mannerism changed, and I was like, what? And Quan Yin looked at me and was like, why aren't you doing this? You You can do this. And I just thought, like, what? Like, make a weird accent and like, be like, what it was. It was so strange for me. So I eventually ended up taking a class and learn from this woman that I'd known for years. And I mean, I had had experiences that kind of led up to it, like a slew of information coming through. And I will say I was already doing readings, right? So I was already in the pool, like doing, I was more or less like doing mediumship, right? It's like, I kind of explain it as if you're on a three way call, and you're like, Hold on, let me ask. And then you get the information, and then you relay it, and then channeling is essentially like, yeah, be becoming the the mic or the frequency in which the information is coming through in real time. But I so I had been doing readings for quite a few years, so I'll also offer that, so it wasn't as jarring as just like walking down the street and then, you know, having this massive shift. So the first time that I did it was the first thing I said was, she is afraid to be wrong, and that, even that, just because I was having resistance, and even that, just pulled me right back. Like, what do you mean she? You're talking about me? So, yeah, it took again, just like, practice and leaning in and support. But I was fascinated with it, and so I would use, like, Ascended Master cards, and I would pick three, and then I would just like, connect with those consciousnesses. And it's still really strange to me, like I still, you know, it's really unique in that you have to get yourself completely out of the way, which is, like, the greatest thing that we can do, and also the hardest thing we can do. Yeah, so i i Also, like, kind of kept it quiet for many years because I thought it was or anything it was weird, but I was, like, there was some part of me, at least, that was afraid that people were going to think I was weird. So I would do it kind of like behind closed doors or, like at retreat on the last day, and then I was at retreat once, and the on the last day, this girl came up to me after I channeled, and she said that changed my life. I'll never be the same. And I was like, Okay, I gotta do this more. Because
Alex Ferrari 9:58
What I find interesting is that you. You when you first heard a channel or saw someone channeling for you, you said, Do I just change my voice into a new accent and start, you know, spewing wisdom? Is that like? Is that what you're doing like? It doesn't make sense, and to a layman or to someone who doesn't understand what's going on, that's exactly what it sounds like. But from my point of you, or at least my understanding of it, is that to try to do a channeling session off the top of your head for an hour or two, sometimes, depending on what you what kind of channeling you're doing in another voice without really breaking it's like you can tell when it's a stream of consciousness and when you can tell when you're like, uh, yeah. Like our human brain just, you know, loading the next question. But when it's channeling, it's kind of coming at you like, like, you know, like a Gatling gun, like it's and it's non stop. So it's not only even even controllable in many ways. Would you agree with that?
Speaker 1 10:59
Yeah, no, that is very accurate. I will say that, you know, you're never completely out of control, meaning it's not like, at least from my experience,
Alex Ferrari 11:10
You're not possessed. You're not possessed,
Speaker 1 11:12
Yeah, totally Yeah. But yeah, you're, you're barely witnessing it, you know. And so it is just this complete relinquishment. And, you know, both kind of ways are really beautiful, like, there's a lot of value in mediumship and getting a reading, receiving the message, and then having, like the Bree or whoever it is, explain. Well, this is what I'm seeing, and this is kind of what it means. This is what they're showing. And it's like coming through this human filter where channel stuff tends to be a little bit higher, or maybe somewhere that we're not ideally, we're not living it yet, right? So they're offering a perspective that sometimes feels removed, but it's the we're still able to kind of like, digest and understand the information. And the more that we can like, embody and ascend and grow then, then the higher information can come in to wherever we can understand it or process it.
Alex Ferrari 12:20
So how do you do your channeling? Like, what is your process? Are you, for lack of a better word, are you a trans channel where someone, where another entity, kind of comes in, your voice changes a bit, your tone changes, and you kind of kind of go off like that. Is that your version of channeling?
Speaker 1 12:35
I do that, and I think that I It feels like I can drive in different capacities, like I can do the mediumship, or I can, like, a lot of times I'll channel right? And just like, pages and pages and pages will come through, tends to be a bit easier for me at this time and space, and the messages are, like, a little bit more poetic, and it happens quite fast. So that's maybe like in between mediumship and trans channeling, right? And then, yeah, I have learned how to essentially trance channel. And my experience is, yeah, I don't like to think of it as even though it kind of presents this way, is like an entity taking over your body, but like more so you know, our bodies are energetic extensions of our soul and our consciousness, and so it feels like, and I see it as more of a getting breeze conscious mind as much out of the way as possible, and allowing for that other energy to come forth. And the way that I see it is, you know, those, like, those energetic grids, those are called tour, touring.
Alex Ferrari 13:54
Oh, yeah, the the tour, yeah, the tour, the thing that comes around you, yeah, the tour, okay, tour or something. Yes, we know what we're talking about.
Speaker 1 14:00
Yeah. It's almost like those lines are energetic highways of like maybe intelligence, and so you're also, what they've shown is like we're also opening those in a more expansive way for that higher information to come through.
Alex Ferrari 14:18
So is it kind of like a channel. Let's say, as you were saying, the thing that popped into my head is like, it's not an entity, per se. It's more of a consciousness that is being channeled. And when you say the word channeled literally, like dialing in on a radio 101.5 is Saint Germain, and then Saint Germain is coming through. It's so it's kind of like you're broadcasting through you. It's not like there's a because we're so third dimensional down here, and we think at everything like that, there's an actual dude, Saint Germain. He's chilling in his purple robe, and then he's gonna, like, come into you, like ghost style and Whoopi Goldberg and ghost and. And whoosh, and then you go through it, that's the more Hollywood way of looking at it, where, as you were talking the thing that came into my my mind was like, it's a radio station, and you're channeling different, uh, consciousnesses, whether it's Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, or even the consciousness of a loved one or a spirit guide. Is that make sense?
Speaker 1 15:19
Totally. Yeah. Absolutely, it has been my experience with I guess I haven't. I was taught not to like channel people that have transitioned or humans or whatever in the same way. But I have always it's, you know, will connect with them and do more of like mediumship, sure, two different things. And maybe that's a frequency thing. Yeah, maybe it's like, not to say it's not possible, but maybe it has more to do with a frequency and and, yeah, higher consciousness coming through.
Alex Ferrari 15:54
So when you decided to come out of the channeling closet and tell all your friends and family and colleagues and everyone who's ever known you, all of us. Hey, guys, I'm channeling you know now, and how was that to deal with on a psychological standpoint? Because, like, I always like to joke, it does clear a room if you're not in the right room. So how did you deal with this psychologically? Because I asked this question, because I want people to understand that the journey that someone like you is taking is not an easy one, and is not like, Hey, you're cool. It's a channel, everyone's awesome. And for some it is, especially if you're surrounded by those people. But generally speaking, it's still an uphill battle most of the time or am I wrong?
Bree Melanson 16:35
I think, internally, yes, you know, I guess you know, I've been doing intuitive work for over 15 years. And so that was a journey, especially just with, like, you know, what was acceptable and what's acceptable now to or comfortable, I should say. And so that was more of like a incremental process of learning. You know, at first you want people to believe the way you do, and then you want to, you know, you just try all these kind of different avenues of of finding middle ground. And then I think my resonance just built to where it's like when we're fully assured in something, then we generally don't pull in the people to challenge us, because we don't need to be challenged anymore. So it's really interesting to, like, watch my life unfold. And like, it'll be like my mechanic, or the lady who does my hair, or just like these quote, unquote, random people are like, on board, and it's no thing or whatever it might be. So I'll offer that. But the channeling piece, yeah, I mean, it was interesting because Gaia reached out to have me be a part of their documentary series on channeling. And at first I was all, oh my god. This is so amazing. Like, oh expansion. I was so happy. And then it was just so funny, because it was like, you have to do the thing that you're most terrified of doing. You're like, I got yanked in a way of like, and now you're gonna do it, you know, on TV, you're on this plot, on this great platform. So it was so perfect, because it was like, Yeah, you can't take your ego with you when you expand babe? Like it's not how it works. So internally, I I'm still processing because, you know, and like how I look and stuff, it's not, I don't think it's necessarily cute. I don't know if I'm gonna get a date. It's an infinite process. Yeah, and so I guess, you know, saying I'm a channel I have no issues with. I've actually been practicing it, like, if I am out, like, at a restaurant or a bar, and some guy's like, what do you girls do? And I'm like, I talked to aliens, and they're like, Okay,
Alex Ferrari 19:01
I mean, that's a good starting point. It's a good lot. That's a good that's a good line to start with, because that will leave weed out that weed out everything. Weed out the riffraff, as they say. Now, so I wanted to do a little of a channeling session with you, but you tell me what's comfortable for you. What would you like to do? We could ask questions, and you could just tell us the answers as they come through. Or do you actually want to do a full session where I'm speaking to the consciousness on the other side?
Bree Melanson 19:31
That's so sweet of you to ask. Thank you. Of course. Let's channel. Let's let's do, I'll get out of the way. It'll just take a second. So we'll, we'll channel and yeah, yeah, this say yes to,
Alex Ferrari 19:48
All right, let's rock and roll. Then yeah, let's see what happens.
Speaker 1 19:52
Well, so they will likely just start speaking, and then you can ask questions. Um. Okay, yeah. And I know you have lots of channels on so they, if they're referring to me, they will say, she, they generally speak and we, um,
Alex Ferrari 20:10
Let's, let's do and does it take energy out of you? Or do you get um, energized by it?
Speaker 1 20:14
Definitely doesn't take energy. It um, yeah. It's very, um, calming. Yeah, I would say it's more of a harm, our harm, like harmonizing experience,
Alex Ferrari 20:27
Alright, looking forward to it.
Bree Melanson 20:28
You can talk about energy stuff, or maybe they will and imbalances, but we would first and foremost like to thank you for your transmission. Yes, we are speaking of the beauty of what you call this podcast, and we would lovingly like to remind you of the energetic frequency that is transmitted, not only to those who it may reach and fall upon their ears and heart, but out into the world as an let's say, energetic healing. Yes, we also want to thank you for this opportunity and remind you that your curiosities of other dimensions, other beings, is essentially your desire to remember, to reactivate the essence of which you truly are. There is a great notion or misunderstanding that the reality in which you live, in this physical life experience as you deem it, is separate from heaven, higher dimensional realities, when in truth, you are reaching a time in this beautiful human experience where you are being given the opportunity to allow for that greater essence of yourself to truly be embodied within, again, what you call your physical body. Yes, so there is a great, we will say, emergence occurring, and you will notice that, let's say other beings. She likes to call them our cousins. Yes, our distant cousins will begin to be in greater communication, yes, not only within channels, but within your physical experience. And lastly, we are, we are, we are grateful, and we will get to your questions in one moment, but we want to lay the groundwork first here that this is happening because you are calling forth your greater power, your light body here in the physical yes, we want to acknowledge the incredible expansion, awakening, euphoric emergence of what you might call heaven on Earth through this life experience, but also, more particularly in this current time for humanity, yes, so we are. We are in great celebration of this day, this meeting, and also this incredible chapter that your souls have chosen to come forward. Yes,
Alex Ferrari 23:41
So thank you so much for being here. My first question is, what is the biggest challenge or challenges that humanity faces in this coming raising of consciousness and this shift that is happening throughout humanity?
Bree Melanson 23:55
We would like to propose that you call these challenges your great opportunities. Yes, we understand. We are not saying that there isn't hardship and strife and struggle, yes, but we would like to lovingly remind you that every struggle shows you the existence of Your illusory self, yes, or your conditioned self, or the illusions that you are separate and that you are of only this finite self and world. So when you see that the struggles are here to truly set you free, to set you into not only a more balanced collective experience, but also it is first and foremost. And every challenge is an opportunity for you personally to step forth into who you truly are. Yes, it is showing you exactly and to where and to what degree you are being invited to connect more fully with your Source, your source within the source of which we are yes, does this make sense? We will. We will speak was more specifically, but we are wanting you to see the great invitations that are occurring, and it is most easily done when you can process them within your own personal perceptions of things, in your own personal relationship and experience, yes, Because one comes to this earth to offer their healing potential and their light. She has been coming back to the intention of I am here as a steward of God's love or sources love, yes, and so what does that mean for me in this moment? So the challenges, the opportunities, we will say, is to the opportunities will continue for you to not hold to a falling structure, a antiquated way of functioning in society, and to consider, how am I looking to this external thing, person, circumstance, to determine my power, My worth, or the essence that I truly am. So there will be as many opportunities as you see fit, yes, just as in your personal life, your patterns, as you call them, your blocks that are reoccurring are perpetual invitations to show up differently, to recognize the source presence that is before you and within you, asking you if you would like to become free, if you would like to remember Again your true self. Yes. So it will require a restructuring. We will say this, no matter where you stand, within your consciousness, on earth, you are being given the great opportunity to reconsider the reality in which you live in Yes, you essentially are being given the opportunity to release all the things that keep you from your inherent power.
Alex Ferrari 28:08
So let me ask you, how do you transcend these blocks, these traumas that we carry with us through life, from childhood and other times in our lives? How can we transcend them and go beyond them so he can raise our frequency, our and our consciousness?
Bree Melanson 28:27
The answer is quite simple. The problem is that humans like to make it quite complicated. Yes, it may be easiest to start with the things that you have deemed as less traumatic or less big, or less difficult to overcome. Yes Only so that you may approach those other things from the same light and awareness, but what we will say is either you are functioning from the perception or the viewpoint that you are limited in nature, that you are a result of, let's say, your conditioning, or you are you are limited by the means that others have determined for you. So either you are coming from this egoic, illusory self, or, we will say, a limited self, or you are coming from the essence of what you truly are, which is inherently powerful, yes, which is whole, which is truly the creative essence of source expressing in form. So when you can begin to get on board for recognizing the source that exists. Within all things? Yes, the easier the path becomes to overcome what you have deemed as obstacles. We would like to propose that, can they not be sacred as well? Yes, there's a saying of how can one thing be sacred, and the other not. There is a saying that she's been using lately that has come from a great teacher on your earth, that everyone and everything is God in disguise. And so if this is true, then how do I see this challenge? How am I being invited to express from more, from my inherent self, my most free, liberated and powerful expression?
Alex Ferrari 30:59
How? How can we or what advice do you have for people who are trying to overcome the fear of the unknown, the fear of things changing too rapidly, or their life going upside down, or the economy or the world, or an asteroid hitting us, who knows whatever that that kind of fear that we have no control of of but yet kind of controls our lives.
Bree Melanson 31:25
You may not like this answer, but we will say that, have you not been living in the unknown all along? And isn't the unknown where all good things occur? Yes, it is the place in which you create without the unknown. Creation is obsolete, yes, so it is the essence of discovery. It is the place in which you fall in love. It is the essence of being surprised. And let's say, if you consider the essence of love, you feel the essence of not knowing that such a reflection of source could occur, or feeling of elation could occur. So we are wanting you to acknowledge that you have been traversing in the unknown all along. Yes, we understand that changes. It can be uncomfortable, but when you again realize that all things exist in the name of evolution and harmony, and it may take you a little bit of training of the mind yes, to get on board with this at the same time. How can you deny it when the entire universe, when life itself, its purpose is to expand, evolve and harmonize, yes, and perhaps spending some time today in gentle inquiry of, how can I see this thing as I am deeming unwanted as the very invitation for me to understand a greater sense of whatever it may be. If you think of this, the essence of safety. What does safety allow for? It allows you to feel empowered. It allows you to make decisions from your most aligned self, yes, so we are reminding you not to ever look at the external to assure your sense of safety, because in so doing, you forfeit your power. Yes.
Alex Ferrari 33:57
How can we rebuild trust in our own intuitive abilities?
Bree Melanson 34:02
We understand also that at your current time, there is a great tendency to be pulled from your true and quiet self. Yes, we're saying there are many distractions. Yes, Your intuition is your connection to the truest part of you. Yes. So we want to propose that it is merely a quieting and we also want to offer that this idea that could it not be we appreciate, let's say this, we appreciate you using the word Trust, because often what we are asking is, how do I trust in myself, in my own? Own decisions, yes, and this is also the great invitation that is occurring. It is to choose the things that truly fulfill you, that bring life into your heart. Yes. And so in some ways, we look to intuition to assure us that we are making the right decision. But you will find that as you follow these things that bring you life energy, that make you feel alive, that make you feel in harmony with all things, the moments in which you forget the ego exists, yes, in these moments of high frequency, in which you again are aligning with the things that fulfill your most truest heart, you have no need to access your intuition Yes, because you are in flow with the essence of your truest intrinsic self, which is connected to the essence of Creation. Do you understand what we are saying? I do so. We are saying that one thing that can greatly reconnect you to your intuition, which is your connection to the wisdom that you are, is to do the things that truly fulfill you, your soul, your heart, your being, that that give you life, that make you feel alive. Yes,
Alex Ferrari 36:38
Well, then how, what daily practices can help strengthen our intuitiveness, intuitive awareness?
Bree Melanson 36:44
We often recommend to her, although she does not follow it, to begin your days softly, yes, with intention. What is my intention today? What do I want? How do I want to focus the power of my will, which is the power of creation? Yes, we don't want to propose that you must stay in in meditation. This is one way of accessing the frequency of which you are, but we do recommend considering the things that in life that connect the physical with what you call the ethereal. So what are the things in this grandscape of your human experience that make you feel connected to source, that remind you that you are one with all that help you feel open in your heart. So these can be as simple as going in a walk in nature. This can be a creative act. This can be being with animals. So what are the things that bring you in connection to Source in the physical we We greatly appreciate this approach because it is less spiritual than what might be proposed, we will offer also that life is a conversation. Yes, the if the essence of source lives within all things, wouldn't it, then always be in communication with you here in the physical So considering, what does it mean for me to get into conversation with life, what does it mean to allow life more life to move through me and again, you will find that intuition, which is the connection to the wisdom that you truly are, will come naturally because you are nurturing that life essence within you. Yes,
Alex Ferrari 39:07
Let me ask you, why is it important to act on the first Intuit intuitive nudge from Spirit?
Bree Melanson 39:14
Because there is no thought you are sentient beings. Yes, you are receiving information at all times. So when you feel inspiration fully, you get a heck yes, as they say, then the mind comes in and says, Let's have a meeting about it. What do we think about this? What are our opinions? Yes, it is okay. The mind is an incredible tool that we will remind you exists for the ultimate expansion of this incarnation. Conversation, it is matter of learning how to work with it. Yes, but as you take these jumps, you expand your reality. So we will say you shorten the distance also to your greatest desires, because you are saying yes to what makes you feel alive, yes. And also you are training yourself to live more in, let's say, the intuitive flow, which is really just the flow of creation. Yes, if you look to nature, if you look to your world, do things not harmonize naturally? Yes. And so as you follow these intuitive hits, you are getting more in line with what you could also call the field Yes. So you are activating more potentials in the field, it is hard sometimes within your current human experience, because you cannot always see what is being the potentials that are being activated. But as you follow your heart, and as you do these things, and as you follow your inspiration, you are activating potentials in the field, also for others. Yes,
Alex Ferrari 41:29
What are practical ways that we can quit the egos influence on our decision making and open ourselves up more to intuition?
Bree Melanson 41:39
Well, we like to propose that the more present you can become, the less, the less presence your ego will have. Yes, so when you are fully present, when you are fully present in the moment. It is impossible for your suffering to exist. Yes, it is impossible for the opinions to take place. So again, as we have offered these things that light you up will also get you within the present moment. Another way to, let's say, one moment, we would like to remind you that when thoughts arise and you deem them as negative, unwanted, they are coming up to be transformed. So if, also, if source is the energy that upholds all things, would it not also uphold these perceptions and thoughts? Would it not carry the light and the grace of creation? And so, how is this thought coming up to be transformed, if all things true, truly do exist in the name of expansion and harmony, this too must be here for my greater harmony and expansion, so simply being aware that they are not working against you, but they, too, desire to be freed, in a sense, and for you, yes. So when you look at something, um, she likes to offer this notion of what is true with a capital T, what is universally true? Yes. So what is universally true is aligned with the energy of Creation, which is harmonious, which is expansive, which is pure and which is unconditional. And so as these thoughts come up, you can simply ask, is this true? It is not a matter of thinking happy thoughts. Yes, it is considering, does this belief thought carry the energy of Creation? Is it true? And if it is not true, what we will also offer this is an infinite process. What is true? What is true about the circumstance again, when I see it from this the essence of truth or source or soul, and you will see that you are being invited to another state of freedom and or the very resonance and perception you need to pull in your desires. Yes,
Alex Ferrari 44:44
Now, what does it mean to open the ethereal body and how can someone begin?
Bree Melanson 44:49
We appreciate this question. We would like to let everybody know that this process is already occurring. Yes. So within this great chapter that you are in with humanity, there is this emergence of, we'll say, there's an opportunity of the Light Body entering more into what you call the physical body. This is done by the ways and all everything that we have discussed so far, yes, you talk much about the the energy or the potential frequency or resonance, we would like to remind you that your body itself is like an antenna or a resonance reader. Yes, it is your anchor and so reframing your emotions, your emotional experiences as feedback from the field, and then following through with some of the things that we have discussed. Is this true? You know this, this feel, this feeling, this feedback that I am experiencing is in relation to something, yes, and most usually, a perception that we are holding, letting you know where you stand, in relation to source energy, to your truest you. And so as you begin to use your physical body as a tool for your ethereal body, but we would say, most easily on a using your body to direct you in your physical life, you begin to call forth more of what you would call your ethereal body, or your light body. Yes, you are giving it more reason to exist within again, what you call your your physical world. Yes. So of course, there are meditations and there are visual visualizations that you can do, but you must give it purpose to be, yes?
Alex Ferrari 47:27
Now, but how do we how do energetic blockages manifest, and how can we release them?
Bree Melanson 47:32
We would also like to propose again that these an energetic blockage is, in most ways, information. Yes, it is a a neutral existence as all things, and it is the perceptions that we are holding that create our experience. So if we are experiencing an energetic blockage again, it is letting you know that on some level you have we will say, disassociated yourself from your source channel, yes. So there's this notion that the body keeps score and we will agree, but we will agree in a sense that, again, it is your greatest guide, and it is letting you know where you are holding an untruth. Yes, it is just like physical pain or, you know, a cut or an injury. It occurs so that your attention is drawn to it, so that it may heal. Yes, and so becoming curious about, um, how is this year to create more ease and flow within me, we will use another example that isn't necessarily a energetic blockage, but yes it is. It doesn't present as So, so So when you are feeling the essence of what you call anxiety, if it is not tended to in a way of recognizing that it is feedback, yes, then it must become louder, yes. And you may have something like a, what you call a panic attack, yes is still not tended to, then it becomes what you would consider a condition, yes. So it's solidifying, in a way, but what it is really doing is asking you. Uh, to realign, to come home, to become present, to get off the train of thinking untrue thoughts. Uh, often, um, this experience of anxiety has to do with imposing timelines, or we will say that all suffering, um, is upheld by looking to the external for a sense of worth or safety. Yes, and so even something as anxiety is a sacred call the divine speaking through you and asking you to come home, dear one. Yes. Does this make sense?
Alex Ferrari 50:41
It makes perfect sense. Now, what does it mean to tune into soul consciousness?
Bree Melanson 50:48
Soul consciousness? We are being reluctant with this, because we want for you to see yourself as source. Yes, yes. So often there is this notion of the soul being ethereal or separate, yes, and we will ride this you know, idea of truth, yes, of what is true is is harmonious? Is life giving? Yes, harmonious to all. What is true is life giving? It is expansive. It is open, yes. It is what you would call high frequency, yes, and so we want to propose that this idea of soul consciousness will resonate in the essence of What is true. We also we are not negating that your soul, which she likes to call your tether, to source, that your soul holds great wisdom. Yes, it works through every part of your being, and you open the door to your soul consciousness, or your wisdom, by recognizing the presence of souls before you, or we will say, source before You. So the more that you can recognize the divinity that exists within your physical presence, the greater soul consciousness you can access. Yes, energy creates matter. Yes, so when you speak of moving into a higher frequency. It often requires a higher perception, yes, or a higher consciousness. But we cannot skip. We cannot skip ahead. Yes, it is. It is created through resonance. And so we will, we will just offer what is the resonance of my soul? What helps me to connect with that resonance, and what might be the consciousness of my soul, if my soul is in resonance with Source Energy, creative energy, yes, how would my soul see this?
Alex Ferrari 53:44
And how can we learn to recognize or identify the soul's unique language or vibration?
Bree Melanson 53:52
You will notice that every thought, every conversation, every action, every intention holds a certain frequency, and so the more that you can become in tune with the energetics of what is occurring, the easier It will become for you to live more from your soul's expression, we will offer this. Your soul is the essence of you that is unconditioned, yes, and therefore it's infinite. And so the path, in a sense, is unconditioning oneself, having fun with the process along the way. And this essentially is, is the only way that you ascend. Yes, it is accepting the. The fact that you are an eternal being here in the physical, yes, not later, not before, although those are also true, but yes, in every moment, especially now, you're expressing as an eternal being. It can be quite fun to try on this perception. What if I am a light being? What if we are all liked beings? And when you try this on, you, you immediately move into the energetics. Yes, again, begin to work more with the creative field, but we will just offer that.
Alex Ferrari 55:47
And do you have any parting messages for this audience?
Bree Melanson 55:50
We were first going to just remind you that your emotions are energetic feedback, yes, they are nothing to take hold of. They're nothing to take ownership of. Rather, they are energetic information, feedback, guiding you to experience more of your Source Self, but in a parting message, we simply want to be in reverence for The Divine emanation that you are. We want you to step fully into who you know you have always been. Yes, we want to remind you that your desire to know the spiritual world is the desire for you to remember your inherent power as creators. We want to remind you that everything that exists within your reality and your personal story is, dare we say it, God's invitation. It is the grace. It is what you may have been praying for, and when you begin to recognize this, you almost immediately become free and align with what you might call your highest path. We want to remind you lovingly that it is all here for you, and that you are held and that you are powerful.
Alex Ferrari 57:49
Thank you so much for being here.
Bree Melanson 57:52
My least favorite part when I gotta open my eyes again, you know what? I'm gonna open my eyes and I'm gonna see God there, there.
Alex Ferrari 58:03
How are you?
Bree Melanson 58:06
Good, good, good, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 58:08
That was such a that was such a beautiful session. They're they are beautiful energy. I love their energy and the way they the way they speak, their cadence. It's very calming, very teacher like, you know, why sage, teacher energy. If you need a second, drink some water. If you need a second to recover, please do so.
Bree Melanson 58:31
I'm okay. Thank you. It's like, more a light thing, and yeah, you feel like a little like you just opened your eyes,
Alex Ferrari 58:38
Little light headed, almost, or just kind of like, just too much light, just like, just like, when you woke up,
Bree Melanson 58:43
You were sleeping, so, yeah, you're like,
Alex Ferrari 58:47
How much do you do you remember anything? Or do you it's kind of like glimpses, like a dream, almost,
Speaker 1 58:52
Yeah, I don't, I do, yeah, it's, it's more of a glimpse. It's like, if you were falling asleep and you heard a conversation when you're falling asleep, you're like, Oh yeah, I heard them talking sometimes when I'm channel writing, and I will notice my critic in the background and being like, Oh, this isn't that good, or this isn't and then I'll go back and read it, and I'll just be so taken by it, because I'm processing it, you know, like breeze processing it.
Alex Ferrari 59:20
One thing I did notice that you, you actually do a lot of movement, kind of like the circular now, that's not, I've seen that before. There are other channels who do that, but you, you also combine it with this, almost like wave, like performance art. It must be the dancer in you that just kind of this beautiful thing. It was beautiful.
Speaker 1 59:42
I hate it, and I'm but I like, have to surrender to it. You know, I do see some like, Bashar is always like this, and I'm like, Yeah, good idea. Like, I'm just like, Yeah, put your hands together like that. But when I let go, yeah, maybe I think it's like a translation of energy. And I. Maybe it also distracts me or something, I don't know. Yeah, maybe it's the dancer or me, you know,
Alex Ferrari 1:00:08
Maybe it is the dancer. But it was very beautiful, just the movement. It was almost hypnotic, as like, kind of going in and out and the hands are up and down, very synchronized. It was, it was a it was a beautiful session. Thank you so much for doing that for us. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. I ask all my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Speaker 1 1:00:30
Following your heart over your mind. I think, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:00:37
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Bree, what advice would you give her?
Bree Melanson 1:00:41
Oh, the Bree question. So I would say it's a, it's going to be a great adventure, Babe and and, yeah, you're you're going to rip you're going to have fun. And don't ignore the things that you're curious about. Those are the keys to your most fulfilled path.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:11
How do you define God or Source?
Bree Melanson 1:01:13
Alex Ferrari 1:01:14
Very common answer, and what is love?
Speaker 1 1:01:18
Love is the recognition of source. So yeah, seeing it and recognizing it before you, and whatever it may be, I guess, what is felt experience
Alex Ferrari 1:01:31
Beautiful, and what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Speaker 1 1:01:34
I think individually, as humans, it is to unleash our most intrinsic self, like our freest purest self, because within that is, you know, it's source is coded within our like most pure essence. And so it is the answer to all things right, to collective harmony. And I think we really it can be hard when we see so much going on in the world, but our most healed self, or our truest self, really does set the world's healing in motion. And it's like, you can think of it as, like, that's sources coded within you through that. And so the more that we can kind of unleash and let that part of ourselves rip then the better. The better. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:02:42
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?
Speaker 1 1:02:45
Thanks. My website. I have a if you sign up for my mailing list, I send out infrequent support. I try to send out, like, you know, recent channel information that comes in, and then a lot of resources to tap in, you know, guided processes and meditations. So my website's a good place to start. I have a free, intuitive training on there where you can kind of begin to tap in, and some larger coaching programs, and just like smaller offerings, depending on how much you want to how deep you want to go.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:20
And that website is?
Speaker 1 1:03:23
Oh, sorry, my just my name Bree Melanson, that's bree I'm like, how intuitive Are you guys? First test. Bree Melanson, yeah, you get a if you sign up for mail list you get, like, a free soul manifestation process. So yeah, oh,
Alex Ferrari 1:03:45
I'll have it in the I'll have it the link in the show notes as well. And Bree, do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Bree Melanson 1:03:52
That you came. I'm gonna cry because I'm a crybaby, and they're always like, love tears. Yeah? But yeah that we really came at this time with great intention, and again, not to, like, save the world, but really to be stewards. And so I just really acknowledge everybody that's here doing this thing, and that, you know, if you are I had a horse tell me this once, and it's really stuck with me, is that leaders are acutely aware, and meaning your sensitivities, your able, your ability to see beyond what's the surface, really makes you a leader, and if you feel that you are an exception to the majority, it's because you're here to play an exceptional role. And I don't offer that in a way of like, I think sometimes we lean too much into like, what's my purpose or finding your purpose? And again, it's really just you. You being your fullest you, and that your healing really does set the world's awakening and healing in motion. So no small feat, no small purposes, and I just Yeah, I want to acknowledge yeah and remind you that, like your body is God and your God and
Alex Ferrari 1:05:22
Bree Melanson 1:05:26
We can have a good time.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:28
Bree, it has been such a pleasure having you on the show today. It was such a beautiful channeling session as well. And I really hope that this interview and this conversation helps people who watch it for the first time and watch it years from now. So I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken the planet. Thank you.
Bree Melanson 1:05:44
Same. Right back at you. You're really playing your part. Yeah, thank you for being such a mic.
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